2 Nov 7450

In one of the finest inns in Beglitz, Saint Kratt's rooms, the Regent and Associate Baron Valmort faced each other after dinner with the Earl of the League.

- I've been head of the Second Knights for two years and a little. Competent commander, but in the meantime focused on training troops without going into action and raising an immediate battalion... Tom's rating is good enough to say he's the best ever as the Second Knight Commander, but is he still breaking his shell as a mere soldier? I see. Not even in that way.

Once again, the Regent took information about Associate Baron Valmort out of his memory drawer.

- (Tom) Is this guy important enough to drive me out? Well, if you're looking at this guy, you don't even know that.

The Second Knight Commander of the Kingdom is one of the key players in the Royal Army, sometimes placing troops in charge of frontal combat under his command, a position more important than the First Knight Commander in a certain sense.

The awe-inspiring, slightly older looking tiger tribe than his age (Tigerman) seems to be one of Regent's sons favorites as well.

After many exchanges of words between coming to Beglitz, I found it quite honest and quite honest in character.

Is there any reason why my son is too obsessed with his mould as a soldier?

In particular, the Regent himself favours such a thing about him.

I laugh bitterly in retrospect of his material entrusted to me by my son.

Regents also know that the background of the Associate Baron is colored by a glorious history of warfare compared to the history of the Second Knights, but its origins are the lowest in less than a hundred years.

That's why his excellence as a soldier also comes to mind.

- Well... Ah, even though they killed my sons other than him, he's my son too. Besides, he's been relying on me for the first time since he put me in hiding. I don't feel bad about this, and as much as my son's only wish, what are you going to do?

"I would have preferred to have demanded the release of four squadrons, but not for that matter. It's just unnatural."


The Associate Baron dropped to Regent's word.

"Tom, no, I'm sure you can afford more of the consideration your majesty is forgiving you for. Don't rush the kung fu. I'm sure you won't have anything to say if you get something big for a small consideration, but ignoring Uncle Leaguer's feelings won't leave you any harm later."

"Your Highness is right, there are no words..."

The Associate Baron bites his teeth off with a bitter look.

"Try to sort your head out again"


"Don't you understand that this negotiation has two purposes?

"Ha. The first step is to have two squadrons from the Second Knights and one squadron from the Fourth Knights admit to dispatch"

"... Hmm?

"Oh, no, I made a mistake. That's an endeavor goal if you can do it now, and that's the least you can do... Huh? Purpose, is?

"That's right. Purpose and objectives are different. The purpose of this case is twofold. The goal is… to include some of the things I mentioned."

The Regent nodded slowly.

"For the Count, the offering of force is equal to an order from His Majesty, beyond stating the reasons for me or for" the conquest of the land of Junkel ". Whatever his emotions, more or less, he has to respond to the power of war."


"I think the Count understood that too"


"But don't forget that you're a rare mage, a dragon slayer, and you manage to protect the Dart Plains by distributing your critical power."


"Surely, if his strength is enough to be heard, he will be able to protect it without excess where he has drawn some fighting power. But then, if there's an invasion from Dabus, he'll have to rush to the spot himself. All right? It's a prerequisite for him to rush himself. You know what this means?


I can understand Regent's reasoning with Associate Baron Valmort.

The Regent says that a reduction in the number of troops stationed on the Dart Plains would be a "personal burden for the Count".

If it is a normal invasion, it may be possible to enter Beglitz or at best the city in front of the front line and prepare for enemy attacks, but the Count himself will be compelled to stand on the arrow side of the battle.

When they do, the Count is more likely to be forced to travel to battle rather tightly or take a break, if the enemy launches an attack.

As an associate baron, however, "it is true that Count Riegle is now Lord of the West Dart and will be Marquis, who will occupy the entire northern part of the Dart Plains within and outside the next six months, but at the same time is a military man named Commander of the General Army of the South of the Kingdom. Therefore, can you take on some hardship spoiled? No, that would be the right way to be a military guardian of the kingdom".

This is one of the few weaknesses of the Associate Baron who has emerged so far without running his own territory.

The Kingdom of Lomberto does have an enlightening place compared to the countries of the Aus in general, and if it has the ability, it can be hoped to emerge to considerable heights even for civilians and free citizens in the army and bureaux.

It is also possible to sit in ranks as nobles, like the Associate Barons and Earls of the League, or even as "real nobles", who are not only famous for giving territory, if they are appreciated accordingly in the process.

This in itself can be counted as one of the beauties of the Kingdom of Lomberto, compared to foreign countries that are often tied to family patterns and blood muscles.

but on the other hand, it was easy to fall into efficiency in so-called “industries” such as the military and bureaux.

One of its manifestations is Associate Baron Valmort.

Now is the time to be listed in the aristocracy for the assessment of the manners and abilities mentioned on the battlefield, he is a small but even has his own territory, but the management of that territory has never been directly involved with himself, leaving it to his trusted brother to use the privileges of active servicemen.

Naturally, there has never been a face to face with a people.

Therefore, it was only once a year that I received a report from my brother and some money that I felt I had a territory.

"Would such a nobleman have more territory than is described to the Associate Baron?

"Ha... but"


"Before that, I am a soldier worshipping the Second Knights of the Kingdom."


"Military personnel always bear in mind the interests of the kingdom, and working for it is the most important task"

"Exactly. But nobility is not."


What the hell is the difference?

Noble or what, isn't it one of the duties of the military?

Although Associate Baron Valmort thought so, he listened to the Regent's words at times when he was likely to hear his own thoughts and opinions unexpectedly.

"Nobility is a lord, and it is best served first and foremost to preserve the property and protect the lives of the inhabitants, and to improve them. If you don't, the kingdom will have more tax revenues for as long as it takes."

"Ha, understand that..."

"Hmm. If you understand, four squadrons aren't demanding either."

"It's one of the techniques of negotiation."

"Demand a lot first and pull it down later"


"If it's negotiating a business deal, that's fine, but this time it's bad."

"Bad hand, is it?

I also felt heartless to be called a bad hand, but the Associate Baron didn't speak any more.

"Certainly so. As well, the Count is not a member of the kingdom army. But it is also a great nobleman who governs the territory. It is the size of the territory that varies, and so does it. Anyway, he's an associate baron. Where's your territory?

"is a halloon in front of the Duke of Thurm"


Regents tried hard to remember what kind of land Haroun was, but couldn't remember, so they decided to undo the subject.

Because of this, Haloon is a land with a flourishing forestry and mining industry whose population is finally exceeding two thousand and is skinning from village to city.

"... as long as you can defend the kingdom, it doesn't matter what happens to the territory you rule. You're disqualified as a nobleman, right?


"Rather, you are right to think that, speaking of polar theory, it doesn't matter what happens to your own territory, your kingdom, if your territory is cheap. Especially if you speak for yourself like this, you'll be punished. Ha ha ha..."


Not too many words the Associate Baron just swallows his spit.

"Don't look like that. Well, that's too much for a boulder right now, but I and His Majesty try to think so. Things must be made to think on top of that and in the light of the interests of the whole kingdom. Ready? The country and nobility are held. When held. There must be no unilateral gain or harm to one of them. Regardless, the kingdom has some advantages… there are also dispatches from time to time, such as the development of troops from time to time and foreign aggression, so naturally."

This is an important lecture for me right now.

The Associate Baron got a serious look at the Regent's words.

You took a look at that, Regent. Take the word.

"Think about it. What do you think the kingdom is most afraid of right now? Tell me what you think."


There was a temporary silence.

"It's not hard, is it?


annexed with the invasion of the Junkel Hou Country, which would begin again next year.

Is that a failure?

Because by then the kingdom of Dabus will have rebuilt that attitude too......


All sorts of thoughts run around the Associate Baron's head.

"... of Count Riegle..."

The Associate Baron said.

but look at the regent's face and mouth ahead.

"... you can put it on the edge of your mouth, but I think it's Count Riegle's rebellion."

Until now, the Associate Baron had no idea that the Count would flip an anti-flag against the kingdom.

When I first met him in Baldock a few years ago, I kept the image of a boy who looked regrettable but seeped some admirable light in his eyes to see His Majesty the King.

I felt empathy for him like that at the time, and I even gave him some advice.

Even then, if I heard that every time I broke through the hierarchy of the underground labyrinth I would gladly have entered the report, I would have broken my face like a thing, and given away the magical armor I had made from the scales obtained by exorcising the giant Wyvern, and I heard that not only had His Majesty, who wanted to impress me, withdrawn his insulting remarks in the past and apologized, but that he was to be listed among the great nobles, "Did you finally do it!" I even had one toast.

He may have been projecting himself staircasing well within the Knights as he made his grand adventure, who was only a famous adventurer.

For such an associate baron, this statement was quite painful.

"Ruri. To be honest, I don't believe in Russia, but His Majesty said that the Count would be able to fight even if he turned the National Army over personally. Of course, they said that they would eventually be able to defeat them, but they also said that it would take more than a decade to rebuild the damage they would suffer in the meantime."


"The important thing here is not really whether the Count himself has that much fighting power. Don't you know that?


It revives what was written in a report written earlier this spring behind the brains of the Associate Baron.

Not only has he exorcised the dragon, which was not rivaled by a total of 1,000 men of the Second Knights and Count Dressler Knights and a squadron of the Fourth Knights commanded by the First Knights of the Kingdom, but shortly afterwards he has also destroyed a large group of demons, almost alone and rising to thousands, which is outrageously out of common sense, even if he thinks considerably less of the over-decoration.

From then on, the expectations of His Majesty the King will not differ so greatly.

"The important thing is that no one was able to give you a fix for what His Majesty thought, and that His Majesty has not yet approved the idea. Or is it also a material that makes it possible to change His Majesty's mind?

There is no reason for such a thing.

I felt blamed for some reason and the Associate Baron looked slightly painful.

Looking at such an associate baron a little funny, the Regent goes on to open his mouth.

"Therefore, there is no reason to be rebelled by such a monster. Now you understand one of the purposes, and no, you can assume we've got a common view, okay?

The Associate Baron nodded at the Regent's words.

"Is... is not to let you create an excuse for rebellion?

"Uhm. Next then. What's the other purpose?

"Ha. It's about gaining strength to attack the Junkel Hokuriku."

The Associate Baron questioned answered this time with little time.

"That's right. The invasion of the Junkel homeland is also important, so we need troops. The quickest way to pull the power out of the South, which would be unlikely to hit it and be invaded. Pull it out and you'll be able to protect it."


"But it's not a good idea to break the mood of monsters. Fortunately, the Count says he is a person capable of rational conversation, so I do believe that negotiations and rushes are also effective. But there's a limit to that, too. If you can clean it up with money, that's better."

"... Yes"

"Of course, it goes without saying it's better to pay less."

The Regent put a cup in his mouth when he had a thin laugh.

"To say, money, of course, but buy the interest of the Count with something else..."

"Mm-hmm. Right. But this is hard. He said he didn't even care much about the hostages or the dowry of my grandson."

"Descendant to a hostage? is it?"

Apparently it was my first ear to the Associate Baron.

"You weren't listening? Well, there's nothing to do with politics. It's not like we're going to let it sound like that...... next spring, I'm going to start Duncan, William's son, and I'm going to take the kid as a hostage from the Thurm and Basbourne houses as well. Then, being a common son, he has become the daughter of the Baron Forcaine family... who has decided to give his daughter-in-law something."

"Oh my... Was it a story I could ask now?

"As I just said, I won't cover it anymore with a story I'm making up my mind, and I'll have an official announcement about the wedding by the end of the month at the latest, so I don't mind."

Put the cup in your hand back on the table, Regent goes on with the words.

"Whatever you do, don't get your goals wrong. The purpose is first and foremost not to anger the Count. And it's all about pulling out your power. We have a few goals, but we need to make them as cheap as possible. But there are no ex-girlfriends or children to piss off the Count. The ideal is to make the Count think that he has gained, so that he may be glad to make war. So it's only natural to offer a discount on the amount of security costs, at least commensurate with your strength."

As a Regent, I even believe that it is okay to halve the price as long as the Count is happy.

but i still don't say that to boulders.

Thus the night went further.

November 3, 7450.

Negotiations from the Kingdom were also under way this afternoon at the reception of the administration.

But it changed from yesterday when I hit him and Associate Baron Valmort got the feeling that his hips were pulling.

As for the power I'm going to give out, it's going to respond to the negotiations, "Two squadrons from the Second Knights and three squadrons from the Fourth Knights."

Well, given the percentage reduction in security costs, I can't really do four squadrons.

But when I thought about it last night, Junkel Hokuriku is north of the Kingdom of Romberto, right?

Speaking of the North, my sister is on the march.

I can also feel less reluctant when that happens, and losing a big loss and three squadrons is really a critical decision.

Still, if it's just that price reduction, I think it's too much of this one to take out.

but if you say you are going to attack Junkel Hokuriku then it is likely that the Empire of Granan will not shut up either.

They'll be worried about the cost of war, and they'll pay less for security...

How easy would it be to say it's not this way to find out about the North, etc.

Especially since, like I said yesterday, if three squadrons get pulled out too, then it's tough.

Even if it's your sister, there are circumstances, but I've tried to propose a 30 percent discount equal to about one or five times the cost and time of rebuilding the force to the 21 or four percent equivalent of the force to be pulled out.

From the look on the face of the Associate Baron and His Royal Highness the Regent, it feels "hard to convince, but I can't change my belly on my back".

Maybe three discounts is close to the biggest card the king (old man) is getting.

Perhaps a minimum of three squadrons will be strictly ordered for the power to pull from this one, and the price will be 30% off the cost of security.

Is it okay to try to be a little strong here?

Now the condition is, "If you think about it in common sense, this is the lowest line."

When I said that, the Associate Baron looked a little troubled.

After all, this is the best spot for him...

Though I'm not going to pay any more for it in a different place.

"Well, I have a question for His Royal Highness the Regent, the Observer,"

I turned my gaze to His Highness the Regent for the first time today, except for the first greeting.

"As you can see, the kingdom also has the convenience of the Southern General Army, as the Kingdom has the convenience of the Kingdom. When three squadrons are pulled out of their current battle power, temporarily reduce their defense. Therefore, as a total army, we need to redraw the line of defense."

His Highness the Regent nodded at me.


Whatever it is, it's going to be more than 20% less than its current strength, so even the defensive line is going to change.

"As you may know, next year I plan to receive possession of the Midwest Dart region, the Midwest Dart region and the East Dart region in addition to the current West Dart region. Regarding, I apologize for being a little quick, but I know that you would like to acknowledge the exercise of your official command as lord over the Knights of the Township in those regions..."

I still have the right to give orders against the Knights of the Land of those lands, except for command.

Simply put, is he the one who says to go to ○ ○ ○, or to defend the land to the death, and that command is the right to order details of how to do it?

In short, I can decide everything from anything to anything about the field offense and defense and the training content.

My command, the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Southern Army, extends only to the "Royal Army" deployed in the Dart region and the "Royal Army" stationed nearby to take charge of its replenishment.

And even if the Knights of the Land were to be "ordered" by the "Royal Army" to carry out some kind of mission, they would not be under "command".

Of course, it is free for the Knights of the Country side to be "in command" voluntarily, but that is not the issue.

None of us have the right to respond to these Knights attached to our territory, no matter what kind of Associate Baron Valmort says.

"Hmm. If that's what you need, I'll admit it."

His Royal Highness the Regent nodded to Eagle Deep, but the way he says it catches on.

"Oh? Aren't you going to admit it here now?

It's a disgusting and unpleasant way to put it, but it's an absolutely necessary question.

The other side seems to have figured it out and is grinning bitterly.

"Fine. I acknowledge your command of the entire Northern Dart."


Now it turns out His Royal Highness the Regent is acting in full discretion for the King (the old man).

Whatever, the three territories I raised earlier are heavenly at the moment, and their official lords are His Majesty the King.

It is self-evident that decisions against Heavenly Heaven can only be accepted by the King himself or his plenipotentiary representation.

Well, regents would be nothing but the King's plenipotentiary representation, but they would need confirmation.

"We need to focus our defense more than ever before to defend the Dart region with reduced power."

His Royal Highness the Regent, as well as Associate Baron Valmort, nod to the natural dialogue.

"However, there is no reason to reduce the current territory. If you reduce it poorly, your tax revenues will drop, and you will also reduce the security costs you pay to your country (or so)."

I laughed and talked with a grin on my shoulder.

"Besides, if the kingdom is going to attack Junkel, you may even think about the possibility of extracting power from this one, Devas. We therefore know that we want to push up the southern front from here just before the kingdom enters the north. By then, I will have all the power in the Dart region under my command as the official Marquis, but I need to raise my strength against the Knights of the Land before then."

That's why it's an early command request.

They both seemed surprised but understood.

"Besides, if we do a massive front push here first, the Junkel Marquis will also think," The Kingdom of Romberto is focused on the South. "

Breathe out here.

I just said I was grateful, come on, it's a demand.

"We naturally lack the strength of the Knights of the Land alone to push the Southern Front. I will also use the forces of the Confederate General Army under my command, but I ask you to acknowledge the newly occupied areas as my territory."

The force I keep as the General Army of the South is only the "Royal Army" and not my own personal army, which is a lord.

So far.

If that force was used to gain territory, it would normally be heaven there.

Well, until recently my West Dart was heavenly, and the territory lined up in the other Dart regions was heavenly, so I've never had that problem before.

Taking or being taken of the Kingdom of Dabus and the Development Village never bothered anyone about their affiliation.

Both His Royal Highness the Regent and Associate Baron Valmort seemed surprised by this.

At least I didn't think it was what they would say at this stage, I guess.

"Occupy land suitable for defense and build fortresses and such there to serve as a defensive base. You can't ignore it there and even try to attack the depths. If we could create at least three of those bases, we would concentrate and deploy the troops left there. If we do, we will fool ourselves that the defense of the South will be fully possible even with reduced power…"

There are no stupid questions about how to build a fortress, etc.

At any rate, you know as much as you did about the strategy against the village of Tankur that took place this winter and the subsequent re-offensive of the village of Tankur plus the construction of massive dirt walls during the offensive of the villages of Kincade and Denan.

We still just have a little defense force in those three villages, but it's hard for Dabus to occupy them.

If you're going to attack properly, I'd like to gather at least 500 people, and in case it occupies you, you can pour them in or out of the dirt wall with water on top of me blocking the entrance and exit.

I don't think it's a loss if the village gets messed up because I haven't got my hands on anything yet.

"Also, I promise you that you can leave half of my current garrison force intact even after independence, which is naturally the starting point for the calculations before sending the three squadrons north, right? Then this is the Chamber of Commerce I have in Lombertia, but I intend to leave it as it is after independence, but with regard to customs, please treat it the same way in the country. I don't know what to say instead, because I'm going to make this one tariff-free. And then..."

When I said that, His Highness blocked me.

"Shh, excuse me, Count. It's enough time, and I'll see you tomorrow..."

Oh, yeah? I didn't expect to be talking about ending in a day or two the other day when I asked about the requirements, which is fine.

It was a helo. I'm feeling better now, and if you give me time, I'll think about it a lot more, okay?

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