[Evil Before Dawn]

New Road City.

The surroundings had darkened, night was about to come, and we finally arrived at this city.

The time is before 7 o’clock.

It seems that there is eyewitness report about Yoiyami-san at an izakaya[1] located on the outskirts of the city, away from the city center where skyscrapers lined up.

However we are now eating at a ramen shop in downtown area.

Desuko-san said she can’t fight on an empty stomach.

“What kind of person was Yoiyami-san?”

As I finished eating first, I asked Desuko-san such a question.

By the way, because it’s about Desuko-san’s mission, I silenced our conversation from the surroundings.

Therefore, there is no problem even if we talked about the organization in a loud voice.

“A~, un. He’s peculiar. He has a troublesome personality.”

“Is that so?”

I felt that was something that shouldn’t be said by Desuko-san though.

“Honestly, I’m not willing to do this mission. It’s impossible for Yoiyami-san to return at anyone’s request.
Well. I’ll just do it.”

Desuko-san leaned against the backrest as much as possible, and said it while rattling the chair.

“This mission, it’s always been put up after Yoiyami-san retired, right?”

Roll said after having finished eating her ramen.

Since Yoiyami-san retired, so it’s been 5 years, hasn’t it?

If he had refused for that long, then there is no hope this time as well.

“Un, this time Hyde told me to go. Honestly it’s hopeless, right~.”

“Rather, what is the reason Yoiyami-san retired?”

“I think it’s because a huge fight he had with Hyde. Though I don’t know the cause of that fight.”

A huge fight with Boss, he’s a terrifying person.

“That fight was really dangerous……”

“A~, if I’m not mistaken, Roll was one of the few witnesses. How nice~, I wanted to see it too~”

“So Roll had seen it. What was the fight like?”

“There are 3 witness including me. Hiya, Shido-san, and me.
If Shido-san didn’t help us escape, we would all be dead.”

…… Is it such a fierce battle?

“One branch was erased after all.”

Immediately, Yoiyami-san’s dangerous guy image solidified.

Are we going to the place of such a person now? I want to go home.

“Then, now that Roll has finished eating, it’s about time we go.”


After we left the ramen shop, then we came to the izakaya on the outskirts of the city.

The witness reported that Yoiyami-san was here, that’s why we are collecting information here but……

“Aa, he came here everyday. Our oden seems to be his favorite food. He’s already a regular now. It’s about time he shows up, isn’t it?”

The information about Yoiyami-san was surprisingly easy to obtain.

Desuko-san just tried to ask the owner of the izakaya, but she got it in one try.

Anyway if Yoiyami-san is coming soon, then there is no choice but to wait.

So, we are now sitting at the very end of the izakaya.

There are moderate amount of customers, and the shop is prospering in it’s own way. It’s reasonably large, and there’s plenty of space, it’s not bad.

While I’m thinking such things, Desuko-san stopped the hall staff who was wandering around.

“Hey, can I order? 3 beers, edamame, and 6 yakitori sets! Also karaage and sashimi~!”

I stopped Desuko-san who suddenly started ordering.

“Wait a second Desuko-san. I can’t drink alcohol. And Roll will be intoxicated to drive.”

Moreover, you just ate ramen a while ago, and you still planning to eat?

“It’s okay! Everything’s OK if we persuade Yoiyami and bring him back!”

Oh, right? If Yoiyami-san is driving, then it’s fine?

No, it’s not.

“So you are a type who like to fights with their back against the wall. It’s good.
In the worst case, Shido-san can come to pick you up.”

For some reason Roll became enthusiastic, and I had no choice but to stay silent.

But well, talking to Yoiyami-san is scary, rather than meeting him while sober, maybe it’s better to take in alcohol to stop being fearful.

I decided to accept it.

“That’s all~.”

“Certainly, ma’am.”

After Desuko-san finished ordering, the hall staff woman passed the order to the kitchen.

Beer mugs were immediately brought to our table.

“Well first of all, should we have a toast?”

Desuko-san lifted her mug and said that.


“It’s before the mission, isn’t it……?”

“Don’t worry about the details!
For Yoiyami-san’s return, toast!”

“It’s too soon to celebrate. But, toast!”

“To, toast!”

*clang* mugs collided, and I took a sip of the beer inside the mug.

Then when I put my mug on the table, Desuko-san who sat diagonally to me and Roll who sat beside me, put down their emptied mugs with a *bang*.




“‘Are~, Shion-kun……?”

Desuko-san looked at the beer left in my mug, and turned her eyes.

Please spare me…….

“Desuko-san. Even if you said so earlier, I’ll still regret it if I get drunk.”


“It seems like I’ll become very excited.”

When I was in junior high school, I accidentally get drunk at Rin’s house, then I made a really big mess.

I broke a vase, swooped down on Rin, and vomit, which seems to have been terrible.

Since then, I’ve never tried to drink alcohol, but to happen across such crisis in a place like this.

“Shion-kun! If you said such things, then you must get drunk!”

“I want to see it, too.”

…….apparently it seems difficult to avoid.

“……I won’t be responsible for what will happen you know.”

I said so, and gulped the beer vigorously.

Then I placed the emptied mug on the table.


“As expected! You can order for more and more, Shion-kun!”

As usual, I don’t understand what’s so good about beer.

I feel like I’m going to spit it out when the bitterness reached my throat. Will I be able to drink it as I get older?

“For now, let’s have a drink to our heart’s content until Yoiyami-san comes. Then, when he comes drink it slowly, and we’ll chase him when he leaves the shop!”

“We can’t talk here, right.”

“Because, wouldn’t it be a problem if a fight broke here? That’s why we’ll chase Yoiyami when he leaves the shop. Let’s enjoy drinking until then!”

“Won’t you get drunk like that?”

“It’s okay! I’m strong with alcohol. Oh, excuse me, one bottle of beer please! And glasses for each of us.”

I wonder if it’s alright.

While I looked at Desuko-san with concern, Roll said.

“We’re not fooling around, it’s necessary to distract ourselves by drinking alcohol, so it won’t be that difficult when it’s time to face Yoiyami-san.
That person’s killing intent is extraordinary, so you can’t stand it if you’re sober.”

The tension when you received killing intent, I’ve heard from Tameiki-san that you can alleviate it by borrowing alcohol’s power.

Of course drinking too much is not good, but this time it seems we need to do it.


“Well, it’s Desuko-san’s mission, so let’s take it easy.”

Even so, I don’t feel any tension.

ーーー 1 hour later

“Hahaha-! Bring in more sakee-!!”

“Ahaha. Nice, Shion-kun!”

It’s really fun. I didn’t think that drinking alcohol was this fun.

It’s not like I’m drunk. I can still think clearly.

Yoiyami-san still hasn’t come yet. Even though I wanted to bring him back quickly because there is school tomorrow.

“U-mu. Yoiyami-san didn’t come~. And Shion-kun has completely drunk.”

“I’m not drunk at all, look!”

I put my hand on the table with a *pah!*, and used a knife I took from the bag to stabs the space between my fingers to show off.

It’s a trick I learned from Kuroinu-san.

You shouldn’t be able to do this if you are drunk.

“Look, look! It’s fast, right!? How is it Roll!”

“Wai-, you’re too drunk. You’re too conspicuous with that knife. Or rather it’s dangerous.”

“Even though you said that, isn’t your face also red, Roll?”

“My face just reddened a bit, but I’m not that drunk.”

“You’re so cute like an apple. It makes me want to hug you.”

I put my hands on Roll’s cheeks and bring my face closer to hers.

Her blue eyes are beautiful. Her skins are clear, and somehow, seeing it makes me dizzy.

No, as expected it’s the effect of the sake, isn’t it?

“Wha, what are you doing……”

“It’s so pretty, that I felt like being sucked in. You’re so cute that even an angel will be jealous, Roll.”

“What are you talking about……”

“Just do iit!”

Desuko-san pushed me from behind, and I got closer to Roll.

We can kiss at this rate. I thought so, and moved my lips closer, but we head-butted and I fell on my back.

“It hurts……!”

My head is throbbing.

Wait, this is dangerous.

“You’re too carried away.”


“It’s bad, Shion-kun is about to vomits……!”

“Eh, you’re lying, right……?”

I thought it’s bad, so I hold my mouth and dashed to the exit of the izakaya.

I wonder if I should blow the door with a Soundshoot, but as expected it’s not good and I open it with a kick.

Then when I rushed out of the izakaya, I bumped into someone.

I’m about to fall over there, so I had no choice but to hold on to that person.

However, it’s unlikely I can make it on time.

I immediately vomits under my feet.


“Are you okay!? Shion-kun!”

Roll and Desuko-san who came out later rushed up to me.

And it’s bad, I vomit on a stranger’s shoes.

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