After having dinner with Roll, I was in the boss’s room.

I stretch out my spine while standing in front of boss as he leans on his desk.

“Well … I wondered if it was something like that”

I told the boss about Mido.

The reaction of the boss was never a lot, but it seemed he was not too surprised.

I’m glad he wasn’t angry.

“… …. Yes, I am sorry I did not say it at once.”

I still lower my head in my apology. I properly told him that I was wondering whether I should say it.

After all I thought that it would be better to tell the boss because I was alive now with the help of the boss.

If I did not tell firmly the information useful for Anonymous, it is also true that I do not know what will happen later.

No matter how close someone is to you, the enemy is your enemy.

I’m trying to protect myself until I can kill a lot of people. It is impossible to survive without a prepared mindset.

“You talked a lot, it’s fine though”

“… …!”

To the boss who told me, I was relieved.

“But you have to watch your back”

“What do you mean……?”

“That guy is pretty dangerous.

You can get killed right now. “


That’s what the boss says. My “sound attack” did no damage. Able to withdraw even from Utado-san. Ability to escape even the boss … ….

Even monkeys understand that they will be crushed by larger foes.

“But I think I will leave him to be your rival Shion.

This might be stupid of me ….

But I’m guessing he might be able to encourage your growth. In other words, it’s an investment. “

“… … How will it help if I’m rivaling Mido?”

“Oh but do not get me wrong, the command I give is that he is “killed “to the last, regardless of whether it is your best friend or not.

…… Still I am leaving it to you because it is difficult to execute orders against your will.

Experience and skill are not enough for Shion, you need to be able to do hard things too. “

“I see……”

“If it is is your fate for you to kill each other, so be it, but it is your freedom to decide otherwise.

However, as long as Shion is in Anonymous, please remember that it is necessary to kill him, it is his only fate. “

“……I understand”

That is useless. I am thankful for him giving me time.

If I do not want to be hostile to Mido, I can go through Anonymous instead, and the boss may have suggested such an option.

“Once in a while, if you encounter it during the mission or if the situation changes …”

“I will be killing him, I am seriously aware.”


I did not come to talk about getting myself killed.

Aside from whether or not I can kill him effectively if I encounter him during my duty, I will fight with murder in mind.

I could do it even today ‘s mission.

“Well, that’s about it.

“Thank you, Boss,”

I bowed and left the boss’s room.

ー ー ー ー

I came home. I entrusted my body to the bed and was closing my eyes.

I feel it was a very long day.

Destroy-san messing up, Rolls sleeping, being shaded by the boss, being aware that Mido is self-defense army … ….

But I will go to bed now. It will be school tomorrow.

The bath … …, it is already troublesome, will I wake up early in the morning tomorrow?

I somehow set the alarm clock, and dropped off into deep sleep.

The next morning. I woke up before the alarm went off, and took a shower after running in the morning.

School begins again today. Everyone may be surprised because I was sunburned during summer vacation.

I was thinking about such a thing while skillfully checking my uniform after a long absence.

If there are concerns, it is about Mido.

I wonder if I can get in contact with him as usual?

After finishing breakfast, I leave home with a bag.

It is around 15 minutes on foot to school. Because it is a distance that is prohibited to go to school by a bicycle, I sweat a lot.

Looking up at the sky, the floating ability person will fly towards our school.

Before when I saw that, I envied them but now it is not so.

My ability is not too bad … ….

“Hello, Kazato!”

A cheerful voice came out from behind, I turned around while making a dorky face.

“Good morning.”

“Wow, Kazato is sunburned … I was somewhere in the summer vacation. Where did you end up going?”

“I went to the neighboring town. Stop listening because I am ashamed to admit I did not do such a big deal.”

“Listen, please!”

“I hate it, I did pretty much nothing during summer vacation.”

“I, I was basically playing, but, oh, I was confessed to by Hitomi’s sister”


“Yeah, I refused it, but since I was confessed to in front of Hitomi, I was in a lot of sister fights.”

“It was a disaster … ….”

When I was younger Ohashi’s sister was truly an opposite in character from Ohashi, it was famous when I was junior high school.

It seems that next year she will come into our school. I do not want her to come over.

Or rather, I’m not talking to her as usual.

By the way, yesterday I could not hear the sounds from this guy, but what about now?

I suddenly felt I had to know and turned on my ability and listened to Mido’s sound.

Then, his eyes changed and he looked around all around.

I hurriedly turn off the ability.

Now … …. It was a bit of a strange look apparently yesterday.

“What are you doing, what are you doing?”

“No, I felt that someone is watching me …”

When I turned it on now I was able to hear Mido’s heatbeat. I did not listen yesterday.

That means that the ability of Mido is invoked all the time and is on-off?

No, if it seems that the current ability has detected that I switched mine on, it should not be turning on and off by his will.

The boss said it was probably Mido’s pass through ability.

The ability to Pass through, especially one that Boss’s doesn’t work on, has the possibility of being able to sense whether your ability was used or not.

In other words, he had realized that I was using the ability to hear his sound now.

But, he did not know where I was listening, so he looked around. Is it such a thing?

Well then what was he doing when I could not switch my ability on-off?

No, at that time I was wearing a control ring and I was never conscious of Mido.

So it may not have been a concern for Mido.

Anyway, it seems better not to do extra things.

“Kazuto, please be careful as it seems to be noisy these days. According to rumors, Anonymous movement seems to be active.”

Mido had a serious face as he told me so.

“… It seems like”

“Here, we are non-ability users.

I think that you should add extra precautions as there is no way to protect yourself. “


Neither are non-ability users though ….

I felt guilty this time.

Although he does not know, he is worried about me as an enemy.

That’s why I cannot mix up the identity.

Better yet I should remember this is not a good friend, how easy it would be if he was just a nice guy in class.

“The story changes, but Kazuto, have you finished your homework?”

“It has been done for a while.”

“I also ended it yesterday, I guess rather than saying it’s over, t I’m not finished yet.”

While we were speaking, we arrived at the classroom.

A classmate has already come to the classroom pretty well, and I got a seat while greeting them, having met them for the first time in a month.

Roll has already come to school.

We still have time until the morning assembly, so the usual members gathered around my desk.

So school began.

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