Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 44 - I don't regret that decision.

Thanks to Miyuki being around to prevent Tsukuyomi and Akemi from dating again, the shower ended much faster, so they were walking down the corridors towards the garden.

"Are you rabbits?" Miyuki asked coldly, looking at Akemi and Tsukuyomi who were looking at each other as if at any moment they would start attacking each other again.

Of course, their 'attack' would cause more pŀėȧsurė for both of them than pain.

Hearing Miyuki's question. Akemi and Tsukuyomi almost stumbled, they turned around and responded in unison to her: "No!"

Miyuki looked at them suspiciously and said, "So, why are you looking at each other like you want to devour each other? As expected, are you rabbits? "

"No!" They said again together, they looked at each other again and as if casting a spell on them, they kept looking at each other as if they were teenagers in love.

Miyuki used her hand and swings in front of them to try to get their attention, but nothing happened.

"This is really weird, what's going on?" She asked herself.

Miyuki started thinking about possible solutions to this weird situation, but she stopped thinking when she realized that Akemi and Tsukuyomi are almost kissing again.

Miyuki sighed and said, "Wake up!"

Hearing Miyuki's voice. Tsukuyomi and Akemi woke up from their trance and looked at each other's faces that are inches apart, Tsukuyomi smiled softly and kisses Akemi.

Akemi was surprised initially, but quickly she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss stronger.

"Again!? What the hell is going on !? "Miyuki yelled as she stomped her feet on the floor.

Hearing Miyuki's voice. Tsukuyomi and Akemi stopped kissing and looked at each other with longing in their eyes.

"What is happening? I feel like I'm going to lose control and attack you anytime ... "Tsukuyomi said in a loving voice, breathing heavily.

Akemi looks lovingly at Tsukuyomi with dėsɨrės in her eyes as she uncomfortably moved her legs, she was at that moment feeling a tingling sensation inside her sacred cave.

"You are not the only one ... I am holding on too much to not eat you here and now!" Akemi said while breathing heavily.

Miyuki deciding that that was enough, she summoned two ice balls in her hands with her Chakra. "Stay cool until the girls and I know what happened!" She said as she tossed the two ice balls at the couple who didn't know what shame was.

Miyuki's attacked turned Akemi and Tsukuyomi into ice sculptures, but soon the ice started to melt and they looked at her with confusion.

"Why did you attack us?" Tsukuyomi asked confused as he was hugging Akemi around the waist.

Miyuki narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "You need to get away from each other now!"

"Tsk." Tsukuyomi and Akemi grunted and reluctantly they broke away from each other's embrace.

"Tsukuyomi, teleport us to the garden now!" Miyuki said.

"Yes, yes." Tsukuyomi said as he touched Miyuki and Akemi on the shoulder.

Tsukuyomi summoned his divine energy and teleported to the garden.


A white light appeared in the middle of the garden attracting the attention of everyone who was present.

The girls from Otsutsukis clan already know who it was, but the girls from Kure clan and Kakaroto didn't know.

The light faded and Tsukuyomi appeared with Miyuki and Akemi.

Before anyone can said anything Miyuki said coldly, "We have a problem."

Hearing Miyuki's words. The girls from the Otsutsuki Clan looked at her seriously hoping that she will continue the explanation.

Miyuki looked in the direction of the girls from Kure clan and Kakoroto and said: "I'm sorry, but this is something you can't hear. Mom, please."

Haruka nodded and activated her Rinne-Sharingan and isolated the area where Kakaroto and the Kure clan girls were, in a different dimensional space.

Karla and Fusui were surprised by this sudden development, they looked at each other and decided to wait, after all, every clan has its own secrets that nobody should know.

Kakoroto didn't care about the subject and soon went back to eating.

"What happened?" Naomi asked as she was accompanied by Haruka and Kaguya who were beside her.

Hearing Naomi's question. Miyuki took a deep breath and started telling the girls everything that happened.

Listening to what Tsukuyomi did to Akemi. Naomi looked with envious eyes at her older sister. On the other hand, Kaguya got angry and looked at Tsukuyomi with hateful looks, she was not angry at Tsukuyomi doing this to Akemi, Kaguya was angry that she was not the first to do this to him.

Haruka was the only one who doesn't care about the current situation, after all, she will be with him forever, and she also had her moment just before that happened.

After some minutes. Miyuki finished explaining the whole situation and waited for Haruka to said something.

After thinking about it for a while Haruka said, "I think this is related to the brand of wife that Tsukuyomi has placed on us."

"Wife brand?" Tsukuyomi asked confused.

"!" The girls looked at him shocked and think; Don't you know what that is !?

Naomi sighed and started to tell Tsukuyomi everything about the wife's brand.

After a few minutes of explanation, Tsukuyomi said with an ironic smile on his face: "I would never think that what I call 'blessing' was actually a wife brand."

"Do you regret it?" Kaguya asked, curious and a little apprehensive.

Tsukuyomi POV

I smile and said, "Never, I'm happy to know that all of you are my wives ..."

I said with love and care looking at each of the girls present, I looked at each girl with love and care and stop my eyes on my mother who was smiling lovingly at me.

My God! My God! My God! I marked my own mother as a wife! What do I do now!? Damn it!

No! Bad idea! She will be devastated; I can feel from her aura that she loves me as a son and as a man ... Damn! You have the mind of an ȧduŀt to solve this as a man! Damn, I don't know what to do! I'm just going to tell her how I feel and see what happens!


Edited By: Raj

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