"Axuan, isn't this the technique that Sister Yu'er is practicing?"

Princess Ankang has good eyesight and recognized it immediately.

"This is the Kung Fu that Mr. Zhao passed on to Sister Yu'er. It wouldn't be good for us to practice it privately, right?"

Princess Ankang asked with some anxiety.

In response, Li Xuan just shook his head slightly and continued to demonstrate the movements.

He would follow him every morning to watch Zhao Feng teach Yu'er martial arts.

During this period, Zhao Feng never mentioned that Yu'er was not allowed to teach the martial arts he taught to others.

Besides, this martial arts was learned secretly by Li Xuanguang Guangming. What happened to Guan Yuer and Zhao Feng.

If she knew what Li Xuan was thinking, Princess Ankang would be speechless.

Seeing that Li Xuan told her that it didn't matter, Princess Ankang stopped thinking about it and started seriously learning the swimming fish movements.

The swimming fish style has fewer moves than the ten moves of the tiger form, only six moves.

But the difficulty of the action is much higher.

If Princess Ankang wasn't in better physical condition now, even if Li Xuan wanted to teach her, she might not be able to learn.

Li Xuan first demonstrated it himself, making his movements as slow as possible so that Princess Ankang could see all the details clearly.

Li Xuan learned this martial art through his own talent, so his understanding of the Swimming Fish Style is not at all inferior to that of Zhao Feng. The difference may be a matter of proficiency.

During this period, he would also find time to practice these martial arts that he had not yet perfected, but his progress was relatively average.

[Three Transformations of Fish and Dragon·Swimming Fish Style: 41%]

Li Xuan's practice of this set of exercises does not increase his strength too much, but it is very helpful for his body's flexibility.

Cats' flexibility is already very strong, but after being strengthened by swimming fish style, it becomes even better.

Not only can it reduce the risk of injury during daily martial arts training, but it can also assume more difficult poses when needed.

After Li Xuan finished the demonstration, he took Princess Ankang to practice together and taught her the details of every move.

Princess Ankang's physical hardware is just a bit poor, but the software in her brain is still very good.

Even if the movements are not performed well at the beginning, with a little help from Li Xuan, they can be corrected immediately and the movements can be performed in a decent manner.

Princess Ankang was like a little loach, swimming around on the bed.

Not to mention, this is really useful.

Not long after, the little girl was so exhausted that she was panting and sweating all over.

Seeing Princess Ankang sweating, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that it's really just the Ten Tiger Forms that are useless."

He was really afraid that Princess Ankang was immune to all martial arts. If that was the case, it would be troublesome.

It was hard to see the hope that Princess Ankang could recover, but it couldn't end like this.

"Huh, uh..."

"Axuan, the exercises practiced by Sister Yu'er feel much more difficult than the previous ones."

Princess Ankang panted and finally finished the last movement of swimming fish pose.

Li Xuan saw that she was very tired, so he quickly covered her with a quilt and got ready to rest.

"It's really strange. The previous actions were obviously not tiring at all."

"It turned out that if I changed my movements, it wouldn't work..."

Princess Ankang closed her eyes in a daze as she spoke and fell into a deep sleep.

Li Xuan also quickly got into her belly. Not long after, a familiar chill hit her.

"Very good."

Feeling the raging chill in his body, the meridians in his body felt like they had been scraped by a steel knife.

But this pain actually made Li Xuan breathe a sigh of relief.

The icy breath spread to every corner of the body as the coldness enveloped him, and gradually became silent, making it difficult for Li Xuan to detect it.


"It feels like it hurts more today."

Li Xuan grinned, his expression a little distorted.

He quickly distracted himself and thought about other things.

"Are the Ten Tiger Forms really perfect?"

Recalling the previous situation where Princess Ankang performed the Ten Tiger Forms with ease, the doubts in Li Xuan's heart could not be easily dismissed.

With all the calculations in mind, Princess Ankang had only practiced the Ten Tiger Forms three times before.

Li Xuan remembered it very clearly, because every time he had to experience the process of the cold breath in his body completely dissipating and then recovering again.

But today, the Ten Tiger Forms had no effect on Princess Ankang. Not only could they not arouse the chill in her Dantian, they could not even make her exert any effort.

That is clearly something that can only be achieved by practicing the Ten Tiger Forms to perfection.

Li Xuan clearly understood this.

"Perhaps, this is the price the little girl gets for her weak body."

"There are gains and losses. Maybe this is actually a talent."

"A gift that comes at a huge price."

Thinking of Princess Ankang's previous frailty and illness, Li Xuan gradually began to have such speculations.

"The little girl may be even more talented than me."

Li Xuan thought about this, and a smile slowly appeared on his twisted expression.

When Princess Ankang opened her eyes again, she felt refreshed as never before.

She felt that her body was so light that it blended with the air in the room.

Between each breath and every breath, you can feel the power accumulating in your body.

Compared to the past, Princess Ankang now understands the significance of human beings needing to breathe.


"Sleep so soundly!"

Princess Ankang stretched a lot, and the bones and joints on her body made a clicking sound, which made her feel very comfortable.

She stepped on the ground and stood up easily.

Princess Ankang was stunned and felt that her legs were getting stronger.

Then she smiled and understood that this was the effect of practicing just now.

Ever since Li Xuan took her to practice Kung Fu, her physical fitness has undergone earth-shaking changes.

After every practice, Princess Ankang feels that she is constantly transforming.

That feeling made her look forward to her next practice.

"Axuan, Axuan..."

"Where did you go again?"

Princess Ankang looked for traces of Li Xuan and called twice more when she left the house, but did not get any response.

"Go out to play?"

Princess Ankang tilted her head and didn't care.

At this time, Yu'er, who was practicing martial arts in the yard, saw Princess Ankang coming out of the room in high spirits, and couldn't help but happily greeted her.

"Your Highness, you are awake."

Ever since Yu'er began to make up her mind to practice martial arts, she has been studying very hard.

He practices martial arts whenever he has free time, so Zhao Feng is very satisfied with Yu'er's progress and often can't help but praise her.

"Sister Yu'er, have you seen Ah Xuan?"

Princess Ankang asked.

Yu'er shook her head. She had been practicing the slingshot technique in the yard. If Li Xuan came out of the room, she would have seen it.

"No, Your Highness."

"After you go in, I will stay outside."

"Axuan, isn't he in there?"

After several experiences, Yu'er already understood that Li Xuan would regularly practice with Princess Ankang.

And I don’t know what kind of magic my kitten used. Princess Ankang’s body will be very good every time she practices, and she can be active and active for a long time.

Even if the energy fades, the recovery of the body is visible to the naked eye.

Didn’t you see that Princess Ankang can now walk easily without relying on a wheelchair?

This is all the result of my own cats.

At least, that's what Yu'er thought.

Therefore, when she saw Li Xuan taking Princess Ankang into the house before, she consciously started guarding the house.

But so far, she had only seen Princess Ankang coming out.

"Did A Xuan climb through the window and go out to play?"

Yu'er also understands Li Xuan's nature and knows that he also has a hobby of climbing through windows.

"may be……"

"Axuan always finds a place to rest by himself first, and I guess it will be the same this time."

Princess Ankang said this and felt relieved.

After all, the most reliable one in the entire Jingyang Palace now is Li Xuan, the kitten.

"Sister Yu'er, are you practicing the slingshot technique?"

"Let's practice together."

Princess Ankang saw a handful of chess pieces in Yu'er's hand and said with a smile.

"It just so happens that I have something else I want to ask Your Highness."

Yu'er said happily.

The two girls got together, chattering and studying how to throw the chess pieces better.

And at the same time.

Li Xuan, who was hiding on the roof, felt relieved when he heard the movement below.

He was paralyzed on the roof, breathing rapidly, his eyes dull, and looking extremely weak.

If Princess Ankang and Yu'er saw Li Xuan's appearance at this time, they would be heartbroken.

But Li Xuan didn't want them to worry, so he used his last bit of strength to secretly hide on the roof.

He greedily absorbed the heat of the sun to restore his physical strength.

Today he had an accident while absorbing the chill for Princess Ankang.

The chill in Princess Ankang's dantian became more violent and fierce for some reason. Even though Li Xuan's cultivation level had been improved and the breath of ice continued to strengthen, he was still like this.

He has always known that it is risky to draw this unknown power for Princess Ankang.

As a result, the process was relatively smooth the previous few times, but something went wrong today.

Li Xuan almost froze to death on Princess Ankang's belly.

Thinking about it now, he still had lingering fears.

"Ha, I saved my life."

Perhaps because he died absurdly once, Li Xuan was not afraid of death.

But when I almost died from the cold just now, my heart was full of reluctance.

Thinking of never seeing Princess Ankang and Yu'er below again, Li Xuan's heart was filled with regret.

He had never noticed such a big change in his attitude towards death until recently.

"We have to break through quickly and continue to become stronger."

"If the chill in Ankang's body catches up with me, I will be dead."

"Although you can slow down your cultivation time, if you can't catch up with the deadline for health..."

At this moment, Li Xuan felt an unprecedented urgency.

If he failed to seize the opportunity to save Princess Ankang because of his laziness, he would not forgive himself.

"We have to find a way to break through to the eighth level as soon as possible."

Although Deng Weixian's godfather once said that this process would take many years, Li Xuan thought there must be another way.

Mengyuan Arowana had pushed him before, and perhaps there was a similar method that could be tried.

With the heat brought by the sun, Li Xuan's breathing gradually became calmer, not as rapid as before.

Li Xuan knew that he had passed another level.

A few days later.

Night time.

Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Manager Shang was making tea in his yard and going through the tedious steps.

But as he operates, the fresh fragrance of tea is constantly overflowing. Just smelling it is a rare enjoyment.

I have to admit that Manager Shang does enjoy life and knows how to find some fun for himself.

Opposite him, Zhao Feng sat without a smile on his face.

Zhao Feng looked at the steam steaming from the teapot in boredom, but his mind was already wandering, wondering what he was thinking about.

"Don't think about it, let's have a cup of tea first."

Manager Shang brought up his brand new purple clay teapot and waved it in front of Zhao Feng twice before he came back to his senses.

"Oh, godfather——"

"I'm not in the mood for tea."

Although Zhao Feng said this, he still held the tea cup and accepted the tea poured by Manager Shang.

He blew twice randomly, and then drank it all in one gulp, which made Manager Shang look at it and couldn't help but "tsk".

"Take your time, you chewing peonies won't taste anything."

Manager Shang seemed to have something else in mind.

"But the child is dying of thirst, so why does he care what it tastes like?"

"It's better to be burned to death than to die of thirst."

Manager Shang obviously disagreed and replied casually: "Nonsense."

Then, Manager Shang poured himself a cup and drank the tea slowly.

"If they want to fight with you, just fight."

"You won once, why can't you win a second time?"

After all, he was his adopted son whom he admired most, and Manager Shang couldn't bear to see him in such distress.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Feng immediately smiled, quickly took the teapot, poured more tea for his godfather, and then poured a cup for himself.

This time, I didn't drink it all in one gulp, but started to taste it slowly.

"The godfather thinks so, and of course the child has confidence as well."

But then Zhao Feng sighed again and continued: "But compared to them, the rats hiding in the dark bother me more."

Manager Shang also nodded to this, and just encouraged him: "Be patient, the cat catches the mouse, not by a sudden explosion, but by waiting for the opportunity."

But at this moment. They both turned their heads.

Zhao Feng even smiled and said: "Here comes the expert in catching mice."

Manager Shang calmly blocked his new teapot.

A dark shadow jumped up on the table, it was Li Xuan.

When Li Xuan saw that the two managers were there, he nodded slightly and said hello to them.

This time, the two managers couldn't help but be stunned.

Especially Zhao Feng.

He had only seen Li Xuan acting wildly, but he had never seen him behave politely, and he was immediately amazed.

"It's strange, the raccoon cat has become polite."

After Li Xuan heard this, he just gasped!

This is not an extra update, this is a night attack!

(Ahhh, I didn’t get the mirror flow, I’m so angry!)

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