Evil Back

When I opened my eyes, the ceiling of first aid room was there.

I can smell thick medicinal scent.

Looks like I was saved. It’s been a while since I was brought in here.


I tried to raise my body with severe pain, but I failed.

It seems that my body was more damaged than I expected.

However, Chiyaku-san seems to have treated me well, as various places were wrapped in bandages.

“Oops, don’t move. Those legs can’t be used anymore. I have to cut them off.”


“Hahaha, it’s a lie.”

Suddenly saying such scary words, as expected of Chiyaku-san.

“Chiyaku-san, you’re really bad at joking.”

She wore a white coat, got dark circles under her eyes and had her hands inside her pocket as usual.

It’s her usual style.

“Sorry sorry. But really, I’m glad you woke up. The bones all over your body were broken after all, Shion-kun.
Honestly it’s troublesome to heal.”

“Excuse me… This, how long will it take to heal?”

“You can fully recovered in a week if I worked hard. But because it’s impossible for me to work hard, it will take about two weeks.”

Two weeks? This is bad. It also seems like I can’t go to school for a while.

“It’s Tameiki-san, right? The one who brought me here.”

“Aa. It looks like she is also preparing something absurd again. She was here until just now, but now she’s gone somewhere.”

“So it’s like that.”

Roll is…… at school?

I looked at the clock in the first aid room. The needle points at 9.30.

Even though I was told to sleep, there’s no way I can sleep at this hour.

“Now, I’ll leave because I’ve got another patient to look after. Call me if something happens.”

“I understand. Thank you very much.”

Chiyaku-san nodded at my reply, and went out of the first aid room.

When I was looking at her retreating figure, Boss came in replacing Chiyaku-san.

I closed my eyes.

“How’s your condition, Shion.”

“Of course it’s the worst, Boss.”

At that reply, Boss grinned and shrugged his shoulders.

Even though I almost died, what an extremely light response, but it’s just the usual exchange.

Lately, the numbers of Boss’ unreasonable orders and missions has increased. But, according to Kuroinu-san and the others, it means Boss is pleased with me it seems.

Well, I don’t feel bad. But because of that my name has become well known even at the Self Defense Force, it’s incomprehensible.

“Don’t you killed one of the ‘Abecks’?”

“Abecks? Aa, are you talking about that duo?”

“Yes, especially the girl among them was troublesome because she can release flames from her hands. Good job.”

Actually, I was supposed to complete the mission.

That man was really troublesome. If that guy didn’t interfere, I should also be able to kill Sady.

What kind of trick did he used to do that replacement?

Is the the application of that withdrawal ability?

“If it’s true that they declared that they will interfere us, they’ll started to come near our place.
Losing one person wouldn’t shake their resolve.”

“Nursery Rhyme…… What kind of group are they?”

“Yeah……, In a nutshell, it’s a group of people who wants to use their abilities to rampage. Their purpose is unknown. From their meaningless actions, they might not have clear purpose. But from their member’s disposition, their reason to act this time might be to get revenge because we stopped them playing many times.”

“What’s that……”

Isn’t that just an annoying group?

“It’s good when they meddled with Self Defense Force, but when the spear turned towards us, it became extremely troublesome.
It’s one of the organization that I wanted to crush.”

“…what are they going to do with the demon beasts?

“Demon beasts?”

“I’m just thinking. A person among them that I failed to killed has an ability to pull things out of nowhere, maybe that guy can control demon beasts that he had collected.
Not enough, I can’t tell how big is the capacity, but I don’t think he’s done collecting.
Didn’t I reported it over the phone?”

“……aa, that’s right.”

As expected of Boss…… I wonder if he was asleep because it was midnight.

He absolutely don’t remember this.

“I see……”

“If he released all the demon beasts that he had collected inside the city, it can’t be laughed at, right?”

The function of this city is also important for Anonymous. If this city collapses, it will not function as the center of the organization.

“It’s possible. With this information, the Self Defense Force should also be able to make necessary arrangements to deal with it.”

“Rather, did the enemy knows that Anonymous’s headquarters is in this city?”

“I don’t know.”

You don’t know… Isn’t it bad if they did know?

This time they’re aiming this city with pinpoint, so there’s a chance that we were already found out.

“Well, it’s always normal for them to attack without warning. This time is the first time that they came close to the headquarters’s location, maybe it’s just a coincidence.
It’s not that easy for this location to get found out.”

“That’s right.”

“I will respond appropriately to this matter. You’ll just have to recover from your wounds quickly.”

“I understand.”


Boss waved his black coat and left the room.

The door closes with a *bang*.

The first aid room became quiet now.

I can’t move, so I have nothing to do.

I had gotten injured and hospitalized once before, and as expected I became leisured.

There is a TV in this room, but because I can’t move even one of my arms, I can’t turn it on.

Let’s sleep.

When I closed my eyes while thinking so, a guest appeared again in the room.

That person suddenly dashed from outside the room, kicked the door open and said,

“I come to finish you off! Shion-kun!”

A troublesome person has come.

I unintentionally let out a sigh.

This person it too free spirited. It’s not like I dislike her, but it’s bothersome to deal with the other party in this situation.

“Desuko-san. So you have come back?”

“Of course. I came to give Shion-kun a fatal wound that won’t heal for two weeks.”

“Please stop, really.”

She might really do it.

“That depends on your attitude, right Shion-kun?”


“If you do that, I will break off our relationship.”

“Ee!? You’ll break off our relationship?”

“Yes. That’s why please stop.”

“Uーn……, I Understand. I don’t want our relationship to be broke off.”

“Then please go home. As you can see, I’m not in a condition to play with you, Desuko-san.”

I ushered Desuko-san to go home somehow, but as expected whatever methods I thought of were useless as Desuko-san already crawled into my bed.

Really, what is this person doing?

“…….What are you doing?”

“Tameiki will come soon, so hide me.”

“Tameiki-san will?”

“Un. You can’t tell her that I’m here, you know. If you tell her, I’ll punch your head, alright?”

Are you going to pull a prank again?

Well, if it’s Tameiki-san, she should be able to deal with it easily, so it’s fine, right?

“I understand. I’ll go along, but after that please go home, alright?”


I sighed for the second time and closed my eyes.

After a while, Tameiki-san really appeared in the room.

She has supermarket bag in one hand, and unusually in a plain clothes.

Her long black hair is tied up higher than the usual ponytail.

The smooth black hair swayed following a rhythm, it appears that she’s in a good mood.

“Good morning.”

“Aa……n? There is Desuko’s smells here. Did she came here?”


Now, she’s hiding inside the futon.

Rather, to notice that from the smell, is it something you can tell even as a partner?

“Tameiki-san, thank you for helping me yesterday.”

Rather than yesterday, should it be some time ago?

“Don’t mind it. It was a good decision.”

“Tameiki-san also always on time.”

“I happened to be outside. Still even I’m at the hideout I’ll somehow get bit more time.”

“As expected of master. By the way, what is that bag?”

I can see cabbage or spring onion…….

“Aa, this? These are foodstuffs.”

Tameiki-san took out meat and other stuff from the bag while saying that and put it in the refrigerator in the room.

“……? What are you doing?”

“I will looking after you until your injury healed.”

“Ee, is it okay?”

“Aa. I’m free for a while after all.”

Seriously?! I’m glad I got injured!

……. No, wait a sec.

If it’s like that, Roll will be angry. What to do……. Roll seems doesn’t think well of Tameiki-san after all.

“Though I said that, Roll had gone to school.
If I’m alone, am I free?”

That’s a very attractive proposal. I’m really free when I’m alone after all, even only as conversation partner is helpful.

When I opened my mouth to accept that proposal, Desuko-san whose hiding inside my futon tried to clear her throat.

“Gohon! Gohon!”


Tameiki-san’s gaze is piercing. She approached my bed, and instantly pulled off the futon.

Then, a naked Desuko-san appeared.

“Aa! You finally found out our relationship~!”

What a poor prank. So that’s why she’s been making those rustling sounds.

“You guys……”

Tameiki-san’s surprised eyes were filled with confusion.

I looked at Tameiki-san’s eyes and talked slowly to resolve her misunderstanding.

“It’s not like that. Tameiki-san.
As you known, Desuko-san always does things as she likes.
Accordingly, I couldn’t move at all due to injury. You believe me, right? Master?”

“…….right. I understand.”

Tameiki-san said that, then she grabbed Desuko-san’s neck and lifted her.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch! It hurts, it hurts! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

Tameiki-san threw her out of the room and closed the door with a *bang*, then locked the door.

I heard the sound “Baaka! Baaka!” from behind the door, then Desuko-san ran off somewhere.

Tameiki-san glared at the door for a while, but then turned around and slowly approached me.

In this strangely intimidating air, I gulped my saliva.

When this person silently approached me, somehow I became afraid.

“Is it still 10 o’clock? I have to take a nap till 12 o’clock.”

Tameiki-san who came to the front of my eyes, said that and *goron* laid next to me.


“You sleep as well. …..yoshi yoshi.”

Tameiki-san gently patted my head.


This is the time to be spoiled by Tameiki-san!

I thought so and tried to hug Tameiki-san, but because of severe pain and bandages wrapped all over my body, I can’t move.

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