[Collapse of the Earth]

The underground passage leading to the parking lot. A space of about 5 meters in width and height that continues until 200 meters away to where the parking lot is.

Twenty-one people, including myself, who were placed there, are gathered with their respective weapons.

The light in the passage illuminates the eerie masks.

It has been 30 minutes since we were ordered to be in position.

The entrance to the underground parking lot has not been breached yet, rather it seems that it has not been found, and our group is waiting.

The order from Kemuri-san is to guard this place, which is the second defense line, to the last breath. We have to wait until the enemies come.

Of course, the 21 people are not lined up side by side; we are lined up in order from the strongest to the weakest, with the strongest, which is Utsusemi-san, being closest to the parking lot. The order depends on self-assessment.

Roll and I are around the middle. Roll wanted to be in the front, but this suits me.

Anyhow, when the enemies come, the battle would spill out to the large parking lot, so the order is meaningless, I think.

At the border of the underground passage leading to the inside of the hideout, Kemuri-san’s clone is waiting as a commander. And I am the one who will listen to his orders and conveys them with my ability.

At the simple entrance, a fierce battlefront had already been unfolded. What I hear is screams, sounds of crashes, and so on.

If that entrance, which is also the second defense line, is destroyed, the operating range of the hideout would be cut by half, and we would have to withdraw to the final defense line.

Therefore, it would be easier for our forces to have the enemies dispersed here as well.

“Haaah, I have picked the wrong one, huh,” Utsusemi-san murmurs. His voice echoes well in the underground passage.

He seems to be dissatisfied with the fact that the enemy hasn’t come yet. For me, I pray that the enemies would not come.

…I wonder how is the situation on the surface.

“Hey, you guys, can I go over there?” Utsusemi-san’s voice echoes again.

No one answer his words.

Crap, he will take the silence as an affirmative.

When I try to stop him with that in mind, Roll opens her mouth first, “Of course you can’t.”

“Tsk…” His tongue clicking echoes in the passage.

When I peer at the front, Utsusemi-san is squatting on the spot.

After a moment, he rubs his back against the wall of the passage, then lays sprawling on the ground and puts his bamboo hat on his face.

Don’t tell me, that person, he’s not going to sleep, right?

There are many people sighing at Utsusemi-san, who is demonstrating his lack of coordination.

But there are also people who react in a different way.

Like Getsuri-san who is kicking away the bamboo hat on Utsusemi-san’s face.

“Hah? What the hell are you doing, bastard?”

“That’s what I want to ask,” A staredown between Getsuri-san and Utsusemi-san who stood up begins.

A commotion appears in the underground passage.

“Getsuri, stop.”

Just that, in Getsuri-san’s case, he will settle down with just a single word from Roll.

Getsuri-san hasn’t gotten rid of his complicated bad habit in regard to Roll, but I feel he was quiet these days.

“Looks like you are saved, trash,” the staredown continues for a while, but eventually, Getsuri-san leaves Utsusemi-san after saying so.

But Getsuri-san, my image of him is that he is docile to the executives, but is Utsusemi-san an exception?

Well, Utsusemi-san doesn’t feel like an executive. He’s just strong.

If his personality is reversed, he will be more or less bearable though.

…Even so, there are only uncooperative members here. Including me.

From the enemy’s point of view, this must be a hole. What is Kemuri-san thinking?

“Boriiing…” Utsusemi-san lays down on the spot again while looking as if his enjoyment has been spoiled.

Right at that time, there is a crashing sound *bang* at the end of the passage.

It’s from the parking lot. A bursting sound passes through the underground passage. At the same time, there is a whoosh and wind blow through the passage.

“At last!” Utsusemi-san immediately stands up and enter battle stance. We, who are also entering battle stance behind him, look beyond the passage too.

It’s the enemies. It seems that the entrance to the underground parking lot has been found. They blow it up to widen the entrance, huh.

I can hear the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces rushing into the parking lot.

*schwing*. I draw my knife.

“They’re here.”


“Are you nervous?”

“Not really.”

I have the confidence to survive.

“Is that so? Then, Shion, how about a contest on who will kill more?”

“I’ll be disadvantaged here, right?”

“I’ll give you a handicap. How about a twice difference?”

“You sure are confident. Okay. What happen if you lose?”

“Nn~, let’s think about that later.”


“That sounds interesting~. Let me in that contest too,” Utsusemi-san enter the conversation from the front.

“Look forward!” He’s rebuked by Kemuri-san at the back.

It seems that I won’t even have the leeway to talk before long… Or rather, I don’t intend to have a contest against Utsusemi-san, so neither Roll nor I reply to him.

“I’m okay with a triple difference,” Utsusemi-san seems intending to participate in the contest without permission.

The soldiers who came down to the underground parking lot stay there for a while, being wary of moving forward.

The light in the 200 meters long passage is dim, so the visibility isn’t that good. The enemies should be aware that we are ambushing here, but they shouldn’t be able to confirm it by sight. We cannot see the enemy from our position too.

“Lure them into the passage and strike them in order. If you go out to the parking lot now, it will turn into a free-for-all. Let’s get rid of them little by little,” Kemuri-san says. I adjust the sound so that his words reach everyone.

No reply echoes in the passage. Everyone just nods.

At that time, I suddenly hear a whooshing sound.

“Get down!” Utsusemi-san at the lead shouts. While I’m surprised by Utsusemi-san who showed a faster response than me, I drop my body as low as possible.

A dozen people, including myself, are able to respond to Utsusemi-san’s words within 5 seconds.

The heads of the people whose reaction was late are fluttering in the air.

I don’t have time to confirm who died.

I open my eyes to the limit to get more information. I feel the motions are very slow.

I gaze at the end of the passage. We have lost the head start.

“Kemuri-san! The instruction!” Someone who was able to react screams.

Utsusemi-san and I start moving without waiting for the instruction. Roll kicks the ground to match me.

Such a long-distance attack with such a speed in a straight line.

If we don’t close the distance immediately, we will be wiped out in an instant.

“Run to the parking lot!” Kemuri-san’s voice echoes.

I wonder if we would be ganged up when we arrived at the parking lot.

…That’s up to Utsusemi-san who is at the lead, huh. Would he be able to break the enemies’ formation?

Currently, there are about 100 enemies who have entered the underground parking lot, and they have assembled a formation so as to surround the entrance of the passage. The parking lot itself has a space of about 100m on all sides, and there are many obstacles such as pillars and cars; it is a terrain that would make it quite easy for me to fight.

Because they have the strengthening system’s ability, Utsusemi-san and the roll are already far ahead.

However, a gust of wind blows in the passage, and the progress of the two people in front is stopped.

Behind them, I’m also blown away. Hikisaki-san, who is in the back, grab my collar, stopping me.

Whoosh, whoosh. The previous attack strikes again.

“Stick to the wall!” In the strong wind, I scream and stick my body to the wall.

This time, I grabbed Hikisaki-san’s clothes and led him to the wall.

The incoming slash takes the lives of 3 or 4 people.

Dammit, their strategy is to use this strong wind to keep us away, and reducing our number with the slash in the meantime, huh.

In the last few seconds, the 21 of us has decreased by half.

Kemuri-san’s clone is… still alive.

He doesn’t seem to have decided to withdraw yet.

“You bastards!!”


The strong wind that was released for the purpose of pushing us away is sent back and is offset.

Origami (Stream). Hikisaki-san’s ability.

If there is a flow that continues in the same direction, he can turn it back to offset it, or use that power to counter attack.

The headwind became the tailwind.

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