[The Shadow’s Judgment]

A prefabricated house in the factory square was turned into rubble.

Above it is Sen, a member of the Nursery Rhyme.

With that rubble as the background, Midou Ryuusui is heading towards the place we are hiding behind of.

“I’ll go.”

The one who said that and moved was Chiyaku-san.

Before I could stop her, she appeared in front of Midou Ryusuui.

Chiyaku-san threw a glance at me for a moment.

Her gaze made me stop.

I feel that she’s telling me not to come.

Chiyaku-san, who stood in front of Midou Ryuusui, put a mask in front of him.

Then, she put her hand inside the pocket of her white coat and looked at the enemy in front of her casually.

“It’s been a while, Ryuusui.”

“You are… Senjiya Kusuri…!”

I was surprised at the words that came out of their mouth.

Chiyaku-san and Midou Ryuusui. They are an acquaintance huh.

Senjiya Kusuri…that is probably Chiyaku-san’s real name.

“…as I thought, you are in Anonymous huh.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Why did you betray the Self-Defense Force…”

I frown.

Betrayed the Self-Defense Force…? Was Chiyaku-san originally a part of the Self-Defense Force…?

Then, why is she in Anonymous…

No, but if it’s Boss, it’s likely for him to headhunt member from the Self-Defense Force.

I turned my eyes to Chiyaku-san. I couldn’t see her expression, but Chiyaku-san was silent.

“Answer me! Senjiya!”

The Midou Ryuusui’s bellow echoed. That Midou Ryuusui is angry with his emotions bared.

The surrounding wind went astir, and cloud of dust fluttered.

“The way you speak to me has become like that huh, Ryuusui?”


“If it wasn’t for me, all the higher-ups today would already be in the other world, right.”

Chiyaku-san smiled and shrugged.

Then Chiyaku-san pulls out her hand from her pocket. A scalper was in her hand.

…She’s serious.

Midou Ryuusui quickly got into stance.

Even though he didn’t get into stance like that when he faced us, it seems that he’s quite wary of Chiyaku-san.

…Perhaps that’s how strong Chiyaku-san is.

Despite being a medical specialist, Chiyaku-san is an Anonymous executive. I didn’t think she was weak, but I didn’t think she could fight.

Chiyaku-san’s ability is accelerated healing ‘Accelerator Heal’.

It is literally an ability to accelerate healing.

It is an ability that is not suitable for battle at all, but why is Midou Ryuusui so vigilant?

I can’t predict what will happen in this situation.

When I was thinking about such a thing, I heard a voice from Boss.

“Chiyaku, just holds Midou Ryuusui for a bit.

Byakurei will kill the teleportation ability user who was behind him and we will join you.

It’s a change of plan. We will kill Midou Ryuusui there.

Shion, keep relaying the situation.”

“I understand.”

The sound is transmitted to Chiyaku-san through me.

They will do it here, huh…

No sound is approaching.

What happened to the other Nursery Rhyme guy? Did he die fighting Midou Ryuusui?

“Well fine, it’s not like I can’t tell you why I left the Self-Defense Force.” Chiyaku-san put her hand in her pocket again and said.

Because there was a command from Boss, I think she decided to buy time by talking.


Midou Ryuusui didn’t put down his stance. I gulped.

“What, don’t you want to hear it?”

“…about the occupation a while ago, you guys are planning something, right?”

…This, perhaps he had noticed something.

It is strange that Chiyaku-san is here in the first place.

He didn’t conclude it only based on his feeling. But, even Midou Ryuusui wouldn’t think that it is a plan to kill himself.

Despite being vigilant, he is one step behind.

“It seems you can’t answer that.”

Midou Ryuusui slowly approached Chiyaku-san without putting down his stance.

Chiyaku-san slowly put her hand out of her pocket.

Still, there is a silver scalpel in her hand.

“Now that I think about it, you don’t have to listen now. Let’s talk slowly at the base.” She said, and the one who moved first was Midou Ryuusui.

With a *gon* winds are blown to Chiyaku-san.

Chiyaku-san was flown into the air like a paper.

What I saw in the air was fresh blood.

Blood was dancing. Chiyaku-san’s scalpel is dyed red.

I certainly saw it. Chiyaku-san cut her wrist with the scalpel.

Midou Ryuusui, who was approaching Chiyaku-san in order to pursue her, saw it and retreated quickly to the back, landing softly on the ground.

Chiyaku-san who flew off also landed on the ground after a delay.

The blood that she shed previously floated around her.

What is that…

“…what a troublesome ability.” Midou Ryuusui muttered.

I’m certain.

That is obviously not Accelerator Heal.

That’s a different ability.

Chiyaku-san, is a duplicate ability user ‘Skill Repeater’…!

But what kind of ability is that?

From how it looks, it seems to be a blood controlling ability.

However, I wonder why Midou Ryuusui be that wary of that?

“I haven’t used this ability for a long time.

It’s very tiring.”

“Well said…”

Suddenly, wind blew from behind Midou Ryuusui. As a result, the rubbles are fired to Chiyaku-san like a bullet.

The rubble bullets released along with the dust cloud became an inescapable barrage.

At that time, a red membrane spreads in front of Chiyaku-san.

A blood shield.

I thought how she could block them with such a thing, but all the rubbles that hit the blood membrane smashed and fell to the ground.

How strong.

However, in the meantime, Midou Ryuusui is going around behind Chiyaku-san.

It seems that the rubble attack was just a feint.

He swung his hand up strongly, and swung it back down.

I noticed late that Midou Ryuusui was shooting a wind slash at that moment, but Chiyaku-san was already showing evasive action at that time.

The slashing attack cuts through the ground while heading for Chiyaku-san.

Chiyaku-san jumps up and dodge the slash.

Midou Ryuusui continues to shoot slashes from a long distance.

Chiyaku-san who floated in the air nimbly dodged the slashes like cotton.

A slashing attack that seemed to be unavoidable grazed Chiyaku-san’s cheek.

The blood droplets split in the air, changed their shape, and eventually became scalpels.

Bloody scalpels pour down from the sky to Midou Ryuusui.

Midou Ryuusui danced in the air and dodge them.

When Chiyaku-san lands, once again, she throws countless scalpels at Midou Ryuusui, who floats in the sky.

The thrown scalpels can’t reach Midou Ryuusui.

Midou Ryuusui evaded the scalpels trajectory by using the wind and managed to avoided them.

Midou Ryuusui shoots a wind slash from the sky.

Chiyaku-san received the slash on her arm.

Chiyaku-san’s severed arm dances in the air. Along with a lot of blood.

Chiyaku-san grabbed the severed arm and crouched.

A follow up slashes flies right there without a moment’s delay. This time from all directions.

Chiyaku-san made a sphere of blood membrane while crouching and blocked everything.

The number of slashes does not cause the sphere to budge. Is it because the amount of blood has increased?

When the slashing attacks stopped after a while, the sphere crumble down like a gooey and the figure of Chiyaku-san appeared there.

Chiyaku-san swung the severed arm in her hand toward Midou Ryuusui.

*zan* and the spilled blood became a slash and flew away.


Midou Ryuusui is already prepared in place and dodge it.

The factory at the back was vertically divided.

That flying blood slash flew from the ground to Midou Ryuusui.

The blood that flew like a slash is scattered by the gusts of wind released by Midou Ryuusui.

Chiyaku-san attaches her severed right arm to her shoulder.

Then, after a while, she released it, and her right arm was attached.

“It’s impossible even after using this much blood, huh. It seems like I can’t beat you.”

She said scooping the blood left on her cheeks.

And even the scar on her cheek is already gone.

The blood adhered to her finger separate from her hand as if oozing to the air, and floats in the air.

The scattered blood of the slashing attack also gathers at her.

Midou Ryuusui looks down on her figure from above.

“Be serious and come kill me, Ryuusui.”

…I see, Midou Ryuusui is planning to capture Chiyaku-san alive, huh.

That means that he has a handicap.

“I am serious.”

At Midou Ryuusui’s words, Chiyaku-san shrugs.

Her expression seems to indicate that she still has a leeway, but she already lost a considerable amount of blood.

That ability seems to put a considerable burden on herself.

“I don’t understand.” Midou Ryuusui continued.

“About what?” Chiyaku-san smiled a little. Probably because Midou Ryuusui was continuing the conversation himself.

“Why did you use such power for Anonymous. You were said to be the strongest military doctor, so why did you betray the Self-Defense Force?”

The strongest military doctor.

It is certainly convincing even if she is called that way when you watch the current battle.

“It’s the opposite. I was skeptical about using this power for the Self-Defense Force.”

“Why. What do you gain by being in Anonymous?”

“Surely, there are many people who can be saved with this power. In fact, I have saved many lives.

But that’s it.”

“What do you mean by ‘that’s it’? Besides surely, there must be a meaning, right.”

“It’s not a matter of gain or loss, Ryuusui. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s good or evil.”

The area is getting darker and darker. The light from the broken factory didn’t lit up.

“Because I am me, I do what I want to do.”

Silence dominated the place.

Midou Ryuusui slowly landed on the ground.

“In order for humans to live, at a minimum, they must obey the established order and rules.

By no means that I judge that is something that needs to be forced.

Nevertheless, the guys who can’t do that are trash who deserves death all together.” said Midou Ryuusui.

I can tell that his killing intent is gradually increasing.

*gokkuri* I gulped.

“Will you bastards (Anonymous) continue to kill a lot of people in that way?”

“Please ask that to Hyde directly.”

I saw Chiyaku-san put her hand in her pocket.

I concentrate on the surrounding sounds.

I can hear 6 heartbeats.

They were gathering in the evening factory district.

Anonymous’s executives.

The 6 people excluding Utsusemi-san, and Boss who is their leader.

…Code name, Hyde.

On the collapsed fence, on the roof of the factory that was cut off, on the prefabricated house rubbles…they stood around Midou Ryuusui.

“The rules and order in this rotten world are laughable after all.” Desuko-san’s voice resounded.

“…I see, your aim is.”

Next, Midou Ryuusui’s voice resounded. The voice was slightly faint.

“If you have any last question, ask it. Midou Ryuusui.”

Then, Boss’ voice resounded.

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