[Collapse of Harmony]

Shan-ria is a city with a beautiful landscape. Stone paved roads, wooden buildings and tiled roofs leading to the center of the city. Add the illuminated streets, each one looked beautiful.

This city, which has preserved its own culture for a long time, has many tourists and problems often occur. Therefore, a Self-Defense Forces’ base that does not fit the landscape is set up in the southwestern part of the city.

Now then, we arrived at Shan-ria at 3:00 am. Due to the eyes of the Self-Defense Forces, we couldn’t wander around at this time, so we took a break in the car until morning.

And when came morning, we set out to look for Utsusemi-san… But first, we headed to the clothing store.

It’s because unlike Roll and I who were wearing casual clothes, Tameiki-san was in her usual outfit. So, as we walked around the city, we got a lot of attention.

Roll is so too, but Tameiki-san’s appearance stands out even under normal circumstances.

That’s why we decided to get a change of clothes for Tameiki-san.

Honestly, even if a person whose face is already exposed walks in the open, the possibility that the Self-Defense Forces will come rushing is not that high.

However, this mission requires us to avoid fighting with Self-Defense Forces as much as possible as there is a possibility that we have to move around to find Utsusemi-san, so I want us to be as low profile as possible.

When I said that, Tameiki-san accepted it while giving off the feeling that it can’t be helped.

“Idiot. You don’t have a sense. What suits Tameiki-san is something like this.”

Saying that, Roll shows off a gray baggy hoodie.

She herself is dressed in hot pants and a white double meaning shirt on top. With a large-sized marine cap on her head, she looks lascivious.

I’ve been conscious of her exposed thighs and the shape of her bra that sticks out since a while ago.

“That’s hot, isn’t it?”

“It’s for summer, so that’s not the case. Here, touch it.”

“You’re right. It’s thinner than I expected.”

“Besides, Tameiki-san has been wearing that suit all year long.”

“Come to think of it, that’s right.”

With a glance, I move my gaze to the suited Tameiki-san.

Tameiki-san is waiting for us, standing with her back on the pillar at the entrance of the store. She is probably shy to choose her own clothes.

Although it’s still quite hot now, she is still looking at the passers-by with a cool-looking face.

“She would look great if she wears this shirt underneath it. Can you call Tameiki-san here?”


I send out a sound and calls Tameiki-san.

“Have you decided?”

Saying that, Tameiki-san walks till here.

“Yes, how about this?”

“Let’s go with that.”

Tameiki-san take away the complete set of clothes in Roll’s hands and goes straight to the cash register.

“Wai-, Tameiki-san, are you not going to try it first? We don’t know if the size fits yet.”

When I ask in a hurry, Tamiki-san replies, “We don’t need to”. Looking helpless, Roll doesn’t persuade Tameiki-san.

Even though I thought we could finally have Tameiki-san to dress-up, what a shame.

After finishing the payment, Tameiki-san changes her clothes at the fitting corner and comes out after a while.

I, who is embarrassed to immediately wear the clothes I just bought and go out as is, can’t do it, but I don’t need to point that out.

The clothes that Roll coordinated looks great on Tameiki-san.

A loose, light gray hoodie on top of a white T-shirt that emphasizes the body line. Below are tight black three-quarter length jeans. With a big belt that makes her frightfully cute.

The clothes don’t go well with formal-looking high heels, but that can’t be helped, huh.

“Thank you for your patronage.”

After leaving and walk away from the store with the clerk seeing us off, Roll and I look up and down at Tameiki-san, and then she says as if to admonish us,

“You guys, do you forget the mission? We don’t have time for this.”

“This is also a part of the mission, you know.”

“Tameiki-san, you look really great.”

“Is that so…?”

Tameiki-san who is walking briskly in the front glances at me.

“Shion, you rarely say such things to me, don’t you?”

When Roll says that, there is an explosion sound in the distance. Roll and Tameiki-san turn to that direction at once, and I focus my ears.

“It comes from the base.”

“The base? I wonder if there is an accident.”

The pedestrians on the streets turn into curious onlookers and start heading toward that direction all at once.

And people who have floating ability fly, heading in the direction of the explosion sound.

What’s with this city. Even though the residents of Slaceid will try their best to get away if they hear an explosion sound… Aren’t their curiosity too strong?

I get their feeling though.

“Should we go see the situation?”


Saying that, Tameiki-san carries Roll and me on both sides and fly up with a *tan*.

I smell the scent of new clothes from Tameiki-san.



We, who are further behind the curious onlookers crowding outside the fence of the Self-Defense Forces base, see the man who let out such stupidly loud voice in the sky and react one after another.

“Ahh, that’s the no good Utsusemi…”

“…He’s dumb, isn’t he?”

“Eh? Eh? You two know that man?”

Seeing the reaction of the two, that person is most likely Utsusemi-san.

Wearing a bamboo hat, a hakama and a haori on top of it, Utsusemi-san is still screaming something in the sky.


*Bang* the facility inside the base explodes again, and the rising smoke increases by one.

“Eh, seriously, what is he doing?”

“It’s as you see. He’s calling out the general.”


“I forgot to say that Utsusemi is a battle maniac. Maybe he’s aiming for the ability of Enjoji Yachiyo.”

“Is that so? But why is he wearing the traditional clothing of this city?”

“Perhaps because he likes it. I’m going.”

I hurriedly stop Tameiki-san who tries to fly up after saying so.

“Where are you going? Tameiki-san!”

“Of course, to bring back Utsusemi.”

“No, no, it’s not good to go now, you know!?”

“Haah… This kind of battle is inevitable if you get involved with that Utsusemi. It can’t be helped.”

Tameiki-san says that with a helpless expression.

I try to see Roll’s reaction, but it seems she is not against Tameiki-san going.

“Wait here, you two. If he uses his ability, his personality will turn a little better.”

“We leave him to you, Tameiki-san,” Roll says. Certainly, if it turns into a general and executive class battle, there’s no meaning for us going out.

Then, when the casual-clothed Tameiki-san tries to fly up, this time, an impact sound can be heard from the opposite direction where Utsusemi-san is.

Thinking – what? – I turn toward that direction, and a person who apparently broke through the ceiling of the building is floating lightly in the sky.

Donning the military uniform of the Self-Defense Forces. With the long black hair that is on par with that of Tameiki-san’s spills out of the official hat, and overhead, the rubbles that resulted from her breaking through the ceiling still flitting, continuing to rise up.


Although I know who it is, I ask Roll such a question for confirmation.

“You know, right? Enjoji Yachiyo.”

Enjoji Yachiyo.

The strongest woman in history… One of the seven generals of the Self-Defense Forces, who is sometimes teased as the strongest old hag in history.

“You again, Utsusemiii….”

“Haha, I’ll get it today. That ability.” Reaching for the sword on his waist, Utsusemi-san says.

Cheers are raised from the curious onlookers on the ground, and a betting has begun for some reason.

What’s wrong with this city?

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