April 12, 7451

--But even with me, the assassination succeeded!? You licked him too much, no matter how much...No, you must have been so confident, but, well, I'll follow you around.

"Well, even if I were Lord Falkane...."

"My lord!

Al suddenly turned to Miles who had interrupted the conversation....

"Please don't call me Faulkane or anything else rude.Please call me Mile or Meem with love and affection. "

--I 'm not that close, I'm not married, and I can call you by your last name.You'll be mistaken for someone else.

I carefully ignored it and immediately turned back to the robots.

"... even if it was attached to an escort?Could you please explain to me why you're saying that?

In response to Al's words, Robotney opened his mouth with a faceless expression.



Shut your mouth if you've reconsidered trying to say something.

Because of the lack of answers, Al's eyes became a little sharp, but at this point, he did not pursue them any further.

"... well, that's good.Now let me ask you the following question.Mr. ROBOTNEY (Zassa), I have heard from you earlier that your brother is now a servant of Lord Fawkane..... "

Robotics and Miles nodded back to Al's words.

"... but it is said that in the first place, His Excellency (Zassa) abducted Fawkaine and came to our country with the orders of His Excellency the Duke of Dantes (Duxel) (Zassa) of the Kingdom of Debat in order to assassinate him slightly.I can only imagine that your orders have been ignored, but I would like to know why. "

"I'm not ignoring it.I'm just postponing it. "

--That sounds like something to me.

"Then why is it being postponed?

"Because I became Mr. Faulkane's servant.It's a very broad thing to say in front of my husband, but in case Falkane goes into hiding, I will bring Falkane's magic stone to Lord Dantes (Zam) and report back to him. "


Although Al had an uncomfortable face, he managed to stop by only twitching his cheeks once.

Then I realize that the robots will not continue any further and ask questions again.

"To a servant?By the way, why did you become an undead as well as a servant of the target, Lord Fawkane?Be sure to answer this question..... "

"Your Excellency (Zassa) is also interested in the undead!? If so...."

Miles broke in again, but Al couldn't ignore it this time.

Keep your eyes round and shut.

"... let me help you!

Miles tries to take a step towards Al with a happy face.

Al rushed back to his palm and said, "Don't move!"and yells.

Mimil had a painful look and stopped his leg.

"If you try to get any closer without my permission... unfortunately, Fawkane.I can't accept you as the real Falkanese, and therefore I can't marry you. "

Al's words turned back to a quiet tone, but his eyes stared sharply at Miles.

"My lord (Zassa)....Why did you whisper so much love to my concubine with such eyes... Mimile is sad. "

--I don't remember whispering a word!

"Even though you said you liked me...."

- Is this guy's head okay?But you're not undead.But why the color of your eyes...?

As for Al, it was a little surprising that the tears flowing from the alien eyes were transparent.

"Fawkane. I'm talking to Robotney (Zassa) now.I'd like you to refrain a little. "


"Lord Robotney (Zassa).I would like an answer. Why did you become Lord Faulkane's servant and undead?

"Because I gave it to you."

"What are you doing?

"It's all about me."

--Damn, I don't know what you're talking about.

"My lord (zassa), is that your own will?

"... no. But now I think this is good.I think I'm here to serve Master Farkane. "

If you're saying it wasn't your own will, then you're forcing it?Did that happen to Miles?I don't know what you're really talking about.

"Fawkane. Mr Robotney (Zassa) said that you did not become a servant of your own free will. Is that true?

"I guess so...."

Al looks away at Mimil's words.

"... unfortunately, the others who are now following me have not been my servants by their own volition."

"So, as a result of Lord Fawkane's orders, you became a servant?

"That's what I said earlier?

Miles responding with a neat, poisonous technique drained Al of his poison.

- No, yeah. I remember saying that...

"Then why did you come to Undead?Is it true that Lord Fawkane made him and his other servants undead against his will?

"... that's... as I mentioned earlier, I don't want to say"

--That was about being attacked!What does that have to do with anything?

"Wait a minute...."

Al organizes his thoughts while keeping an eye on Mimile and Robotney.

― ― Mr Barth also told me that nothing particularly strange had happened before the raid.Does that mean that the raids that the robots carried out were unusual?No, it's not. Mr. Bath's report shows that fireworks (pyrotechnics) and fireball magic were used, and there's something strange about the raid itself... Has anything happened since Mr. Bath was kicked into the valley?

Al himself realized that his gaze was gradually turning to Miles, but he wouldn't try again.

--That's all I can think of.Also, Miles said that those who died the other day when they were attacked are not Death Knight.Mr Barth also said he was confirming that the remains of the two women of the Green Brigade (Berdegli Brotherhood) were still there....And the raid itself was halfway through.And why did you turn the raider upside down... into an undead...?

Behind Al's head, the sights seen in the depths of Balduk's labyrinth are recreated.

The true ancestor of the vampire (Lord) was able to transform Villeheimer from a mere vampire to a Death Knight without sucking blood.

---! If Mile is an undead who resembles Vampire Road… No, not an undead but a similar ability… in this case magic?If you have... when I met you a few months ago...Damn, what do you mean... ah!A raid can succeed... not an assassination, an assassination.Even if I was escorting him, the assassination would have succeeded...

In less than two seconds, Al was able to come up with the idea of linking a series of events that did not yield a clear response.

But I didn't go anywhere near organically combining them.

First of all, if Miles changed his appearance, no abnormalities were found in the appraisal.

Second, the magic of false signs (Detect Rye) did not show any response.

And thirdly, because there was nothing that came to mind about the existence of a special relic.

However, there are still obviously some strange points left.

"Fawkane. Who taught you the magic of disguise?Say yes or no. "

"No, sir."

--Again. There was some kind of undead involved.You mean he taught you?

"You survived the assault on Lord Robotney because you taught the magic of disguise?Let me ask you something else. "

"Yes, My Lord."

--That the powerful undead of the Vampire Road Class rushed to your side after Miss Barth was kicked off?It seems a little impossible, but it is also true that it can only be considered that way.

"It was undead to save your plight and teach you the magic of disguise, right?

"No, sir."

You're telling me you're not lying?

Al stopped thinking in response.

I should have asked Al if it was a bad push.

But I quickly rebuild myself.

"... I see.But even though you were thankful, you did not ask his name?

"Yes, as Your Excellency (Zassa) pointed out, it is an extreme resentment."

Miles answered plainly, but as usual, the magic of false proofing (Detect Rye) has not responded.

Al throws a sharper gaze.

"Those of you who became your servants, including Lord Robotney (Zassa), did you save your plight and teach you the magic of disguise?

"Yes or no."

"What do you mean?

"Not all of them.In terms of numbers, I did most of it. "


I accidentally [appraise] again, but I don't see anything suspicious as a matter of course.

"... it's no exaggeration to say that undead is an indestructible enemy to living beings.Do you understand that?

"Please don't say such a small amount."

"What do you mean...?

"But I can also understand what His Excellency (Zassa) says.Absolutely not... I'm sorry, but if you prefer to dispose of Undead's servants, will you dispose of them?


"If possible, I would like permission for anyone who can use robots.I'd like to keep a few names, but do you mind?

Hundreds of people just watching the big draugles in the back, and the other draugles and Death Knight... disposing of them?I hope so. Dispose of it?How did you do that?

At that moment, I remembered that I was using magic I didn't even know, and my spine became cold.

Even if we take only the streets, the dragoons are scattered over quite a wide area.

It's impossible for Al to dispose of this number and range of undead at once.

"In the meantime, let's just dispose of the draugles first.Everybody out on the street, line up, and kill yourselves immediately. "

"What about it?"

Mimil said terrible things without changing his expression.


From Al's point of view, a large number of people appeared from the back of the forest spreading north of the street.

At the same time, the ultra-large (gargantuar) draugles behind Miles and Robotni begin to fall apart.

Draugles who came out onto the street and solved the merger were rolled up by Al's magic and scattered there, helping the stupid draugglers and quickly lined up behind Miles.

"... that's a lot of stuff."

Al said in a slightly disturbed voice.

I guess it's because I left my mouth half open for too many sights.

"Yes. There were 4296 people in total, but 824 were lost by your magic... Er..."

While Mimile was calculating, it appears that the dragoons finished their alignment.

"... yes, there are 3472 left."

And when Mimil said the rest of the people, did they finish the arrangement at the same time? Everyone fell down on the spot.

It raises a lot of sound and soot.

- Dead?... [Body (Popular (Draugle)]... [Body (Fine (Draugle))]... [Body (Cat (Draugle))]... How often does this guy?

Several of the fallen dragoons were appraised, and Al thought all the dragoons were destroyed, at least as far as he could see.

- That's all I had.Maybe he's still hiding it... and there's Death Knight.

"Is there anything else left?

"Yes, Draugle has disposed of everything."

--This much undead... you can't spare me by disposing of my servant?

"... let's get rid of Death Knight."

In Al's voice, Mimile said, "Are you a robot too?Ask.

After a moment of reflection, Al replied, "He can be excluded."

The robots are dangerous in terms of their abilities, but we need to keep the evidence.

"Rembal, Bennoco, Rembal, Rockwell… Tomac, Garrett, Fizon, Remina.Come out and line up. "

Miles commands the arrangement, saying not a few dozen names.


"Don't move!

Bath and Al's men screamed indiscriminately, but Al switched his sword to his left hand without looking back and shook his wrist to the tip as he stretched his free right hand up.

It's a sign to watch out for nothing.

Did you read that, Bath? "Calm down.Don't do anything, "Al said.

I bet you went out of your way to say it out loud so that Al could hear you turning his back on them.

Dozens of undead appeared behind Al and in the woods, most of whom suffered minor and minor injuries.

Even if they weren't undead, they weren't treated, and some of them were left wounded so badly that they couldn't be saved first.

Behind Mimile, all those who stomped on the fallen dragoons and made the arrangement were Death Knight.

Of course, the face Al knows is also mixed.

"We're all here.Thank you so much. Then let's all die right away. "

With Mimile's voice, Death Knight and the others fell together.

"Father! Beno!

You can see the sight and intuitively feel them destroyed, and the screams of Bath echo.

But the sound of his manipulated horse's feet didn't go on until he managed to restrain himself.

"That's all.... there will be a lot of inconveniences if the robots stay like this, so I don't mind if I tie them up. "

"So you can use magic, right?

"That's right. Then why don't you drop one arm?Robotney, cut off your right arm. "

Robotney tries to pull out his sword slowly to show that he listens to Mimile's life, not to Al's resistance.

--Some of them had their guts sticking out, and it was undead in the first place, and it was unlikely to be a constraint on magic, but... I don't know what to do... ah, I see.

"No, stop it."

"Yes, Robotney, don't cut yourself off."

The robot slowly put the sword back into the sheath again.

"Instead, close his eyes."

"I don't mind, but I think it's going to be difficult to walk straight to the boulder."

"I can't help it..."

"I see. Robotney.Cut out your eyes. "

- I knew it. I was expecting it... but it doesn't feel good watching it.

Al frowned at the sight of Robotney striking out his own eyeballs without sounding bitter.

--We can't leave this body alone, and we need to report it to the King.There aren't many tokens, so what's the matter?Yeah, well, if you knew this was gonna happen, you could have done it after you let him dig his own grave.I didn't think much about it...

"Guys, come on!

Al called, and the sound of the horse's feet approached.

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