The first round of "orders" was over, and Princess Ankang became one of the few to get full marks.

After all, cats at home understand human nature, and it is really simple to get full marks.

This round of instructions has also prepared different versions according to different animal taming species.

But it seems that there is actually not much need.

Except for a few of the princes and princesses, everyone else's performance was not very good.

Even getting three points in the first round is considered excellent.

There are only three people like Princess Ankang who got five perfect scores.

In addition to Princess Ankang, one is the eldest prince and the other is the eighth prince.

These two people have the habit of raising birds and animals.

The eldest prince brought a pure black thin dog to the competition. It was of good appearance and had strong obedience. It had obviously been carefully tamed.

It's just that when Li Xuan looked at this thin dog, he always felt a little familiar.

As for the Eighth Prince, he was very powerful, and he brought an extremely handsome Haidongqing.

Peng's wings fly high, overwhelming the wind and clouds thousands of miles away.

This Haidong Qingyu is pure white in color, with slender black spots on it, like sharp short spears.

This guy has a strong build, and his beak and claws are as sharp as iron hooks.

There were all tamed beasts in the room, and Li Xuan also took note of them.

It's a pity that Haidongqing was so arrogant that he stood on his master's arm and just looked up at the sky without any intention of looking down.

Even the eighth prince, as its master, seemed not to pay much attention to it.

"It's so cool."

Li Xuan curled his lips and didn't take it too seriously.

The second round is "OK".

This time the competition turned out to be an obstacle course. All you had to do was follow the established route and avoid all obstacles.

Points will be deducted for failure to overcome obstacles, and the overall performance will be judged in the end.

In this aspect, the sea green has a huge advantage.

After all, flying is faster than running.

Only when it encountered those few that needed to crawl through low passages did it lose some time.

In this second round of competition, as long as Li Xuan thought about it, he could be far ahead.

But the speed shown in that way was too outrageous, so Li Xuan specially controlled the time to be almost the same as that of the sea green.

Although he showed very agile skills in the process, given Li Xuanmao's identity, it doesn't make people think that this is completely impossible.

But everyone was very surprised that the cat raised by Princess Ankang was extremely extraordinary.

Even Li Xuan himself didn't notice that there were a few uninvited guests in the crowd.

Among them happened to be Mr. Shang.

He looked at the little black cat in Princess Ankang's arms with interest, and murmured to himself: "Is it you, little guy?"

"Finally let me see your true face."

Speaking of which, although Manager Shang had been to Jingyang Palace several times, he had never met each other because of Li Xuan's deliberate avoidance.

But in today's animal taming competition, Li Xuan inevitably appeared in front of Manager Shang.

Because of the large number of people in the Royal Garden at this time, and because the next round of competition was about to begin, Li Xuan did not notice Manager Shang's gaze.

After achieving excellent results in both the first and second rounds, everyone began to notice Princess Ankang, a dark horse.

Especially the eldest prince and the eighth prince looked in the direction of Princess Ankang from time to time.

But their eyes were more on Li Xuan.

They couldn't figure out why an ordinary-looking little black cat could perform so well.

Li Xuan's achievements at this time were no less than the rare and exotic beasts they had painstakingly tamed for many years.

Thinking back on the many years of effort they had put into it, the eldest prince and the eighth prince felt like they were clowns.

Suddenly I felt that my thin dog and sea turtle were no longer fragrant.

"What kind of cat is this?"

"Is it some kind of rare alien species?"

They didn't think there was a problem with their animal training skills, but began to find other gaps.

A typical mentality of "I can't beat the opponent, it must be because my phone is too stuck".

Realizing that their respective owners were looking at the little black cat with earnest eyes, Black Dog and Hai Dongqing couldn't help but feel a little sour in their hearts.

Once upon a time, the owner's eyes had only stayed on them, and only at the beginning.

"Men are all big pigs!"

At this moment, Black Fine Dog and Hai Dongqing had a silent understanding in their hearts.

They couldn't help but feel envious when they looked at the cute human girl who held the little black cat in her arms, smelling soft and fragrant.

At this moment, the eldest prince and the eighth prince coveted Li Xuan, and Black Fine Dog and Hai Dongqing coveted Princess Ankang.

The so-called bedfellows are nothing more than that.

Li Xuan and Princess Ankang were unaware of their lustful gazes, and were busy sticking to each other.

Halfway through the competition, the results were very satisfactory, and they were naturally very happy.

At first, Princess Ankang was a little worried that she would get into trouble if she was too pushy.

But since she was ridiculed just now, she understood that if she didn't stand out, people would still come to cause trouble for her.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to win the competition and get the prize, then deal with the troubles that come with it.

The "ban" in the third round is somewhat interesting.

The competition venue is a twenty-foot-long track with white lines painted on the left and right, and is only about two feet wide.

The tamed animal has to walk to the other end blindfolded, and during this period the owner can only use "forbidden" to give orders.

For example, it is forbidden to go to the right, to the left, to move forward, etc.

If the tamed animal goes outside the scope of the track, points will be deducted even if it steps on the line. If there are too many points deducted, the game will be directly scored with zero points.

When taming animals, they usually only give simple and direct orders. Such an order method that requires more thought will obviously test the tacit understanding between the owner and the tamer.

But when Li Xuan saw that the runway was straight, he immediately smiled crookedly.

When it was his turn, there was no need for Princess Ankang to direct him. He just walked on the catwalk from the starting point to the end.

The balance ability of cats is very powerful. Walking in a straight line while blindfolded is just a basic skill.

On the contrary, Black Thin Dog and Hai Dongqing do not have such ability.

The thin black dog is large and will fall out of line if you are not careful. The eldest prince needs to give instructions at all times to correct its direction.

But even so, the black thin dog stepped on the line several times and was deducted a few points.

As for Haidongqing, the situation is similar. Although it is slightly smaller, as soon as it takes off, due to the excessive amplitude, it will inevitably adjust in the wrong direction and easily fly out of the runway.

Therefore, the eighth prince asked Hai Dongqing to walk over and imitated the eldest prince by giving orders and guiding him in the direction.

However, it is obvious that the obedience of Haidongqing is worse than that of black thin dogs, so more points will be deducted.

As a result, after three rounds, Princess Ankang directly took the lead.

And the atmosphere in the Royal Garden also became weird.

Li Xuan and Princess Ankang felt that there were a lot more gazes on them, and they suddenly felt a pressure coming on their faces.

Thanks to "The road of Shura is not walked alone", "The Lord of the Night", "Qing Jin Yi Zui Qing Wang Hou", "Bi Jia Guan Long", "Every time I change my nickname", "Thinking of fish and hating Yu", "The Wind of the Wind" ","Book friend 20230221212825726" monthly ticket support.

I went to Sanjiang and achieved a big goal since writing the book.

It will be on the shelves on October 1st. Bai Miaonu will work hard to give you more updates then.

Thank you to every book friend for your support. Every friendly comment, every ticket, and every reward of starting coins are all the motivation to support Bai Miao to reach today!

Thank you~~~

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