Otome Game Mob Villain
Chapter 68
They complimented me on a great match, and I smiled, happy to hear that.
I was happy and smiled, but my father still kept his stern expression and said gently
"It was wonderful that you were able to hold on to that swordsman so well. You are indeed my son."
"Thank you."
He put his hand on my head and wriggled my hand.
I was a little embarrassed, but I was very happy.
After that, we took a short break, and I put some of the magic pills that Sandra had given me in my mouth and swallowed them.
They were pills, so they were still good, but they still tasted bad, so I licked some of the candy Chris had given me to ease my mood.
My father, who was watching me, called out to me.
" you said magic was next, but don't overdo it too much, okay? You've already shown me what you can do. Just shoot normally and get it over with."
"Yes, Father. I don't like to show too much of magic, so that's what I intend to do."
I agreed with my father.
Sandra had told me that "the stake that sticks out too far won't be driven in," and I was thinking that it wouldn't do any good to stand out any more.
While I was thinking this, I noticed a dark elf girl coming toward us.
It was Fara and Asuna. I wondered what happened .
As I was thinking that, they approached me and Fara said a little shyly, "Rid-sama.
"Rid-sama, "would you like to have a cup of drink , if you don't mind? I was wondering if you would like to try this drink?"
"What's this?"
I"t's a typical tea in Renalute, but I thought it might suit your taste . ......"
The tea was green and the aroma was familiar.
I found myself muttering
"...... green tea?""
" Master Rid, you also know green tea?"
"What? e. I learned it before I came here. Thank you for the tea."
I replied and drank the green tea.
The slight bitterness and the unique aroma of the tea soothed me.
Then, my face broke into a smile, and I let out a "huh" sound, and everyone around me laughed at me, calling me cute.
After that, while we were all talking a little, Elias called out to us,
Mister Rid, I think it's time to get started, is that alright?"
"Yes, , I understand."
I replied and moved to the center of the place where I had just had my match with Asuna.
The first thing I noticed was that there was a target to hit with magic that wasn't there earlier.
I was wondering if I could hit that target. As I was thinking, an unexpected person came up to me. It was Norris.
He has really learned his lesson with the Palace, Prince Lacis, the match with Asuna, and magic.
I was almost impressed that he had come this far.
However, I have not yet forgiven Prince Lacis for speaking ill of my mother.
If I could return it with magic, that might be a good thing.
Thinking this, I looked at him.
Norris was trembling with anger because I, who had been boiled for a long time, was in front of him.
If only this guy, if only this monster wasn't here, I wouldn't have to confront him directly.
But, as expected, Norris kept his emotions to himself and said, feigning calmness,
I asked His Majesty Elias to allow me to see Rid-sama's magic up close and personal. May I?"
"I understand. Then I should shoot the magic at the target?"
"Yes, that's right. When I give you the signal, you can shoot a fireball at the target."
He seems to be planning something, but he hasn't said anything yet.
Had he given up already?
Norris looked at me with eyes filled with disgust and let out a sigh.
"I don't understand how a child as small ...... can be so powerful. It's pathetic to think that a child like you has disturbed me at every turn. ......"
'What do you mean ......?"
He shakes his head in a disappointed manner.
We're a little ways from the edge of the spectator area, where we are now.
I guess he is saying this because he can't hear us, but I think it's a little too careless of him.
When he saw my doubtful look, he did not answer my question but continued.
"Let me be frank. I would like to ask you to decline the marriage with the Princess Fara. The princess is the trump card for Renalute to make a great advance. A son of a frontier count like you is not good enough. Well, you wouldn't understand."
"...I certainly don't understand what you mean, so I can't decline."
I was beginning to feel angry at what he was saying.
Fara is your trump card?
She is not a tool of your politics,
I replied, suppressing the urge to say it out loud, but he seemed taken aback and explained.
"Hmmm. Let me explain it in a way that even a child like you can understand. Renalute and the Empire have been allied since the Barsto Crisis that occurred a few years ago. However, I cannot go into details, but this is by no means an alliance between equals. The only way to resolve this inequality is to allow the princess to marry into the royal family of the empire."
...... I don't see how marrying the princess to the royal family will make any difference. The nobles of the empire are powerful. With all due respect, it would be difficult for Princess Fara's character to compete with them."
Norris probably knows about the relationship between the empire and Renalute and the secret agreement.
That is why he is trying to restore the country's position as much as possible by marrying the royal family and the princess.
Something like that, I guess.
Norris, who looked grim-faced in response to my reply, spat as if to throw up.
"I am aware of that. All we need is time and experience as the empress of a royal family.
".....With Princess Farrah as Empress at the heart of the empire, are you thinking of ruling from within with the longevity of the Dark Elves?"
".... I don't mind a kid with good instincts like yours, do you?"
He smiled a very nasty smile at my words, his eyes filled with malice.
At that moment, I understood and a chill of hatred ran through my entire body.
This guy, Norris, says he is for his country, but he is upset because his self-esteem was hurt by the fact that his country was made a vassal state.
He is a man of ego and selfish ill will who is trying to get back at us by using Fara.
I asked the question in disbelief.
"Do you really want ...... to send the princess to the inescapable abyss just for the sake of such a purpose?"
"I was not sure if she was a child with good instincts or not. The princess is royalty. She should serve her country. Besides, if all goes well, she will be able to rule at the center of the empire as the empress consort. Even more so if she has a child. Such an opportunity, as a nation, cannot be missed."
This guy doesn't get it.
Everything is finished only in his head.
If the empire were to receive a dark elf as empress, there is no way they would not think about that problem.
If one thinks about it calmly, sending Fara to the empire will not solve anything.
It would only make her suffer a harsher fate by sending her to the abyss of hell.
I was so angry that I threw up my hands in anger and said,
"She is not a tool of your political struggle. ...... , the future is not made by an old man like you, but by a children. You are not the one who can make the future of the country,...... Renalute,"
'That's why I say you are a child. If you're not going to turn it down, we have some ideas of our own, you know?"
He sensed the mood of my anger and knew I had no intention of declining.
No wonder.
Who would listen to such a person?
I had not expected to feel so much dislike and anger toward people in myself.
But he spun words that made me realize' that I could not imagine what he was thinking.
'I also have the dark side of this country behind me. Do you know what this means?"
'Are you suggesting that ...... you would try to assassinate ...... me?'
'That's possible, but you and Mister Reiner are likely to have a difficult time with that. But what about your family?"
What does ...... mean?"
I was absolutely stunned by what he said.
It is not me and my father, but my family.
Satisfied with my appearance, Norris continued, "
. You seem to be getting along well with your sister, your ailing mother, and servants in the house. One word from me can disrupt that peace in an instant, you know? Do you understand?"
"I understand. ......"
I get it.
Norris, you are still my enemy. An unforgivable enemy. I must never forgive you.
At this moment, I made up my mind that I would defeat Norris.
Norris did not notice my attitude toward him.
On the contrary, he smiled with satisfaction.
"After all, he is just a child, and he would be foolish to give in to a threat of this level".
With that in mind, he spoke out in a high voice.
"Then, Master Rid, please fire a magic fireball at the target over there."
"..... got it."
Norris chuckled.
After this is over, he hope Rid can tell His Majesty Elias that the marriage has been declined.
Then the wind would change again,
However, he noticed something a little odd.
After Norris told him to shoot magic , Rid started to act strangely.
He does not hold out his hand toward the target.
He folded his hands in front of his chest.
And he is putting a lot of force into it, as if he is trying to hold something back.
Norris couldn't possibly understand what he was doing.
Because what he is doing is a "compression magic" that is still unknown in this world.
Norris. This one, this one is unforgivable.
I wish all of his malice would just come to me.
I could handle it.
But when I realized that he couldn't do anything about it, he woll turn his malice against Mel, mother, and everyone in the house, and he said it clearly.
To satisfy his own ego and selfish malice.
I put my hands together and put my strength and magic into them so that I can compress the magic more.
It was even more magic than the "fire spear" I had done before.
I then glared at Norris, who was looking at me suspiciously, and I said as if to hurl.
'...... Say it again.'
"Tell me again ...... what you're going to do with my family!"
I shouted and at the same time, I held out my folded hands toward the heavens and released the magic.
The magic power begins to take in the surrounding air, and a storm blows around the area and is sucked in.
Along with the storm, a tremendous roaring sound echoed around the area.
The audience was surprised by the sudden wind storm and roar, but then shuddered at the sight they saw.
A fireball of tremendous size was forming above Rid's head, and it was getting bigger and bigger without knowing where it was going to stop.
It would be a terrible thing if that thing was released.
But it was not a target at the end of Rid's line of sight.
It was Norris.
The moment the venue was filled with a shiver, Reiner, two of his guards, and Elias moved immediately.
Meanwhile, Norris, staring at the furious Lid, slumped down on the spot.
He asked Rid for forgiveness.
"I'm sorry, I was out of line, I'm sorry, please forgive me."
"I won't ...... forgive you, I'll never forgive you ."
I stared at Norris with furious eyes, waiting for the magic to be released from the compression and complete its gigantic size.
Then I heard a voice behind me.
:What is that magic?:
:Rid, don't be rash!:
Father and Elias were coming toward me.
The moment I was caught off guard by them, Norris tried to escape from the scene.
But Norris was taken down by Deanna and Rubens.
The two looked excited and yelled at Norris.
"You, you're the one who did this to Master Rid!"
s, "Yes, what have you done to Master Rid?
I didn't do anything to him , this monster has taken the liberty ...... ."
Hearing Norris's words, I became even angrier.
'You ‼‼!'"
As if in response to my anger, the great fireball overhead began to grow even larger with a storm and roar.
At the exchange between Norris and Rid, Rainer and Elias guessed that something was wrong and stepped in between them.
They then began to frantically try to convince Rid to calm down.
"Rid's is very angry, so there must be a reason for it. First, you must talk to me about this."
"I don't know what Norris said to you, but you must have been very angry with him, and he must have been very disrespectful to you. Norris, what did you say to Mister Rid?"
Father said to me softly and clearly.
Elias said gently at first to me, then angrily to Norris, who was being held nearby.
Norris was not ready to give up, and with a frightened look on his face, he made his excuses.
I don't know , I told that monster to shoot magic at the target, and so it's ...... like that."
'You're a lame-ass , and you're still going to cut the white hat in this situation.
If you don't tell me, I'll tell them. You said that you will kimm my family. So for that o would never forgive you !!!"
The moment I shouted in anger, the magic power inside me was released as if in response to my emotions.
The shockwave of magic power that was suddenly released blew father and Elias away from the spot.
The two of them were holding Norris back, and I shouted at them .
"Both of you, get away !"
Deanna and Rubens both nodded and said to me with a look of determination.
"no matter what the reason, you must never let your anger get the better of you and kill someone."
"Master Rid , please pull yourself together !"
".... !""
At that time, a girl about my age hugged me from behind, Fara.
After Fara, Lacis came to me.
"Master . Rid, it's won't do . You must not punish Norris in this way."
Yes, you must not punish Norris in this way.
Then a new figure came between me and Norris, Asuna. The moment Norris saw her, he said with a look of relief on his face,
"Ah, Asuna-dono, use that sword at your waist to cut that monster."
Asuna had a sword strapped to her waist, just as Norris had said.
But she spat at him with a look of disgust on her face at Norris's words.
"Shut up, you son of a bitch! I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this so that Rid won't kill a little rascal like you!"
As she finished speaking to Norris, Asuna gently said to Rid,
It's no need for Master Rid to take action. I will take his lead"
With that, Asuna turned back to Norris and gripped the sword at his waist without effort.
Then she told the two people holding her back to move away from him.
When they moved away, Norris and Asuna had no one between them.
"What are you going to do⁉"
"I told you I would take his place , place ...... Master Rid and cut you down "
At that moment, she drew her sword with blinding speed toward Norris.
Norris's pitiful voice echoed, but he was unharmed.
But the top of his hair falls down .
Asuna had cut only Norris's hair .
Norris's appearance became comical, like a so-called kappa.
Asuna glared at him with sharp eyes and said,
"Next, both arms, then both legs, and finally, the neck. Now, are you ready for this ?"
Asuna's eyes had completely lost their light.
In this bizarre situation, Renalute soldiers surrounded them with Rid in the center.
(Why is it that no help is coming from other ?⁉ I have angered Rid just as he told me to do.)
But no one comes to his rescue here.
Norris was in his own way very confused.
But time was running out.
He had stroked the dragon's beard and stepped on the tiger's tail, an act he should never have done.
As if as an ultimatum, Asuna gripped her sword again as she spat at him.
'...... you don't seem to need both arms ".
"Wait, wait, I'm sorry , I'm sorry , everything that Mister Rid says is ...... true. ...... true."
Norris became dejected as he said it.
As if they had been waiting for those words, Reiner and Elias appeared behind them.
Norris, I will have plenty to say to you later. ...... I am sorry, Mister Rid. I'm sorry ...... that any of your family members could be in danger ,the family of my daughter's betrothed.
Elias said and bowed his head to Rid and apologized. Seeing Elias, Lacis also stepped in front of Rid , bowed his head, and apologize
"I am sorry. I am not in a position to say this, Mister Rid, but please put your anger "
Rid, the law is there to judge the guilty. I understand how you feel, but ...... it's not just about your personal feelings. You must put your rage behind you."
Father spoke gently to me as if to warn me.
And Fara, who was hugging me from behind, also said softly.
"Rid-sama, my country's vassal has done something very rude. But please, please clam down "
My anger cool down at Fara's and everyone's words, I muttered.
"I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand. ...... Thank you ...... sorry for making so much noise ......."
Then, the huge fireball floating above my head was unleashed directly into the sky.
At that moment, a tremendous roar rang out around the area.
However, as the fireball flew higher into the sky, the sound eventually stopped.
Everyone present was relieved to see that.
In the midst of it all, Rainer said to me in dismay,
"I didn't hear that you have mastered such large-scale magic,......."
There was an error in my father's words, and I pointed it out.
"Father, that's not large-scale magic. It was just a fireball."
The people around were astonished and gasped at his words.
I don't remember much about what happened after that., because after I pointed it out to my father, I ran out of magic power and fainted.
T/n Dam that was long one imo .....
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