[Lullaby of Fierce Battle]

“I’m sorry, I’m going to engage, so I won’t be able to give command for a while.”

Having delivered those words to the members, I hopped over the fence and jumped from the skyscraper that was well over 200m high.

I’m free falling while facing the air resistance. Taking out the grappling gun from the holder, I rotate my body.

“I won’t let you escape!”

Hitsugiya’s reaction was quick. Without hesitation, he chased me, jumping down the building.

The wire fired from the grappling gun passes right beside Hitsugiya and gets entwined with the fence on the roof.

I put my foot on the wall of the building, and while killing the momentum of the fall, I fired a Soundshot at Hitsugiya. However, Hitsugiya reached for the wire right next to him, pulled it, and flew to the side. My posture collapses because the wire is pulled.

When I was regaining my posture and moved my gaze to Hitsugiya, his figure had already gone.

Again. I just take my eyes off him for a moment, but like when we fought before, his figure suddenly disappeared. Without leaving any sound.

Thus, he avoided the Soundshot just now.

I released a Soundshot at the window of the building, and infiltrate the inside of the Neo Slaceid Building from the broken window.

The inside seems to be an office of a company or something; screams rises from various places after the people inside saw me infiltrating wearing Anonymous’ mask.

Without minding it, I quickly made my way through the room that has become disordered, put the grappling gun in the holder, and took out the knife in its stead. Then, the people in the office ran away all at once.

I think about whether I should cancel the sound collection with a radius of 2 km.

When it comes to fighting against Hitsugiya, it is not a situation where I can divert my attention to search for enemies. Fighting while listening to other sounds is a bad idea.

However, once I miss the sounds, I won’t be able to reform the formation when I return to command.

Dammit, what to do.

Even if I stopped searching for the enemies now and concentrated on Hitsugiya, it is unlikely that I will have time to spend time grasping the position of the enemies again.

There are two generals heading this way. And there is still quite some time until the reinforcements arrive…

But once I got found, it is impossible to escape from Hitsugiya. I knew it from the last fight. I want to call someone over here, but I can’t afford to wait for them.

After all, there is no choice but to fight.

“The last time we fought, we both hadn’t going all out, right?”

Hearing a voice from behind, I turned around.

Hitusgiya stood there as if it was natural. He stood near the window I broke.

Again, he appeared without sound.

I gritted my teeth unintentionally.

“Hahaha, why the long face, Shion? The other guys are already starting, right? I got a late start, you see.”

I found that as he spun the words, Hitsugiya’s feelings is getting high.

With a crazy smile on his face, he looks at me.

“…It’s seriously annoying.” I muttered, staring at the Hitsugiya’s bloodshot eyes.

“How cold.”

“After all, you all just want to kill anyone regardless whoever it is, right?”

I don’t want to hang out with such a madman.

“That is not the case. I’m not picky when it comes to work, but when I wear this face, I properly make sure of who I want to kill.”

“So, you picked me, huh…?”

“Hmm~. How should I put it… I kinda want to torment you.”

Something runs on my spine due to the killing intent of Hitsugiya. But at the same time, anger springs up in me.

He wants to torment me he said; don’t get carried away.

*gun* I kicked the desk in front of me flying.

From behind it, I approached Hitsugiya and stretched the knife. But at that moment, Hitsugiya disappeared and he suddenly appeared behind me.


Before looking back, I immediately fire a Soundshot. But he disappears again.

At the edge of my view, the figure of Hitsugiya disappeared as if melting into the wall was reflected.

That was Hitsugiya’s ability.

But I don’t know. What kind of ability is it? Rather than melting into the wall, it was as if he went into the wall without any resistance…


*zun* A sharp pain ran on my flank.

When I looked at it, HItsugiya stood next to me, stabbing a knife into my flank.

Along with a severe pain, blood oozes on my clothes. I couldn’t react at all.

Dammit, the gap of our skill is too wide.

“Guh…! Kuh…!”

“Usually I would end it with this. But I missed your vitals. Today is a good day to have fun.”

Having said that, Hitsugiya forcefully pushed the knife. I stepped back, and back, and eventually I was cornered to the wall.

I grabbed Hitsugiya’s hand to pull out the knife, but I couldn’t make it budge due to the difference in strength.

“You insane…!”

“Insane? That is perhaps yourself. Ordinary humans won’t be able to have that kind of eyes after being driven to such a desperate situation.”

Frowning, I endure the severe pain. If I shoot a Soundshot, this floor may collapse. If that happens, I, who was injured, won’t be able to cope with it.

No, it’s the same if I can’t overcome this situation.


I shoot a Soundshot toward the wall behind me.

Receiving a shockwave at a close distance, a huge hole was opened in the wall, connecting the room to the next one.

At the same time, I retreated far behind and pulled out the knife.

While gritting my teeth in pain, I held down my flank.

“Haa, haa…”

“As I thought, it is better to torment you before killing you. Killing you in an instant is boring after all.”

Hitsugiya said as he walked toward me.

I kept my flank in check and spun my brain fully. How can I survive from this situation?

When I was staring at Hitsugiya, he completely got into the floor.

Seeing that, my eyes opened widely. Eventually, Hitsugiya, who completely disappeared into the floor, emerged from the floor behind me.

A kick was added to my back, and I rolled on the ground while spurting blood.

While holding back the pain in my flank, I immediately stood up.


“It was a good hint, right?”

Hitsugiya shrugged his shoulders. So he deliberately showed me the moment he used his ability, huh.

He looked down on me.

“Yeah. My ability is ‘Shadow Passage(Kagerou)’. The ability to move freely in the shadows.”

As I thought, huh. In that case, the Soundshot will not hit if he escapes into the shadow.

Being able to freely approach and retreat, an ability that is perfectly suited to a killer.

Taking a breath, I opened my mouth.

“Chiyaku-san. Please head toward E-22.”

Having told her that much, I cut the sound collection field.

Now that it has come to this, I have to give priority to my life.

‘Silence World’.

Around 100m. I silenced all audible sounds in that range.

Silence. In a soundless world, I take a deep breath. As ths sounds disappeared, Hitsugiya looked around for a moment.

The biggest thing I got from training with Yoiyami-san. That is this technique.

Seeing me having a painful expression, Hitsugiya laughed grinningly. Since this technique is a technique to silence all sounds, it consumes considerable concentration and stamina. It is impossible to activate it in rapid succession. It’s a once in a day deciding technique.

For a professional like Hitsugiya, the disappeared sounds didn’t affect him by that much.

But I know that too.

This is not a technique to prevent the other party from hearing sounds.

The ‘Silent World’ is a space for me to hear sounds more accurately… A space where only I can deal with sound.

Hitsugiya, let’s see how long can you laugh like that. Regret not having killed me immediately.

Hitsugiya flapped his mouth and said something, but I couldn’t hear it.

I was concentrating on one sound.

*thump, thump* I hear beating sounds.

That sound gradually became louder.

During that time, I just stared at Hitsugiya’s eyes. Hitsugiya still walks slowly this way with a relaxed attitude. He might think that this silent space is my last-ditch resistance.

While running out of breath, I concentrated.

Meanwhile, Hitsugiya suddenly approaches as if to make the first move.

At that moment, I exploded the heartbeat of Hitsugiya.

―― Heartbeatshot

What I created is an unavoidable certain-kill technique.

Hitsugiya burst due to the sound emitted from the inside of his body, and then his blood and flesh dispersed and scattered.

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