Concubine Zhang looked at the scene of roaring laughter and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Given her status, she would naturally not debase herself and laugh at a down-and-out princess who was locked up in a cold palace waiting to die.

Among the concubines standing beside her, there were many who wanted to express themselves.

The lower the status of the concubine, the harder she smiled at this time.

In this palace, the eunuchs and maids are divided into three levels, and their concubines are not much better.

The grace of the Holy One alone is not enough, the power of their natal family behind them is the basis for this.

Otherwise, no matter how favored you are, there are still ways to deal with you.

Of course, there have been times when this iron law failed...

But that rare occurrence didn't last long.

When Concubine Zhang looked at Princess Ankang's face, especially her eyes, she couldn't help but recall the humiliation of that year.

"Both mother and daughter are foxy, they should be damned!"

The feeling of powerlessness of being alone in the empty boudoir was something that Concubine Zhang would never forget for the rest of her life.

The shrill laughter in the room contained undisguised malice.

At this moment, looking at Princess Ankang, who was huddled in a corner of the wheelchair, silently enduring the ridicule of everyone, Zhang Guifei felt a burst of joy in her heart, so she couldn't hide the smile on her lips.

When the discerning concubine saw this scene, she couldn't help but smile with joy. She even seized the opportunity to say: "The majestic Princess Daxing is so cowardly. She has really disgraced the royal family..."

The concubine wanted to continue making noise, but Li Xuan gave her a cold look.

Then he suddenly waved his claws, bringing out an afterimage, and Zhuye Qing, who was still shouting in front of him, suddenly disappeared.

When a snake faces a cat, it has almost no chance of winning. The difference in speed is really too big.

Even if the snake attacks first, the cat can easily attack second and subdue the opponent.

Facing Li Xuan, who had practiced martial arts, the bamboo leaf green didn't even have a chance to react.

The Sixth Princess, who had deliberately indulged Zhu Yeqing, suddenly felt a light touch on her arm. She looked down and found that the pet she had raised for several years was missing.

While she was still looking down, the crowd in the distance was filled with sarcasm and laughter, which turned into screams of horror.


"Get this thing off me!"


"What are you doing standing still, help me quickly!!!"

Li Xuan quickly put his ears on his round head, and he didn't forget to cover Princess Ankang's ears with his two paws.

"I put it here with my trump card."

He knew that a woman's scream was harsh, but this was the first time he encountered this magic sound-piercing skill.

Caught off guard, Li Xuan felt that his ears were already bleeding.

"This bitch can really scream!"

After turning into a cat, he was especially annoyed by high-pitched sounds.

Li Xuan looked at the concubine in the audience who had forced Lai Lai before. At this time, she was dancing with the green bamboo leaves falling from the sky.

The short, powerful but extremely large movements, combined with her screams that penetrated the eardrums, formed a very special rhythm.

Looking at this scene, Li Xuan couldn't help but say something in his mind.

"This is hip-hop!"

Of course, others present still couldn't understand such advanced art, and they all moved away from the concubine as far as possible.

It's just that she and Concubine Zhang were standing very close to each other just now, and they would inevitably collide with each other during their "street dance".

Swinging a green "silk ribbon", she rushed towards the imperial concubine and tried to invite her to dance with her. However, the prince standing next to Zhang Guifei threw her over his shoulder and threw her out of the pavilion.

The concubine fell to the ground, and before she could cry out in pain, she saw Zhu Yeqing, who was even more panicked than she was, spitting out a snake letter and kissing her passionately.

This scene almost scared her so much that she almost fainted.

Seeing that a man and a snake were about to get intimate in front of the public, Zhao Feng, who had watched the show for a long time, took action slowly.

With a flick of his finger, he stood on the stage and instantly killed Zhu Yeqing from a distance of nearly ten feet.

Zhu Yeqing's head broke off at seven inches and flew past the concubine's cheek, leaving only a slender body in her arms.



After a scream that was several times more piercing broke out, the concubine passed out directly.

This sudden change caused everyone who was still laughing before to shut their mouths and become silent.

"What's this called?"

Looking at the unconscious concubine lying on the ground and the snake body twisting in her arms, everyone felt a sense of absurdity.

"What are you doing standing still!"

"Are all Sun Guiren's attendants dead?"

Concubine Zhang's eyes were filled with anger, she slapped the table and scolded her.

Only then did someone in the crowd wake up from a dream, and quickly lifted up the unconscious Sun Guiren and took him down.

Seeing Concubine Zhang getting angry, everyone in the pavilion with her kept silent for fear of offending Concubine Zhang who was in a bad mood again.

He was originally very elegant, but when Sun Guiren made such a fuss, he immediately stretched his hips and lost the superior style before.

There were just enough slight sneers from other booths to be caught.

However, the object of ridicule this time may not be Princess Ankang.

Concubine Zhang glanced coldly, and her laughter suddenly fell silent wherever she looked.

"Sister, where did you get such enthusiasm?"

"Sun Guiren has always behaved frivolously, this time it can be regarded as a lesson to her."

"Why is my sister so angry? Maybe it's a blessing in disguise for Sun Guiren, I don't know."

In the pavilion on the left, a charming woman wearing a pink palace dress, with a graceful figure and a peach-like face, said in a soft voice.

But the people present were all human beings, and there was no trace of the sinister meaning in these words.

Concubine Zhang gave her a cold look.

"Ouch, sister, this royal majesty is so extraordinary that it is really hard to look directly at her."

Concubine Zhang's forehead throbbed with veins.

Many people in the palace called her a tigress behind her back, how could she not know it.

Seeing that the commotion was getting more and more fierce, Zhao Feng couldn't help but feel a headache.

Two women play a gong, and three women perform a show.

"so much……"

Zhao Feng could only sigh and accept his miserable fate.

As an errand in the palace, you can't avoid these women.

Zhao Feng coughed dryly, and the deep voice came clearly into everyone's ears: "Ladies and gentlemen, please keep quiet and don't disturb the progress of the game, otherwise it will affect the result of the game, and I will not be able to explain to Your Majesty."

As soon as these words came out, all the concubines in the audience gave up timidly.

But they kept their mouths shut, and it was their turn to cry out on the stage.

"But you killed my Xiaoqing, what else can I use to compete?"

The Sixth Princess spread her hands and questioned Zhao Feng in shock and anger.

She was speechless. No matter her mother-in-law or the other concubines, no one cared about her snake being gone?

He was still there in a weird mood for a long time, staring back and forth.

Xiaoqing's body was taken away by Sun Guiren, and only his head was thrown on the ground. He was still alive and crawling around.

But who cares?


Except herself.

"Give Xiaoqing back to me!"

The Sixth Princess shouted into Zhao Feng's ear, with a strong attitude that she would never give up.

Thanks to "Chu Xun Dao Changsheng", "I dream like I am in the sea", "Susat", "butter milk skin mushroom soup", "Dao system hairpin girl", "Dugu Ningla", "Wu Xihua has no branches", "Black Eyes Reflect Blood", "Lonely Muttered Heart", "Crazy Storyteller", and "Wu Qingyue" are supported by monthly votes.

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