Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 52 - Am l unlucky?

Tsukuyomi seeing Miyuki heading towards the mansion asked the girls who were next to him: "Shall we have dinner?"

The girls nodded in agreement, talking all day to make them hungry. Soon they got up and walked towards the mansion while talking to each other.

Tsukuyomi got up too, but when he was about to follow the girls towards the mansion, he heard a static voice speaking to him.

[Save ... Save ... the $% $ *]

He was surprised and looked around for the voice.

'Is it my imagination?'

He asked himself thinking he was going crazy. It was practically impossible to invade the Otsutsuki dimension, the only people who can enter the Otsutsuki dimension, are the people that Haruka herself allowed, so it makes no sense that he was hearing a voice in his head.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing Kaguya's voice. He stopped worrying about it and walked towards her:

"It's nothing, I just thought I heard a voice calling me." He replied.

Hearing Tsukuyomi's words. Kaguya activated her Byakugan in search of something unusual in the garden. She knows that Tsukuyomi was a very sėnsɨtɨvė person with the presence of people, if he heard someone calling him, it was possible that someone has invaded this dimension, even if it was practically impossible for that to happen.

Finding nothing out of the ordinary she said: "Is it possible that someone is communicating with you outside this dimension?"

Tsukuyomi thinks for a while before answering; I feel that this situation is something very similar when a protagonist in a novel must save someone or something, well that's not my problem.

"It is impossible for that to happen, that dimension is disconnected from the celestial world." Naomi replied.

When Tsukuyomi try to answer, he heard the static voice again.

[Go to the forest of the # $ # &}

Tsukuyomi, who had his guard up this time, quickly turned towards the voice.

Looking in the branches of the tree where he usually stays to bathe in the moonlight, he finds a small girl with long red hair that passes from her waist, she is wearing a red coat with golden designs that cover only her head and arms. The child's image is a little blurry, but everyone can clearly see her pointy ears that are escaping her hood.

"An Elf !?" Tsukuyomi yelled in surprise.

"No ... Her ears are too short for an Elf, she is a Half-Elf." Naomi replied with a little sadness.

"A hybrid, huh?" Akemi said, annoyed.

Akemi activated her Lunar Rinnegan and examined what was happening in front of her.

"She is not here in person, what we are seeing is her spirit, she is using this tree as a means of communicating."

Naomi was surprised to hear what her sister said, because of her knowledge, only the High Elves can do what this girl is doing right now.

"[You who are blessed by the Tree of Life, please help my people, we are facing a great crisis right now]"

Tsukuyomi, and the girls were confused by what this girl was saying to them.

When Tsukuyomi goes to ask her something, he heard the girl say.

"[I don't have much time, our village is now being attacked by countless hordes of beings of darkness, please help us in these times of crisis, if we cannot prevent these beings of darkness, our Tree of Life will be burned by them.]"

The girl pleaded with Tsukuyomi while her image slowly faded.

"!" Hearing the girl's words. Akemi and Naomi were shocked, if what she said now is true, it could have a disastrous consequence for the continent.

"Wait! Damn it!"Tsukuyomi screamed while thinking; Why is this cliché situation happening to me?! I'm not a damn hero! Damn it! And what the hell does 'blessed by the tree of life!' mean, I don't remember having that title!

Kaguya, who was watching everything with her Byakugan, asked: "What do we do?"

Akemi deactivated her Rinnegan and replied, "This is work for Hagoromo, the situation is too serious to involve Tsukuyomi in this."

Naomi nodded in agreement with Akemi's words. "The Tree of Life is a tree capable of purifying the soil and air of an entire continent, currently, there are only two Tree of Life in this world."

Tsukuyomi composed himself and asked, "Where are they?" All he wanted to know now, was information, he has a feeling he was going to get involved in this whether he wanted to or not.

"The first Tree of Life is located in the South of the Continent. She is protected by the High Elves and the Fairies."Naomi replied, and added," The second Tree is located here."

Hearing his mother's words. Tsukuyomi gives a tense smile and pointed towards the tree where the girl appeared: "It's that tree, isn't it ...?"

"Yes!" Naomi replied smiling happily.






A silence descended into the atmosphere, but soon it was broken by Tsukuyomi who started to laugh as if he were broken.


While he was laughing, he thinks; Is there a more absurd situation than that? I do not doubt anything if a person suddenly appears saying that I am the heir to something I have never heard of in my life! How unlucky must I be to have a tree of life in my backyard? A tree that only its existence causes problems?

"What is going on?"

The girls heard a familiar voice. Realizing who it was, Naomi responded without turning around while looking at Tsukuyomi a little concerned: "Welcome back, Haruka. How was the investigation? "

"What the girl from the Kure clan said is true. They managed to solve the "Battle of the Genes" problem. However, what is going on here? Why is he laughing like crazy? "

Hearing Haruka's question. Naomi and the girls begin to explain what happened to him.


Edited By: Raj

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