Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 55 - You can do something like this 1

The other day a little far from the Otsutsuki mansion.

"As an Otsutsuki, we were born privileged to other races." Haruka said in a bored tone, while lying on a couch looking at Tsukuyomi and Kaguya. "Do you know why?"

"Yes." Kaguya replied, and added: "We are born with a deep affinity for the Chakra, we are privileged because we do not need to train this energy."

"You are right and wrong at the same time." Akemi who was sitting next to Haruka said.

Haruka looked with annoyance in her eyes towards Akemi who interrupted her class again.

Akemi pouted and said, "Sorry ... I'm bored! Naomi went somewhere with Miyuki, and I can't leave Tsukuyomi's side, otherwise, my body will start to get hot and wishing for him! Not that I'm complaining!"

Everyone rolled their eyes listening to Akemi's words.

"Just don't disturb the class again." Haruka said in annoyance, even though she knows this is impossible, she has already lost count of how many times Akemi interrupted her explanation.

"Yes ..." Akemi grumbled and was silent.

Haruka sighed and continued: "As Akemi said, you are right and wrong at the same time. Otsutsuki are not the only race that is born with a perfect affinity for an energy, but we have an advantage that these races do not have. Our energy 'Chakra' was born in our family, do you know what that means?"

Kaguya and Tsukuyomi think for a while, then Tsukuyomi replied: "The Chakra does not harm us like other races that have a perfect affinity with other energies."

Haruka nodded with satisfaction at the answer and added: "The Chakra is the most versatile energy in the world, it can become anything, everything depends on our imagination. As we have perfect affinity with it and we are the race that brought the Chakra into this world, this energy is not harmful to us, because of that we are privileged."

Hearing Haruka's words. Kaguya begins to think a little and asked: "But what about Dragons and Fairies? Don't the books says they have perfect affinity for Mana? "

Haruka smiled at Kaguya's question and replied, "Yes, they have perfect affinity for Mana, but since they are not the progenitors of Mana, they cannot transform Mana into anything."

"What do you mean 'anything'?" Tsukuyomi asked confused.

"I think it's best to demonstrate this part personally." Haruka said as she got up from the couch, as she walked a little bit away from the area they were in, she said: "Dragons and Fairies can't do anything with Mana, what do I mean by that? it's simple, they can only use Mana according to the elements they were born with. For example, a fire dragon can only use fire magic, a fairy can only use magic from nature, they cannot do something like that. "

Haruka deliberately paused in the explanation and pointed her finger towards the sky, while pointing her finger towards the sky she said: "We are the Progenitors of the Chakra, we can use this energy to do anything, but be careful when using this energy, if your body is not strong enough to handle all this energy, your body will explode because of the large amount of energy, with due time and practice you can do something like that."

Kaguya and Tsukuyomi were shocked to hear this information, they thought it would have no consequence in this world by using all this energy. Kaguya was still thinking that she could use the Chakra any way she wanted just like she did in her old world. Tsukuyomi was with the same thought as she, he thought that the Chakra in this world was similar to what was used in the Naruto world, but apparently it is not so, in this world the Chakra seems to be stronger than it was in the Naruto world. Why does he think that? Simple, now Haruka was using the Chakra to do something that should be impossible in the world of Naruto.

At Haruka's fingertip, a small black ball was being formed, initially, Tsukuyomi thought it would be a Gudoudama, but he dismissed that thought quickly when he saw that this little black ball was suċkɨnġ things around into it.

"Do you know why we are considered the strongest of heavenly families?" Haruka asked with a small smile on her face, without waiting for them to answer her question, she said: "Why do we have the power to destroy this world if necessary?"

"Black Hole." She whispered in a low voice.

A singularity that said to be able to swallow everything in the universe comes out of Haruka's finger and flew towards the sky, the little black ball stops in the sky and soon it started to pull everything towards it, the skies lose the clouds, the ground begins to shake making small earthquakes, the trees start to leave the ground and fly towards the small ball in the sky, the singularity created by Haruka begins to swallow everything as if it were very hungry.

Haruka seeing the damage she did herself, she got upset and undid her technique with a snap of her fingers. - Tsk, I have to clean up this mess now, luckily we were away from the mansion. - She thinks.

"Now you understand?" she asked Tsukuyomi and Kaguya.

"Hai!!" those mentioned screamed.

If someone asked what Tsukuyomi was feeling right now? than his answered answer would be "Scared", but it would still be the understatement of the century! He was basically terrified, but at the same time, he was excited! After all, in his old world, it was impossible for a person to do that, if you came to someone and said you could make a Black Hole with your hands, you would be treated like a Chuunibyou, but in this world it was possible!

Tsukuyomi looked fervently with stars in his eye towards Haruka.

"What?" Haruka asked confused, feeling Tsukuyomi's intense gaze.

Tsukuyomi ran towards Haruka and took her hands saying, "Teach me that! how did you do it? What did you think to do this technique?!" He started bombarding Haruka with questions.


Edited By: Raj

Pa treon.com/VictorWeismann

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