Li Xuan couldn't help but squint his eyes and looked at the palace maid next to her who was wearing a curtain hat and covering her face with a veil.

"Why is she here?"

For a long time, Liang Chuchu kept a low profile, making Li Xuan almost forget her existence.

I thought that after being accepted as a personal attendant by Wang Suyue, I would be able to live in peace, but now it seems that my true nature is still hard to change.

Liang Chuchu's previous performances really made Li Xuan mistakenly think that she had accepted her fate and wanted to be a palace maid.

Now it seems like it was just temporary forbearance.

But if this is really the case, Liang Chuchu has grown a lot.

In the past, apart from being unruly and willful, it could be said that she had no ability at all.

Therefore, Li Xuan actually didn't really take Liang Chuchu seriously.

Later, her family fell into ruin, and she naturally fell into despair.

From a talented person with an extraordinary family background, he turned directly into a little palace maid that everyone can bully.

Coupled with her numerous arrogant and domineering behaviors when she first entered the palace, many people hated her.

Li Xuan even witnessed with his own eyes the scene of her being emptied into the toilet.

But Liang Chuchu survived all these things.

And these hardships seemed to make her grow a little.

But judging from her current performance, this growth seems to be a little too superficial.

"It seems Wang Suyue is still innocent."

Two palace maids met secretly in a deserted corner, and one of them didn't even dare to show her face.

What good things can they mutter about when they get together?

"After everything is done, your benefits will be indispensable."

"This is my master's greeting to you, please feel free to do your work."

The masked palace maid said as she handed a bundle into Liang Chuchu's arms.

There was no expression on Liang Chuchu's face. She silently took the baggage and opened it to take a look.

After opening the baggage, she couldn't help but glance at the contents inside.

Inside the baggage were several large silver ingots and some jewelry.

And among these things, there is another conspicuous presence.

Those are small medicine bags.

"I've already divided the portions for you. From tomorrow on, all you have to do is sneak these medicines into Wang Cairen's meals and tea."

"Just one pack a day."

Liang Chuchu couldn't help but frown slightly when she heard this.

The masked palace maid quickly said: "Don't worry, it's not poison, it will just mess up Wang Cairen's menstrual period, and it will never bring you any trouble."

"And even if you are exposed, the master will bring you over. You don't have to worry about this."

"After all, Wang Suyue is just a newly favored talent, and she is not qualified to deal with palace maids privately."

"We have also said hello to Mr. Yinfang, so there is no need to be afraid of her."

The masked palace maid kept persuading her, and she was quite well prepared.

However, although Liang Chuchu's brows relaxed, she just looked at the contents of the bag silently, obviously hesitant.

"What else are you thinking about?"

"What kind of troubles did you and Wang Suyue have in the past? She asked you to come over. How could An's kindness be so good?"

"Even if she doesn't do anything to you now, can you guarantee that she won't do anything to you for the rest of her life?"

"Your family is in ruins now. With the previous relationship between your two families, it's damned hard for her to be nice to you."

The masked palace maid is not a vegetarian either. She is very seductive when she speaks provocative words.

Li Xuan and Fat Orange hid on the treetops in the distance, watching this scene with interest.

"There's never a dull moment in this palace."

“There’s something good to watch every day.”

The two cats continued to perform in front of a high-quality audience, and the two palace maids below also performed the performance passionately.

Liang Chuchu was finally persuaded, put away the baggage in her hand, and then said to the masked palace maid: "I can agree to this, but you have to let me see your true face, otherwise you will betray me in the end, and I will What can I do to you?"

The masked palace maid saw that Liang Chuchu had collected the burden, and she had already taken hold of her. There was no chance for her to take the initiative.

The masked palace lady smiled softly and said, "Now is not the time. When you successfully take the first package of medicine, I will show my true face."

"When the time comes, I will contact you in the same way."

"It's getting late, you should go back quickly."

After the masked palace maid finished speaking, she turned around and left without giving Liang Chuchu a chance to ask any more questions.

Liang Chuchu also wanted to grab her sleeves and ask her clearly, but she was easily dodged by the other party. After a while, she turned a few corners and completely disappeared from sight.

Liang Chuchu's expression was gloomy, but she finally gritted her teeth, hugged the baggage and left.

Seeing the two of them leaving, Li Xuan greeted Fat Orange and asked her to follow Liang Chuchu.

After all, Wang Suyue's other courtyard was more familiar to Fat Orange, so Li Xuan arranged an easier tracking route for it.

And he himself chased in the direction in which the masked palace maid left earlier.

"I want to see who is targeting Wang Suyue."

Wang Suyue is a good person, and she is also Deng Weixian's current master, so Li Xuan naturally wants to take care of her.

If something goes wrong on Deng Weixian's side, Li Xuan will have a headache.

Not to mention that he is Yu'er's only blood relative in the world, his godfather is also a very important resource.

Deng Weixian's defeat is not the result Li Xuan wants to see.

Li Xuan and Fat Orange immediately went their separate ways.

When he came out to look for the masked palace maid, he could no longer find her trace.

There are many cloisters and walls nearby, with numerous buildings and complex terrain.

It seems that the other party did not choose a meeting place randomly.

"He's a veteran."

Li Xuan smiled and moved forward slowly to search without caring.

People really rely more on their eyes to find people.

But now he is a cat, and his nose is more sensitive than his eyes.

Raising his head and sniffing the air gently, Li Xuan quickly found the scent of the masked palace maid.

Although the masked maid disappeared soon, her scent still lingered nearby.

Li Xuan followed the smell and soon found a palace maid who was quite old.

This palace maid looks to be in her forties, and her clothes are different from before. Her overall temperament looks very kind. She would smile and say hello to other palace maids and eunuchs she meets when walking on the road, so she will not cause trouble. Disgusting.

The veil that previously covered her face hung from the brim of the curtain hat, covering her entire face.

From Liang Chuchu's perspective, he couldn't even see his eyebrows or neck.

But none of this can trouble Li Xuan.

Because the smell of people is difficult to change.

No matter how much the masked palace maid conceals her appearance or changes her clothes, the smell of her body remains the same.

From this aspect, cats have a big advantage when tracking.

Thinking about it this way, Li Xuan's idea of ​​cultivating a cat brigade in the future is still very promising.

Following this middle-aged palace maid, she circled the Yanqu Palace several times before going back to work.

Judging from her work content, she is actually a palace maid without a master.

That is to say, just like Liang Chuchu before, she only does the chores in Yanqu Hall and does not serve any talented person full-time.


Li Xuan couldn't help but feel strange. She had clearly mentioned her master before, but it turned out to be just a palace maid doing chores in Yanqu Palace.

But judging from the silver and jewelry she took out, she shouldn't be lying.

Although there were not many things in the baggage, it was not something that an ordinary palace maid could handle.

Li Xuan followed the middle-aged palace maid patiently, thinking that since she had accomplished something today, sooner or later she would have to report it to the master behind her.

He wanted to see how long this palace maid could hold it in.

And it turns out that this palace maid can indeed hold back.

It wasn't until it was getting late that she finished her day's work and prepared to go back to rest.

Li Xuan followed her all day, and finally discovered the flaw when she was returning to her room to rest after dinner.

When the middle-aged palace maid passed by the front hall, she passed by a talented man.

Seeing no one around, the middle-aged maid quietly handed a note to the other party.

After the talented man took the note, he continued to move forward calmly, and soon returned to his room.

Li Xuan watched this scene secretly, took note of the talented person's room, and then continued to talk to the middle-aged palace maid.

After a while, Li Xuan returned to Wang Suyue's courtyard and met up with Fat Orange.

He had already figured out the residence of the masked palace maid and the residence of the talented person who took the note, and locked onto these two suspicious targets.

Seeing Li Xuan come back, Fat Orange said hello, and then gestured in Liang Chuchu's direction with his paw.

Liang Chuchu was doing cleaning work in the courtyard at this time.

"Meow. (The baggage is in her room.)"

Fat Orange added.

Li Xuan nodded happily, it was convenient to deal with smart cats.

So Li Xuan usually asked Fat Orange to be the liaison officer.

Otherwise, if the cow comes more often, Li Xuan may suffer from high blood pressure or cerebral hemorrhage.

Seeing that Liang Chuchu was at least relatively calm now, Li Xuan asked Pang Ju to stare at her, and then he sneaked into Liang Chuchu's room.

The five palace maids in the other courtyard all live in the same courtyard, which is much larger than Deng Weixian's.

But Li Xuan didn't spend much effort to find Liang Chuchu's room.

He used the magical skill of climbing through windows, entered the room, and began to look for the previous baggage.

No matter what idea Liang Chuchu and those people have, I will confiscate the crime tools and see what else you can do.

But Li Xuan searched for an hour, but he couldn't even find the cloth, let alone the baggage.

"Where's the stuff!?"

He looked around in shock at the room that had been turned upside down.

Liang Chuchu's room was not big, and the furnishings were very simple. There was only a bed, a table and chairs and a wardrobe.

Otherwise it is empty.

According to his usual experience, Li Xuan searched under her bed, on the beam, and in the closet.

Even a few suspicious floor tiles were lifted up, only to find nothing.

"It shouldn't be..."

Li Xuan, who prided himself on knowing where the palace maids and eunuchs hid their things, couldn't help but begin to doubt himself.

After he made sure to search every corner of the room, he began to erase the traces he left so that Liang Chuchu wouldn't notice anything was wrong.

"Where can I hide?"

Li Xuan muttered and turned out of the window again.

He was now sure that Liang Chuchu did not hide the previous baggage in his room.

But Wang Suyue's other courtyard is neither big nor small.

It's more than enough to hide a baggage.

He planned to go back to Fat Orange and ask if he had seen the place where Liang Chuchu hid his things.

As soon as he returned, he saw Liang Chuchu secretly pouring some white powder into the teapot and stirring it with his fingers.


Li Xuan looked disgusted, but when he saw the only medicine bag left in Liang Chuchu's hand, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"What should I do?"

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