19 Jan 7451

"So long, my lord. Sorry for the inconvenience in suddenly pressing this time."

His Highness Richard politely thanked him in front of the train to Weed, which stops at Beglitz Station.

"No, I'm really sorry that I couldn't make a big deal out of it because it's such a country town."

This is not a social dictionary, it is also genuine in a way.

I could have had a little better entertainment if you had told me in advance.

As for the actual inspection, I was with him all the way from Wang Du to Xidart, so I couldn't do one small job, but, well, it's nothing more to hide now, so that's fine.

More problematic than that......

"Now I pray that this Tetsudo opens up to the King's Capital as soon as possible"


"It is also unfortunate to return your inability to accept the investment. Call us anytime you change your mind."

"Oh, yes..."

His Royal Highness apparently had a rosy dream about the future of the carriage railroad, and after returning to Beglitz after his inspection yesterday, he was noisy about wanting to fund it from the royal family as well.

I want to fulfill His Highness's wishes more than I am a member of the kingdom nobility.

That said, as I reported directly at twilight last year, I have already finished calculating and budgeting the costs to be completed.

It's a pain in the ass to change this now... it's hard.

Naturally, the laying route to Lombertia has also been selected.

It's been a long time since we started educating construction supervisors and husbands, and now the number of skilled construction teams is growing.

Also, there's no reason I can't turn my neck because I don't have enough money.

If they had said "Royal funding is a condition to allow" when they first played that they wanted to pull a railway line, they would have had to make some concessions even for me... even if they told me to let them invest now.

In the first place, I was going to accept (although not unconditionally, of course) the request from the Kingdom of Romberto, for the most part, but this is not the only way.

The railway line from Beglitz to Lombertier - only the best places must remain completely under my control.

For the most part, I might be told to pull a route I don't want if I get funded.

Such is a blatant forgiveness.

Hmm? North of Lombertia?

I'm not going to reach that way at the moment, and I don't know you.

Whatever you want.

It's not stingy to sell or rent a vehicle at a fair price if you need it.

You can also undertake rail manufacturing if you have manufacturing margins at that time and will pay the price properly.

I turned these things away and refused to invest, but surprisingly, Your Highness was quite sticky with me.

I haven't had so many conversations with His Highness before, but I was surprised it would stick so far.

I thought you had a lighter personality.

I broke quite a bone to say no to this investment in railway operations.

He managed to give up so far by carefully explaining the above matters and saying that in the future I would reconsider them when I became independent.

"I'll see you at the end of this year... in Wangdu"

I said consciously with a look I didn't seem to regret.

"Oh, at the end of the year... but this vehicle... wow"

His Highness is completely blinded by the luxury version of the passenger car, as if he had already flown somewhere about his investment in the railway.

I'm proud of my vehicle.

Now I want you to enjoy this guy's ride and service.

I won't accept the investment, but you're welcome to use it.

For this reason, although my wedding is scheduled for April this year, Mimile is officially recognized, because of her common son, there is no royal attendance with adult throne inheritance rights.

Therefore, the royal attendance is to be offered to me as a hostage about next month, only one Duncan Lomberto IV will be five years old, ranked eighth in the ranks of succession to the throne.

After His Royal Highness left Beglitz, he moved the place with the three men he was sending to watch in conjunction with his escort.

It's my office at Knights headquarters.

Three people, Sir Value, Associate Camry and Associate Barson, are immovable upright in front of me.

"Make it easier for me"

Speaking up, I broke my posture a little.

"So, what was it like?

They seemed to have checked with His Highness properly because I had been told in advance.

"I thought it could be used for high-speed transport of soldiers."

"You seem interested in the part where you can move a large number of soldiers with a small number of horses, and I was asked how many people Zubari can carry. As you can see, I haven't returned it, except for the answer."

"You were roaring with faces that seemed difficult to gauge in stride the size of freight cars and passenger cars, such as the knights of escorts."

Well, I guess that's how it goes.


I replied with a bitter laugh.

"You seem to appreciate it very much."

Sir Value says with the same bitter laughter as I do.

"With that said, you told me you wanted assistance from the royal family as well. I don't have the authority to respond, I said…"

Associate Duke Barson said, "Naturally, you get funded, don't you?" I said it with such a face.

Well, if you think about it in general without including it, you do.

It will be easier financially, and most importantly, there will be no more inkling that the Royal Family is also funding it.

At this time, the patent has been announced, and the patent form has been obtained, so almost the best tattoo has been obtained, but there is no doubt that it will be more than that.


"There's no reason to accept it. Isn't that right, My Lord?

I didn't answer instantly thinking Brigadier Barson was still in the middle of talking.

But because of a brief silence flowing without her continuing to speak, said Associate Sir Camry.

"Well, yeah. So far... at least until the route to Lombertia opens... no, I'm not willing to take your suggestion for the rest of the future"

I will also answer to Lord Camry.


Brigadier Barson opened his eyes as my conversation with Brigadier Camry seemed too unexpected.

"Huh. Think about it, Barson. You're looking to become independent of the kingdom in the future, aren't you?

"Yes...... But still..."

Brigadier Barson argues with Sir Valt's words about something.

"What happens to the rights to the tracks after independence if you get a Royal contribution? Even if you don't, I'm determined to tell you to run a temporary train or just put this on and go, whatever you want. Yeah, even if I promised not to take such a request from the beginning. Aside from not fulfilling it, only the demands will stick. And I don't know how to make everything more unobstructed than being an investor. Most importantly, they'll tell you to share in the profits."

You're right.

The Value just told me the other day about the fundamentals of the capitalist economy with the officials working in the administration, something that is not too wrong.

"Yes, indeed... you're right the deputy commander is told. I'm ashamed of my unknown......"

Associate Duke Barson bit his lip.

"Well, there are other reasons, but generally as Value just said. If you haven't got the capital, there's probably something about it, and it's totally mine about the railroads. You must always obtain my permission to use it or pay an official fee as a passenger or carrier."

Maybe in the distant future you can make a special rate such as group discount, but unless it goes to an extra black, there won't be any realization while I'm alive.

January 20, 7451.


There were more than a hundred people gathered in the remote land in the southern part of the heavens.

The outfit is varied and I don't feel united.

The only thing is that all eyes that are giddy with greed are the same.

Arriving yesterday, just after sunset, Count Robotney took a night's rest and wiped his body with water this morning, so it's refreshing.

"Well, gentlemen, you've kept me waiting."

To those gathered before the Count, the Count began to speak in a voice that often passed.

Many leak laughter at the Count's words.

Even the first of those gathered here would not have waited a month.

It wasn't strange to wait another month for the original plan.

"As long as I'm happy to be able to arrive here again without being captured by Lomberto's official constitution as a single person so far"

Only returns a niggered laugh at the words of the Count that follow.

It's as if it's only natural to say that.

"The boulders are the adventurers who made their name for themselves in Benkelish. I honestly admire you!

The adventurers respond with a puzzling attitude, as if to say that it is not too easy and teethless compared to moving away from the eyes of demons wandering around the labyrinth, such as moving away from the eyes of the guards guarding the border and border posts.

"For today, you will nourish your English with the liquor I have brought you, and you will strike into training from tomorrow!

Before the first cheering adventurers, the training plan for the raid had been reconstructed in the Count's brain.

And this evening.

One Dark Elf (Dark Elf) arrived at the camp.

He was carrying some important information that was made public in Lombertia.

"What? Count Riegle to the Marquis?

"Ruri. It is due to the demise of Blue Dragon (Blue Dragon) last spring... and the fall of three villages that were connected to the Kingdom of Dabus..."

Dark Elves seems a little hard to say, either because the Count knew he was a dignitary in the Kingdom of Dabus.

"Consequently, the Marquis of Gried also officially took possession of the three territories that line the Dart Plains… Midwest, Central and Eastern Dart… from this April"

Count Robotney spread a schematic of the Dart Plains in his brain.

It's not the Lomberto-style way Dark Elf calls it, it's the Midwest, but to fix it to the way the Dabus Kingdom calls land.

"... Then, Uncle League, no, you were the Marquis of Gried... that you would have the whole North Dart in your hands?

"I say so."


The Earl roared in arms.

- The only territory to be rewarded was the North Dart (the Central Dart thing), which was said to be an enclave...

I have to say that Count Riegle, once again, the Marquis Gried is in very good momentum right now.

As for this, the Marquis not only launched an unparalleled feat called Dragon Slayer in the first place, but has even succeeded in cutting Dabus territory, so, well, convincing goes.

But if you leave it alone, its forces will grow more and more......

... mainly in the form of cutting the Dart region of the Kingdom of Dabus.

That is nothing more than that the presence of the Marquis without fixing it is a threat to the Kingdom of Dabus.

"And what happened to your marriage to the king's daughter? Has the appointment been announced?

"Ruri. The marriage is scheduled for April 15th. When the daughter of an associate baron named Mimael Fockein marries her as the Second Lady of the Marquis..."

"April 15th..."

While returning the date like a parrot, the Count cannot help but behold.

Because the intelligence agents of military jurisdiction who came into contact so far on their way into the Kingdom of Lomberto (and this intelligence agent packs them in the consulate of the Kingdom in Lomberto, which would normally have a lot of access to Lomberto's information) seemed to not even know about the wedding information.

In the first place, information about the wedding, which was released this New Year's Eve, was sent to the village of Lomberto on the Dart Plains by intelligence agents who would lead to the Royal Belgrid.

- Differences in the quality of intelligence agents, if I say so, I guess you're right... is the boulder “red”?

Military intelligence said it was around the end of last year that they left Lombertia.

While it was New Year's Eve that was officially announced about the marital information (news), “Red” has been grasping the information for more than six months - according to which it has been grasping it for nearly a year.

The Earl of Robotney himself, when he was younger, belonged to the White Phoenix Knights, the best in the kingdom, and military intelligence thought that if it was a wedding that was due so far, the information would be grasping.

but that expectation had been ruthlessly betrayed.

- Besides, are you saying that the "red” intelligence agents had almost accurate information up to the time of entry?

Unexpected and bitter laughter on the edge of his mouth, the Count exhales a small, short sigh.

- The difference from the facts is that the number of territories given has increased and the number of marquises to the Marquis is about...

Since the territory to be given is no longer an enclave, the "Marquis' grievance", the information conveyed from the "red”, will have been partly dissolved, but I did not consider it a major problem for Count Robotney, beyond the fact that the essence is not there and that no increase in the number of troops will be made.

Now, the descent of the princess, which is supposed to deflect the Marquis' dissatisfaction, will be carried out as planned.

"... and said it was the 15th of March before January (one by one) to leave Lombertia"

Dark Elves tried to be amongst the counts who were immersed in thought and went on slowly.

"I see. So when will it be plugged around here?

"It's four weeks to West Dirt for a normal carriage ride. Considering that, it would appear to pass through the eastern raid point around March 29th in two weeks and two days..."


The Count roars again.

If you think in the common sense of the Kingdom of Dabus, there is nothing strange about being in a noble person's marriage and arriving at their destination a week before the scheduled date.

Well, the bride is also the king's daughter.

No wonder the banquet started a week ago in the locality of the bridegroom who marries it.

But an Earl named Robotney is a man who, from a young age, kicked off those who stand above him and ascended to his present position.

When you take any action, you can think in their shoes.

- Not to speak of a bastard, but a daughter in the royal family. Neither Davas nor Lomberto would be so different in that regard, but it would be better to look into this custom as well.

From what I've looked into, the probability of an expected raid date will be somewhat higher, but it's much better than just in case you miss it.

"What path does a line take...?

"I have a lot of research on it. As initially imagined, it is definitive in either the eastern raid or the northwestern raid."

"Why can you say it's definitive?

The Count sees the dark elves with sharp eyes, but the dark elves reciprocate with the wind to the willows.

"Well, I can't say that much"

Dark Elves just have a thin creepy grin.

The stronghold of the Kingdom of Lyle's Romberto is famous for wearing the mask of a healing home, but those who work there are not limited to dark elves.

There are a wide variety of races that usually come and go.

And the current foreigner of the Kingdom of Lyle has long stayed in Lombertia even when he was a young man who was an active warrior, and he will still be in his current position for quite a long time.

In addition, he has been good at organizational skills since the time of active duty.

Even though it is not that difficult, there is also a track record of producing, in a short period of time, a detailed investigation report on the "certain activities" that were being carried out at the shrine at the request of the then Marquis.

It's not a job you can do with one or two investigators.

If Tukelin is concerned about it and orders a serious investigation, even the menus of the past week eaten by the king can be examined for precision.

"... there's no further possibility of an eastern raid, is there?


With Dark Elf confidently asserting himself, the Count erased one possibility, from memory.

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