Otsutsuki In The Celestial Realm

Chapter 59 - Situation of the Elves

Somewhere in the South of the Continent.

In a forest with giant trees that can even compete with humanity's tallest building, we see a woman and a child talking.

"Nol-sama, will he come to help us?"

A woman with long blond hair who is wearing a white dress who cannot hide her voluptuous body asks a small girl with red hair.

"Don't call me Nol-sama, I'm just a half-elf." The girl responded with discontent.

"But you are the last daughter of the High-Elves of the old generation, even if you have blood from those damned humans, I will still respect you." The blonde woman said with a small gentle smile on her face.

"I wish all Elves were the same as you, Lucie." Nol responded by murmuring a little sadly to herself, and added aloud: "I got in touch with the being that was blessed by the Tree of Life, but ..." she stopped deliberately, she was now wondering if she should or not to say the race of being that has been blessed by the Tree of Life.

"But?" The blonde woman asked a little confused.

Nol sighed a little and decided to tell the blonde Elf who was in front of her: "I got in touch with the being that was blessed by the Tree of Life, but he is an Otsutsuki."

Lucie looked towards the red-haired girl with her sapphire blue eyes that were a little confused. "What's wrong with him being an Otsutsuki?"

"Fool! The Otsutsukis are a neutral Clan! They do not interfere in the world! The only one who can do that in their family is the 'Guardian' of the planet."

The blonde woman was distressed hearing what Nol said. Since the Hybrid War when female Elves were used as a breeding machines for humans. The Elves isolated themselves in their homeland in the South of the Continent, thanks to the protection of the Queen of the Fairies and the Queen of the Elves, their people lived in peace and harmony with nature, they never got involved with the politics of the world outside, they become an isolated clan just like the Otsutsukis, but with a single crucial difference, the Elves do not live in another dimension like the Otsutsukis.

Because of this crucial little detail, the enemies who wanted to destroy this continent, they often attack the Elves, after all, if they manage to destroy the Tree of Life the continent will collapse, of course with the Queen of the Fairies and the Queen of the Elves protecting the forest, the enemies never managed to enter the forest, but this new invasion is being much stronger than before, it seems that they are afraid of something and have become impatient.

The Elves were being strung out, before the normal Elves did not even think about going into combat, but now all the Elves were being trained to fight with this new invasion, the situation of the Elves was getting worse and worse.

Nol started to remember her meeting with the Otsutsuki Clan, she was so focused on keeping the connection magic active that she didn't realize the important details of the meeting between her and the Otsutsuki Clan, but now that she was calmer, she realized something important, something that can change the whole situation of the Elf completely.

"He also has a Tree of Life planted in the dimension he lives in ..." Nol said suddenly in disbelief.

"What !?" Lucie was shocked by what she heard. "How is this possible?"

"I don't know, but they have an incredibly long life almost bordering on immortality, they must have been got a seed a long time ago." Nol explained.

"We have to warn the two queens about this!" Lucie said while trying to run using Wind Magic.

Nol quickly used her Nature's Magic and materialized a wooden staff, she hitted the blonde Elf on the head with the staff and said: "Idiot! Don't say anything about it! "

"Ugh! Why!? He has a Tree of Life, right !? This is the property of the Elves! " Lucie screamed while holding her head in pain.

"You're wrong. Remember that he was blessed by that very spirit that resides on the Tree, it probably happened because he always lived close to the Tree of Life. "

"What does that mean!?" Lucie screamed indignantly.

"You stupid elf! Is your brain all going to your brėȧst !? For the simple fact that he is blessed by the spirit of the Tree of Life, in our law he can already be considered a High-Elf! If you doubt it, he may be at the same level of hierarchy as our Queen! " Nol screamed as she hitted the wooden staff on Lucie's head again.

"Ugh!" Lucie ġrȯȧnėd in pain. "What should we do then !?"

"For now, we shouldn't do anything." Nol said.

"Why!? Our people are suffering! "

"Fool! The situation is not so serious, the war has not started yet! " Nol yelled at this wind-headed Elf, and added: "Remember, he is an heir to a celestial Clan! He is above the two Queens in position. "

"This position is worthless on our lands! We are isolated from the foreign policy! " Lucie screamed.

Lucie still remembered that many Heirs of the celestial Clans came to the land of the Elves to 'acquire' some Elves as property, of course, the two Queens sent these heirs home 'gently', these heirs had only minor traumas in relation to women with pointed ears. Lucie heard rumors of the Elves who have friendly relations with the Saiyans that these Heirs have never touched women in their lives, they have acquired a new taste for men.

"You are wrong ... By the law of the two Queens, he has no position in our land, but by the law of the world, he is above us. And even though the Queens can ignore his position like the other Heirs of the heavenly Clans who came to these lands, they cannot ignore the fact that he is blessed by the Tree of Life."

"So are we just going to watch our people suffer?!" Lucie screamed in annoyance.

"Of course not, the Tournament of Sayajins is starting, this tournament brings a lot of visitors from other cities, I think we can meet him personally in that tournament." Nol responded smiling a little.

"But how are we going to get out of this forest? The Elves patrol this forest all the time, there is no way out without being overlooked. " Lucie said.

"Don't worry about it, I have a way to get out of this forest, after all, I can't be a purebred High-Elf, but I am stronger than them."

Lucie was annoyed to hear the word 'Thoroughbred', but she said nothing, she knows very well how Nol suffered, after all, the Elves were the race that was most affected by the arrogance of humans. Those Elves who suffered at the hands of humans still harbor a lot of hatred for them, as they were unable to let these emotions out after the two queens isolated the forest, they looked for a scapegoat for that need and that scapegoat was Nol, even if it was a victim like them, after all, she was born to a High-Elf who was taken prisoner by humans.


Edited By: Raj

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