[The Two’s Preparedness for Death]

The next day, even though I went to bed early last night, I woke up after noon. And there is no figure of Roll next to me, instead there is Utsusemi-san sitting on a chair in the room.

Noticing that I am awake, he drags the chair and set it near the bed.


“Good morning. Why are you here, Utsusemi-san?”

“Why you ask, it was because Roll made a fuss telling me to hurry with your treatment, so I was healing you since morning, y’know.”

“…I see. Thank you very much for that.”

I turn my shoulders around and squeeze my fist once.

Certainly, my body is light. Can’t say I’m completely healed, but it seems I can move without any inconvenience.

“Roll is… downstairs, huh.”

I can hear Roll’s voice from the first floor. She seems to be in Sen’s room.

Currently, in this apartment reserved by Yoiyami-san, Roll, Yoiyami-san, and I are assigned to the rooms on the second floor; Sen and Utsusemi-san are assigned to the rooms on the first floor.

“Ou, I kicked her out of this room.

I couldn’t concentrate if I was bothered after all. This ability (Accel Heal) is pretty taxing y’know.”


Accel Heal. It’s a pretty delicate ability to use, huh. Chiyaku-san handled it well though, perhaps it’s due to the difference in familiarity.

No, that’s not the problem here… It’s unlike Utsusemi-san to explain the reasons one by one.

After finishing the treatment, he waited for me to wake up. That means he has a business with me. That was why he kicked Roll out.

Just right. I also have something to ask him.

“Speaking of Roll, she ended up completely dependent on you, ain’t she? ‘s that okay?”

Utsusemi-san says such thing in a happy voice, so I instinctively look at his face seriously.

“Why do you know something like that?”

“Because she kept being annoying, repeating Shion Shion for the 10 days you slept.”


As Utsusemi-san said, Roll is not good anymore. She’s too frail.

Being stripped off her armor – namely the organization, she lost her confidence.

“Though, since she has become like that, won’t it be easier to use her? That won’t be a problem, ‘ight?”

It’s not a problem of how easy to use her. The important thing is whether she has the power to survive going forward.

However, this person sure is good at making a guess.

“…Utsusemi-san, could it be, you heard the thing yesterday?”

“You got that right.”

At that time, I could properly hear the sound of Utsusemi-san from his own room.

I wasn’t talking in a tone that could be heard through the wall; don’t tell me this person,

“Was it my ability?”

“Ahh, I’m borrowin’ it.”

That means he copied it while I was asleep, huh.

If there are two people that have Sound Control, it would be easier for me as it would reduce the burden in terms of sensing, but rather than that…

“I think you should copy Yoiyami-san’s ability rather than mine though.”

“Listen ‘ere~. I wanna try it too, y’know? But that’s impossible. That’s not an ability that I could just copy and use suddenly. Well~, I wanna use it though~.”

Oh, I see. If he copied my ability, Utsusemi-san’s personality should be reversed and become the other Utsusemi-san.

Since that’s not the case, that means he copied it twice and returned to this Utsusemi-san.

“Besides, Yoiyami’s territory – ‘darkness’ was followin’ me around, y’see. It interferes with me.”

“I see.”

While nodding in response, I get off the bed and stand up.

I then walk to the kitchen, draw a cup of water and drink it.

After taking a breather, I look at Utsusemi-san again while holding the cup in my hand in the kitchen.

“Change of topic, but actually, I have something to ask Utsusemi-san.”

“What a coincidence. Me too.”

“Thought so.”

He happily turns his chair around and face my way.

As I thought, he has a business with me.

“After you,” I turn my palm toward Utsusemi-san and urge him.

“No, you first.”

“I understand. Well then, I will have you listen to me first.

Utsusemi-san, honestly, why do you keep accompanying us?”

This is what I wanted to ask.

The reason why Utsusemi-san – who was one of the wanderers back in Anonymous – is acting with us.

Roll, Sen, and I act together in order to increase our chance of survival.

However, no matter how much of a deal being wanted is, what is the reason the daredevil who challenged General Enjoji alone – as though he didn’t care about his life – to change his stance at this late hour.

Besides, Utsusemi-san – who had been rampaging freely since he was in Anonymous – was already wanted with a photo of his face attached in the first place.

In terms of situation, it just became a little tougher; for him, things should be the same as before.

Therefore, I feel out of place at the fact that he secretly lives here.

“Okay, okay. If that’s what you’re askin’ bout, then it’ll become clear once you hear ‘the thing I want you to hear’. Though rather than the thing I want you to hear, a proposal is more correct, I guess.”


“Ahh. Shion, won’t you team up with me?”

I put the cup on the sink with a *clink* and fold my arms, thinking.

What the hell is this person thinking?

What does he mean by teaming up? It makes me thought of various possibilities, but did he mean betraying Yoiyami-san and the others?

“That sounds kind of ambiguous for some reason, but let’s set it aside for now… Is that the reason why you’re acting with us? It doesn’t make things clear at all though.”

“Reason… reason, is it. Right. If I have to say, then it’s you, Shion.”

I have a reaaaally high opinion of you.”

“That so?”

I reply curtly, but honestly, the one I think I can trust the most right now is Utsusemi-san

He has saved my life several times after all, and I know that each of us only think about ourselves, so it’s easy to decide.

“I’m here because it’s fun to be with you. From here on out, too, being with you is definitely going to be fun.

Haha, in short, I have no malice, y’know? Betraying Yoiyami and the others or the likes, I have no such thoughts either.

…Just that, can you survive without me?”


“That’s all.”

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