Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 26 - Twelve years later 1

Twelve years later. In to Naomi's personal mansion.

In the halls of Naomi's mansion, a woman wearing a white kimono with little horns on her head was wiping the halls of the mansion with a little smile on her face as she hummed a song that only she knew the meaning.

"Looks like you're pretty happy, huh? Is it because the brat is waking up today?" A drowsy voice suddenly asks the woman that halt her cleaning service.

The woman is surprised to hear a voice out of nowhere, she returns to her stoic expression and looks in the direction of the voice that called her, soon she sees a pale-skinned woman wearing a white kimono that is a little messed up because the woman has just woken up, the woman has long white hair with the tips of her hair shivering as if they were defying gravity, the woman has two big white horns on her head with a crack in her forehead indicating that she also has a third eye. "Haruka-sama, you wake up early today." She says after she identifies the presence of the voice.

"Miyuki, aren't you gonna call me Mom?" Haruka asks feeling sleepy while stretching the body.

Pov Miyuki

"Miyuki, aren't you gonna call me Mom?"

Listening to my adoptive mother's question, I froze in place not knowing what is the answer to her, while I look at the disinterested and sleepy expression of my adoptive mother, I recall a bit of my past.

My name is Miyuki Otsutsuki, I am part of a bloodline that is special even in the Otsutsuki Clan, well that's what my parents told me since I was little, but I never listened to their bullshit, since I was little, I was raised isolated from everyone because of this 'special lineage', I was not allowed to play with other clan members or even interact with them, I spent the first 100 years of my long life locked in a mansion that only had three people in it, me, my mother and my father, the first 50 years of my life when I was locked up, I started reading all the books I had in that big mansion so I could find out how special my bloodline was, I spent some time researching the books in the mansion until I found something, apparently my bloodline has traces of a deity.

I was confused, why should I be locked up in a mansion, if my bloodline having only a traces of divinity?

With that doubt in my head, I went after my mother hoping for answers, From what I heard from her while she was bragging: "When a member of the celestial family has the bloodline mixed with a deity, the blood doesn't get weaker like humans, it gets stronger." She said to me with a smile on her face and she continues: "The bloodline of a God is very strong, if they have children with a partner who does not have a strong lineage like Otsutsuki's or Saiyajins, the child will be born only with the lineage of the God".

So this means that if an Otsutsuki has a child with a goddess or god, the divinity of that god will be born with the baby and will strengthen the racial characteristic of the baby.

"It's as if divinity leaves the body of a stronger celestial." I murmur and keep thinking.

Battle of the genes? What's that? Not knowing what that is, I went looking in the books and the discovery made me sweat in fear.

"Battle of Genes is when two different bloodlines fight in a child's body, the result of that battle will define what bloodline the child will inherit, but that has the risk of the baby being killed by the gene conflict."

That's what was written in the book. I can't help but think in fear for myself what if I had died? It seems my mother never considered it despite the low fertility rate of the Otsutsuki's.

Back in the book, I keep reading.

"The gene battle only occurs when two bloodlines of equal rank are mixed. If a woman (Saiyajin) has a child with her male partner (Otsutsuki), their child in the mother's wȯmb will go through the 'gene battle'. The genes that win the battle will be the bloodline that the couple's baby will inherit, but if that baby doesn't resist the Battle of Genes process, the baby will die... The success rate of this battle is less than 10%"

"That's Crazy one! I could have died!" I say out loud throwing the book in anger.

Taking a deep breath to get myself together I begin to think; The battle of genes only occurs when two equal classifying strains are mixed, but what about those bloodlines that are below the celestial?

I walk towards the book that i threw on the floor and continue reading it.

"The celestial world is divided into several rankings of bloodlines. Common, Rare, Elite, Heavenly and God. The ranking of these bloodlines is decided by a superior entity called 'The Will of the World'. This superior entity evaluates the potential of the bloodlines of the clan or individual and gives them a ranking in the hierarchy of this world.

Damn it! I already know that! That's not what I want to know!

I kept looking through the pages of the books until I found them.

"Battle of the Genes, what happens when a low-level bloodline mixes with a high-level one?"

... Ridiculous title! I can't help but shout in my head. I'm still reading it anyway.

"When a low Ranking bloodline is mixed with a high Ranking bloodline, nothing will happen to the baby, but because of the mixing with a low Ranking bloodline the baby will be born with less potential than a normal baby of that particular clan.

So if an Otsutsuki has a child with a woman of common rank. The baby will be born as a full-blooded Otsutsuki, but he will have less potential than a normal Otsutsuki.

...that's horrible. Wait! I heard from my mom there was a hybrid war, right? Something about humans having perfect hybrids.

I throw the book that was in my hand into the pile of books in my room and start looking for the book I learned about the hybrid war.

I spent some time looking for it, but at last, I found it!

I open the book and look for the page that talks about the Hybrid wars.

"Humans have a special trait in their blood that all races do not have that is 'Adaptation'. Because of these characteristics, humans could make hybrids with any race, different from defective hybrids with low potential from other races. The human hybrids carried the potential of two different races making them much more powerful than normal, with this knowledge in hand, humans who were full of power greed began to capture several women of several different races and put them in 'breeding station' where these women would be rȧpėd by several different human men…"

I stop reading and put my hand in my mouth preventing me from vomiting, I have never felt so disgusted by a race before in my life.

I can already imagine how these events ended, the other races became angry with the humans and started to hunt and kill them, with that the fuse that one day would be called the war of the hybrids occurred.

I did not find which deity my bloodline was mixed with, but at least now I had clues where to look, I continued to look for another 50 years locked up in that mansion, but I could never find anything. I never understood why I should stay locked in this mansion one day I asked my parents about it and they just said some nonsense like, "You're special and you shouldn't get mixed with the others."

Until there was an incident that changes everything.

My parents betrayed the Otsutsuki Clan and tried to ȧssassinate Hagoromo Otsutsuki who is the guardian of the planet.

My home was invaded by Otsutsuki Clan members, but when they saw that my parents were nowhere they tried to take their anger out on me, but they were stopped by the Clan Elder who suddenly appeared and adopted me as her daughter.


Edited By: TornHeart

I'm looking for a publisher who has interested contact me on discord: Victor_Weismann#6273

Pa treon.com/VictorWeismann

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