Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 130 Three Transformations of Fish and Dragon

Li Xuan saw Princess Ankang lying on the table and falling asleep, and couldn't help but pointed at the remaining fish heads and bones.

Never let such a good thing go to waste.

Zhao Feng saw what Li Xuan meant and laughed: "Only the meat of Mengyuan Arowana has efficacy, the head and bones are useless."

"And you see."

After saying that, Zhao Feng pointed.

The three little ones looked in the direction he pointed out and found that colorful foam slowly appeared on the head of Mengyuan Arowana, rising slowly and flying towards the distant sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

In just a few breaths, the remains of the Mengyuan Arowana turned into a large piece of foam. Just like the bubbles blown by children in the square when the wind is nice and the sun is shining, it floats in the wind and is beautiful.

This scene looks like flowers in the mirror, the moon in the water, and clouds in a dream.

The three little ones couldn't help but be stunned.

"What a beauty……"

Even Zhao Feng just quietly admired this scene, not knowing what he was thinking.

I just heard him suddenly mutter: "Wake up from your drunken dream and summon the Immortal Yin. Don't startle the cicadas on a leaf in the first autumn. The gentleness of Baiyun Township is far away, and we have formed a connection with the cool world."

Zhao Feng sighed, and then said to them: "It is said that after the creatures in Mengyuan leave Mengyuan, they will return to their hometown in this form, and then transform into new Mengyuan life again."

This statement made the three little ones feel very romantic.

While listening to the magical Mengyuan story, Princess Ankang lay on the table and fell into a deep sleep without knowing it.

At the corner of her mouth, there were crystal tears shed for the return of Mengyuan Dragon Fish.

"Your Highness rarely eats so much. He must be tired."

"Yu'er will help His Highness go back and have a rest first."

Yu'er said, calmly wiping the tears from the corner of Princess Ankang's mouth.

After all, she is a majestic princess and cannot lose her composure in front of outsiders.

Li Xuan jumped down from Princess Ankang's arms, followed Yu'er, and together they sent Princess Ankang to lie down and rest.

Seeing that Princess Ankang had no adverse reactions after eating Mengyuan Arowana and her body was still warm, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel happy for her.

"This way, your health should be better."

Seeing Yu'er tucking Princess Ankang into a quilt, Li Xuan felt happy.

Yu'er also looked at Princess Ankang's cute sleeping posture, then looked at Li Xuan and said with a smile: "Axuan, let's go out to eat fish too, don't keep Manager Zhao waiting too long."


Yu'er hugged Li Xuan and returned outside happily.

The imperial chef took a short rest and waited until his energy level was almost restored before he continued to handle the second Mengyuan arowana.

The cooking of Mengyuan Arowana is not a simple matter, it is very particular.

Although it looks like an ordinary way to make sashimi, maintaining the vitality of Mengyuan Arowana as much as possible during this process requires extremely powerful knife skills.

Otherwise, if the craftsmanship is poor, the Mengyuan arowana will lose all its activity before the fish is finished.

If it turns into a bubble and dissipates, it will be a sin.

For chefs, being able to cook Mengyuan Arowana with their own hands is not only recognition of their skills, but also an honor.

Take it out and it will be a golden sign.

Even for the royal chef in the palace, cooking Mengyuan Arowana continuously is an extremely difficult test.

But fortunately, what Zhao Feng brought today was not an ordinary imperial chef.

Although this imperial chef looks like an ordinary middle-aged uncle with a wide body and an ordinary appearance.

But he is the current chief manager of the imperial kitchen, and the god of cooking is now in great demand, Zhuge Fang.

In his hand, a gleaming dark iron kitchen knife was seen flying up and down, making it dizzying.

Before Mengyuan Arowana could react, it was cut into pieces of fresh meat as thin as cicada wings, and the separation of bones and flesh was completed in an instant.

"Axuan, you eat this one first."

"You have already eaten a quarter of a fish in the animal taming competition. If you eat three-quarters of this plate, you can fully activate all the effects of the Mengyuan Dragon Fish."

"As for the rest, just eat it to satisfy your cravings, otherwise it will turn into bubbles and disappear after a while. Although it is a bit wasteful, there is nothing we can do about it."

Zhuge Fang, who was sweating from exhaustion and resting on the side, looked strangely at Zhao Feng explaining so seriously to a cat.

He came today with His Majesty's order. Otherwise, Zhao Feng's reputation alone might not have allowed him to invite the Chief Manager of the Royal Kitchen.

His Majesty asked him to cook fish. Zhuge Fang naturally didn't ask any questions, but when he saw it, he would inevitably feel a little strange.

"It's time to get old and confused."

Zhuge Fang secretly cursed.

He used to apply for some precious ingredients with Zhao Feng, which was a hassle.

But he was timid by nature and was only good at cooking, so he only dared to curse silently in his heart.

As a result, the next moment, Zhuge Fang saw the little black cat nodding, as if he understood what Zhao Feng meant.

Immediately afterwards, the little black cat howled and called three larger wild cats, and they sat obediently on the open space not far from the table.

Li Xuan carefully took out a fifth from the plate, then divided it into three parts and threw them in front of Mao Ba and the others.

Smelling the smell of Mengyuan Arowana, the three cats suddenly became restless, but they all looked up and stared at Li Xuan on the table.

"Meow! (Let's eat!)"

Li Xuan shouted, and then the four cats started to cook at the same time.

Zhao Feng shook his head and laughed. Unexpectedly, Li Xuan was already prepared.

That's right, he had mentioned the weight of Mengyuan Dragon Fish to Li Xuan that day.

I thought Li Xuan would eat the remaining quarter to satisfy his craving.

I didn't expect him to be so frugal.

Thinking about how Li Xuan had asked for fish heads and bones, Zhao Feng began to have a deeper understanding of this auspicious animal.

"He is a capable person." Zhao Feng commented as he watched Li Xuan, who was eating.

Zhuge Fang, who was standing by, was stunned.

"Is this cat a rare animal?"

Li Xuan's strange behavior attracted Zhuge Fang's attention.

"Cat meat is sour and difficult to cook."

"You need to put a lot of effort into spices in advance."

"No, this cat must be different from ordinary cats, maybe it's not sour."

"That's a different method."

"Oh, if I can taste it, I will definitely think of the best way to cook it."

"What kind of cat is this? I have to ask old man Zhao to buy me one later."

"I have to ask him to do this even if I have to sell everything I have!"

Li Xuan was eating sashimi happily, but suddenly shuddered for no reason. He looked up suddenly and saw that the imperial chef brought by Zhao Feng was staring at him with green eyes, a look of desire on his face, and swallowing his saliva from time to time.


"Are you actually coveting my beauty!?"

Li Xuan subconsciously covered his chest, clamped his powerful hind legs, and protected his butt tightly with his long tail.

"What kind of world is this palace? Even the imperial chef is not normal." He cursed and then lowered his head to eat, but he was always alert to the imperial chef with a wretched look. Mao Ba and his friends had less portions, so they finished the Mengyuan Dragon Fish meat first. Mao Ba and Fat Orange licked their mouths, and while they were still not satisfied, they felt the heat burning in their bodies, and they couldn't help but feel comfortable all over. They kept stretching and snoring comfortably. But the cow was like being possessed by a demon, staring at the plate on the table, and took a step forward involuntarily. Mao Ba was immediately alert, and without bothering to stretch, he raised his paw and gave the cow an electric cannon. Bang! The cow is indeed a strange cat, and the sound from its head is different. But just now, Mao Ba didn't hold back at all, and directly knocked the cow over, and its chin hit the ground. The cow felt pain and immediately came to its senses. It stopped staring at Li Xuan's plate and turned to look at Mao Ba with tears in its eyes. It was so pitiful that it wanted to cry.

Mao Ba didn't care how pitiful it was. Its only remaining eye stared at the cow fiercely, full of sternness.

The cow lowered its head, and its big tears fell to the ground with a patter, and big pearls kept falling.

At this time, Fat Orange stretched out his fleshy paws, touched the cow's head, and then licked it twice to comfort him.

The cow immediately threw himself into Fat Orange's arms and wiped his tears on its soft fur.

Fat Orange didn't dislike it, just stood there for the cow to lean on, and licked his paws out of boredom.

Li Xuan also licked his plate clean later.

He naturally saw the movements of Mao Ba and others before, and couldn't help feeling relieved.

He had expected the cow's reaction, but Mao Ba and Fat Orange didn't disappoint him.

As time went by, he gradually understood how Mao Ba tolerated the cow.

This kid is really stupid!

Even Li Xuan couldn't bear to bully the cow.

It was fun to see the cow playing by herself.

This cow was actually the real group pet.

Seeing that Li Xuan had finished his fish, Zhao Feng looked at Zhuge Fang, wanting him to cook the last fish and then finish the work.

As a result, Zhao Feng saw Zhuge Fang staring at Li Xuan, with that familiar fanatical desire in his eyes.

Zhao Feng hurried over to block his gaze and said in a low voice:

"Don't think about it, it's definitely impossible to cook for you!"

Hearing this, Li Xuan was immediately horrified.

"I see you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, and you actually want to eat me!?"

Zhuge Fang asked in confusion: "Why? Manager Zhao, do you know that this is for our chefs..."

"Shut up!" Zhao Feng saw him shouting, and couldn't help but said anxiously, fearing that Li Xuan behind him would hear it.

"Hurry up and cook the last fish, and don't let your imagination run wild, or else don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhuge Fang tightly pursed his lips, obviously unwilling.

But he couldn't help listening to Zhao Feng's words, so he had to give up and looked at Li Xuan reluctantly.

Li Xuan was so scared that he quickly hid behind Yu'er.

"What a royal chef, you actually want to eat cats!"

Yu'er also heard what Zhuge Fang said just now. While protecting Li Xuan, she glared at him and silently expressed her dissatisfaction.

"What a pity, what a pity."

Zhuge Fang shook his head and regretted it, but his hands were not slow at all, and he quickly cooked the last fish.

It was Yu'er's turn to eat. While eating sashimi, she looked at Zhuge Fang fiercely, as if she was eating his meat.

Seeing that the three Mengyuan dragon fish were all processed, Zhao Feng quickly pushed Zhuge Fang and asked him to go back to his imperial kitchen.

"Hey, why are you in such a hurry? I'm not busy today. Let me stay for a while." Zhuge Fang's eyes never left Li Xuan. Even a cow could tell that he had bad intentions.

"You are not allowed to have any ideas about that black cat, otherwise if you let His Majesty know, I won't be able to protect you, and by then we won't be sure who will be made into a dish!"


As soon as Zhuge Fang opened his mouth, Zhao Feng exploded.

"If you dare to be nagging again, all the research funds of the Imperial Kitchen Room for this month will be deducted!"

"There's next month, next month, next month, next month..."

Zhuge Fang quickly gave up and did not dare to mention the matter again.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to think about it anymore."

"Stop, I'm leaving now."

Zhuge Fang packed up his knives as he walked. Not far away, he couldn't help but look back and asked: "Then it's dead..."


Zhao Feng pointed out angrily and shouted.

Zhuge Fang left dejectedly.

When Zhao Feng came back, he found that Yu'er had already finished the whole plate of fish with gritted teeth, and was actually the fastest among the three little ones.

Seeing that both Li Xuan and Yu'er looked wary, Zhao Feng had to explain: "The person just now was the chief manager of the imperial kitchen, Zhuge Fang."

"There's something wrong with his mind. He's only thinking about cooking. Don't worry too much about him."

Zhao Feng persuaded her so nicely, and Yu'er could only nod, but she had already put that person on the blacklist of Jingyang Palace in her heart.

Then, Zhao Feng quickly changed the topic.

Zhao Feng winked first and asked the others to pack up their things and go out to wait.

Li Xuan also followed suit and winked at the cat bullies, but in the end he only got three cat heads that tilted in unison.

As a last resort, he could only shout and dismiss them.

After the yard was cleared, Zhao Fengcai continued to say to Yu'er:

"After eating Mengyuan Arowana, I will start teaching you martial arts."

"I happen to have a technique here, which needs to be guided by Mengyuan Dragon Fish, and it is more suitable for women to learn."

"It's just that this technique was created less than ten years ago. It was an attempt by an old friend of mine."

"So far, no one has mastered it. Are you willing to give it a try?"

"If you don't want to, I can also teach you other techniques."

Regarding Zhao Feng's unexpected proposal, both Li Xuan and Yu'er couldn't help but be stunned.

Yu'er hesitated for a moment, looked at Li Xuan, and then asked: "Mr. Zhao, I wonder what the name of this technique is?"

"Three transformations of fish and dragon."

Thanks to "Original God Gou Xinei", "Angel Loves Joking", "Times Go by Like Water", "Qingqiu Yi", and "Yuan 13" for their reward support.

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