9 Dec 7450

Courtyard of Court Jill Castle before dawn.

"Okay, you're all set... then we're on our way"

Zulu took the initiative when he looked around at the young slaves still.

The young slaves run out in line to follow him.

Everyone in luxury wears sandals with rubber soles.

It is Al's slave-head, the Zulu and his wife, all of whom are young men who aspire to future combat slavery, who live in this courtzil castle.

In particular, even when it comes to young people, it would be more appropriate to describe them as "just children" because even the oldest are about the age of majority.

In addition to Al's guard captain, Zulu is also in the midst (and not least) of learning a variety of things to be a training squire for the Knights, but in this way he is even entrusted with educating the slaves who aspire to combat slavery.

I'd say he's living a busy life inside.

In fact, his average sleep is only about four hours a day.

Before sunrise, on average, I wake up after four in the morning, and as soon as I kiss my beloved wife (Elmy), who is still resting peacefully in bed, I go out for a run like this, and when I come back, I sweat in the well, and we all have breakfast that Elmy prepared.

And before seven o'clock, he will serve in the administration across his beloved horse.

So we head straight from his master, Al, to the Knights garrison if we are not ordered to do anything in particular, and as a training attendant we encourage training and sitting until the end of 3 p.m.

Naturally, you can go somewhere, but you can follow me because you go there, but you still have to do something to recover the seating delay in the meantime, but his husband will hardly even consider whether to "do something about it."

but as for Zulu, who doesn't go to shame on your husband, it's outside because he loses his grades in seating.

I literally have to do something myself.

When I get back from the Knights, I'll give the kids an audition, and by dark, it's dinner.

At the end of the meal, I set a bonfire to the castle courtyard for about an hour to continue the archery, and then finally I can have my own time… but until after midnight when I go to bed, I am almost used to reviewing and reviewing seating, and I often have to have a couple of hours satisfactorily.

That said, Saturday, the last day of the week, is considered a holiday for both the Knights and the Administration, except for those on duty, so it's not that couples can't have time to be free at all, such as time.

However, that precious holiday is also sure to crumble a few hours during the day with buyouts such as food and necessities, and there is no thought that Zulu, a faithful slave-head, lacks morning running and children's archery.

Also on this day, when I served in the administration, I told Al, "The next time a draw candidate was selected, there are two candidates. I'm going down there to look, so follow me," he ordered.

When Zulu confirmed that there was still a short time until the scheduled departure time, he exchanged two or three words with a squire who stood guard in Al's office before going down to the administrative office downstairs.

I need an empty desk to get my seating delays back.

Zulu, who took out a frame-like plate about the size of an electronic pad, tapped gently from the back of the plate when he sprinkled the fine sand of the eyes he was packing into the bag that was lowering from his waist there, evening the surface.

There are also so-called written versions of wax used in oaths, but if even a short period of time only while they are in use can be added, it is overwhelmingly easier and less expensive to just pull sand on the frame.

Write down the text, which is a method of storage that Al and Mizchi have asked.

By the act of writing while reading rather than reading the text in a comic fashion, the memory of the contents is not only an excellent method of memorization that makes it possible to progress in understanding and gradually to write the letters beautifully.

It's been a long time since Zulu's appearance has become a common sight in the administration as he writes even text whining about bumps and something in the corner of his office.

"Let's go, get ready"

When Zulu, voiced by Al, went out of the administration and carefully returned the sand from the frame to the bag, he sank off the slight remaining sand and turned the frame into a special case, to his beloved horse connected to the horse clasp pile.

By the time he takes the rubber protector out of the saddlebag he hung on his horse and starts wearing it, Al will also be coming with a few officials from the administration.

If Al hasn't finished wearing his rubber protector while he's having a brief meeting with them, Al's mood will plummet, so he has to be desperate as Zulu as well.

Of course, if you wear a rubber protector in advance within the government, you don't have to panic for a while, but it was difficult if not Zulu, just because the secretary of the Insenga has cautioned you that you can't keep wearing a noisy protector in the office.

By contrast, Al said, he often couldn't wear protective equipment or even a single sword.

Of course, he dresses lightly without luggage-like luggage.

In retrospect, was it not until Zulu officially joined the Knights that Al was no longer even armed?

If I try Zulu, I'll feel like I've gained more trust in myself as a guard captain. On the other hand, I also feel tight that I'm really alone in protecting Al.

And traveling at super high speeds with the help of magical hooves for less than an hour.

It even came to the side of a woodland that grows on the Dart Plains, which stretches southeast of the village of Zorge.

I haven't gotten any past hiatus around here.

"Zulu. Suppose enemies come from the side of the village of Zorge. It is the forest that protects it. Assume the forest is about Beglitz. Where would you build a defensive position and defend it?

Al often asks these things when it's just Zulu and the two of us.

"The military strength of both sides is about 3000, of which about 100 are cavalry. The recipient is 500, of which the cavalry is 50, and the work time is... about two days. Also, if you damage 30% of your opponents or hold out for about two days from the start of the war, it will be a defense success."

The difference between the number of stopovers and recipients comes from the theory that attackers want about six times the number of opponents, which is a well-employed force ratio when assuming such situations.

Zulu looked around and then thought only a little.

Then draw a schematic of the perimeter of the range seen on the ground.

"It's around here first. Build a base that you can see well from your enemies. A meter high would be enough. Place an appropriate infantry unit as the defensive main unit. If we can keep the enemy's arrows out, we can arrange the boards. Well, I think we can do enough."


Al remains silent on Zulu's words.

"And here. of the hill at the end of this little bush, lay down a separate squad across the ridge. Because the number of people would be sufficient if they could operate five to six directional shotguns..."

Al nodded small toward Zulu, who explained by placing stones on the ground.

"Uh, then on the left, we'll center the cavalry, but this cavalry will essentially be a right-wing unit. The real purpose is to keep the cavalry from realizing that there are small gun firing positions here until they move."

"Hmm. I wish I could drag you into the spraying world of 'directional scattering bullets'. If I were your commander, I wouldn't be attacking you from the right-wing side of the recipient without knowing the existence of a small gun or a 'directional shotgun'."


Zulu looked strange.

"Because the bushes around here stink. First you'll shoot arrows into this bush in massive curves."

"Yeah, think so. Beyond that hill further back, not that bush..."

I just honestly stated my own thoughts, not a statement trying to convince Al.

"... your aim is not bad in itself. But if you shoot an arrow in and it doesn't respond, that stinks. It's creepy, so he'll try to attack from the right wing side for a prospective neighbor."

"Ugh... but on the left-wing side of the recipient is a cavalry..."

"There's only fifty. It must be the cavalry that's troublesome for the stopover, but they're putting it all together on the left wing of the recipient's side, right? The number of cavalry is half as high as the number of other cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry cavalry, and don't hit them by forming an attack unit with double cavalry."

"So, then that's what I think is the bump here. Fire 'directional shotguns' at cavalry and lightly dressed infantry units that have protruded. At the same time, it would be effective to move the recipient's cavalry to the right wing while shooting small arms."

When he heard it, Al shrugged his shoulders small.

"Ooh, that's tough. The opponent used an unknown weapon of mass murder. Then let's retreat before the damage gets any greater. The damage... right. Many would say that the cavalry 50 has between 50 and 100 infantry. Together, it is significant that one end of the opponent's tactical abilities was known due to one-fifth of the overall damage. Let's come with caution next time. But good for you, it's a defensive success with almost no damage."


Al carries on the words to Zulu, who dropped his shoulder.

"Don't be so depressed. I'll never be able to destroy 3000 people where I used them. There's nothing wrong with that right now."


"But if you want to use 'directional shotgun' anyway, use it so it works a little better. It's pretty hard to make that one."


"In short, it's creepy how we can drag as many enemies into the spraying world as we can to be effective for the recipient."

Saying so, Al crouched in and made a change to the topographical map Zulu was drawing.

"First, we can sneak ambushes in this bush"

"Huh? But..."

"Oh, of course, like I said, you'd be the first to shoot an arrow."

"But then...!

"Yeah. Normally, most of these guys would die, or they'd be pretty lucky and hurt badly"


Zulu opened his eyes to Al's words.

As Zulu, a slave-head, there are also reasons why he didn't want Al to adopt such tactics.

"Don't look like that. In short, let him shoot the arrow. He's responsive, if he thinks there was. The aim is to make the commander of the opponent think that there are no more ambushes on the right wing of the recipient, or that the ambushes have been destroyed..."

Zulu nods facelessly, but is filled in its heart with a feeling of indecency.

"... so you can tie up and roll prisoners, goblins, orcs in this bush. Even a sinner who plans to be executed would be fine. As long as there are 20-30 people, it is sufficient as an ambush, so I don't think it would be so difficult to have two days to work together. Don't let him sleep until just before the war, if that's possible, and let him sleep in the bush. That would be great. That would give me about a scream when the arrow hits me. They'll know anyway, so if they can hold a wooden stick that mimics a small gun, it's perfect."

Much better than taking an ally soldier for granted, but still a very bad aftertaste.

but as Al puts it, the deceptive effect would be high.

"If you don't like this either, you can leave me or Mizuchi there. Our shield sorcery can protect about 20 people, or we can just leave the shield soldiers behind. If you're a strong shield, if you scream at the first siren and just back off across the hill behind you, unless you're too unlucky, I don't think so."

Zulu thought, "If so, I would have liked you to say it from that side," but reserved it just for a deep nod of consent.

"Whatever it takes, you just have to make him think you've destroyed or driven away about the ambush, so any hand is fine. When that happens, as the commander of the nearest party..."

"You'd think the original plan on the right wing of the recipient was broken. I mean, I think there's a hole in the right-wing side of the recipient."

"Right. They don't have cavalry on the right wing of the recipient, so they'll protrude the cavalry towards you first. At the same time, the cavalry should come out of the recipient's left flank."


"So the cavalry on the left flank of the recipient moves toward the right flank. At this time, you should move it to bypass the back of the central protective wall. You know why?


Zulu made a difficult face and thought about it.

Al also shuts up as if to hang out with him like that.

"... is it to keep the rays of the small gun unit from blocking?

"Right. But that's it?

To Al's words Zulu contemplates with a glance at the topographic map again.

"... the recipient's rear unit, is it to make you think it's inhibiting the reserve movement?

"That's right. It will be inevitable for the cavalry to join the right-wing unit of the recipient, but at the same time the commander of the nearest party will find it difficult for the reserve unit to participate there because it will take a considerable amount of time to restructure the formation of the right-wing unit of the recipient, and because it has crossed the rear of the formation and possibly the front of the reserve unit."

"Then… the drop-off will try to move not only the left-wing cavalry forward, but also the center and the right."

"Yeah, why would you think that?

"The ambushes on the left flank of the handkerchief were either destroyed or driven away, so you'd think they were safe, and there's no place on the right flank where you could sneak the ambushes..."


"I think the recipient's maneuver is aimed at placing a cavalry on the left wing and the projection of the left wing of the other side, the other side. Left-wing cavalry... or whatever, but you'd think it was an operation where the left-wing would hang a lateral strike by an ambush where it protruded and let the left-wing cavalry penetrate where the left-wing cavalry was confused or penetrate to the right-wing side of the leaderboard"

"Right," Al gaveled as he nodded toward Zulu explaining as he moved the stone.

"As a stopover, I think it's natural to try to show a number of power here. It would be normal to assume that either the commander of the recipient or the commander of the cavalry unit misjudged the move...... hmm, you can't even say you misjudged it. Because a cavalry bypass behind the center can also be said not to block the sight of the central unit, or the recipient commander who would be there if pulled. But I think it's more likely that the commander will see this as a good opportunity to make a decision on the killing of all units."

"Exactly. What about the placement of troops on both sides in that case?

To Al's words Zulu moved a stone that meant each unit.

"... the left wing side of the stopover protrudes and the center and right wing sides are also moving forward to follow it. In contrast, the recipient is just moving from left wing to right wing so that the cavalry bypasses the center rear...... oh, if you shoot him in a small gun unit and adjust with a parallax, you will simply be in a slope formation moving towards left from the 'directional shotgun' unit"

"Yeah, you are"

"Besides, the formation of the central unit that should be needing a commander on the other side is also considerably thinner... if you shoot two or so 'directional shots' in here, you might be able to kill the commander. Afterwards, if you shoot the remaining three to four shots into the slash line droppers, you'll get a pretty effective blow... I see."

If fitted well, only five to six directional shotguns and hundreds of small ammunition would end up with about a third of the enemy that spans 3000, creating an equivalent casualty.

"Next. Now think of it as a stopover."

"Yes… 'directional shotgun' will be placed on all separate carriage carriages…"

Since Zulu joined the Knights, Al had stopped giving general tactical instruction at all, emptying small arms, directional shotguns, etc., when educating on tactics.

As if to say you should leave that to the Knights.

In this way, Zulu receives a fairly special education while touring two candidate locations in combination with the following.

When you get back to Courtzil Castle, which is also your home today, you'll be putting records on wood janes and wooden boards before you forget.

And the kids' archery runs out of time, and not only Zulu, but the kids will wake up the next day rubbing their eyes against lack of sleep.

King's capital Lombertia.

Bastral had his head at the Grid Chamber of Commerce.

The letter I sent a few weeks ago reported the quantity of glassware that I had ordered by then and the quantity that I would have ordered by the end of the year to deliver this year, but yesterday a fairly large order jumped in.

Of course, Bastral told him, "I can't deliver at the end of this year, it will be the end of next year," and the other guy was convinced.

Al would be happy if it weren't for the delivery at the end of the year.

This is not why I was bothering Bastral.

It was this morning that his wife, Cathy, once again presented with symptoms of obstruction.

That in itself is a delightful thing for Bastral.

But what will happen to Miko's neck, his oldest son, moving to Beglitz, scheduled for next spring and summer...?

I would have emigrated last spring.

Al will also be thinking about the Bastrals moving to Beglitz next May-June.

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