October 17, 7451

In the middle of the night.

Dasmorg, the second-largest city in the Central Dart region (Count Dressler Territory).

In one of the lords' chambers in the city, I was facing the master of the chambers.

I stopped by on my way home from the Eastern Dart Region.

Of course, it was also necessary to return the three people, including the roll that I borrowed as an escort, so I decided to stop by on this day from the time I left Dasmogg last week, so there is no problem in itself.

"So, I'd like to know why you introduced him..."

In the reception room of the museum after the guests and family were asleep, Andersen cut in directly in front of him.

You don't like it, do you?

I'll answer with my back on the couch.


Andersen stared me in the face with a subtle expression.

That's right.

As he dropped by Andersen's mansion, he accompanied Viscount Bartolim from Lamb York.

Obviously, the purpose is to introduce the Viscount to Andersen.

Well, on the face of it, there is a reason why Chubu Dart is learning Dasmorg's management methods, which are beginning to improve the management state...

It was more obvious than looking at the fire.

"If you don't like it, turn it down." I just thought it would be better for him to understand each other better because I thought he would be able to balance you with your abilities and aptitudes. "

I won't say anything, but I think the age and appearance are perfect.

Besides, aren't you going to stay single forever as a Viscountess with a territory?

I care about the attitude and way of speaking that seems to give me as much room as possible, but Andersen doesn't say anything while staring at me like that.


At least tell me something.

"... sometimes"


Do you sometimes feel like marrying someone other than Miss Faulkane?

There's nothing so far.

So far?

“You may consider accepting a marriage that has more political significance than she does, but only if you don't.”

While answering, I was grateful.

If it wasn't a misunderstanding, it would mean wanting to mediate.

When it takes on a political significance above Mi Mi Mi, it becomes a formal marriage with a princess at the level of succession to the throne.

At that level, it's worth considering as long as it doesn't exist for any reason that I don't like.

However, there is no merit in promoting such marriages as long as Lombardy is not in a state of emergency.

If the marriage is concluded, the Kingdom of Lombardy will not be able to show me anything in the future.

This is even though the woman's right to inherit the throne was annulled at the same time as the marriage.

The royalty above her throne will always be frightened by my assassins.

Except for her, she's already married to another princess.

If the heir to the throne is gone, the princess who married me will have to regain her inheritance.

This means that you will be able to carry out a lawful usurpation of the Kingdom.

I would like to avoid such a situation as a kingdom.

If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have to be so vigilant, but I'm more "wanting to be independent in the future" than before, and I can't get out of it.

Mimir was a bastard, and he didn't have the right to inherit the throne from the beginning, so he was able to push it.

"... I see."

Today, Andersen made a sad face.

But I don't have that kind of desire for fragments, and I just need you to give up what you can do with me.

Salvation must have a much better brain than Ralpha.

"I'm sorry..."

Perhaps the Kingdom's reputation for me has grown considerably.

You can kill thousands of monsters by killing dragons individually.

It has the ability to easily build strongholds.

I don't know if it's exactly what I was aiming for, but it's a jetty to the Daybus Kingdom on its own.

This guy hasn't plotted to usurp it until now, and he's been honest with the kingdom's life.

Of course, you can also see that you were listening to the opportunity.

Until now, even if he had obeyed the serenity, if such a man had entered into a marriage with a legitimate heir to the throne...

Even if you don't feel like it now, you may ignite unwanted ambitions once you have such conditions in place.

I understand that concern, and since I don't want to take Rombert's kingdom in the first place, I've acted so as not to be misunderstood.

"... why...?"


Andersen muttered in a voice so small that it disappeared.

"Why does your lordship apologize?"

And he smiled and said.

"You've been very considerate of my position."

When Andersen heard my answer, he took a big inhale as he meditated on his eyes, and turned his face slightly upwards.

"... I understand. If you... wish, I will take Viscount Baltrim as my husband."

Andersen opened his eyes and looked at me.

She looked sad, but I couldn't do anything about it, and I wasn't going to.

I see.

I just replied with a gaze of gratitude.


Andersen didn't say anything, but he fell to my gaze.

You had better end the conversation.

At least now.

When I stood gently, I left the reception, taking care not to make as much footsteps as possible.

October 18, 7451

The next morning.

Andersen came out to breakfast with a little makeup on his face.

She greeted me and Viscount Bartolim with a face that looked like nothing had happened and took a seat.

Around here, Ralpha is no match for a grown-up.

Have a smooth conversation and finish breakfast tastefully.

Loyalty to me (affection?) is depleted, but even if it were, a woman named Red Andersen has just enough reason not to be exposed to temporary emotions.

It's possible that I haven't been organized yet, but somewhere in my head I always do ruthless calculations, and I naturally work hard on my subordinates and the city of Dasmorg.

She won't have to say anything.

"Well, I'll leave before noon if I get a little more rest." Viscount Bartolim, learn well. It will definitely help. ”


We have confirmed that there are no women who are concerned about whether or not they are willing to remarry Viscount Bartolim, but we have not made a cut to recommend Andersen.

Well, I think it is conveyed when the Marquis uttered such words and told me to study the management in a city ruled by a single noblewoman at an age that can be matched immediately thereafter.

Even if we do not have an understanding at this time, it is highly likely that Andersen will understand us when we apply the corresponding motion.

... if you think about it calmly, I'm a terrible guy.

Last night, even though Andersen wasn't rough, there was a chance he wouldn't accept him saying he didn't like him.

In that case, Viscount Bartolim would be a good skin.

In addition, I knew that I was not someone who could completely ignore my intentions, whether I was Andersen or Viscount Bartolim.

Even if it is common sense, it is not always possible to kick the editorials brought in by the marquis's superiors with personal feelings.

Both Andersen and Viscount Bartolim knew such common sense well, so they expected it to be okay first.

However, in the end, it was not just a story directly related to emotional problems, but also a complete sense of security.

In the first place, they met at a wedding reception between me and Mizuchi.

Reason is convincing, and even if you try to start a relationship, you can think of anything that doesn't suit your personality.

As for me, I don't want to force them to stick together at least as long as they are able to compromise and can't reconcile their emotions.

If you say so, you've made a worthwhile setup.

"And then Duchess Andersen. Let the Viscount properly teach you how to do it and make you understand it properly....."


"There's no need to be anxious, both of you. If you can't understand anything, just ask until you're convinced, and if you feel that you're not likely to get an understanding of the root part... you're wasting your time with each other. You may withdraw your instruction. I don't have to get my permission anyway... but I want you to report the results."

Although they use a somewhat bypassed rhetoric, the two of them don't have a head that can't be understood by this expression.

October 19, 7451


Corner of the League Count Knights' training ground.

Several knights were washing the bodies of their dogs.


Don't shake your body ~

The puppies, wet all over their bodies, shake their bulls and fly droplets of water around them as they slightly turn their eyes away.

Come on, Corol, don't move.

"Julie, please be quiet."

"Nnh, if you're already shy..."

The knights looked wet and joyful.

All right, Tallow, now you look beautiful!

"Look, my Cooper is smart, isn't he?"

"No, Corol is much smarter." Look at this grown-up. I know you're making it nice and clean.

Several figures approached such knights.

"Hey, you guys still have the afternoon training menu to spare!"

The knights who were washing their dogs in his voice stood up together and stood upright.

Meee! I'm taking a break, Instructor!

The puppies released from the restraint tremble at once.

The droplets fell mercilessly not only on the knights who were washing their dogs, but also on the knights who were called instructors.

"... keep your pet safe"

“Meee! No pets, buddy (buddy)!”

The puppies were already rolling around on the ground, even as they were getting prettier.

"... sorry to disturb you."

Seeing the muddy puppies, the instructor skewed his face and left the place.

The knights dropped it off for a while, and after confirming that they had left so far that they could hardly hear their voices anymore, they said, "I can't help it", but they rushed over to each puppy's name with a little joy.

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