[Collapse of Demon]

“Sorry, Tameiki-san. We let Utsusemi-san escape. He’s heading there,” I tell Tameiki-san about the situation, and she replies with a sigh.

Currently, we are chasing the Utsusemi-san who is heading to General Enjoji at a tremendous speed. Roll’s driving is wild.

Utsusemi-san seemed to want to acquire the ability of General Enjoji no matter what.

But did he need to copy my ability?

Sound Control (Dominant). Although I can’t compare it to other abilities, I think my ability is quite hard to use. At least it is not an ability that you can just copy and suddenly use at will.

And I heard that Utsusemi-san’s ability is a deteriorated copy. As General Enjoji could endure Press which has a higher attack power than Sound-Shot, Sound Control should be completely useless on the attack side.

The car goes through the residential area toward the base.

After the car arrived near the base by different route than before, we get of the car.

Looking up at the sky, the battle between Tameiki-san and Utsusemi-san against General Enjoji has already unfolded.

“Utsusemi… you are so obstinate!”

“Enjoji-san herself is the obstinate one; I really wish you just give up.”

“Tsk…! You’re in the way Utsusemi… go away…!”

Due to Utsusemi-san joins the fray, conversations are created in the silent battle; even while they fly over the base at high speed, they are occasionally swearing at each other, and sometimes there are thundering sounds appears here and there.

It seems that Utsusemi-san’s personality was reversed by the use of his ability. It’s different from the domineering personality he showed earlier; the way he moves his body, his speech and conduct, and even the way he speaks out has changed.

I pay attention to Utsusemi-san’s movement. His flowing-like movement is very easy to read.

I quickly realized the reason why my image overlapped with his trajectory is because my understanding of the space of sound.

…I see. That’s the reason he snatches away my ability, huh.

Understanding of the space. No matter how hard you train, human reflexes are limited.

Perhaps sensing-based ability is much faster in sensing than Sound Control (Dominant).

However, at short distances, that difference in speed doesn’t change your reaction speed. In other words, with Sound Control that works well in sensing the various changes in sounds, he almost has no blind spots in grasping the space in close combat.

That person realized that he could do that in an instant even though he didn’t know my ability a while ago.

Honestly, I looked down on him, but he does have the ability to be an executive.

I turn my eyes to Roll next to me and say,

“What should we do…?”

*Boom* At the edge of my vision, Utsusemi-san is knocked down to the ground in an instant and then he climbs up again.

“Wasn’t that terrible, Tameiki?”

That is no longer a two-on-one battle, but a three-way battle.

Roll groans, “We can’t do anything in aerial combat.”

“Or rather, our purpose is already unclear. Tameiki-san have also turned violent and keep fighting.”

Our purpose is not to beat General Enjoji. Does Tameiki-san have fun fighting her?

It is undeniable, since she became like that once in a while.

“On the other hand, if he can bring down General Enjoji and copy her ability, Utsusemi will be satisfied and will return.”

It wouldn’t be a joke it there’s going to be a victim.

“I think it’s faster to half-kill Utsusemi-san and take him back.”

Besides, General Enjoji is a relatively harmless general to Anonymous. As long as we don’t go into her jurisdiction and do stupid things, it won’t turn into a battle.

The area around Shan-ria is outside the area where Anonymous is active, and above all, it is a big deal that she does not kill people.

“To begin with, are we going to join in that battle…?”

When I return my eyes to the sky, there is still a fierce battle there. Their battle gradually heats up and grows in scale.

Dozens of knives that Tameiki-san released and the rubbles that floats with the psychokinesis of Utsusemi-san are freely flying around in the sky, General Enjoji avoids them and releases punches and kicks that chases Utsusemi-san and Tameiki-san respectively.

Utsusemi-san knocks down Tameiki-san’s knives with the sword he had pulled out, and when he sees an opening, he would try to approach General Enjoji, and each time he would be restrained, he could not get closer than a certain distance.

The rubbles launched by Utsusemi-san are dropped by Tameiki-san’s Press; those the rubbles moved back and forth between the ground and the sky, causing the ground to constantly vibrate.

They use that opening and fly around skillfully, repeating fierce offense and defense many times.

“…I don’t feel like to participate in that.”

Putting Roll aside, I have no mobility. Even if they switch from aerial combat to ground combat, I will only be a baggage. And there is no attack power they can expect from me.

…If I knew it would turn out this way, I would have brought Renga.

“It’s difficult to contact Tameiki-san when she’s in such a state.”

“We sure are in a bind… I wish there is a way to restrain Enjoji Yachiyo even for a moment.”


What should we do?

I feel that we can only silently watch the progression of the battle though.

At least I definitely don’t want to enter a battle of that scale. I would definitely die.

I lower my eyes and vaguely look at the curious onlookers gathering about 100 meters ahead.

It should be a good spectacle for them.

“…That’s it,” Suddenly, one idea come to my mind, and I spontaneously hit my hand with a *pon*.

“Did you come up with a good idea?”

“Ahh,” I run to the car parked nearby and take out two brief cases from the trunk. I throw one of them to Roll.

“Roll, change your clothes,” After I said that to Roll, I take off my clothes and hurriedly change into a black tuxedo.

I throw the clothes I changed from on the ground into the car and wear the Anonymous’ mask.

“Quickly,” I hurry Roll staring at me with a little suspicious eyes.

“There’s no way I can change clothes outside, right? Face that way.”

“Ahh… sorry.”

She gets into the car with a slightly sullen face and starts changing clothes.

After waiting for a while, Roll that have changed into a black tuxedo comes out of the car.

“So what are we going to do?”

“Since we’ve dressed like this, we’ll of course do what Anonymous do.”

“What Anonymous do you say… It doesn’t seems going to be peaceful. Specifically?”

“First, take hostages and stop the movement of General Enjoji. After all, even with Superhuman(Braver), she shouldn’t have a leeway to care about us in that situation.

In the meantime, negotiate with Utsusemi-san. If he copy the ability of General Enjoji, he will have to return to the hideout obediently,” After I say that strategy, Roll frowns.

“Is there a problem?”

“…I don’t really like taking hostages.”

“Then you don’t have to push yourself, Roll. They are just curious onlookers; I can do it alone.”

“To begin with, I don’t think that Utsusemi will come back to the hideout obediently if he gets the strengthening system Superhuman ability. If Utsusemi uses his ability again, his personality will reverse and he will return to the messed up Utsusemi from earlier you know?”

“If he doesn’t come back after that, then it’s already out of our responsibility. I wish he will keep the promise, but if he is turns out to be such an untrustworthy person, then he will not be needed in the organization anymore, right?”

“…perhaps that’s right,” Saying so, Roll immediately turns silent.

And after making a gesture of thinking for a while, she opens her mouth again.

“Then I’ll help you.”

“I appreciate it. Then I’ll get close to the onlookers by going along the fence of the base, so Roll go around from the direction of the downtown area. I want to incapacitate about two people and take them hostages. Preferably children. After I get the hostages, disperse the onlookers and the operation starts from there.”

“…Okay. Leave the signal to me.

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