April 10, 7451


The Bath arrived in Farnoman, the capital of Countess Raine.

"If you go south for an hour like this, you'll see the Sekijo. Then the Midwest dart is at the tip of your eyes and nose. If we go down the road, we'll get to Dasmog."

"Hmm? How long will it take? That's right, about seven to eight hours on the horse's feet... but it's already daytime, and it'll be late before we get there. I'd rather stay in the right village on the way."

Following the words of his companion, who said that he might exchange horses, he was told to do so by a member of the Order of the Knights who came to him just in case.

Regarding the horses, although they were often exchanged, it was impossible to arrange exchange on the way to the boulders.

But if it is a little impossible, I will arrive in Dasmog today.

Horses will be quite overwhelmed, but I want to get there if I want to get there by today.

Bath also knew the name of the city of Dasmog.

Naturally, the Knights escorting the carriage convoy only informed Bath, who was only an escort, of the name of the territory they were supposed to cross before or after their departure, as well as the expected date of arrival.

However, I knew from rumors of the wind that a former rival had been appointed guardian of a city where nobility had reigned.

The son of a man named Bath.

I was as jealous as anyone else, and I was a bit careless.

I was looking into what kind of place the city of Dasmog is and what kind of place it is.

Although it was not possible to investigate the location in detail, it is the second or third largest city in the central dart, and we have information on the main industries and the population level of the city.

It is a category of great success that should be said no longer to be a human being who produces adventurers, such as Taisho in such a city.

As far as he knows, there are not many adventurers whose birth so far has come true.

Regardless of the legend, in reality, I wonder how much it is with fingers of both hands.

Especially since some of his acquaintances had great successes that were not comparable to the city's Taisho, it's not that strong an emotion to say that he was jealous.

"Phew... not yet?

"No, look at that. That's...."


Oh, it's like a barley field.

Shortly before sundown, Bath and the Knight arrived at the edge of the cultivated land stretching north of Dasmog.

"What? Were they attacked? Is that her? Are you kidding me?"

Dasmog's Taisho greeted an old acquaintance (Bath) who had visited him since nightfall and shouted out a sober voice today.

The idea that something had happened in the Mile line was half an act because I had noticed it in the last few days, but it was impossible.

Anyway, the bridesmaid's carriage was supposed to have been guarded excessively.

Besides, if you believe Bath and the others, the famous group of adventurers who would have been the best in the country in the fight against monsters also joined the escort.

It should be noted that Taisho himself and the Mimil party are very excited that they will not arrive in Dasmog, and we have no choice but to send that to Debuken, the capital of the area, and Begritz, the destination.

"I'm not lying! * Giggle *, there's a sacrifice for my people..."

Bath answers without wiping his sweat.

"What? A member of the Green Army (Verdegli Brotherhood) is dead? Who is it?"

"It's Liz and Jill... so far, they're the only ones I know..."

While answering that, Bath hasn't identified any bodies other than the two of them, so I haven't given up hope yet.

"That's not all, My Lady. The village that the carriage caravan was supposed to pass through is dying, or it's happening to the undead."

The knight with the bath also sandwiched his mouth, but since the facade looks like the bath is attached as his escort, it is strange to say how the old acquaintance really is that Bath speaks instead of the knight, but there is no one here to blame for it.

"... undead?

Taisho's voice changes.

Taisho came with Bath, staring at Bath instead of the spokesperson, the knight.


Bath gives his home a glimpse of what he sees.

Is it because all the facial expressions, voices, and gazes of Taisho made Bath feel that he had become a nobleman who protected many people rather than someone he knew beforehand?

This Taisho had a name for a nobleman since the time he met Bath, but he seemed obviously different.

"How many?

"The number is unknown. but at least a few hundred."


Taisho frowned at Bath's report.

It's nothing but nightmares, like hundreds of undead.

Without feeling pain, without being afraid to do anything, whether you get your legs slashed or your arms skipped, you do a great deal of damage and stop moving. Undead is the one who can keep attacking us until that point.

That's a few hundred.

It's a massive crowd that won't be able to wake you up even if you put in all the fighting power you have, such as annihilation.

"Yes. In addition to those who were packed in at least two gates on the border of the Viscount Gasolane, it has been confirmed that more than 20 inhabitants of the village of Halmis in the Empire are undead in total. And given the large number of confirmed residents of the village of Halmis, it is possible that all the residents of that village who have not left their bodies in the village are undead… In that case, it is expected that about 250 people will be undead."

"... what kind?

Toshio looked at Bath's words with his eyes wide open, but he put the question on the edge of his mouth.

"Many are draugles...."


Draughl is an undead that exists only in old tales and fairy tales.

According to legend, it is often described as a presence that escorts some object, such as a cemetery or a higher undead.

And what all the stories have in common is that they can be made into giants.

Confronting a giant drauggle is challenging, and most of the time, it is destroyed by heroes and famous magicians, and stories converge.

At least there is no record of an outbreak in the Kingdom of Rombert, but there are not many monsters that have been confirmed to be real by their sudden appearance one day.

"Just one more thing, but the Death Knight has also been confirmed."

"Death Knight!?"

Named after the Knight of the Dead, the undead, alongside Draughl, is quite famous for its frequent appearance in ancient tales and fairy tales.

In addition, the death Knight itself has been confirmed to occur extremely rarely, mainly in old battlefield ruins where there were major encounters.

Depending on the type of attack magic that can be projected and the opponent's White Army combat skills, it is definitely a powerful undead.

Undead status is said to be higher than Draughl, making it difficult to eliminate.

In recent years, the former leader of the Green Group (Berdegli Brotherhood), a group of adventurers led by Bath, has been revived and exterminated as a special death night, but the very few people who know more about it are uncertain about its authenticity.

I just heard from Bath about the former leader of the Green Brigade (Verdegli Brotherhood), who also rose as Death Knight.

"Yes. Apparently he was one of the Third Knights escorting the carriage..."

"That's right...."

Bath's words suggest multiple possibilities, but Taisho swallowed those questions.

It would be strange if she had the knowledge to answer her questions if she hadn't spoken at all.

"Anyway, we need to get in touch with Marquis Grid."

With that said, Taisho thought, "Tomorrow I was going to the West Dart too, but I need to get some information here first."

"Yes, I and this knight have been commanded to do so...."

"Yes... I will allow the exchange of horses."

"Thank you."

"And then, I... let's take one from my hand. Can I roll? She's a former knight, and she can manipulate horses enough, so I don't think she's gonna be able to handle her feet."


Nodding to Bath's answer, Taisho said, "I hope you're staying at home tonight. At the very least, take a slow night's rest and get them out of their fatigue."

Then he turned to his private room when he heard something about the samurai.

- What do you mean the memes were attacked and gone?... Shit, he's the one who doesn't know anything about the raider. Then he's crying under the grave, too.

Of course, Bath also made some assumptions from the situation when he was attacked and the opponent's equipment.

However, we do not have any conclusive evidence, and we do not know the identity of the assailant.

Perhaps the attackers were massive undead.

Bath and Knight used to say, "Draughl and Death Knight didn't look as different from living people."

The legend tells me that they both have flesh like dry skin on bones, but no one knows if it happens as soon as it happens.

- But it looks like a few, Death Knight and Draughl... the Marquis himself should ask for a few more from the Killer (Slaughters).

Taisho took the fine botanical paper out of the drawer of his desk in the private room with a serious face and immersed the pen tip in the ink pot.

For Taisho, Mimil was the only blood-connected brother to have had a good relationship with, and it's only natural that she should be worried about her.

April 11, 7451

Early morning.


Al and Mizti, who had been working in the administrative office, were summoned by the secretary general of Insenga.

"Um, even today, the fact that I haven't heard from you is a boulder...."

I tend to be reluctant to talk to the Clerk.

A lot of people have been coming into Beglitz since yesterday.

There are many nobles and merchants invited by Al, but there are also many people who visit the mountain looking for alcohol and cooking, which is greatly enjoyed by the lord from around Zondir and Weed.

The banquet itself starts on the 15th, but bars and restaurants are already bustling, and open-air venues are starting to open all over the road and square.

The Grid and his wife nodded heavily at the secretary's words.

"I was just about to talk to you about it."

"Associate Baroness Insenga. Why don't we go pick someone up while we investigate? This man has not yet declared his possession in the territory he has given me this time, but I would like his opinion from the legal point of view of the Kingdom."

Mizuchi opened his mouth as he hammered Al's words.

"Are you going to move the Knights?

Insenga quickly understood the two questions.

"Yes, I am in charge of the General Commander of the South. I don't think it would be a problem if it were in the form of an order for appropriate military action, such as a telegram, but I wonder what actually happened."

If you nod to Al's words, the clerk digs up memories.

"... I know there is no problem. As long as you give the order as an army, you can move your slaves."

The clerk said after some thought.

"Well then...."

Let Zulu go.

The clerk takes over the words of Al, who is about to say so.

"But I was wondering if it would be better for you to be greeted not only by the Knights, but also by yourself. Whatever happens to the princess, you can decide everything on the spot. Moreover, in view of the appearance and the widespread rumours, I think it would be better for you to think externally that you were personally apprehensive about the bride and were sent to greet her."

Al and Mizchi looked a little surprised at the words, but said nothing.

"I don't know how many guards they have, but I don't think they need too many to reach the border with the neighboring Midwest dart. I would like about three digits to get dressed if I crossed the border, but if the Dart region has not made a declaration and is already under your control, I don't think I need that many people. Rather, for this time only, the movement and movement will be slow if the cavalry is mixed, so I think it would be better to bring only the best cavalry."

That seems to be the end of the Administrator's advice.

I see. All right. I'll go straight ahead. What about Mizuchi? Should I go with you and make an appeal that you're welcome?

"That's right...."

When Mizuchi tried to nod back at Al's words, the Clerk interrupted.

"No, sir. I don't think that's a good idea. Your wife is now your only spouse. If it is confirmed that an emergency is occurring, it is only two days after the Second Lady's arrival that the trip is delayed, so let's ask the aristocrats why you are leaving here at the same time."

Al and Mizchi nodded.

It is true that now we are simply late in arriving.

If you think about a trip that can reach several hundred kilometers, it is common for Oz to have such a skew.

In the first place, in anticipation of such a situation, the scheduled arrival date of Mile was set as the day before yesterday.

Extremely speaking, it is good to arrive by the 14th, the day before the 15th day of the wedding ceremony.

"But you and the elite knight are coming up to pick up the late bride. Be sure to keep your weapons in place to make up for the rush to respond to any situation."

"Hmm? I was wondering if you'd need armor to see what you took and how dare you run away..."

Al looks disgusted about having to wear armor that makes it difficult to move.

"That armor wouldn't be so cramped, would it? I spent a lot of money at the corner, so don't get into trouble."

Mizuchi was embarrassed.

"Okay, okay. Then I'll put on some armor, and in the meantime, Mizuchi will pick the right one from the Knights."

"Hmm. Then I'll send you to the square in front of the government office."

"Oh, please."

Al left the clerk's office with his neck twisted.

"Nh, this body is really nice after all...."

Miles were in a good mood in a basket that was made into a giant draugle about five meters tall.

That's probably why there aren't as many shakes as you think.

It's already halfway through Count Raine territory, even though it's shying away from the crowd to get too much attention.

Let's just say it's an undead unique speed of travel that allows you to keep moving around day and night without wearing out.

The large increase in the number of draugglers in the city of Gilzen brings together about 20 people, making them giants about five meters tall, about the same height as the average trees growing in the southern part of the kingdom.

The drauggles carry thick logs across the Death Knight made from crystal balls.

When I asked Death Knight, who was familiar with the geography around here, he said that he would be able to arrive in the West Dart in a couple of days, and it was likely that he would be in time for the wedding ceremony.

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