Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 1 - Death, Mother

I'm dying. In the midst of a sea of blood and bodies. I've tried so hard to live in peace, but it seems that's my destiny. To die on top of thousands of my enemies' bodies. Now you ask me, how did I stop at that? Well I'll tell you a little about my life. I'm an orphan, I was abandoned by my parents the moment I was born. One day when I was three years old, men in black arrived at the orphanage where I was and adopted all the children.

We were all happy thinking that I would leave that orphanage that had a grumpy old woman who mistreated us, but that grumpy old woman was much better than those men. They wanted to raise murderers so they went after children. After all, children are easy to manipulate. They took all 50 children they had in that orphanage. I was one of them.

They took us to an underground facility, La they trained us and put us to fight to the death. I had to kill my colleagues and friends to survive, every day I would take a dagger and kill an orphanage colleague. I went through hellish training to acquire the discipline of a killer they talked so much about. By luck or fate I was talented and was able to endure the training that almost killed me countless times. Of those children I and five others were what was left. These five were brainwashed, I could never disobey an order from them.

By the time I turned fifteen I was already the weapon they so dėsɨrėd, whatever mission I did I completed no matter how difficult it was. Because of these conquests they gave me the name of Joker.

Apparently I was their trump card. On a mission in Japan where I had to kill a businessman I came across the Animes and Mangas. I always wondered why these protagonists who have so much power wish to possess everything.

Harem? What do I want a bunch of women for? That'll just give me a headache. Conquer the world? It's too much trouble. I really didn't understand your wishes, all I wanted was to live in peace and build a family with 1 or 2 wives.

I found myself fascinated by this world and started wishing I knew more about it, I read all sorts of animes and sleeves, I started liking anything about it. I quickly completed my murder and sent a request for organization, I wanted them to give me missions in Japanese territory. I wanted to stay in Japan at any cost so I could consume more Manga and Animes. The answer? They happily accepted, apparently they were wanting to expand to the East. They sent me on many missions that would be almost impossible to complete, but worthy of the title of Joker I completed them all.

When I turned 18 the elders of the organization gave me a mission all I had to do was kill an entrepreneur. I accepted the mission, Even though I was their Joker I was just a tool to fulfill their wishes, in their eyes I was disposable. I couldn't refuse even though I knew it could be a trap. Who the hell lives in a mansion in a wasteland anyway?

But I went to the mission site when I arrived there, I was surrounded by members of the organization. As expected, it was a trap. I don't know why they'll decide to get rid of me, but that's perfect if I can survive I can live in peace somewhere. Is that a naive thought? Perhaps. But I'm tired of living by killing.

I've fought. With several ȧssassins from the organization even the orphans who survived the training. I managed to kill them all, how do you ask? Do you think I'm stupid? If it's a trap, I should just make another trap on the spot. So I managed to kill them all, but the price of all this was an open stomach made by a former orphanage colleague. I quickly killed her by cutting off her head and now I'm in a sea of bodies and blood.

I've lived a miserable life. I'm just a tool to fulfill the wishes of these greedy old men, I'm tired if I could reincarnate I'd just like to live life in peace.

"Today the moon is as beautiful as ever."

I always liked the moon. It's something that's always been with me on every mission. HAHAHA. Me missing a heavenly body? How lonely I am.

"But she really is beautiful."

That was my last words before the darkness enveloped me.


In an endless darkness. We can see a little soul floating, That soul is a little strange. Even in the darkness it seems to glow a lot.

"There's nothing here." I'm surprised at my voice that has no feelings at all. It's like I'm a robot.

[Question: Would you like to be reincarnated? Choose. Yes or NO]

Suddenly I hear a voice in my head. I'm surprised at this cliché situation. Shouldn't you have some super powerful God? Why is it just a voice?

Well, I don't want to spend eternity in this darkness. Although I don't know if there's a concept of time here.


[Question: What would you like to be in your new life?]

I've lived my life killing. I've grown tired of it. I wanted to be someone who protects.

"A Guardian."

[Question: Did you love someone?]

"I don't know if that's love. But I did love someone."

I say thinking about that white woman in Naruto.

[Copy that. You will be reincarnated in the celestial world, approximately 1000 times bigger than the Earth and 10,000 times more resistant, The world is controlled by a superior entity].

Suddenly I begin to lose consciousness.

3 POV.

In a hospital room in Japan. We can see a woman with long white hair and pale skin, she has two little white horns on her head and is lying on a hospital bed screaming in pain.


A child's cry is heard.

"My lady congratulations is a boy." A nurse says holding a pale, white-haired baby with small horns on her forehead.

When she drinks it she stops crying and opens her eyes and starts watching her with curiosity.

The woman picks him up and smiles gently and ċȧrėsses him with all the love in the world.

"My son. My little block of snow." She says affectionately as she strokes her son's hair.

The baby looks at his mother with her white eyes and smiles, He uses all his strength and ċȧrėsses the face of his mother who was near him.

His mother is surprised by this gesture of intelligence, but it is not something out of the ordinary in this world.

Suddenly an old man with white hair and purple eyes with circles inside enters the room where this woman is.

"Naomi, how's my grandson?" The old man asks quietly with a wise man's attitude.

"He's all right, Dad, look. Isn't he beautiful?" Naomi says as she gently strokes the white hair of her baby.

The old man looks curiously at his grandson, seeing the child looking at him. The old man is surprised.

The woman is not surprised that her father knows it and she doesn't care much either. There have been cases like this many times in your clan.

"Well he's an Otsutsuki it would be strange if he didn't have intelligence. But soon after he's born it's very rare."

"..." The old man just nods in agreement.

"Hagoromo-Sama. The Elder of the Kure clan is here." A man wearing a white kimono with the same eyes as the old man says as he enters the room. Like all Otsutsuki he has white hair and horns, but the differential is that he has fox whiskers on his cheeks.

"Naruto, come see your nephew." Hagoromo says as he leaves the room to find his old friend.

"..." Naruto just nods in agreement and gets close to Naomi.

Naruto quietly watches his nephew with his eyes and is surprised to see intelligence in his eyes.

"He has intelligence and seems to know me." Naruto says as he picked up the little reactions with his Rinnegan.

"For you not to greet me when you see me, you look like you've grown, huh?" Naomi says narrowing her eyes.

"..." Naomi just narrowed her eyes, but let her brother go this time she just wants to be with her son after all.

"What's going on?" Naomi asks.

"The usual. The Elder of the Kure and Sayajins are fighting. They destroyed some property and they came here to reconcile." Naruto answers as he watches his nephew. 'He has a very strong soul for a child. I need to investigate further, that's not normal.

"Didn't the Hanma come together this time?" Naomi asks while ċȧrėssing her Bebe.

* Gyaaa! Gyaaa! *

The baby screams happy as he stares at his mother.

"That ogre was out of the country with his son. That's why they didn't get together." He answers as he averts his gaze.

"I see." Naomi says smiling as she plays her son.

They started the conversation for a while until a nurse came and said something shocking.


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