Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 22 - The longest ten seconds 66

"I am Tsukuyomi, the God of the Moon."

Everyone who has an affinity for the moon like the Saiyajins and Otsutsuki's,who heard his voice was instantly enchanted.

"It's a good thing I ordered the Sayajin out of that place, Bardock." Gina says in a determined voice, she is doing her best not to transform into her Oozaru form.

Bardock nods in agreement with her, he was thinking the same thing as her. - I'm just watching him and yet I feel my instincts scream to transform into Oozaru, this feeling is the same as watching the full moon. - He thinks with a frown on his face.

"You made a good plan, old man. To provoke a fight with that human so my heirs could awaken their powers was a smart move..."Tsukuyomi says while looking at a box of Anti-energy material, he frowned in annoyance and snapped his fingers, only with this movement did the Anti-energy box disappear releasing Naomi and Akemi who were trapped inside it.

The clan elders who were present when they heard that Hagoromo used Yujiro as a springboard for his grandchildren to rapidly evolve their divinity, could not help but nod their heads in approval, after all, it was a smart move.

For Naomi and Akemi even though they are stuck when the whole fight happened, they know what is happening, courtesy of Hagoromo who created a breach in the box for them to watch the battle, if to say that Akemi and Naomi are bored would be the euphemism of the century, they are totally angry with Hagoromo who used their children in this way.

Yujiro who was pretending to be knocked, start to recover from his wounds, he was not upset with Hagoromo, he can fight and have a lot of fun just with that he is satisfied, but he does not like to be used like that and leaves a bad taste in his mouth. - Just wait old, I'll make you pay. - he thinks.

Haruka Otsutsuki is over ten thousand years old, she has fought with many gods before, of course, she knows how god's act, that is why she will not interfere in what is about to happen.

Hagoromo suddenly feels a bad feeling, but soon ignores it and asks in a calm voice: "Where are my grandchildren?"

Tsukuyomi ignores his question: "I agree it was a clever move to use that human to awaken me and thus accelerate the process of succession of my divinity, but..." He pauses deliberately and continues: "You should not have manipulated my heirs!"

* BOOOOOOOM! *"wahhhh ~Torn"

An enormous amount of divine power comes out of Tsukuyomi's Body, the power is so great that it is causing cracks in space.

Hagoromo starts to sweat cold, he looks to Haruka for help, but she just smiles at him with a smile of contempt.

"I can't stay in this world for long, I don't want to destroy the bodies of my heirs, after all, thirty minutes... In thirty minutes I will beat you and that human, I will return all the pain you have caused in my heirs multiplied by ten, it is as I always say, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth".

Tsukuyomi disappears and appears in front of Hagoromo, he takes the wise old man by the neck and place him in the direction of Yujiro.

Hagoromo tries to balance himself in the air, but Tsukuyomi appears on top of him and kicks his face.


Hagoromo is thrown over the body of Yujiro who was faking his unconsciousness in the crater.

Yujiro grumbles feeling bored, he grabbed Hagoromo's body and throws it in the direction of Tsukuyomi.

Tsukuyomi raises his eyebrow a little surprised, but soon he smiles and kicks Hagoromo's face, the Old Sage is played again in the direction of Yujiro.

"Hahahaha, he's being treated like crap, well done!" Akemi laughs at the situation.

"But that's not enough, he must suffer more..." Naomi speaks in a low voice with a cold tone, but all the people present can hear her voice and what she's saying, she started to mumble terrible things that she must do with Hagoromo.

"!" The allied clan elders hearing the terrible things Naomi is planning to do with Hagoromo start to sweat coldly, they look in Hagoromo's direction with pity in their eyes.

Hagoromo is annoyed to be treated like a toy by these two, he tries to get up and attack them, but soon he loses his strength and falls to the ground. "What's going on?" he asks Tsukuyomi who was holding Yujiro neck.

Yujiro tries to attack and get rid of Tsukuyomi's grip, but it's no use him dealing with a God after all.

"Everything the moonlight touches is my territory, and in my territory, I can decide what I want even if you can use Chakra or not."Tsukuyomi says smiling.

Tsukuyomi punches so hard at Yujiro that he sends him flying towards Hagoromo. "Are you ready to receive the best beating of your lives? Don't worry, I won't kill you. after all, there are two anxious people waiting in line."Tsukuyomi says looking at Naomi and Akemi that had a bloody expression in their eyes.

Soon the torture session begins, from that day and onwards Hagoromo and Yujiro will never forget the torture they suffered at the hands of Tsukuyomi, Naomi, and Akemi.

Unknown place.

"Did you feel that power?" A man covered in darkness asks the woman who was sitting in front of him.

"Yes, that much divine energy. The only beings who have that kind of power are the gods." The woman answers in a cold tone.

"As I thought, it seems we have work to do." The man says.

The woman asks in a sarcastic tone: "Could you not identify the location of this new god?"

"No, apparently this god was in a separate dimension, we could feel his power for a brief moment, I suppose he used his divinity too much for that little dimension he was in and so we felt his presence out here." The man responds regardless of her tone of voice.

The moment of silence descends between the two.

"Which direction did you feel the power?" She asks.


"The area run by the Kure and the Saiyajin, huh?" she thinks out loud.

"Don't forget that clan lives in the North too." The man warns you.

The woman makes a surprised face, but soon she turns her stoic expression back.

"I will investigate." She says as she leaves the room.

"I hope it's not something that needs those eyes." The man says as he looked at the reflection of the window showing the neon blue eyes with a pink circle inside his pupil.


Edited By: TornHeart

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