Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?
Episode XII: The Gateway of Life
April 29, 7442.
It was a neat and good wake-up call. I don't even have any alcohol left from last night. I noticed the day was already climbing, and it's probably about 8 to 9 in the morning now. It's only natural to wake up this much as a sleeper. I'm hungry, but training comes first. I have an event in front of the administration today at noon. You should go a little early and have something to eat at the diner by the administration.
Wear a rubber protector and go for a run. The city of Keel should have already begun its activities for several hours, but the number of people crossing paths seemed inferior to the night and less shadowed. What's wrong with being so sparsely populated when it's supposed to be a city with more than 10,000 people? Run down the back street as far as you can with that in mind as usual. When I got outside the city, I turned around again and chose another path to run.
He continued to run as he wiped it off with a hand wipe around his neck that blew out sweat and tried to flow into his eyes. It's about to be an hour. Half way there. This is where the running comes from. Come on, me. I abuse my body while I encourage myself. Until the other day, I went to Dorrit with a horse and skipped a run for almost a week, so I thought my body was gone, but that doesn't seem to happen. Hmm, a 14-year-old body is amazing. I'm super fine every morning. What a thumb angle. You're gonna stick to the navel, aren't you?
I noticed a group of human horses approaching me from before as I was running off the town of Keel trying to do another good job. What is it? I thought so, but there's no way that's there other than the Knights of Webdos. I guess he was also training outside Daitang Town. He avoided it at the edge of the road to stay out of the way and watched the march of a group of formal knights. There are fewer than 20 knights on board, maybe a squire. There seem to be dozens of groups following the knight on foot.
Wow, that's awesome. All armed with spears and swords in armor. I had never seen so many knights and squire marching neatly before in my life, so I watched with excitement. I'm sure he's sparkling his eyes.
Is it Captain Sendoherr who's leading the way?
I can't see my face well because I'm wearing a helmet with a cheek. Hmm, you have another force different from the militia parade or something. Not all armor is urban and gear is uniform with standards, but this is good. Isn't this how the march of horseback riders in the Warring States was also like?
As I watched the brave march approaching, the leading knight raised his left hand just before me. Then a knight who was following right behind him said, "Whole thing, stop!" and multiplied the decree. What? What?
The leading knight called out to me as he raised his helmet cheek.
"Hi, Mr. Alain. Sounds like you handled it quickly. I got a report last night. The boulder is Farn's brother. Well done."
He was still Captain Sendoherr.
"No, I am not making a big deal out of it, rather I know that the decisive decision of Sir Gorful, the commander, and the swift response of the knights and squires in his command, worked well last night. I have provided only a few materials for your judgment."
I answered mysteriously, kneeling as I had learned from my brother.
"Heh, Mr. Alain, you're going to hate humility when it's too much. I've heard the reports, and this one since last night. They're all packed into Knights headquarters for an investigation. A report on the guilty plea was made to Father earlier this morning. It also reports about you. [M] Anyway, I made the report. As soon as I got back to HQ, I was just about to put out a use for the inn where you're staying, just fine. A begled disposition is offered to the people in front of the administration at noon today. Come to the occasion. Like."
Captain Sendoherr finally said that with a laugh at him.
"Yes, as you indicated, I will come before the administration this afternoon"
"Yeah, that's right, what are you doing? Looks like he was running with his armor on..."
Oh, I left my hand wipe on my neck. I panicked and took a hand wipe as I turned too bright red in embarrassment, and I had to say it in my nostalgia.
"Oh, you know, I was running to build my body. I used to run with my brother every day in the village... the... the..."
"Well, can you work out your body when you run?
I wonder why you're eating so much already. Flush it.
"I was wondering if I could work out somewhat because it makes it harder to breathe even after a long battle... it doesn't cost me any money..."
"Ha, ha. It certainly won't cost you any money. Knock, heh. But that's a good idea. Besides, I also liked the fact that even when I left the village I continued the workout I was doing with my brother!
When Captain Sendoherr said so, he lowered his cheek and raised his left hand again, holding the horse's reins. "The whole thing, move on! It took an order and the march began again. I avoided on the edge of the road and watched until the Knights passed by.
It was after 11: 00 when I returned to the Vince Pavilion after my remaining run. He took a light shower in the back well, assembled it on the sword because there was no sword sheath, then put a sheath on the tip and hung it on his shoulder for the administration. I didn't have time, so I bought skewers along the way and tried to go while eating them, but the skewers were closed. That seems to be pretty much all the way to the store. Are you going for a look in a minute?
As I thought, I was already a mess in front of the administration. Is it some kind of festival? I thought so, but I recall that the enforcement of the sentences of sinners in Japan and Europe was a good spectacle. I see. Was it a festival? Is this why there were few people in the back street? Looks like the stall's out too.
Good. I was already hungry and in trouble. When I bought some yakitori, I ate it with guts. Ugh. Simple flavoring with salt, but tasty no matter what you eat on an empty stomach. Oh, if I had soy sauce, I could cook sauce. I'm a yakitori. I'm a saucee. I don't hate salt either, but sauce liked to look for stores I liked because of their characteristics from store to store. No, the vertebrae. I thought you said Yakitori likes sauce.
It reminded me of my last life, but now it's more important to devour the grilled chicken in front of me. Eating the skinned Atsuatsu himself, I was wondering why the oath grilled chicken wouldn't be a different menu for each area if I said so. The skewer menu is pork with roses and fins, but only chickens have a single grilled chicken menu. All I have is a "grilled chicken" stabbing and baking a bump on the skewer that I just cut into bite-sized pieces. I can't forgive you. I like punch.
I walk towards the one in front of me hanging out thinking about something that doesn't matter. The square in front of the administration is about 400m wide, so even if you say it's a mess in people, it's not as giddy as the Yamanote line when you commute. It's about Shinjuku Station at noon, so it's not a problem enough to go anywhere you want without hitting anyone. The crowd is probably about 10,000.
That's how I sat on the ground when I finished eating the grilled chicken and walked into the front row. I guess it means don't get out before this because a simple fence is built with rope. There is a stage about 3 m high in front of me. It's not that big, but it's tall enough if the Marquis of Webdos is going to make a speech. I looked around while I was here, but I never saw Marie or Claw. Well, I don't have a choice.
I left a skewer of roasted chicken that I had finished eating, and I stumbled over it and waited for it, and it seemed like the lower end of the Knights, who were looking around at the ropes that were fenced, were looking around at the faces of the crowd. Am I looking for someone? And soon the lower end stopped by me.
"Um, is it Master Alain Gried? Barkud, you're from."
Huh? I'm the one you've been looking for. When I snort, he tells me to come here. Anything. Captain Sendoherr wants to see you. But you figured out my face a lot, but he clapped because he's wearing a protector, so he's probably a Barkud person. I see.
When I was led to the lower end and into the administration, there was a commander and a marquis in the main hall. They seemed to be talking about something, but when they saw me come guided, they handed me to come over. I left my sword and knife at the lower end that led me this far, and when I got to the side, the Marquis would.
"You and I met at Shani's wedding. I am delighted that Shani has not only a good husband, but also a capable brother-in-law. I hear you're an adventurer now. I wonder if this minute might dominate Balduk in the future. Ha-ha-ha."
I laughed. Balduk is an underground labyrinth in the vicinity of the king's capital Lombertia. Me too. Domination makes the challenge there an immediate goal, anyway. I guess someone told me because I didn't hide anything.
"Father, that's more of a reward, but what do you want me to do? I believe that gold is not a substitute for this one… not only was he named somehow, but he captured a whole bunch of Begles who were the seeds of headaches in recent years."
Oh, what can I do for you if you think something's wrong? Let's do it. I twist and bend nature and my face at the will of the iron to keep my magical face looking.
"Oh, I did. But isn't the gold good? I want you to be able to buy something for me."
Yeah, yeah, I don't care how much money I have. It would be a hell of a black if I could get one of those gold coins. I wouldn't say two of them. I have to spend 10 times on Dorrit to earn one gold coin. Of course, the expenses are self-inflicted.
"Um, I'm a nobleman and I thought I'd give you a horse, but the horse says Farn's already done it,"
He said it was a horse. Six gold coins! If I had one more, I could use a carriage. Can I do business? Maybe I could buy a horse with that if I could just get the same amount of money... It starts to be used for calculation in my head, but of course I don't give it to my expression. The Marquis looked at me like that and opened his mouth.
"Is there any hope? Whatever, don't hesitate to tell me."
"Yes, Mr. Alain. You can say whatever you want at this time. For the most part, I can make it happen to you."
Mm-hmm. Whatever. Of course it would reject 100 gold coins or something, should it be realistic...... Looks like a small carriage that can be towed with one horse would also be useful. Hmm? This is...
"Then Marquis. Let me express my hope sweetly in your words. My hope is...
I'm back in the square again. I'm thirsty, so should I buy a beer in the street? Or is it time to start, and let's just be patient and look around here before we...
Oh, what you see over there is an extra claw with the Maries. What, Claw's guy, totally family friendly? Oh, my God. Mm-hmm. Maybe I've also talked to Claw since then. It's between the parties, and I'm guessing they're not quite close to Binsyl's family because they were originally as regular as they were. Well, it looks like you haven't noticed me yet, so let's go somewhere else. I don't want to talk to them right now.
After a while, the Knights came to the square as well as the lower end of the Knights, who were looking around the ropes. Now when the Horseman stood beside a pile of rope, the lower end men entered the crowd and began to speak out to sort it out. Apparently, I'm instructing the crowd in the front row to sit down. Heh, when you look at it like this, you're also training to crack down on the group at first.
I sat about 30 meters away from my family in Bin Suil and stared at the stage. Is it time for the Marquis to appear? Both open doors of the administration were opened. The voice of the crowd that had been bothering me so far stopped perfectly. All you can hear is the cries of children and babies who are still like toddlers. It won't be possible to control it that far, so it can be said to be quiet enough.
Delayed from the door with Captain Sendoherr, Marquis Webdos, a few more office-like men slowly show up and walk towards the stage. There were several chairs available beside the stage, where everyone sat down.
Then another man appeared through the door: 50 a man of tangled mature dogs. I was driven by the desire to appraise it, but I have stopped appraising it as much as I can in a situation where it develops into combat or where there is no direct harm to me. Because I think it's worse to appraise someone just out of curiosity than to suddenly have a status opening for a first person for no reason. One reason is that those who are appraised don't realize it. If you didn't know the time of the child or the common sense of the world, don't know and stop appraising for no purpose. Unless you have a purpose.
The man started talking out loud when he got on stage. Apparently, the man is the head of Keel's official. Seems like a position where I said I would be an assistant if I were a Japanese municipality, partitioning administrative practice. I'm going to be saying things like handing over sentences under the law. I guess I don't usually shout out, my voice was withering at the end.
The next time the captain came on stage, the sinners were drawn out. They're all yesterday's members. There are a few other guys I don't know, and a few women. A total of 24. Thirteen people were pulled yesterday. There are five other women and six men. Everyone is kneeling in front of the stage. It should be noted that all 13 people who were caught yesterday were held from both sides by whether they were officials or the lower end of the Knights. My leg must be frostbitten.
Marquis Webdos stood up and climbed onto the stage in the form of a change of roles with his aides. Standing to the left of the captain who climbed onto the stage with me, he shouts out loud. That's more voice than the assistant who went into the hall a few steps earlier. If you were a marquis, you would have the opportunity to say something to the crowd like this. I'm about to execute a sinner's sentence or something.
The next captain opened his mouth waiting for the Marquis to finish his speech. First person. He's a man I don't know. Looks like burglary. The captain asked the man to plead guilty. The man consented while nagging. Then the Marquis handed me a sentence of five lashes.
The sentence seems to be executed soon. Drawn out in front of a lined sinner and whipped to the lower end of the Knights. The whip lifts a groan and devours the upper body into the back of a naked stripped man, who in the fifth time seemed faint and laid back.
Thus the execution of the sentence is carried out. Five whips for tiny burglaries. Five rapes, too. Fraud is fined one time. There have been 15 robberies. Murder was a one-legged chop. The man whose leg had been cut off with a big axe was crying. I thought he might die if left on the boulder, but he seemed to have been immediately magically treated for minimal hemostasis. I guess the pain remains because it's just hemostasis. Looks like they took me somewhere because I've been calling forever.
It should be noted that if he denied again on this occasion about the guilty plea, the captain called the witness out loud. And when the witness was made to testify, the Marquis heard what the witness had to say and what the sinner had to say to bring him to justice. Not a single one was flipped, but some sentences were lightened due to extenuating circumstances.
It's a summary trial in the absence of a lawyer. Oh, once the defendant is a lawyer, too. The prosecutor and the judge are also divided. Is that better than Barkud? In Barkud, my father was concurrent in everything but the defendant. You could have done anything you wanted to do at will. I said murder was rape. There was just no crime. There was about burglary.
That's how six men and seven women were brought to justice. Thank you. The four remaining women seem to be members of Begle. The first crime the Knights chief said was from last night. The four women, of course, denied it, but the men all agreed. The captain summoned Claw with the Binsuils. And me, too. Did the Binsuils know that they would be summoned as witnesses, or was it a small, beautiful outfit? It feels like Claw has no heart either. They leaned down without saying anything when they looked at me. You have no choice, do you still suddenly hate adventurers?
We testified as the captain told us. Naturally the women are not included in last night's events, so it's just the men. Guilty charges are coercion and fraud. Two lashes and a fine. When I finished testifying, for now, we were told to wait beside each other, whether we were knights or squires of clerks, so we decided to hold off on the uninterrupted end.
The sentence has not yet been executed and further charges appear to continue. The Knights chief says guilty, but sins have come out in many ways. It includes murder. There were also cases of raids on a merchant of the Chamber of Commerce named Gaelf. All of this is what I made myself confess last night at Bin Suil's. When the captain said that these sins were not sued, but obtained by confession, all the sinners bowed down, and some of them cried out.
Ultimately, the sentence turned out to be a tremendous one: two gold coins and 25 silver coins plus a total of 87 whips, three foot chops and two arm chops. Only the woman had 85 whips. Um, if they did it all, wouldn't it be mastery? Oh, you don't have three legs for a woman. If I were you, I would be begging you to kill me in one breath. If they do this, they're gonna die.
Shin and the quiet square only had about a sinner's sobbing voice and a baby's voice. Both the Binsyl family and Claw are silently staring at the captain of the regiment. When the captain saw the sinners, he turned to the front and proclaimed the execution of the sentence aloud. But it seems that there are too many sentences for death. There's no way I can even pay a fine. They say it's a hanging. The sentence will be served again in an hour, so until then it seems to be exposed.
Well, with a paragraph on it, I turned to Claw with the Binsyles. I tell my frightened father.
"What do you think, have you sorted out your feelings?
Then Claw replied, not your father.
"Al, you... aren't you being too forceful even if you want company? Something that puts you in a weakness..."
"Well, well, I just asked for it. If I refuse, I don't think I have a choice. Mostly you, were you listening properly to yesterday's story? I asked you to reply today. I didn't say a word about forcing you to follow me. He says he doesn't even need money."
Everyone stared at me with a face that looked unexpected.
"Huh? Oh, come on, can I say no?
Claw said as he fell in love.
Marie's parents have stared at me with an unexpected look on their face.
"Yeah, 'cause I told you to join me in thanking me for helping... Ah"
Marie said the same.
I nod to Marie.
"I haven't said a word about no veto. You know you can't have more or less the right to order me. In the first place, if you don't approve of rejection, then why are you telling me to think about it overnight? If you don't want to, that's fine. Marie would think it would be better to settle down and have a quorum. I don't know Claw, but he thinks he's got a lower psychological hurdle than Marie because he used to be an adventurer. More than that, did you give it a proper night's thought?
So I cut the word once and then went on with an intimidating look.
"I don't think so, but I really don't think so, but you've been saying grudges and stupidity about me all night, haven't you? I'm not even thinking about it now... Chip."
Everyone leaned down. Damn. Bad guy, I am. I didn't ask for any money to thank you for your help, I wasn't extravagant, I just asked you to be one of us. The discontent came out with a mouthful but I put up with it.
"You know... well, no. So, did you come to a conclusion? Let me hear it."
He leans down on each other and looks at each other. It's your group. [M]
"What do you think? If you don't shut up, you won't know."
As always, they are all turning red and looking down. I'm shy, you didn't think about that, damn it.
"Enough, wait a minute"
When I said that, I went to the side to call Captain Sendoherr, who was pulling out a stranglehold for hanging. After I talk to the Knights Commander about something, I see him come back with the Knights Commander, and he's circling his eyes at the same time. Shit.
"As you naturally know, this is Sir Sendohel Webdos, the eldest son of the Marquis of Webdos and head of the Knights. Sir Webdos, you don't need to introduce them."
"Yeah, because I called myself in as a witness earlier. I don't need an introduction."
The captain said calmly.
"Well, let me hear the answer. The Knight Commander is the witness. Too many candidates, right?
"Come on, Mr. Alain. You're a bad person, too. Did you talk to him properly?
The Binsuils and Claw seem a little frightened. I don't have a choice.
"Not now, but more choices. Come with me or say no and live your life as it is... one more thing, choose whether you want me to join the Knights of Webdos and work out. If you join the Knights, I'll come back by the time you guys are officially knights to hear your intentions. I'll let you choose to follow me then, retire from the Knights and return to your former life, or continue with the Knights. Naturally, I also get paid while I'm in the Knights. They say it's 43000Z a week while you're a squire."
Saying that in one breath, I stared at them. They're all taken away. Well, you can't do that. The silence lasted about 10 seconds. Captain Sendoherr said he laughed as he couldn't stand the silence.
"They're both 14 years old. A little early if you're 14, but you're old enough for your noble little brother to join the Knights. This Alain, your brother, also joined the Knights of Webdos at the age of 14, and in two years he received the reign of Righteous Knight.
Especially since you guys are going to be from the ground up, it's going to take a little longer, but I don't think you can.
Then, I know you know this, but I'll tell you just in case.
Originally, the conditions for joining the Knights are more permissible than civilians.
And generally join the group at 15 + years of age.
Also, naturally, entrance exams will be imposed. It's not a big deal, but it takes time and money to work out even if you join a group with too little strength.
To cross these conditions, Alain, you are offering all the rewards for this intermittent exposure and the capture of a criminal group.
I don't know what to say, but you two wouldn't have made it into the Knights if it had been you. You can think of this as a special occasion only this time. "
When the captain said so, he took a step back. I guess I'll take care of the rest. When I invite Claw and Marie to call, they shoulder to shoulder and whisper in their ears.
'Look, as I said before, reincarnators have different growth rates than the Aus. You saw me yesterday, right? I will never have this chance again. Decide now if you want to spend the rest of your life frightened of something in the corner of Keel or work out in the Knights. I won't resent you for saying no. It's your life. "
Yes, I said it in Japanese with a quick whisper.
There was light in their eyes.
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