April 2, 7451

Late at night.

Piazza del Cayelle, Countess Gasolaine.

The square is crowded and lined up.

However, even though there are hundreds of people in one place, it is a slightly unusual sight that they cough (wrinkles) and do not hear each other.

Well then. You. Report it. "

A young man in armor, shouted at Mimile, stepped forward from the front row where he stood.

"(There is no abnormality in the customs office) (No. Sentinel and stalling) (30 personnel) (I have left)"

"Yes, then go back to Sekijo. And call me as soon as there's an abnormality. All right?


The man left the line and headed north to the streets from the village.

"Hmm, haven't you seen any particular problems in about three days since then? But it's only a matter of time."

Miles blurred his right index finger against the thumb.

She herself understands that she has already physically moved beyond the boundaries of being a creature.

She herself did not want to admit, but understood, that from the knowledge gained from the magical crystal sphere that helped her evolve and the knowledgeable allies who offered her magic, including the Count of Robotny, it would have become commonly known as "undead”.

Initially, I was stunned when I realized that there was a feeling of evasion of evolution itself and a feeling of abhorrence of life and vitality, including myself, until then.

Because I realized that fear and hatred would be borne by all living beings.

However, with evolution, we have gained so much power that we could not normally think of, and we have already put our minds together for such thoughts.


"Me too, but people just don't know about this yet...."

He smiled and lowered his hips to the back of a woman with limbs on the ground.

"Nh. Woman is better than man if you sit down. Ah! The First Lady of Allain is worth it! Yeah, everything in the world is not for nothing."

And when the golden eyes shined, I began to give instructions to those who were still aligned.

This is Miles who until a while ago acted as the righteous knight in the Second Knights of the Kingdom.

I have no experience in major battles like war, but I have some command skills.

And the number of people in front of me dropped considerably.

All that remains is unarmed.

Perhaps they were originally serfs from the village of Cayel or brought from the Emperor's village of Halmis.

"Now, is it time to make today's portion? I'm sure there's still a lot left, so please fix it properly."

And the widows, who were commanded by Mimir, scattered all over the village without saying that they were done.

When they return here, shake the [Soul Eater] that she gained as she evolved.

By the way, all the Goblins who absorbed souls yesterday have succeeded in undead, but Miles learns that they will not be satisfied with verbal communication (only very simple and very low level communication by body language, etc.).

April 3, 7451

Halmis Village.

Just a few kilometers south of this village, you will enter the territory of Viscount Gasolaine from the Empire.

There is also a simple gateway in the realm, packed with Knights of the Third Kingdom and the Knights of the Gasoline, which sparkles loosely at the breach.

Coming from the raid site at dawn towards the village of Halmis, Bath and the others saw what they heard last night.

"What the hell...?

"Oh, what happened?

"Is that a sign of magic?

Since last night, I have barely slept and searched for and investigated bodies, burials, relics, etc., so although fatigue colors appear darkly on the face of the Knights and Bath, nobody talks about resting on the apparent anomalies that remained reported.

There were signs of fighting in the village.

And many of the bodies that appeared to have been killed in the battle remained abandoned without being buried on the farmland of the village.

"First, investigate if there are any survivors!

The commander of the Third Knights Corps, who was in charge of the area where he was stationed in the village of Kizak, ordered him to shake his beard.

Although the Survivors Survey was conducted yesterday by two Knights dispatched to the village, it is reasonable because it is not perfect for only two.

The Bath, the Knights, and the Servants of the village of Koramak began searching the village in pairs, as ordered by the platoon captain.

But when the sun rose, no survivors were found.

Too few bodies.

"Ah, there must have been 500 people here..."

"There aren't 500 people abandoned in the fields. Half or so at most...."

"Ah, on the count of two, six, three."

"Then where's the other half?!

"I don't know! That's why I'm investigating...!

"Damn it! Where are Calidor and Reame? They were stationed here!?"

"We didn't find it in the body."

It will be noon in an hour or two.

In addition to a satisfactory rest, everyone, including the Knights, has lost their leisure time because they have not eaten a busy meal.

The platoon captain who saw it set up a sentry just in case and ordered everyone to rest.

Of course, I discovered that the supplies (with untouched food) that I was supposed to send to Sekijo had been thrown away.

--What the hell is going on, motherfucker!

The bath was also eating black bread and dried meat that had been distributed in a way that was not in my mind.

If his companions are safe (the absence of the body is also evidence of safety. It's only natural that you left him some kind of signal that you would have waited for Bath's return or that you could not bury Liz and Jill because you were in a hurry - for example, an order to hurry ahead of the caravan captain.

Of course, it has been confirmed that the wheel tracks of the carriage convoy southward from the raid site continue uninterrupted southward.

There were also signs of a carriage convoy parked in the village square.

However, although no companions were found among the bodies abandoned in the fields, it was confirmed that the bodies of the leading carriage escorted by the Bath, the maid who served Mile, and the knights who fought shoulder-to-shoulder during the raid were mixed.

The carriage did some fighting in this village.

It is unclear whether it was spontaneous or involved, or whether it was a defense against another attack by villagers, but it is certain that the caravan was involved in any of the battles that took place in this village.

This means one thing.

--That raid was terribly good. Though I was defeated for a while, did you escape to be caught up in this village and fight and chased by the surviving villagers...?

Bath thought so and told the platoon captain.

Although the platoon commander also decided that Bath's idea would be reasonable, he did not approve of the transfer from the village as it was necessary to follow the carriage or investigate and report on the situation.

--But it's strange. Regardless of how many fights were fought and how many people left to escape, did Lembert leave any clues for me?... no, it's weird that there's Len, Beno, and Rock, and no one notices it...

I understand that Bennoko kicked him off with a bath because he was mistaken for him.

In a way, the situation was close to despair.

The Greens (Verdegli Brotherhood) alone would have managed to escape through the scene, but now they're looking for you.

Even if we rely on an old known person who has been classified as a nobleman, after all, he is a nobleman of the Kingdom of Lomberto. Although he is a bastard, he does not think that he can give up the King's daughter's escort to protect his enemies from escape.

If you don't make it look like a force majeure like an accident, even if you avoid total annihilation, there will be deaths.

In fact, Lizara and Julietta were seriously injured (and probably dead).

While doing so, Bath fell asleep all the time.

In addition to the fact that the injury to the arm is not fully healed, it will not be possible because I was resting in a satisfactory meal and an unattended private house.

Meanwhile, the village had arrived with a convoy of six army horses who managed to remove the dirt and sand from the raid site.

In addition to the approaching reinforcements for the investigation, the message was organized to inform anyone who needed to report any new information and chase the caravan, as well as the West Dart, the destination, of the anomaly.


A knight wearing a messenger's armband ran through Lombertia's main street.

The riders are members of the Third Knights, who hold positions in the southern part of the Empire.

I have received important news as I switched horses from the Third Knight's camps across the Empire.

"What the hell!

Countess Mireille Iturin, commander of the Third Knights of the Kingdom, heard the report and stood up from her seat without thinking.

However, it would be worse if a platoon of members of the Third Knights, one of her men, escorted the bride's carriage of His Majesty's bastard, was raided and reported missing for the time being.

The Countess is an elf with a shady appearance, but her qualities are bright and fair.

And far from being incompetent, he holds a key position in the army called the Third Knight Commander.

"Collect carriages and horses for all one squadron! You can borrow it from the other Knights. Hurry!

The undersecretary, who was ordered by an incredible sword curtain, immediately jumped out of the office.

"Send a squadron from the King's Landing Guard Battalion to investigate. Whatever! You don't have to wait for my orders to leave. You can start with units that are ready for platooning. On vacation? It is a waste of time to convene. Leave me alone!

The deputy chairman also jumped out of the office for his life.

"Check Your Majesty's plans. I will report to His Majesty!

The Baroness also left the office when she received a reply from the clerk that she was supposed to be at a dinner with Brigadier Berters, who was now reporting on her annual budget.

Were they attacked in the Empire? Oh no, this is...

The Countess immediately troubles her mind about the matter.

If the bastard was attacked outside the Empire, it is possible to share responsibility with the aristocrats who govern the territory, but not inside the Empire.

I hear Marquis Grid didn't like the marriage, but he'll be angry when he hears that someone who will be his wife was attacked by a boulder.

Of course, I already understand the uselessness of deceiving the attack site.

It is very difficult to kill all of the more than 100 daughter-in-law queues in total unless a reasonable number is available, and common sense suggests that there are absolutely no survivors.

As long as there are survivors, they will be protected in nearby villages, where the attackers will certainly not only be talking about the location of the attack.

This is also because information on the emergence of bandits, bandits, and monsters is highly valued.

That way, we won't be able to contain any more information about the raid site.

--Elemental magic was used, not a monster... bandits and bandits attacked that carriage convoy... bandits around there had been cleaned a long time ago...

The carriage was adequately escorted.

And on the carriage of the three horses carrying a gift from the King, there would have been a horse riding dyed with the crest of the eight claws of the Duke of Lomberto.

In addition, the carriage of Mile, the bride's tools she brought, and the carriage of the crew must have borne the crest of her parents, the Baron Faulkain.

Apart from that, it is not very possible to attack a carriage convoy with excessive escorts compared to the number of vehicles and companions. At most, it is not possible for dozens of ruthless bandits and bandits.

The Countess desperately spins her head, but she has no idea but to report it to the King as it is in the first place.

It's different from reporting to other nobles and foreign countries, including the Marquis de Greed.

She is thinking of a variety of cases, including post-processing.

First of all, if the carriage is not heavily damaged and proceeds as it is.

In this case, it is likely that an apology to the Marquis will suffice.

The Marquis personality is unlikely to develop into a major problem.

However, it seems that the Marquis has no doubt about the Kingdom's security system.

--I don't know if it's the best situation or not...

However, this is probably the case given the security situation at the raid site, the security situation of the carriage convoy, and the fact that there is no carriage left at the scene.

The body of the horse appears to have been left at the scene, but it is unclear whether the horse was the horse that pulled the carriage, and it is normal to assume that it would have been the horse used by the raiders, as the carriage has been moved.

In addition, since there are no busy means of communication for missing persons, it can be taken for granted until further reports are received.

Next, if you are heavily damaged and waiting in a city or village.

Even in this case, the situation is slightly worse than in the first case, so it is not completely irrecoverable.

And third.

Whether Miles is alive in both cases.

Even if you are injured, if you can be properly treated with healing magic, you don't have to worry about this because there are no injuries or sequelae.

But if he's dead...

The countess shook her head as if she were waving away her nasty thoughts, and at the same time hurried ahead with a little sigh.

It won't take more than a minute to reach the main circle.

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