April 12, 7451

- No, no, no, no, no!

The thoughts emanating from the lumbar compartment were stronger than ever before, and I felt the seriousness with desperation like a chopped feather.

Thanks to that, Miles feels like he's been exposed to cold water in a way, restoring his calm.

---... will you please stop?I've told you many times, he's my fiancée.

--Did you calm down a little and listen to me when I told you to stop dragging around?

- I'll give you ten seconds.What are you worried about?

Just ten seconds - but with that much time, we can have over a hundred rounds of ideological conversations.

- Hmm. Then it's the most important thing.

- What?

- What were you going to do out there?I'm not going to doubt if he's your fiancée, but if he's with an undead like this, I'll be sure to check your status.Besides, if there are circumstances such as marriage, is there a ritual of naming at the shrine?I'm sure they'll find out you're not human.

- What's wrong with that?With love...

--Who said there was no love for you?

--Uhh... that's...

--even if there was love.No one can marry an undead.

- Hmm. You fell for it.It's not like you're saying there's nothing wrong with undead people.

--.... so much so. But how were you going to make him undead?Don't tell me you were going to use the abilities I gave you?

Of course I meant to.... is something wrong?

--Not bad. But you, do you understand?

- What are you doing?

--Your abilities turn your life upside down to create a servant.

- Yeah, I know, but what's going on?

---... no, as long as you understand.

This reply had a slightly dazzling feeling, but Miles didn't notice it.

--Oh, you're the type that says couples need love?

Miles' opponent also loses his words to this statement.

Because I doubted the ears of those who just said, "As long as there is love."

---... no, that's not true... you...

- I am. Love is not absolutely necessary, but I think it's much better.

---... I see. But... well.One thing I'd advise you, servants don't usually have love between men and women with their masters.Not to mention between Undead's master and servant.

- I'm sure.

This is how Mimile made a four-digit servant.

From that experience, I have also learned a lot about the feelings my servants have towards my husband.

Loyalty, admiration, admiration, praise, and the feelings that Miles' servants have towards their masters are many things, but not just the feelings of affection and affection that couples, families, and lovers have.

In that regard, Mimile, who had some confidence in his appearance and behavior, felt a little strange (there were not many men who approached her in life apart from the position of bastard son of the king), but at the same time he was convinced that the opponent was a servant in the first place.

--You obviously have a crush on him.Is that okay?

--You 're a servant, good or bad, so just tell them to love me, right?Oh, of course I love you more than ever.

After a second of seemingly eternal silence, it was time for Miles' opponent to exhale.

In short, I was just pulling.

- What's wrong?

- No, I'm just a little surprised by the way young people think these days.

--That kind of sentimental way of saying it is not good... many times.

- I'm sorry. But I like the split cut.

--Hehe, is that so?

- Hmm. There was only one person who thought that way when I existed.No, but this time... (than I initially felt) (unexpectedly a better host) (may have been).)

- What?

- No, it's this way.Don't worry about it.

- I hope so.So, me, Mr. Allen, oh, his name is Allen Grid...

--I know that because I just heard about it.I've just begun to hear your last name.

- Oh, is that so?Well, no. Anyway, I want a lot of kids with Miss Allen!

Whether we're undead or not, if you're on the side of a woman, you'll never be a child again.

- Why!? You don't know that!?

--Because you can't have an undead child until two or three days after you become an undead.The seedbed on the female side and the seed on the male side will die at best.How many seedbeds have been sprinkled with dead seedbeds and no buds have emerged. Whether the seedbed is alive or dead in the dead seedbeds, there is no reason for the buds to emerge.It's been more than two weeks since you became undead.Your seedbed is dead a long time ago.

---... no!? Then why didn't I... hear such a story?!

- I don't remember saying that.Didn't ask.

Wait a minute.So you're not an undead child who was born in a couple of days?

- No, it's undead.As long as it sprouts and takes root, the child can grow as an undead without any problems.

- But seedbed?You have to live, right?

― ― If you become undead, the seedbed and seeds will be alive but dead for two to three days immediately afterwards.In that case, it is possible for the opponent to become a child even in a living person.It means that the child born is not exactly undead, but not living.Do you know anything about half-vampires?More than that....

- What's more important than that!?

--Hmm. Looks like you're still getting in the way of your feelings before you're undead.


--This is the way to think about it.If you want a child, why don't you grab any talented and beautiful child and make it undead?

--Ah, that's right... it won't grow with undead, will it?

- Exactly.So I don't know if it's every year or every month, but why don't we make it an undead every time we grow up properly?

- Nah! It's a good idea to just say it's part of God, like a crystal ball!... so you won't drain my blood or Araine's blood!

- I can't help it.

--incompetent, useless!What a part of God!You're no different than those stones!

--That's too much to say.At least two more places, if my body gathers together, I can bring your fetus back to life and make you a child with the man you want!

- Really?

--Hmm. Well, the two spots are boulders, but if you can gather three more spots, we can be sure.Well, we need a lot of sacrifice.

There's hope that we'll live again tomorrow!

---... were you going to die?

- Shut up. It's just a silk of words.You're pretty much dead already, me.

- Ah, yeah. Let's get back to it.

- Yeah.

--Your status.Don't you think it's gonna be a bad idea if they see you?

- Another one? I mean, I'm going to make Miss Arlene undead right away.

- Well, if that were possible, I wouldn't have been the best, would I?

- Is that impossible?

― ― If the opponent has no resistance, it won't be impossible.But....

--It's not impossible to have this much drawstring.

--Hmm. I still can't gauge the opponent's power.

- What do you mean?

--Certainly, it is quite possible that suppressing that person will come true, as you say.

- Well, that's fine.

--That's shallow.Is that how you use your magic?If you are disadvantaged, you should think that you are ready to hide or escape.... I don't suppose you were just thinking of keeping the number of draugles down?

--Eh, no...

--Of course, that's not a mistake, but since the bottom of his magic is unknown, we should assume that it is possible to break through the siege net and escape where it was surrounded by a large number of draugles.Even if you and I were mixed in the siege.You're not going to make him undead now, are you?

--Why!? You can revive a part of your body just now...

--I did say that, and it's possible.


--That's just my main reason.None of us can handle a boulder.

--That's funny! You don't know where the rest of your body is, do you?

- Mm-hmm.

--Well then, you don't know when you'll find out!? If you don't make Mr. Allen an undead, you'll get older and older...

--I don't know where it is, but we can find it closer.

How close are you?We need to get close...

- About 50 kilometers.If there is a part of me within that range, we know each other, and only one is clear.It's not that easy to get close, so for now... there's nothing I can do for the moment, because it's a place where the brain (or something else) can gather and go.

---50... If you know how far away it is, you'll be able to handle it.Ah, haven't you been moving around before?


That's sad.By the way, how many of your bodies are there?If there are too many, I'll only look for three.

--The brain, the other eye, bones, arms, feet, torso, heart, nine more.

- Um, what's that?Did you buy any more grudges?


- Well, if you don't want to say so.So, what do you do with the status deception?

--As a living being, you should marry him first.Even if you were with Dragul or Death Knight, if you were granted the status of a living person, you could easily be harmed.

- Are you sure?

- Of course. But no matter how hard you try, you can't be a kid.

- I already heard that.

--Stay normal for a while, and move back home with any proper reasoning.And look for my body.You don't have to think about seed life to bring your baby back to life and make him undead... but then we can do it together.

- That's right!

--But I need to be prepared to abandon my servants now.

- Why?

- Think about it.He's a living thing, isn't he?Not to mention the superior aristocracy, some of whom are subordinates or clans.Like the undead hate the living, the living hate the undead.Coexistence would be impossible.In general, if your servant is interested, you can make as much as you want, so why not spare it?Besides, I'm doing my best to deceive you about your status now.

--Nh, I feel a little sad, but I can't help it.Shall I give up?

- That's right. Let's start by deceiving the status.

- All right. Don't I have to do anything?

--No, I need your help.First, swallow me.

Why do I have to drink you?I don't want to.

--Because I need you to capture me in order to deceive my status.

--Eh? The other way...

--Yes, but you'll lose one eye forever.Moreover, the size of the eyes will be different on the left and right, so it becomes out-of-phase...

- Okay, okay.

- Rest assured. I am a foreign object to your body.In three days, my body will discharge it on its own.

--Eh, that's...

- I think so.Three days later, we need to drink the ejected self again.

- Huh? What did you say...?

--You can cut something out of your stomach and embed it there, but it will be strangely conspicuous.If that's all right with me...

--Hmm... I don't like that.... but I won't poop anymore, and it won't get dirty.

- Mm-hmm. That sounds thoughtful, too.Don't worry too much.Besides, I don't care if you get used to it more as an undead.

--I don't want to get used to it, but... I can't help it.

--If you even deceive the status, you can accompany me for a while.

--If that's all we need to talk about...

Mildred took the crystal ball out of the lumbar compartment.

The child looked at a crystal ball with a fist, and Miles distorted his face in disgust.

--As soon as it gets inside you, it's possible to disguise it.Now, swallow it.

Ultra-large (gargantuar) Draughl pulled his hand out of his chest.

When Miles grabbed her by the hand put her foot on the ground, the hand grasped to wrap her open.

Having seen the sight, Al kept his eyes open without hiding his surprise.

But as soon as I regained my sanity, I activated Appraisal 's Special Mastery.

[Condition: Good]

At first glance, there is nothing unusual about Mile's status.

The bloodthirsty skin is pathologically white like a wax, the eyes shine golden, and the white part of the eyes remains congested and black.

Even though they call themselves “eyes," the crystal sphere does not have the ability to see objects - precisely the ability to feel visible light.

And Mimile felt “natural” about his eyes shining gold.

- You're not sick? What do you mean by that?

Notwithstanding the obvious abnormalities, there are no abnormalities in the status.

Al thought it was the only thing complaining about Mimile's anomaly.

--The color of the skin, the color of the eyes... there's just something strange about it... there's a life reaction.I'm sure Miles is alive... but that's...

"Are you, Mildred?

With a squeezy voice, Al asks Mimi.

Though her outfit and face are the same as the one she met and talked to a few months ago, there are many obvious differences.

"Yes, Mr. Allein.It's in Mimile. "

Al turns his palm to Mile, who tries to take a step in that direction.

"Wait! Stop right there!

In any case, it is far from normal, but there is no abnormality in Appraisal .

Al has [appraised] many undead and normal people, but I've never seen anyone like this before.

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