Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?
Lesson 26: Red, Blue, and Gold?
4 Jun 7442
The Zenoms brought in all six knights and squires. When I introduced myself and Bell to the captain-like figure of the knight who showed up and asked him to check his status, he turned Bailett DeLeonora over as a criminal. The charges are abbreviations and attempted rape of nobles. He also added that it was also madness. DeLeonora, tied to a tree beside her with her hands tied and hip-roped, looked at this one resentfully, but took her gaze off like she was frightened when I smiled viciously.
I don't know to what extent the abbreviation or attempted rape of nobles is a crime, but from what I've seen the Marquis Webdos judge, it seems pretty tight. Five lashes for rape, I guess. It may be slightly lighter because it is an attempt, but the problem is that I did it against the nobility. Even when I disposed of Begle B in Keel, I told him like I had paid the firepowder I was forced to descend on, but as much as they told me if I was attacked against a nobleman, that would be the only death sentence. Wouldn't it be a one-shot blow to the neck if it included abbreviations that were not attempted?
Otherwise, I guess it's not about getting your hands and feet cut off or your sins until they kill you. There will be other leftovers for rape, but if you hadn't killed the victim, rape on a boulder alone would make the death penalty too heavy. You'll need to cut it off, though. But really, it's a shame this guy is a reincarnator.
I asked the captain of the knight who was in the process of withdrawing the tent to what extent he would be guilty and what the punishment would be. After all, it is unscrupulous and heavy, and the death penalty will not be spared. Evidence, rather than multiple testimonies including a nobleman named me, doesn't seem to require interrogation or anything. It was expected that the execution would be carried out in a public execution that would probably be about two months from now. I don't have a choice. I whispered to the extent that I could only hear him approaching DeLeonora, connected to a tree a little further away.
'I think you should be quiet and plead guilty if you have the chance. There may be some discretion if you show the pose of reflection. You just have to atone for your sins. "
When I whisper that in DeLeonora's ear, he says it with the same face as he heard about the frigid thing. You're right.
'Become... you can't put me in a mouth truck like that. I'll smash it all over you.'
What do you mean, smash it?
"What? What do you mean, smash it? You think we were Japanese? I'm not hiding anything, so why don't you tell me? I just said it in the same Japanese friendship. I mean, you did it on your own, didn't you? Then you just have to say whatever you were told you were willing to do. '
Is that why? I even got a tent. It is clear that it is a planned offense. I'm even more...
'I just have to be honest with you about what you've been asked, and say something extra, and you're going to have some good hearts, aren't you? Well, if you're convinced, do as you please. I'm not stopping anything, and whatever they say, it doesn't hurt or itch. Unlike you, I'm not a criminal. "
When I said that, I leaned down regrettably. Go on and say.
'Later, your balls, I can fix them. But if you pay for your sins by quietly punishing me,
He stared back at me with anticipation. I didn't lie. You can still cure it now. If the wound healed, I wouldn't be able to do it anymore.
'That's okay. Same Japanese, right? Isn't it a clean body as long as you atone for your sins? You hate sin and you don't hate people, do you?
That's what I said and left DeLeonora's side. This place is under the direct authority of the King. It can be a pain in the ass when people say it's weird to be reincarnated or Japanese. If you're a reincarnator to the royal family, and that's the one with a slight head turn, it's a problem if you can think of any reincarnator hunts I've told Xenom or Ralpha before. It would be more convenient to keep it hidden until you set up your own territory. It doesn't make much sense to hide that you're a reincarnator, but you're the same reincarnator and your position is just a precaution for the guy up there. Oh, should I even dye my hair? Let's put it on my mind's note so I don't forget.
Now, if this were an investigation, this guy wouldn't do anything to talk about his aftermath with Perapella, but he might admit quietly about this one. No, but I can't help it. Yeah, maybe I should have killed him when I thought about it. It was safest to let him swim even if he didn't kill him all of a sudden and get rid of all the men who asked him to leave a message. But hey, I'm not going to tell Bell to kill me, not to mention how much I almost got raped. It would be enough punishment for whipping and ballcrushing. You can cut it off, though.
Well, there's no way it's done. Besides, this guy is a criminal to nobility where Japan said he was. It would also be unlikely that it would be reported to be either a royal or a senior nobleman, such as just what the rapist said. That was like a hang-and-drop insurance policy.
It's about time the tent was withdrawn. What will happen to this evidence? I'd love to have it because it's good stuff. Oh, I don't care if it's used as a tool for sex crimes. Because I hate sin and I don't hate things.
Climb the night lane with all of you, then go down. It would have been tough if the Knights hadn't brought the light magic props. He had brought me four, so I could make sure I had enough light, so I could never lose my foot.
In the city, I'm starving when I break up with DeLeonora, who is being taken with the Knights on the Knights' stuffing and split road to the Inn, and we talked about going out for dinner. With that said, Bell will be accompanying us in the future. We need to introduce Zenom and Zulu properly.
They and Bell introduced themselves to each other. We were supposed to show each other our statuses and get to know each other. Zulu himself, a slave, was present at this seat, and even said that he was terrified of touching the warrant lady of the Associate Baron's house (even though she was the second daughter faster to count from below, such as the right of inheritance of the housekeeper) in person, but told him not to worry about it at my place and let him see his status properly. I ate and drank, and Ralpha mentioned this when it came time to finish eating.
"Zulu, do you have loyalty?
Oh, come on, what do you say all of a sudden? Where's Chimi?
There will be no other answer than that.
"Naturally. You chose me out of a few slaves. And I'm very happy with how you treat me."
You see.
"Hmm. Yes. I don't know. But, you know. That's bad for you, but could you just go home first today? Right, Al?
Why are you swinging at me there? Well, fine.
"Oh, Zulu. We're going to have an ops meeting tomorrow. Also, I have to pack the contract with Bell. I'm sorry I crushed your afternoon off. Rest first."
When I said that, I told Zulu to go to the inn first. Don't worry about what Ralpha says.
"Yes, I understand, sir. Now let me rest first."
"Oh, tomorrow is the same time as this morning."
When he said that and waved, Zulu left the store. Well.
"Belle, that's close to paying people. Don't worry, Xenom already knows about our situation. And then when we're done eating it all, let's move the place. I'll talk to you at my inn."
I tilted the remaining jock when I said so.
"Belle, don't worry. Because Xenom is my father. I've been talking to you for a long time."
When Larfa said so, he stuck to the rest of the skewer.
"Oh, I know most of it. I don't know much about the details. Well, don't be bad, just listen to me, I assure you it's not a loss."
Xenom also says as he scratches the rest of the stir-fried meat vegetables with his left hand and throws them into his mouth.
I heard about us. Belle...
"I'm not feeling any more anxious right now. It's okay."
That's what I said. I was eating some kind of birdy meat. Is that a carnivore? No, I don't.
We moved the location. We'll start exchanging information quickly. We started with information about each other's unique skills (though I went through them with magic mastery as usual) and talked about basic information about this world and so on. One of the major gains was that I could hear the names of other intrinsic skills, especially from Bell. "Appraisal," "Resistance (Poison)," "Scale," "Prediction Avoidance" What I don't know about this is "Scale" and "Prediction Avoidance". Regardless of "Prediction Avoidance," you're interested in "Scale."
Huh? That if predictions were avoided, we wouldn't be hit? You shouldn't say anything stupid. Can we avoid magical inducements or, in some cases, landfills caused by extensive soil and ice, unless it is also instantaneous travel? From the name of it, it would be effective in meatballs and shootouts. Idiot, honestly, you don't have to stand on the other person's mound.
There was also information that her birthplace was the end of the southeast to the extent that the reincarnated had been reincarnated. In my case, they were on the western edge, so if there's one or two more guys who say they're on the edge in another direction, you'll know the general range. I don't have an exact map. It's okay if it's appropriate.
But this is huge because Bell is a living witness to the information that there are also reborn ones within the Kingdom of Davis. Perhaps there are some reincarnated in the kingdom of Cambit, the kingdom of Bakurney, and the Empire of Granan.
It should be noted that I tortured him (even though he seemed like a cute thing who said kicking him or teasing his sword) and figured out what this DeLeonora case was about:
-I happen to have eyes on the bell on the corner.
-I was paying attention because I looked Japanese.
-She clapped that she was Japanese because she seemed to be looking for someone named Semayoske
-Prepared a base in the suburbs (they spent nearly a month looking for a place to prepare)
-I asked the man I hired for money to give me a message.
-The bell who showed up at the mushroom misled me into believing I was Semayoske.
· I climbed the hill and gave her a dose of paralyzed medicated water
-We moved to base in charge of her unconscious with paralysis.
-Bell's hands and feet were tied to piles that had been prepared in advance
· I drugged him for paralysis
- Finally, it's a pleasure step, and I'm going in.
They said it was something. Well, that was pretty much what I expected.
"So, Ralpha, I guess you're securing it, huh?
"Huh? What?
Come on, give me a break.
"Medicine for paralysis and its antidote? It's a paralysis medicine!
I'm sure it's decided.
"Huh? There wasn't any more left, and it's more or less evidence, right?
Oh, oh, oh, I could have appraised if I had stayed a drop... Well, if it's like a slave can get it, can you get it if you don't care about it? They also do things that use demon stones to make various drugs, this world. Some stores deal with that sort of thing in Balduk, I guess.
"Is that true, too? I have no choice."
I remember Hatha here. With that said, the Scavenge Crowler I defeated this morning possessed a special skill in paralysis. If you get paralyzed, I think the appraisal window said that the only way to get rid of it is with magical paralysis drugs or magic. I know no such magic as paralysis or paralysis. I've never used it before, and... Is it okay with the detoxification instructions?
I also feel that I can somehow go with a combination of ground magic, water magic, and no magic, but how much magic should I instill in each...... I couldn't use it when I had to, or it would take me 15 minutes to activate. I can't talk about it. You need to practice this later. Maybe if it's the content of that appraisal window, even during paralysis, I feel like I can use magic. He seems conscious. But that's not the problem.
"What, suddenly shut up.... Are you angry?
Ralpha called out a little worried.
"Oh, no, no. I'm not mad at you. Just a thought. I've never done paralysis or paralysis magically, so I need practice."
"Oh well... I'm sorry. I couldn't think that far..."
"No, that's okay. Never mind. If he can get it, we can get it. If slaves could be bought, they wouldn't be so expensive."
I feel sorry for myself. When I said that brightly to Ralpha, I took over the words.
"So, I'll change the story, but I'm just going to show you a little bit of Bell's arrangement in the morning before I go to the labyrinth tomorrow. And shopping. I'll buy a hair dye for the three of us or a hair dye pill. Balduk is a big city, so you get it."
That's what I said. I saw Bell. I thought they might disagree for a second.
"Of course it's fine to show my arms, but why do I need hair dye?
Bell has been questioning me strangely. Then Ralpha says what I said to Ralpha before. So why are you bragging? Fine. Bell seems convinced, but I guess he's worried Semayoske's going to find this one hard, that face.
"Belle, this is my idea, but I've met five reincarnators before, including you and today's guy. That's a total of six if I let you in, too. Actually, I noticed when I met the first guy, but I'm already convinced. All reincarnated people probably have dark hair and dark eyes if they are Japanese. If the victim of that accident had an outsider, maybe he wasn't, but you saw something like" Recording a Press Program, "right?
Only Japanese names were being 'reported' on that one. I don't remember all of them. There will also be no denying the line of "naturalized" outsiders to Japan, but worrying about such a low probability problem does not begin.
So you can think of all the reincarnates as having dark hair and dark eyes.
This is a matter of possibility. As Ralpha just said, this is a city that can be described as the lap of the king's capital. It is not strange that there are reincarnators in the royal family of Lomberto. Of course, Lombertia seems to be a huge city with a population of about 200,000, so I think it's more likely that no one is reincarnated into the royal family.
But not necessarily without you. So this is like 'insurance'. It's not about the probability that an outsider who was "naturalized" to Japan would fit in with the accident, or that he would have been reincarnated into a royal family. "
When I said that, Bell looked convinced and said.
"You're certainly right about Al. I knew I was a brunette, too, but I also didn't know that the other reincarnators were just as brunette. If Yosuke hadn't met other reincarnators, he wouldn't know."
Yeah, until I saw Claw's face, too. I thought I was the only one with dark hair and dark eyes by chance, anyway.
"Right. I'm with you. Because I was surprised when I met Al and realized he must be Japanese. Besides, dark hair, dark eyes are rare, but they have dark hair, and they have dark eyes. Some have red hair and some have red eyes. Isn't red-haired red-eyed as rare as brunettes with dark eyes? Likewise, I think brown hair and brown eyes are rare, and blue hair and blue eyes are rare. Most importantly, all three of us have dark hair and dark eyes, and this is no longer a good idea."
What the fuck is wrong with you? Little girl. But especially what you say.
"Right. Sure, Ralpha's right, you might not even get too nervous. But if you're looking for a physical trait, first you have dark hair and dark eyes. We should all change the color of our hair."
When I say that, Ralpha and Bell seem to have begun to worry about what color they want. Whatever color you want, already.
It's getting late at night, and we'll be up by 5: 00 tomorrow. It will be time for everyone to sleep. There's something I'd like to think about on my own for a moment. Shall I dissolve it here?
June 5, 7442.
The next morning, I was shown Bell's bow arm and sword arm. Great bow arms without expectations will be a great force in the future. The sword is not as special as it sounds, but it will do enough to protect itself.
She was also to be taught magic, as was Larfa. MP is expensive, and there is no question that if magic seemed to work, it would be a big enough force. Be sure to remember the magic.
Note that the contract, but again, Ralpha was loud enough to make a proper contract. Although the contents are mostly the same as those exchanged with Ralpha and Zenom, "I will consult with Semayoske to make a decision" was added as a release condition. There was nothing I could do about this. At first, they said, "Until I discovered Semayoske." I broke a bone to negotiate this far to avoid being suspicious. Well, I don't have a choice.
My hair dye turned red, Ralpha turned gold, and Bell turned dark blue. Me and Bell made it look a little faint, a little more deceptive even when my hair was stretching. But Ralpha's asshole ignored our advice to turn it brown and turned it blonde.
"I've always wanted to try blonde hair once," she said.
You can pay in front of me even if the colors come down, Skatan. Because of this, they laughed at each other when they saw their faces after dyeing them.
Well, it's about ten o'clock in the morning. Will you still dive into the labyrinth today? If your opponent doesn't seem so powerful today, such as Knoll or Goblin, let's leave the avant-garde to Zenom, Zulu and Ralpha to cover Bell from behind. If there are about 10 or 20 of them in a small place, we'll figure it out.
I don't even know how much bow you can use in the labyrinth. I'm on guard around here. If you're going to struggle too hard, you can cover him with magic or a gunsword every time. Do you then make a detailed appraisal and also study how to enter experience points? To some extent, I can predict with the information I get from my night hunt in Barkud, but there are quite a few parts of me that I'm not sure of right now.
Oh, you should also buy some more paper and writing equipment. You should also think about the future efficiency of going in while creating a map. In some cases I buy maps thoughtfully... No, no, 800K Z is a lot of money. Waste strictly prohibited.
The five of us challenging the labyrinth by casting a meaningless spell, saying "que le le he," just like yesterday. Come on, we need to keep our heads down from here. I quickly look around as I sweep forward with my appraisal vision. Yesterday I transferred to a place like the end of a cave, but today it looks like the middle of a long lasting cave.
Mm, I don't know which is north or south.
I almost told Ralpha to use my unique skills in space grasping, but I stopped it. Even though Ralpha has learned no magic, his level of special skill is still zero. There's only 3 because there's no more MP either. I can't even hope for natural recovery, so it's tough in case something goes wrong.
If they cut MP down like one day's horned bear, they won't even be able to see it. That's when Kelly was rendered powerless in just a few seconds.
I thought this was gambling for the time being, and I tried to write passages on paper appropriately,
"North is that way. And maybe I'm not leaning."
and he still said as he peered into the blank paper. Son of a bitch, when did you use it... It remained the vision of the appraisal (it would be more convenient to write something in a dim cave to increase luminosity in the appraisal), so when I accidentally appraised it, the appraisal MP was 2. I did it because I cared. It's for your own safety, I can't say.
All I could say was, "Oh, oh, sorry," and I started writing maps.
Anyway, I put a diagonal line in the middle of the paper because I don't know where it is (the north Ralpha has instructed was pointing in the diagonal direction, not the stretch of the cave). I finished pulling the line thinking it was urgent to level up Ralpha's magical special skills, and I said, "Well, let's go this way first," because I don't have any ingredients to choose between. It's time to walk out.
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