Mikunizaki Miyabi.

His exposure to the media is low, his name and glory are inferior to other generals. He refused to be assigned to Saint Celia and chose to supervise a frontier, but quite extensive region.

His ability is Teleport.

…I see, no wonder they’re fast.

I observe the situation while processing information about the man before me.

An old man with a shaven head and have deep wrinkles that stand out around his eyes.

In white military uniform, he probably is about as tall as I am. Looking from above his clothes, his body build is not so good.

However, should I say as expected of a general? He gives off a great feeling of intimidation.

The ones who are hiding their figures and surrounding us must be the teleportation unit of Mikunizaki.

A unit consisting of only transportation ability users. They’re extremely annoying. Suppose we run away, these guys will chase us even to the ends of the earth.

I shift my gaze to Yoiyami-san standing diagonally across the car for a moment. He is very calm.

If I were to believe what Mikunizaki muttered earlier, he didn’t expect Yoiyami-san to be here. In that case, Boss probably didn’t expect it either.

In other words, the surprise attack, that is Yoiyami-san, works. It is the only advantage I have right now.

In the sky, clouds just covered the sun.

In this case, Yoiyami-san should be able to move to some extent as well.

However, the simple ability that is teleportation.

It is frighteningly strong. Even though it is only an ability to move in an instant.

No, that is precisely why, huh.

Convenience, diversity, viability, it boasts high status in everything. Because of its simplicity.

It is even said that your future will be secured as long as you manifest a teleportation ability. At the same time, however, there are many who are made to run errands.

Anyway, the means to defeat such an opponent has been decided.

That is, by making the first move.


While I’m in the middle of activating my ability, Yoiyami-san extending one of his hands horizontally is reflected at the edge of my vision.

A signal to stop.

In respond to that gesture, Mikunizaki moves backwards. As a result, he goes out of the range of Distortion Sound.

“Why!” I stop the activation of Distortion Sound and raise my voice unintentionally.

If it’s Distortion Sound, no matter who the opponent is would not matter. Even Mikunizaki before us will be killed, however.

“No need.”

When Yoiyami-san defenselessly walks and eventually stands before me, I notice Mikunizaki’s palpitation.

The heartbeat of Mikunizaki who is keeping calm suddenly pulsates violently.

When I look at his face, his face has become horribly pale. Just, why?

There is no time to ask, as Yoiyami-san has walked further forward.

“Listen. It is I who let you go.”

Yoiyami lightly lifts one of his hands and points his finger at Mikunizaki.

Mikunizaki swallows his saliva with a gulp.

Dozens of seconds later, he slowly nods.

What did Yoiyami-san do to Mikunizaki…?

“Withdraw!” Raising up his hand, Mikunizaki screams.

Then the presences surrounding us disappears in an instant, and Mikunizaki – who have lowered his hand – disappears.

“……What exactly happened?” After confirming that there are no enemies around, I ask Yoiyami-san a question.

“I’m a good match for teleportation ability users. I just reminded him of that.”


I don’t know what he did, but in short, Mikunizaki was scared off by Yoiyami-san.

“……haha.” A strange laugh leaks out.

I definitely have power to live. Luck too.

Good. That’s enough. It’s a pain that Yoiyami-san’s existence has been exposed, but on the other hand, it gives us a grace period.

To Boss, Yoiyami-san shouldn’t be an opponent who he can take care of easily. Even if he could send another general here, it would surely take time.

So, let’s fulfill our original purpose here.

“Then, Yoiyami-san, please give me Ohashi’s phone again.”


Receiving the phone from Yoiyami-san, I operate it to call the unknown phone number in the short mail by the incoming call notification this time.

This may also be a trap, but since we already triggered the trap, it doesn’t matter.

I tap the call button without hesitation.

And after a few ringing tones, the phone is connected.



At the silent other party, I also reply with silence.

However, we both couldn’t keep silent forever, so I break that silence,

“Is it you, Tsurugi?”

[Ahh. Kazato, you haven’t touch Hitomi, have you?]

Kazato? Why did he call me that way?

“Of course.”

[Thank goodness.]

“…You do know our purpose in calling you, don’t you?”

[As I thought, that sure is the case. I was worried.]

He wasn’t completely sure, huh. Him doubting about Hitomi’s safety meant that Tsurugi didn’t completely see through our true intention.

In that case, I have to convey it in words.

I glance at Yoiyami-san next to me. He is sitting on the hood of the car, waiting for me to finish the call.

“Why don’t you team up with us, Tsurugi?” I say straightforwardly.

At the same time, I feel déjà vu at my own words.

I rub my temples a little hard with my left hand that doesn’t hold the phone and close my eyes. Tsurugi is silent.


……Ah, that’s right. Two days ago, I heard almost the same line from Utsusemi-san.

Then, I …

‘I’m sorry, but——’

[Sorry, but——]

For some reason, my pulse is rising.

It’s not that I’m worried about the failure of the plan.

It is because I can sense Tsurugi’s calmness. I who killed Rin, Anonymous who killed his father.

Not only that. Anonymous also caused his hometown to be destroyed, he should hold a lot of grudge to me… to us. He should have.

It would be great if Tsurugi were to reject the suggestion. The one who said we should work together with Tsurugi was Yoiyami-san, I was against it from the beginning.

However, what’s with that attitude.

You should know the benefits you can gain by teaming up with us, right?

I know the feelings you must have for us, despite that, I encourage you to make use of the situation and cooperate with us.

Whether you refuse or accept, for you…

[Sorry, but I decline.]

Not resenting us, would be strange, right?

I’m lost for words.

Helpless anger surge up from the bottom of my stomach.

Why. Why do you decline my offer like that?

What is the reason? Tell me your reason.

“…Is that, because you hate me?”


Immediate answer.

The strength in my hand holding the phone increases.


[Cause even if I were to cooperate, I won’t be able to agree with the way of Kazato and your comrades doing things, I think.]


When he put it like that, that’s right.

Our outlaw methods wouldn’t suit Tsurugi.

In that case, it would make sense. Very.

“……Is that so, okay.”




“Sorry, you say… what are you talking about? Seriously.”

[That is-]

Intercepting the words of Tsurugi on the other side of the phone, I continue,

“Do you not hate me anymore? I was also involved in the killing of your father, I killed Rin, and even Slaceid became like that because of Anonymous you know.”

[Kazato. I thought so, but ‘not’ anymore. That’s not correct.]

“What, have you attained enlightenment or something…?”

[Kazato, let’s end this talk. Please release Hitomi.]

“No, I will kill her.”

Hanging up the phone casually, I squeeze the phone tightly as though to crush it.

“Shion.” Yoiyami-san calls my name.

“AHHHH!!” I scream and slam the phone on the ground.

After a light sound *Paan* that makes my feelings clear somewhat, the screen gets broken to pieces, and the fragments flutters.

Gritting my teeth, I heave a deep sigh.

*Fuu*, I sigh deeply again.

After closing my eyes and confirming that my mind has calmed down, I turn toward Yoiyami-san.



“I’m sorry.”

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