[Collapse of Will]

“…So, such a foolish thing was the purpose of the organization, huh,” Tameiki-san says,

Her tone was as usual. Her breathing is ragged, probably because of her injury, but her expression and voice are very calm.

I frown.

Even though she has been working for the organization for all these times, she is betrayed like this; why can she look calm?

Even I received a huge shock. Her feelings should be more hurt than mine.

“From the beginning, I didn’t think that I’ll get your consent, see,” Boss says with a self-deprecating smile as he looks at Tameiki-san.

Roll slowly steps back to my side who had jumped out.

Sen also takes a distance from Boss, but it seems as though she is in a daze.

“That’s why you didn’t tell us the plan, isn’t it? Because you thought we wouldn’t give up our life for you.”

“There is that, but the plan was originally planned to be carried by us alone. It was for this time that I made members who weren’t very cooperative to the organization like Byakurei, Utsusemi, and Desuko became executives.

If there are only capable people like you around, I would be eaten up after all.

Though it seems that it was only Desuko who had notice it somewhat.

Still, I thought it was fine to tell you about it, Tameiki.”

If everything had been decided from the beginning – the discomfort I had until now is resolved.

Daring to gather nothing but members without mobility, setting up the hideout in this place that is close to Saint Celia, and even not finishing General Tenjoumine at that time… it was all for this plan.

“I see… In that case, it was a big mistake not telling me about it, Hyde… I would have said ‘yes’ if you asked me to give up my life for you.”

After Tameiki-san said so, Boss throws the extra-long sword he has in his hand to the ground with a clang, spreads his arms a little, and says,

“How about now?”

“Of course, ‘no’.”

Tameiki-san glances at me and Roll.

“Right. You resemble Yoiyami, for better or for worse. Even if nothing happens, you are destined to leave the organization.”


Tameiki-san is silent.

As though her injury doesn’t concern her, she just stares at Boss.

“…Did you expect a more noble purpose?” Boss says, while looking at Tameiki-san, me, and Roll alternately.

Feeling expectation… not. Disappointment… not either.

Honestly, I don’t care about what the purpose of Anonymous is.

However, if we were saved only to be killed, we would be too pitiable.

To think the organization called Anonymous only exist for one person, which is Boss.

He created the organization just so that he could gained the support of the people by annihilating it.

“Not at all… I said it was foolish, but when I properly think about it, that’s not the case at all.

If you crush the current Anonymous, you will definitely gain enough influence to move the world. Isn’t that good?

…In any case, the people here, including me, are just dead people after all. I, too… wouldn’t have lived with conviction, if it wasn’t for your ambition.

Indeed, it’s just like someone breaking their own toy, but… this organization is, without a doubt, your toy.”

Just dead people…

That’s right. Without Boss… without this organization, Tameiki-san, Roll, and I wouldn’t have lived until now.

In that sense, Tameiki-san is quite philosophic, isn’t she?

Besides, she was originally in a world where she could die at any time.

However, I don’t agree with her thought.

I have no intention of becoming Boss’ toy.

“Many people also admire you though.”

“I know.”

Tameiki-san takes off her jacket, turns it over, and scatters the knives inside on the roof.

The conversation between the two has stopped. The tense air makes me foresee the beginning of the battle.

I look at the both of them alternately and slowly retreat.

“Do you have any last words? Tameiki.”

“I do… Then, can I say it?”

“Go for it.”

“Even though things have turned like this, I’m grateful to Yoiyami and Hyde, who have raised me.”

Tameiki-san’s expression collapses for the first time there.

She has a face which I can’t tell whether she’s about to cry or she’s smiling.

With such a face, Tameiki-san glances at me and mutters, “Run.”

I look towards Boss. Boss is frowning; it is my first time seeing him has a grim face.

“It seems I imposed a difficult role to Kemuri and the others.”

When I notice, a knife is already held in his hand.

Boss takes a step.

At that moment, his figure vanishes. At the same time, Tameiki-san jumps from the roof and flies to the sky.


I search for Boss’ figure in a hurry, and immediately catch the sound he made.

Boss is on the roof where Tameiki-san was; he slowly stands up from other side and turns his eyes to Tameiki-san in the sky.

“To avoid my attack, have you reached that domain?”

What… happened just now?

Did Tameiki-san avoid Boss’ attack…?

Tameiki-san knows Boss’ ability.

If I remember correctly, she called it Time Thief.

What kind of ability is it? Guessing from the name, is it an ability to steal time…?

If that is the case, Tameiki-san should have no way to deal with it.

In fact, Byakurei-san, Desuko-san, and even Midou Ryuusui… all the strong people that have faced Boss had fallen before his ability.

However, Tameiki-san has certainly avoided the unavoidable attack just now.

“Crisis sensing ability that transcends sixth sense. It is already at the level of foresight.”

“…Hyde. Just so you know, I have no intention to die,” Tameiki-san says to Boss from the sky.

Then she yells, “Go! Shion, Roll!”

Coming to myself at her voice, I take Roll’s hand.

“Roll, let’s go…!”


Having started running, I turn my eyes to Sen.

“You too, come!”

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