April 5, 7451

It is time to change the date at night.

A separate team, led by Count Robotney, crosses Gilzen's cultivated land without making a single sound.

In addition, the dominant wheat has just begun sprouting on Gilzen's cultivated land, and the still thin, soft stems do not make a sound, even if they are violently stepped on.

The five knights who followed the Count were originally knights of the Robotney family, who also served as the Count's own escort, so the white warfare technique consisted of all those who were better at crossbow shooting and magic than before.

Some of them were not, of course, killed in battle before the crystal ball was used.

The natali of the second moon swells up to near the string moon, but since the carthali of the main moon is two days before the new moon, the moon light is not enough.

Not to mention, Gilzen's neighborhood has a garrison of the Knights of Gasolaine, who have been sent out to prepare for massive undead damage, and bonfires have been set on fire throughout the city.

That made it impossible for the Knights to sense their approach without getting too close to the city.

The counts attached themselves to the fence surrounding the city without anyone seeing them blaming them.

The fence is a thick, sturdy pile like a pillar standing a few meters apart, with several boards of horizontal length about 50 cm high.

The fence is thick enough that even crossbow projectiles from close range will be difficult to penetrate.

Height can reach more than three meters in approximate terms, and it will be difficult to exceed without tools.

There is no gap between the vertically overlapping fence plates and the fence plates, and they stick together perfectly. However, there are parts of the fence plates that are slightly lower in height than others, and there is a gap about 5cm in height.

It is also a projectile hole for the bow and also serves as a surveillance window against the outside of the fence.

In addition, the gap is roughly 5 cm apart, and if the outer surface is rinsed with a nail like a jail lattice, the width and depth of the scaffold are not large enough.

It won't even be a scaffold unless it's as small as a small (half-ring) child.

Occasionally, the height of the gap is made differently per plate, taking into account the size difference of the soldiers in the cage?

"(All right, I'll do it from here. Don't make a mistake.

The knight, who was called by the Count, nodded small and went next to him.

He is originally good at magic within the Knights of the Count.

In the Kingdom of Debate, he boasts the gift of the Earl of Sculpture, who has been awarded the title of Golden Cup, or the ability of a court sorcerer in a small country.

"(You are a pioneer.) (as expected)"

And another knight was commanded to keep him to the right side of the count.

He was the man who held Miles down during the raid, and he was particularly good at white warfare.

I had the strength I deserved to be in the vanguard.

"(And then you watch the surroundings) (please)"

The Count commanded the rest of the knights to smile lightly.

Until the other day, I had only the pride and guts to age and whip my dull body, but now I can continue to move completely tirelessly.

The unexpected evidence is that they can move much faster and more quickly than when they were young members of the Knights of the White Phoenix, and with a powerful, infinite body of health.

It may indeed be a fake raw, but I have never been so happy for him, who has experienced a decline in physical strength in the past few years.

Even though it was like a junior soldier's job, I felt no dissatisfaction, no, even happiness as if I had gained the meaning of trying my body to move more than I wanted when I was young.

--But it's not so bad that you've lost your appetite for food, drink, sleep, and more... Rather, it feels so fresh.

He put out his smile and closed his eyes by pressing his right hand, which had become pale because of the loss of blood, onto one of the fences.

Nearly a minute has passed.

Occasionally, a tree standing on a fire quite far from the inside of the fence just sounds small and doesn't breathe even though there are many people around it.

As the Count opened his eyes, the knight standing beside him activated a magic trick.

It is the magic of silence.

A few seconds after the knight's magic worked, the Count's right hand contained a pale magical light.

Immediately, the magical light condensed to be sucked into the palm in an instant and ejected from the sucked palm at once.

And the fence was cut off without a sound.

It is a vacuum blade (vacuum blade) magic that was not even realized by hard work due to its inexplicable magic and wind magic skill levels before becoming undead.

Not long enough to be used in combat like Al, but equally powerful.

"(You're a lot faster.)"

The silent knight moved his mouth, but the words did not shake the air.

The knight who noticed his foolishness smiled bitterly.

The Count, who quickly cut a thick and sturdy fence, immediately moved sideways and placed his hand about two metres away from the cut.

This time, the magical light was lodged in my right hand in a shorter time than before.

And I cut the shelf like the other day.

The cut shelf fell to the ground as a matter of course, but nothing happened.

As the Count moves to vacate the spot, the knight on the right side jumps into the empty gap in the fence.

And pull out the sword on your hips and start running without a sound.

The goal is the nearest burning bonfire and the soldier in charge.

Although there were campfires all over the interior of the fence, the magical light of the Count's vacuum blade (Vacuum Blade) stood out very well.

The soldiers glanced at me trying to confirm the identity of the magical light without knowing what had happened at first, but understood that a fence had been cut off in the second occurrence.

"Wait, hostile attack! Hostile attack!!"

Soldiers who alert the danger loudly and point their spears at the knights running by.

The knight threw his sword into the soldier's belly as he rushed in between, ridding himself of the spear the soldier had protruded with a sharp sword.

"Ah... shit... like this..."

The knight came one step closer to the bloodthirsty soldier who let go of his spear and put his hand on the sword stuck in his stomach, and put his hand on his shoulder and violently pulled out the sword.

As the sword was pulled out, the soldiers lay their knees on the ground as if they were standing on their knees.

Tears fell out of the soldiers' eyes and sparkled as they reflected on the bonfire.

The knight approached the burning bonfire without letting down the fallen soldiers.

As soon as I approached, I turned my left hand, which had no sword, to the bonfire and used water magic.

At that time, reports of "hostile attacks" by soldiers were widely disseminated.

The Knights of Gasolaine, who were stationed in the city of Gilzen, and their deputy, Baron Lanin, a man of the elite (elf) who left the First Knights of the Kingdom ten years ago.

The Knights of the First Cavalry held the position of platoon captain, but had a background scouting by Count Gasolaine when he broke the race to become a squadron captain.

By the way, the commander is the son of Viscount Gasolaine, but basically close to the honorary position, and the deputy commander is in charge of all the practice.

"Fu, Vice Commander! Please wake up!

Awakened by the voice of the knighthood's valet, Warrant Baron Lanin instantly and completely awakened himself with words of aggression.

"There you are. How many opponents?

That's how Warrant Baron Lanning jumps out of bed.

"It is unknown, but it is said that there are several people. And it doesn't look like a zombie."

"What? I heard you were a zombie, but you're not undead?

"Yes, it seems very different. It looks like people themselves, but if it wasn't for the zombies...."

I see.

It is as I was told when I arrived during the day.

Just like Undead, who attacked the village of Cayel north of the city of Gilzen.

"It's so fast that I can only think of you as a living person....."

"Hmm, well then. Hey, you can use leather armor."

Lanin ordered the guards, including the samurai, who was about to drop metal armor (platemails) from the armor hanger.

In just a few minutes, by the hands of our guards, Warrant Baron Lanin will be armed.

All right, let's go.

His riding was pulled out in front of the annex of the lord's building where he was staying, and his equestrian equipment was also worn.

Riding with his feet on the horse, the baron shook the horse's belly without considering the walking attendants.

Above all, we hurried to Command one block away to find out what was going on.

Several knights and samurai were in command.

Dable has a very simple circular sketch of the city, and even objects like tokens.

What's the status quo?

A knight answers the Baron's question.

"Yes. Looks like an intruder from the northwest of the city. So far, six people have been identified, but they all seem to be skilled and have not yet been able to compete with one."


"I don't know. The race is unknown, but at least it looks like a normal person."

"... I see."

Turn your eyes to the simplified diagram spread out on the table as you nod.

We are currently moving First Squadron northwest of the city.

A knight approached by the baron.

I see. Where's 2nd Company?

"We are combining two teams to guide residents to the central square and look around the fence. In case the enemy isn't undead...."

Hmm, that's fine.

If this is not an Undead raid, then the northwestern intruder is likely to be a monster.

Also, even if it was undead, this would be the correct answer, as the number of confirmed enemies at this time is small.

"I will direct the 3rd Company. I'll be there as soon as I hear from you."


The Count left the headquarters and twisted his head while riding on the horse's back.

--If it's not an undead raid, that's fine. But then what is the raider, or the intruder? It is not a city that can be attacked by bandits and bandits.

Anyway, the city of Gilzen has a population of 4,000.

The city also has its own reserves, which usually perform plain tasks such as maintaining law and order in the city, but all of them have received proper combat training.

Five days ago, they headed for the village of Kaiel, where they were attacked by the undead, and no one has ever returned.

Is it a raid by someone who knows about it?

However, it is difficult to imagine that those who know such information do not know the garrison of the Knights of Gasoline.

Although the Baron was a little confused, the intruder decided to remain undead.

And when the Warrant Baron arrived at the garrison of the Third Company.

"Wait, it's an attack. A new group of enemies from the south-east of the city....."

The message came running out of breath as I screamed.

"The enemy is undead! An army of undead crossed the fence....."

According to the telegram, more than 100 undead have crossed the fence at once.

The undead apparently built their own stairs.

The first squadron attracted to a small number and the second squadron scattered all over the city's fence spared no effort.

But even if I'm lost here, I can't help it.

There are many residents in the south-eastern part of the city.

Many residents will die while we wait for the two squadrons that have been scattered to gather again.

Anyway, we've just begun evacuation guidance...

The Warrant Baron set his stomach and ordered the 3rd Company to deploy.

The robot-neighbors, who invaded from the northwest of the city, retreated out of the city at once after clearing a certain number of soldiers and bonfire.

If we can lure some of the garrison to us temporarily, their operation will be a success.

The counts began to run a short distance from the fence towards the other side of the city.

A body that doesn't get tired at times like this is a treasure.

The number of undead troops that invaded from the southwest of the city was about 100 or 200.

"You are the evacuation guide for the residents! Hold your guard!

As he stood on his horse, Warrant Baron Lanin fought hard under the command of the Third Company.

As soon as I saw it, my enemies weren't zombies.

It was obvious that zombies weren't just zombies.

Because it seemed to be moving as quickly as a living human being, or to have self-judgment skills, and even to be able to see how they were communicating with each other.

If that's all, I think it's human, not undead, but even with a spear or sword, it doesn't bleed, and it doesn't slow down.

Nevertheless, if you cut or pierced it in pieces, it would fall like a puppet thread had been cut, and you wouldn't move.

We have to defeat it.

I can't help it, but the Baron sees a lot of damage.

That's right, the opponent will cut his arm, but he will move around vigorously until his torso is thrown down, but this is because if he takes a single blow, his movement will be dull, and he will have to fight the fear of death and the pain of injury.

Even so, taking on unusual enemies wears your mind out.

--Not good as it is...

The Knights of the Viscount brought in by Brigadier General Lanin consisted of three squadrons, bringing the total number to 300 (the Knights of the Kingdom are barely stationed because the territory is close to the southern part of the kingdom, so a considerable budget is allocated to armaments), but by being caught in the first diversion, they have committed the foolishness of gradually putting in combat power.

Most of the undead had never even been trained to move, swinging agricultural tools and bare hands into the dark clouds, but about 20% of the whole was doing pretty good.

Extremely speaking, I wonder if an amateur undead would be able to assemble our attack without turning it into anything and do a pretty good job of limiting the soldier's movements.

"Squad 224, Elder Squad, we're here! Give me your orders!

"Turn to the right flank and defend that bonfire! Don't forget to connect!

Occasionally shouting voices of the arrival of new forces and reinforcements rushing in at a fraction of a time kept the frontiers that had been built.

However, it is certain that as more reinforcements rush in, the damage will diminish visibly, and we are still far from feeling desperate.

And this is a great deal under the precise command of Baron Lanning.

"The First Squadron is leaving a platoon in the Northwest Guard!

Soldiers who knew that a little more persistence would lead to a great deal of battle would act as lions.

Is it because it looks different from ordinary people when it comes to undead?

Or is it because the opponent who does not carry armor or weapons is completely amateur in motion and has so much power that it is not the opponent first if it is one-on-one?

The opponent carrying armor and weapons is certainly a strong enemy, but many of them are still wounded in the first place, and you've learned that you should take the opponent on a two-to-one or three-to-one basis.

It certainly took a lot of damage, but as long as the war continues to evolve, we can win.

The Baroness thought so and put more heat into the conductor.

"(Here or here...)"

The Counts of Robotney arrived in the southwestern part of the city where the battalion attacked.

There were still a few undead by the fence, waiting for their arrival.

As the Counts approached, the undead became like a human pyramid in a staircase.

The counts ran up the pyramids of the undead and danced inside the fence.

"(It's not very pathetic) (Let's see...)"

A knight lined up next to the Count said.

As I said, the Undead army seems to be at a slight disadvantage.

Our main unit was commanded by the Captain of the Knights of the Kingdom, who originally escorted Mile's carriage, but the majority were occupied by serfs other than ex-soldiers and adventurers, which was mainly due to the fact that the command was not working well.

"(Would you like to try an example?)"

Another knight tells the Count.

"(Hmm. It was an opportunity to fold corners. I also practiced magic. I tried a lot.

The Count answers with his eyebrows raised.

"(But this is good) (Opportunity…)"

"(You're absolutely right.) In action."

The Count nodded back.

"(So, I'll tell you.)"

The knight whispers something to the captain in command of the undead unit as he rushes out of the field without a sound.

The captain said something back to the knight, but he nodded after all.

And the captain shouted, "(Both drawlings!) (Together!)"

The voice was large enough to reach only a few meters around the captain's perimeter, but the moment the captain ordered it, the movement of the undead and the others changed steadily.

Armored ex-soldiers and adventurers, Undead, dare to attack as if they were abandoned, and the undead serfs retreat into the gap.

In total, the number of undead retreats had shrunk to about 100, but everyone started pulling together!

When someone shapes a foot, someone climbs it into a large human shape, leaving it almost silent on the legs, torso, arms, neck...

And when he bent over, he stretched out his arm to the outside of the fence, and Undead, who was shaping the human pyramid, began to climb up his arm, and became the head that gathered the parts of the man.

In just a minute, a giant monster was born that managed to reach a height of 10 meters.

"Nah!? That's it!?"

At the sight of it, Warrant Baron Lanning lost his words with his eyes wide open.

"Is that a giant!? I can't believe these guys..."

Well, is it a draugle!?

"Draughl or something....."

"Damn it, damn it!

The soldiers began to panic when they saw too large an opponent.

"Damn it!"


But many still haven't noticed the Titans.


The captain ordered the giant to take a big step.

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