Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 128 Negotiation is all about being cute!

"Axuan, you are so rude."

Manager Shang put away his top-grade purple clay teapot distressedly and hid it in his sleeve.

He had played with this top-quality purple clay pot for who knows how many years, and it was coated with oil and shiny. As a result, there were two more tooth marks on the spout. How could he not make Mr. Shang feel distressed.

Li Xuan lowered his ears and pressed them against his head, looking like "If you don't listen, I won't listen."

But today, Zhao Fengli was at a disadvantage, and Manager Shang couldn't say anything, so he could only glare at the treacherous son who was snickering at the side.

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhao Feng immediately turned from laughing to coughing, which was very natural.

He avoided Manager Shang's scorching gaze, sat down at the table, and then gave his price.

"Qingshu Palace will be unlucky, and it will be much more unlucky than if you, Ah Xuan, took action yourself."

"If you get involved, you will be affected."

"I'm telling the truth, and I don't mean to deceive you at all."

Li Xuan ignored it.

Their misfortune is their misfortune, what does it have to do with venting their anger on themselves?

That is to say, Li Xuan cannot speak now, otherwise he would have refuted Zhao Feng like this.

Not to mention that he is just a cat now, more of a means of misbehaving in Qingshu Palace.

Not to mention he was being taken seriously now.

Li Xuan had some vague guesses before.

After testing it all the way today, I found that it really does mean something.

It’s hard to say what Mr. Shang did, but he had been very polite to the kittens in the palace before.

When I came to Jingyang Palace several times, I never neglected them. While not leaking anything, I also took extra care of them.

Li Xuan did not forget the fifty taels of silver that Manager Shang left for them when he first came to Jingyang Palace.

At that time, Jingyang Palace was at its most depressed, and Manager Shang was still willing to help in this way.

Naturally, this kindness cannot be forgotten.

As for this Zhao Feng?

Li Xuan finally saw that he had interests consistent with his.

Even though her attitude toward him was so good today, she might still have something to ask of him.

This was also the reason why he dared to act recklessly before.

Now that he has the initiative, Li Xuan might as well give Zhao Feng a try and see what price he can offer in the end. I can guarantee that he will be satisfied.

Seeing that Li Xuan was indifferent, Zhao Feng immediately changed his tone.

"But the tone must be smooth!"

"You've been bullied right at your doorstep, how can you be indifferent?"

"This tone must come out, otherwise it won't work!"

Zhao Feng waved his fingers excitedly. Unexpectedly, he thought he was the one who was offended.

Li Xuan also raised one ear in time and opened his eyes slightly, looking at Zhao Feng, waiting for the next words.

Manager Shang on the side saw Li Xuan's appearance, smiled and touched one of his erect ears, his eyes full of love.

The furry little ears dangled twice, avoiding Manager Shang's touch, and finally pretended to be unable to avoid being touched by him twice.

Manager Shang was even more happy.

Zhao Feng was busy there. When he saw Manager Shang playing with the cat happily, he couldn't help but wink: "Godfather, I'd like to help you!"

As a result, Manager Shang acted as if he hadn't seen anything and focused on teasing Li Xuan's ears.

"have to!"

Zhao Feng sighed in his heart, knowing that his godfather was out of reach.

He changed his tone again: "But upon closer inspection, I am also responsible for this."

"The main reason is that I was negligent!"

"Axuan, do you think this will work?"

"This time, I will make amends to you, and you will give me face. This time, don't provoke Qingshu Dian."

Then Zhao Feng pretended to be afraid that Li Xuan would refuse, and quickly added: "Oh, but don't worry!"

"If there is another incident in Qingshu Palace, I, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will help you seek justice first, without you having to take action personally. It is my duty to do so."

"I have already said hello to the people from Qingshu Palace. If they don't give me face, I naturally can't tolerate them."

Zhao Fengxin promised firmly.


Zhao Feng's attitude put Li Xuan in a bit of trouble.

But Zhao Feng is also a human spirit, and now he can even read a cat's face.

Seeing that Li Xuan was in trouble, he immediately said: "Of course, I have to show some sincerity here!"

"Axuan, do you still remember the Mengyuan dragon fish meat that you ate in the animal taming competition last time?"

Li Xuan immediately felt something in his heart. He had been making slow progress in cultivation recently. He had been looking for similar heavenly materials and earthly treasures for a while, but found nothing.

Seeing Li Xuan's heartbeat, Zhao Feng immediately struck while the iron was hot.

"For this thing to have all its effects, you need to eat a whole stick."

"You only ate a quarter last time. How about I get the remaining three-quarters for you?"

"Mengyuan dragon fish meat is of great benefit to you orcs. There is no shop like this after passing this village."

It's a tempting proposition indeed.

Li Xuan stopped pretending, put away his indifferent and lazy look, stretched and stood up.

Zhao Feng looked happy, thinking that the matter was settled, and showed a proud smile to Manager Shang.

"Are you saying that I can't give away this favor?"

"Don't you think this is being sent away?"

Manager Shang knew his adopted son very well, and as soon as Zhao Feng raised his butt, he knew what this kid was going to do.

Manager Shang just pretended not to see Zhao Feng's proud smile.

But the next moment, Li Xuan shook his head.

Zhao Feng was immediately dumbfounded and didn't understand why the negotiations suddenly broke down.

"Is it too little? But this fish is only useful when you eat the first one, and the rest is just to satisfy your craving."

"The Mengyuan Arowana is extremely rare, and it is a waste of money to satisfy one's cravings."

Zhao Feng also has his own bottom line.

If it is used to enhance the potential of spiritual beasts, this Mengyuan Dragon Fish will not be wasted at all.

But if you give Li Xuan unconditional supply as a way to satisfy his greed, it is absolutely unacceptable.

The Mengyuan Arowana is worth a lot of money. Even the royal family cannot withstand such a torment. It is absolutely impossible for His Majesty to agree to it.

Li Xuan didn't waste any more words. He gestured with them in a direction with his head, then jumped off the table and walked out of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Zhao Feng frowned deeply and his face darkened.

But Manager Shang immediately said: "Axuan asked us to follow him and go over to take a look."

Zhao Feng reacted immediately and followed him.

The two people behind him were both top masters in Ouchi. Li Xuan was not polite and just went as fast as he could.

Of course, Li Xuan now also deliberately shows off his strength.

The display of physical strength is okay, but other aspects cannot be too much.

Otherwise, if he speaks human words directly and is eloquent, I am afraid that Xiangrui will turn into a monster immediately.

Li Xuan is looking for opportunities to properly demonstrate his value.

Manager Shang and Zhao Feng were like ghosts, floating silently behind Li Xuan, following closely behind.

After a while, they arrived at Jingyang Palace.

Li Xuan stood on a courtyard wall, with Manager Shang and Zhao Feng appearing silently on both sides of him.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhao Feng asked impatiently.

Li Xuan rejected him before, which made him still a little bit reluctant to step down.

Li Xuan raised his paw, gestured to his mouth, and pointed at Yu'er who was working in the yard.

Manager Shang guessed at the side: "You mean to give Yu'er some Mengyuan arowana?"

Then, Manager Shang said to himself: "The Meng Yuan Dragon Fish can also be used by ordinary people to enhance their physical fitness. This will generally be done by qualified warriors."

Manager Shang explained casually, but couldn't help but take a deep look at Li Xuan with a complicated expression.

Unexpectedly, Li Xuan's paw moved again, and finally pointed at Princess Ankang, who was sleeping in the sun.

"Do you want Princess Ankang's too?"

"You have to be careful about this matter. Princess Ankang's constitution is weak and she may not be able to make up for it. If you really want to try it, there must be a master beside you to prevent any accidents."

"And this matter must first obtain His Majesty's approval."

When Zhao Feng heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and glared at Manager Shang.

"Daddy, please shut up!"

"In just a moment, one line has turned into three."

Feeling the eyes of his adopted son beside him, Manager Shang coughed twice and said no more.

"I can't help myself, I can't help myself..."

Manager Shang laughed.

After all, treasures like the Mengyuan Arowana are priceless but not marketable. If it weren't for the convenience of the royal family to search for them in the rivers and lakes, I might not have tens of thousands of taels of silver to get one.

Zhao Feng would have to go to his Majesty to discuss these Mengyuan Dragon Fish in the future, which unknowingly made it more difficult for him.

Li Xuan put down his paw and looked at Zhao Feng, waiting for his answer.

Zhao Feng struggled for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I can promise you."

"But I can't guarantee whether His Majesty will agree to Princess Ankang's request."

"But you and Yu'er must have Mengyuan Arowana."

"If Your Majesty agrees, Princess Ankang will be there."

One thing turned into three, Zhao Feng was indeed cruel.

My godfather was right before, but this favor is really not easy to give away.

Now it is no longer a question of whether to send favors or not, but a question of making money at a loss.

But there was no turning back from this matter, and Zhao Feng had no way to regret it now.

And even if the price is much higher, it is still worth it in Zhao Feng's opinion.

This is not just a matter of intelligence or potential.

When Li Xuan faced the temptation of Mengyuan Dragon Fish but rejected them immediately and took them to Jingyang Palace and pointed them at Princess Ankang and Yu'er, the nature was completely different.

Even with Manager Shang's temperament, he couldn't help but have the thought "How great it would be if I picked up Ah Xuan" just now.

With such a spiritual beast, what kind of godson do you need?

Zhao Feng felt the same way, which was the main reason why he gritted his teeth and agreed.

In this deep palace and forbidden garden, such feelings are more precious than anything else.

Places filled with gold, silver, treasures, fine clothing and food are always lacking in these simple things.

Seeing that Zhao Feng agreed, Li Xuan couldn't help but grinned happily.

"This little thing!"

Zhao Feng couldn't help being amused, and his previous frustrated mood completely disappeared.

Cats are so cute, what else can I do?

But the next moment, Zhao Feng stopped laughing.

He saw Li Xuan stretched out his paw again and pointed at Yu'er below.

"Axuan, I advise you to do it."

"I'll be angry if you do this again."

As a result, this time Li Xuan changed his previous serious and cold attitude, pointed at Yu'er with a smile on his face, then stood up and made punching and kicking movements.

Then he pulled Zhao Feng's trousers and looked at him pitifully, his big eyes blinking non-stop, the water ripples flowing, and the stars sparkle.

The little male cat is so cute that neither a porcupine-like man nor an eagle-like woman can resist it.

Zhao Feng saw the shining little stars shooting towards him in the eyes of the cat, making him unable to open his eyes, and his heart was suddenly filled with guilt.

"Haha, Ah Xuan, do you want Yu'er to learn martial arts from my adopted son?"

Li Xuan immediately nodded to Manager Shang.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but look bitter when he heard this.

It's not that difficult, it's just...

"Axuan, can I find someone else to teach her?"

Li Xuan's round head suddenly shook like a rattle.

"Is it that Yu'er is lacking in martial arts? What is lacking is that the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be his master!"

Li Xuan complained endlessly in his heart.

He could collect a lot of martial arts skills from outside and then pass them on to Yu'er.

It's just that Li Xuan found that he was a cat after all, so he always had some inconvenience when demonstrating movements.

Fortunately, the Ten Tiger Forms are imitated feline movements.

If Yu'er follows Li Xuanxue, there will naturally be no problem.

But other martial arts are different.

Li Xuan tried to teach Yu'er Wang's Military Style Boxing before, but he couldn't demonstrate the subtle changes in his hands.

His little cat paws can only perform flowering or something.

As for the blood-slaying tiger claws, because they couldn't find the tiger essence and blood for Yu'er, they naturally couldn't let her practice this skill yet.

Therefore, Li Xuan came up with the idea of ​​letting Zhao Feng teach Yu'er to practice martial arts.

In this way, Yu'er not only has an extra supporter, but also has a good master. Li Xuan can even expand his martial arts arsenal.

Killing three birds with one stone, isn't it beautiful?

Thanks to "Niya and MinNa" for becoming the first alliance leader of this book!

Thanks to "Celtic", "Zhixianzhixing", "PAUL2", and "Book Friends 140426120520084" for their reward support.

Thank you all book friends for your monthly support.

I never expected that Bai Miao would also have an alliance leader! ?

The leader will add another chapter and will never break his promise.

There will be an extra chapter in the evening, don’t forget it.

Make a note: Add an updated chapter (6/0)

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