"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Kaguya screams as she entering Haruka's room accompanied by the other girls.

Haruka and Tsukuyomi freeze in place hearing Kaguya's voice, they stop kissing and look slowly towards the bedroom door and see the group of girls who were in the kitchen looking at them with various reactions on their faces.

"Ara, Ara. I didn't expect Haruka to be so bold. "Naomi says with a smile on her face as her eyebrows twitched.

"Mom, it's not fair to take advantage of the situation ...!" Miyuki says coldly.

Akemi didn't say anything, she just looks at Tsukuyomi's younger brother who was soaked in Haruka's transparent fluids. - It's so big!? I didn't realize it before, but will it come to me? - She thinks while imagining several scenes in her head, Akemi's pale face soon turns red when she imagines several perverted scenes with Tsukuyomi in her mind.

Akemi wakes up from her thoughts and she tried to become seriously, but her face is betrayed by small red cheeks: "Can you explain to us how you ended up in this situation? And what was that explosion of power that happened !? "

The girls initially did not plan to interfere when they sent Tsukuyomi to wake up Haruka, but when they felt a power coming from Haruka's room, they quickly came to see what's happening.

Haruka's pale face is totally beet red with this situation, she never thought she would be discovered at this moment, she unconsciously hugs Tsukuyomi's neck tighter and wraps her legs that were around his waist stronger.

"I ... I ... Eto ..." Haruka tries to formulate words, but she is so embarrassed that she cannot form coherent words.

Tsukuyomi, who was holding Haruka by her soft, toned ȧss, says with a serious face "We were trying to discover the mysteries of each other's bodies."

"!" The girls who were standing at the entrance to the room almost fall overhearing his lame excuse! - What mysteries !? You were clearly almost having sėx! - They retort in their mind.

Even Haruka looks at Tsukuyomi's face with an incomprehensible expression listening to the bullshit he said.

Tsukuyomi smiles helplessly seeing that his excuse didn't work, he feels Haruka's gaze Tsukuyomi Looks at her and smile mischievous, he quickly approaches her face and kisses her in front of the girls while holding and squeezing her toned and soft ȧss.

Haruka is surprised by Tsukuyomi's sudden attack, she tries to struggle and leave his arm, but slowly she starts to melt in his arms, soon she gives up to leave his embrace and hugs Tsukuyomi's neck gently and kisses him more passionately. - Humpf! Who cares that groups of kids see me kissing him? I already decided to accompany him until the end of my life! - She thinks while kissing him.

"!" The girls are shocked by Tsukuyomi's bold attitude, but they are even more shocked to see Haruka return Tsukuyomi's kiss in a passionate way, the girls look at each other and nod their heads with a smile on their face, apparently, her plans were successful, but even though they planned this event, they never thought it would develop so fast! They are also jealous of watching Haruka kissing Tsukuyomi so passionately.

The girls look at each other again and nodded in agreement, soon they approach Tsukuyomi and Haruka who were almost lost in their world again and separated them.

The girls put Haruka and Tsukuyomi sitting in Seiza position on the floor.

"Can I wear something first?" Tsukuyomi says as he raises his hand

"No!" The girls deny in unison.

Tsukuyomi makes a helpless expression listening to the girls and looks in the direction of Haruka who was sitting in Seiza next to him, unlike him who was still nȧkėd, the girls let Haruka dress. - What difference in treatment is this !? Is it because she is an elder of the clan? - He thinks.

Soon a questioning session begins with Haruka and Tsukuyomi sitting in Seiza position on the floor.

Tsukuyomi begins to explain everything that has happened since he entered Haruka's room, it is clear that he did not tell that he almost died and about the words she murmurs in her sleep.

Tsukuyomi had two reasons for not telling the girls. First, he doesn't want to worry the girls about something that has already been resolved. Second, Haruka's past is something she must tell, not him.

Kaguya hearing that Haruka also made a soul promise to Tsukuyomi looks at her with an incomprehensible expression. - Should I have made a soul promise too? I feel like I'm being left behind again. - Kaguya thinks, she starts to think about several negative things.

Tsukuyomi who was sitting in Seiza on the floor feels a black aura nearby, he looks in the direction of Kaguya who was emitting this black aura and says: "Kaguya, I don't know what you are thinking, but know that I will always be around if need help, not just me, everyone will be here for you. "

Hearing what Tsukuyomi said. All the girls with the exception of Haruka who still didn't know about Tsukuyomi's ability look towards Kaguya worriedly, they don't know if it's a skill or something from Tsukuyomi himself, but whenever someone is sad or thinking about something bad Tsukuyomi always there to cheer them up to improve their mood, when they asked him about it, he told them he can see a black aura coming out of the person's body when they're sad or thinking about something bad, ȧssuming that's the case this time, Akemi asks when approaching Kaguya: "Are you okay, daughter?"

Hearing Tsukuyomi's words and seeing the expressions of concern of everyone present, Kaguya replies with a smile on his face: "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Tsukuyomi, mom. "


A few minutes after Tsukuyomi explained everything that happened.

In the halls of the mansion.

Tsukuyomi who was now dressed in a white kimono was walking with the girls who were thinking about various things in their heads down the halls of the mansion towards the kitchen.

"I forgot!" Akemi screams suddenly, scaring everyone present and waking them from their thoughts.

"What did you forget?" Miyuki asks with a stoic expression.

"... The heir to the Saiyans and the Kure comes to visit here again." Akemi replies.

"Them, huh?" Naomi says, and looked at Kaguya and Tsukuyomi: "They visited you many times when you were sleeping, treat them well, okay?"

"Okay.". "Okay, mom." Kaguya and Tsukuyomi say.


Edited By: TornHeart

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