January 1, 7451.

The people of the village to Gal had been very busy moving around in the morning and had been busily killed before noon to welcome a large number of visitors.

"... Welcome to the village of Garhe. Ma'am.

Tris, the village lord, and his spouse, Bell, bow their heads deeply as they pay tribute to the man who came down from the arriving carriage railroad.

As we descended the talap attached to the luxury passenger car, Mizuchi said, "Yeah. Stand up," he continued, "Congratulations" in Japanese.

Tris and Bell retreat aside when the Knights, who were guarding Mizchi, stand undisturbed as they continue to descend, and this one also sends a New Year's greeting in Japanese.

Just a few moments but complimented each other on their costumes, soothing air between the three of them.

And as I realized, Mizuchi said, "What about Meath and Gel?" I ask.

"The two are already dealing with customers who have arrived in the square. Anyway, those are the two leading characters today."

Tris answers.

Mizuchi returns a convincing nod of "Oh".

And there Bell said, "... Um, by the way, what about His Excellency the Earl of Riegle?" He asked a little strangely.

Mizuchi turned back to Bell and said, "Um, that's it, but I need to apologize first. I don't think I'll make it. I'm sorry," he replies.

He went on to drop the volume of his voice and carved a wrinkle between his brows as he put his hands on his cheeks, saying, "I don't know why, but it's only moving very slowly," he said.

Except for Al, he is not in [troop formation (partisation)], an inherent skill of Mizuchi, so Mizuchi is the only one who understands that Al moves considerably slower than he should.

I don't even know why.

"It's hard to imagine, just in the unlikely event of a breakdown in the carriage... it's possible that His Majesty ordered you to do something."

Tris says with his shoulder flaunted.

but Bell's face didn't float.

I couldn't seem to hide it.

Mizuchi had a small grin when he saw such a bell.

"I apologize to Meath and Jer from me after this. Plus, I'm sure I'll be able to apologize later, but I'll make it clear from him."

Bell rushes a little to the word and stuffs the word "no, no".

"It's okay. Anyway, if you didn't respond to attendance, you couldn't keep the promises you made yourself. Count or Marquis, but it's only natural to apologize."

Mizuchi brightens up, but Bell says, "Even so... Al, to make His Excellency bow his head," and while he seems sorry and small, he says, "What happened?," he muttered.

Having heard the words sharply, Mizuchi laughs bitterly.

I thanked Bell for being so considerate of Al, but at the same time, I had the feeling that I didn't have to worry because I was coming home late.

"Whatever happened, I don't think Tris is right. I don't think you need to worry. I left the other side on schedule...... because it's just slow. There are a lot of possible causes, but maybe there's a companion. In some cases... it's a little early, but... there's also the possibility that you're bringing back a new, daughter-in-law, backward, targeted woman..."

When Mizuchi says so far, Bell peels his eyes off and interrupts.

"What? I thought it was about this spring to put Al in..."

And Tris' "Hey Belle, how to call it! Without even listening to the reprimand," Why? "He shrugged and dropped his gaze.

In contrast, Mizuchi, who thought he had taken care of himself, said, "It's okay, don't worry so much. I've known for a long time, and I don't care anymore..." I said brightly and put my hand on Bell's arm.

"... and no matter why you ask me... I was just wondering if that's possible. I didn't say it for a reason. And maybe I don't know who that is, although I'm pretty sure I have a companion. But I don't think it's a kid who's going to come as a hostage. You don't get a lot of breaks for that, and you seem a little fast. Then I thought," If you're an adult, who are you? "

I smile, saying, but at the same time, I'm seeping an irresistible amount of pain in that face.

So much so that whoever sees it can speculate as to how much of what the word is now forced to do.

You thought of that, and Tris prompted Mizuchi brightly, "Sa, ma'am, let's come."

January 15, 7451.

Before noon.

South of the Kingdom of Lomberto.

There is a line of aristocratic territories large and small.

Count Robotney's line reached the north of it.


In order to avoid checkpoints, a small carriage of loads arrived this far down a roadless road for a small group of about 10 people, so the drain on health is severe.

Only the Count crosses the military horse, but is still physically and mentally exhausted by the march through the forest where the trees thrive deeply.

"… let's take a short pause here"

According to a warrior of the Dark Elves (Dark Elves), who was guiding everyone in silence, the line stopped with a loud sigh of sigh.

The Count also stepped off the back of his horse and lowered his hips to the proper root of the tree when he gave the reins to the faithful Knights who did not leave his side, like his entourage.

"I think we've made quite a bit of progress today… I think we've made another ten kilometers. How about that?

The Earl asks Dark Elf as he wipes his sweat with a handkerchief.

Dark Elves says, "Huh? Since this morning it has only been going on for about three months... the pace itself will be on schedule, so don't worry, it will not be delayed," he replied with strange words.

The Count is dissatisfied with the return of a number too far from what he thought was expected.

but I remembered that the field training of the Knights of the White Phoenix, to which I belonged when I was young, did not provide march training inside these forests, and I reconsidered that I was an amateur when traveling in these circumstances.

In the first place, with the exception of this dark elf, no one in the line, including the Knights of the Count and the accompanying adventurers, has any experience in these kinds of actions in the forest.

Without him, the line would have lost sight of where he was going in the woods a long time ago, and a wandering mention, all aligned and shipwrecked.

"Well, it's still about three... this is embarrassing."

The Count laughed with a shy face.

"No, never mind," Dark Elf replies with a smile on his face.

"By the way, can I ask you one thing? Then how can you be sure you're not going in the wrong direction?

"The first of us to come through here has left us a mark."

"Well, landmarks."

The Count said as impressed and looked around.

but I couldn't find any of them in the deep woods to the extent that the leaking sun plugged in.

"It's that one, for example," said Dark Elf, who saw how it was.

I gaze in the direction of my fingers, but nothing unusual.

"Hmm... which one?

Earl with a surprising voice.

The dark elf approaches with a light foothold that when he rises off the ground, he glues to the tree that is growing a little further, pointing to a point in its trunk.

The Earl, who accidentally followed him there, discovered that the skin of the tree was slightly peeled.

"This is it?

"Yes. It's a landmark. This tree is called Red Oak, and the bark never turns like this."

"I see, so this is artificial... turned by people's hands"

"It's the left. This way of turning makes a lot of sense."

"Ho. So what's in this?

"I can't say that much."

"Right. But if you can't find it from what I've heard, it makes sense..."

"I'm sorry, it's our code"

The Count observed the turned bark for a while as he clapped his shoulders and nodded, but immediately went back to the roots of the original tree and lowered his hips.

It should be noted, of course, that the bark splint is certainly a landmark commonly used by dark elves, but it merely indicates the general direction in which there are real landmarks in itself.

For a while, the rested line rose again and began to follow the lead of the dark elves.

It is said that the destination will arrive in less than a week.


West Dirt Region, Weed.

Weed's cultivated land was expanding as he went through a twisting path through the woods.

And there were two Zenom squire men at the border between the woods and cultivated land, with spears, waiting for our arrival.

"It's the city of Weed you can see over there," he said, paying tribute to them kneeling, speaking to His Highness, who was manipulating the horse beside me.

I have heard that His Highness himself has been engaged in village defense operations to Ghar in the past, so as you may have seen, this is courtesy as a companion and ruler of the land.

"Yeah, you're finally here. That was pretty quick..."

Nodding to His Highness's reply, I said, in my heart, "I would have been much quicker if you hadn't accompanied me!" He was poisoned.

Because of the slow pace of travel, only once, but I am unhappy with the fact that I have been the target of a monster attack on the road.

Moreover, time was eaten even more by the prince, who wanted to see him pick the Demon Stone, because the usual habits had begun to tear the breasts of Nole that Marl and Limby had smashed into.

Well, except for that, I wasn't even very tired. It was a peaceful thing on the road.

Thanks to the touch, I felt good about some of the cities and villages that dropped by to pick me up.

"Time's up for boulders today, so let's spend the night at Weed"

Even if there were only one train leaving Weed from this hour, we would be able to reach Damon Village and stop driving there today.

Besides, since we're picking you up so well, Xenom would be worried about cleaning the mansion rooms with that in mind.

In the midst of a sunset, the serfs are in charge of farm equipment and are on the road.

I feel sorry for them to keep their heads down while we go through Burral Avenue that runs all the way to Weed, but this is hard to do together.

"Oh, Your Highness! I am the firefried that governs this weed. It's an honor to meet you first."

Xenom greeted the prince with courtesy of his minister as he came out to the gate of the mansion.

I'm totally summed to see how it went over and over again.

"Mm-hmm. Baron Firefrid, don't take care of me. Stand up."

Prince Richard was responding to Xenom in a rather casual way.

"Today, I want you to enjoy our specialties."

He behaves aristocratically without a stood up Zenom or the way he feels.

But the specialty is smoked.

Well, it's good because it's really delicious, but I'm tempted to say more like this, somehow, that there's nothing flashy about welcoming a prince.

The one that's not specifically brown.

Smoking is just plain looking overall.

Xenom, who saw my face, looked like a prank kid and laughed niggly.

What the fuck?

As expected, the appetizer was Zenom's prized smoked on-parade.

Despite the plain appearance, His Highness and the knights rejoiced, and I stroked my chest down into the atmosphere, too.

Then the meal proceeds, and the main meat dish is served.

As far as I'm concerned, I expected it would be around a steak of lightly smoked pork...

"This is... um, delicious..."

His Royal Highness and the knights were silenced when they ate a sip of the stewed hamburger in Domigrass sauce.

Unlike those commonly distributed in Japan, Domigrass sauce does not originally use ketchup, sauce or soy sauce. Naturally.

A sauce made exclusively of red wine in flour and butter, beef and beef bones and flavoured vegetables, a relatively new flavour invented in the twentieth century even on Earth.

Whatever the hassle, it's a super luxurious sauce with fuel bills because it has to be simmered all the way over a very time.

That's right. I've never let Giberti make it either.

Xenom said he was impressed with wanting to eat this at Meath and Gel's wedding the other day and got a note from Bell on how to make it.

"Is this meat, beef?

One of the knights asked Xenom.

"Yeah, it's a veal grown for meat on the outskirts of Beglitz. Isn't it delicious?

Xenom said pleasantly as he cut the hamburger with a knife.

Yeah, yummy.

I originally preferred the hamburger to the simmering, and I used to eat it at Beglitz from time to time, but this simmering hamburger from Domiglass feels very tasty because it's been a long time since I've had it.

Regardless of the warm vegetables that accompany it, it is the brown one after all.

"This softness...... where is the meat from the cow?

"This is what Balderger is all about, isn't it?

The knights are excited.

Um, basically because a dish called Hamburg is loved by many people.

Xenom shouldn't know much about Bulderger, so I said, "Exactly, it's a dish that simmers the contents of Bulderger, Bulderg, in a special sauce. If you say so, you're a simmering balderg. I do use beef because of it, but maybe I use shoulder loin. I grind them like the contents of a baldukki before shaping them into this shape," he replies.

This softness and tongue touch, judging from the cutting surface, would also mix some bread flour, milk and eggs.

But I think it's probably not a good part of the loin or lamp or ichibo from the taste.

"What, is this with shoulder meat?

One of the knights rounds his eyes.

Shoulder loins are also commonly used for hamburgers in previous life.

Oats often do not have enough fat riding, and it is normal for the meat to be picked from one head to be about the price inside or below.

However, this cow is a special beef cow raised with food similar to Wagyu beef at the Imulek where I coached him.

Shoulder loin should give you about this flavor.

"Yeah, maybe. But if you cook it like this, it's soft and delicious, isn't it?

Your Highness and the knights admire my words.

Heh heh.

You've never eaten anything like this, have you?

"No, I apologize to Your Excellency, but I do not use shoulder loins for this today on boulders. It's all made from torso roast meat."

And Xenom said.

My thoughtful face cracks.

"Oh, really..."

Let me have some flowers there. You have to figure it out anyway...

The sight of His Highness and the knights stabs me in the heart.

Ku... I'm more fishy than meat!

If you're a fish... If you're a fish, you can guess it all, even if you're white!

But Imulek and this beef loin finally tasted like Japanese Japanese beef shoulder loin... Is it too much for a boulder?

But, Ma, get back on your mind...

"Uh, at the dawn when the carriage railroad opens, you'll be able to carry the beef from my realm to the Wang Capital as well. Yeah, it won't rot that way if you keep it cool with a piece of ice you magically serve, so it won't be too far away for you to enjoy a meat dish similar to this in Wangdu."

He seems to have managed to deceive me.

I also feel like you just rode my word.

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