Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 18 - The longest ten seconds 26


Tsukuyomi's attack created a huge crater in the Otsutsuki palace and devastated several mountains along the way, it may not look like much, but the Otsutsuki's palace is made of Anti-energy material they nullify any kind of energy and the material is also incredibly resistant.

"!" People are surprised at the level of destruction in that attack. My God this boy is only four years old how can he destroy an incredibly resistant material that has Anti-energy property? They can't stop thinking about it in their minds.

Tsukuyomi looks in the direction of Yujiro with a predatory smile, but suddenly he starts coughing up blood.

"Tsukuyomi!"Kaguya screamed in worries, she tries to run to his side, but stopped by a Chakra sphere that suddenly surrounds her and takes her to the place where Hagoromo is. "Hagoromo! Let me go now!" she demands with a tone of command to the Old Sage.

"The ten seconds are not yet over Kaguya... Besides, you could get hurt, look."Hagoromo says pointing in one direction.

Kaguya gets confused by what he's saying, she looks in the direction he's pointing and got surprised to see Tsukuyomi holding his head tightly as he swings back and forth. "Tsukuyo-!" She tries to call his name, but she can't when she hears an angry roar.

Hearing the roar, Gina who nearby quickly made a run towards Bardock and stands beside him. "Did he lost control?" she asks curiously with a worried expression.

"You're wrong about that thing, Gina... He never lost control, Tsukuyomi was blessed by the moon... That means he's the heir, it also means that he has several 'phases' that influence his personality". Hagoromo explains and continues: "When he loses control of his emotions due to negative feelings, his dark personality manifests itself... Look at his forehead and my granddaughter's, you can see that the moon designs on their foreheads are different, right?"

"?"They look confused at Kaguya's forehead who was annoyed that she had been arrested by Hagoromo, and Tsukuyomi who was beginning to change again, soon they realize what Hagoromo means; Tsukuyomi's forehead has a symbol of a Lunar Eclipse while Kaguya's forehead has the symbol of a Full Moon, joining the dots together they quickly realize that the Full Moon is the positive part of their personality, and the Lunar Eclipse is the negative side of their personality.

Tsukuyomi begins to move into position, he looked like a four-legged animal, ready for a hunt with his ten tails shaking behind him, giving a hypnotic effect to everyone who sees the scene. Tsukuyomi's cloak starts to change, black chakra started to envelope all the parts of his pale skin, white Magatama patterns start to appear on his neck forming a necklace.

Suddenly everyone can hear a sonic bang from where Tsukuyomi was standing, they search around and see Tsukuyomi attacking Yujiro at a surprising speed. Yujiro starts laughing like crazy and then a high-speed fight starts in the skies above the palace.

* Booom! * Booom! * * Booom! * * Booom! * *

"This boy is evolving at a ridiculous rate. if he keeps going on like this, his body won't last long."Bardock mumbles as he watches the fight, and continued: "at worst case, he may even die..."

"!" Kaguya listening to Bardock's words only make her more worried at Tsukuyomi, observing the fight that has begun to intensify and get fiercer. "At worst I have to use 'it' to calm Tsukuyomi" She mutters in a low voice to herself.

Tsukuyomi who was exchanging blows at high speed with Yujiro, suddenly realizes that the atmosphere around him started to heat up and get denser, Yujiro skin started to change in darker shades of black his eyes started to look like that of the Kure Clan, but with the only difference that Yujiro pupil was not silver like those of the Kure Clan, instead, it's bright red.

Tsukuyomi feeling his instincts, screaming danger decides to end it soon, he covers his black hand with all the Chakra he can muster in that brief moment and attacks Yujiro in the face.

"Hahahaha! Very good, Boy! You are without a doubt the most talented in this generation, but..." Yujiro took a deliberate break as he grabbed his fist covered in Tsukuyomi's black Chakra. "Playtime's over!"


A red Ki explode, erupting from Yujiro's body. While holding Tsukuyomi fist, the ogre began to punch him to the face at high speed while smiling and shouting: "ORA! ORA! ORA!"

"AHH!"Tsukuyomi screamed in pain with a demonic voice as his red blood was leaving his body, but because of his regeneration, the blood soon returned to his body, healing him. But soon after that, Yujiro punched him again repeatedly, this cycle was repeated several times, causing more pain to the boy.

"TSUKUYOMI!! Bastard! I'll kill you!!! Let me go, Hagoromo!"Kaguya Can't hold it anymore and scream angrily activating her Byakugan unconsciously.

"Take it easy, Kaguya."Hagoromo says in a calm tone.

Veins began to form in Kaguya's temple: "CALM!? HE'S KILLING TSUKUYOMI AND YOU'RE DOING NOTHING!"

"You think I'd let that Ogre kill my grandson?"

"Why don't you help him-" She can't finish her question because a voice suddenly speaks to her in her mind.

[Do you want to help him?]

A voice of graceful women echoes in Kaguya's mind.

"Who is it? "She screams.

Hagoromo realizing that Kaguya was speaking alone within his sphere, he smiles satisfied that his plan worked, he uses some of his Chakra and isolates the sphere. - With that, no one will be able to hear her voice. - He thinks.

[Do you want to help him? Answer my question.] The voice asks again.

"Of course I want! Who are you? Answer me!"

[Who am i is not important. The important thing here is that I have power, I can offer you that power].

Kaguya narrowed her eyes and asked suspiciously: "What is the price I have to pay for that power?"

[You'll know in due course.] The voice responds with an amused voice.

Kaguya gets annoyed with the voice, but when she hears Tsukuyomi's cries, she quickly makes her decision. "All right, I accept!" She said grinding her teeth in anger.

[Consider it done.] The voice said with a proud voice.

Suddenly Kaguya begins to feel a power entering in her body, the power slowly began to change Kaguya's body, her body begins to grow into the appearance of a teenager, the power takes the form of a white mantle with two horns of energy. Kaguya now looks like her old self before she reincarnated with the only difference between being a teenager and not an ȧduŀt. "This is..." She doesn't have time to draw conclusions about her appearance because soon the same voice starts to speak again, this time with a gentle tone.

[No need to get so suspicious of me, Kaguya. After all, we have the same goal... The only thing I want is to get 'him' back, but you and that boy aren't strong enough yet... Remember, you're not strong enough to stay in this form for too long, you only have ten seconds]. The voice speaks to Kaguya while slowly disappearing.

Kaguya has a lot of thoughts about the mysterious voice, but she decides to leave that all aside, now the only important thing is to kill that ogre! Kaguya looks coldly through the sphere at Yujiro who is still beating Tsukuyomi with a smile on his face.

The anger she had forgotten starts to come back stronger as if a volcano were about to burst out. Kaguya summons her energy and covers her body with a white Chakra mantle. "Kyuu!" A ten-tailed rabbit appears on top of her head, soon this rabbit starts to fuse with her. When the rabbit fused with her Chakra mantle began to change once again, her mantle is now more like Tsukuyomi's with the only difference being that her Chakra mantle is white with black Magatamas, ten whitetails have formed behind Kaguya and her eye pupil changes into a blue dragon-like form.

Kaguya who is now totally covered by a light that only her blue eyes appear, she said with a cold, soft voice that even freeze the hottest hell, while looking towards Yujiro: "I will make you pay for what with my beloved, Ogre"


Edited By: TornHeart

I'm looking for a publisher who has interested contact me on discord: Victor_Weismann#6273

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