"Where's that little Dengzi?"

Zhao Feng held it in for a long time and asked about the other person involved.

"Hmph, being protected by the master at home, pretending to be dead!"

Wei Chengji said angrily, but thought proudly in his heart:

"Aren't you pretending to be dead to prevent me from seeing you?"

"Then I won't be polite!"

Once you have the right to speak, you are not letting others arrange what you say.

"Then go and have a look. You can't listen to their one-sided story."

Zhao Feng said with a smile.

He met Deng Weixian last time and learned some about Deng Weixian's character and character from Wang Suyue.

Judging from these aspects, the words of these eunuchs are really false.

But the problem now is that if each insists on his own story and Wei Chengji protects these eunuchs to death, it will be difficult to interpret their confessions.

But Zhao Feng was also prepared. As long as he could bring people back to the hidden dungeon of their Ministry of Internal Affairs later, he believed that he would be able to influence these eunuchs and get them to tell the truth.

Seeing Zhao Feng and Wei Chengji each leading people to Wang Suyue's other courtyard, Li Xuan, who was observing in secret, couldn't help but have a headache.

"The man behind the scenes is your godfather, Old Zhaotou."

Finding out the facts is not feasible.

Not likely either.

Those eunuchs in Xuanyi who knew about it have been sent out of the palace.

As for these young eunuchs who originally served in Yanqu Palace, Li Xuan didn't think they knew any useful information.

"How can we let little Dengzi escape safely?"

Wei Chengji made it clear that he wanted to kill Xiao Dengzi.

After breaking up with Wang Suyue yesterday, Wei Chengji stopped pretending and directly asked these young eunuchs to collude in the confession, blaming the whole thing on Deng Weixian.

After all, Yanqu Palace is Wei Chengji's territory, and he still has some control over the eunuchs and maids here.

But Zhao Feng is still full of confidence and seems to have a way to deal with it.

Arriving at Wang Suyue's small courtyard, Wang Suyue had already led people to wait in front of the door. She saw the two eunuchs arriving and greeted each other.

There was no nonsense after that, and he took them directly to Deng Weixian's room.

Wei Chengji didn't expect Wang Suyue to be so happy today.

But when he thought about Zhao Feng beside him, he felt even worse.

Wang Suyue made it clear that she no longer took herself seriously, and instead got closer and closer to Zhao Feng.

The recent interaction between the concubines on the noble side and Zhao Feng made Wei Chengji feel uneasy.

At first, they just found a reason to attack Zhao Feng, hoping to shake his position.

But now it seems that it was self-defeating, and it actually created another powerful enemy for himself.

But the matter has come to this, and it is too late to regret.

Wang Suyue took Zhao Feng and Wei Chengji into the room and met Deng Weixian.

Deng Weixian was lying on the bed, his eyes closed and his face pale.

Beside the bed was Liang Chuchu, taking care of him.

Li Xuan saw Deng Weixian's appearance through the window and couldn't help but frowned.

"If you pretend to be sick, you may not be able to hide it from Wei Chengji."

Wei Chengji's cultivation level is not bad. If he wants to hide it from him, he will have to do it for real.

But even if he did that, Wei Chengji could evade it by saying that Deng Weixian injured himself in order to escape guilt.

After all, the young eunuchs had mentioned before that after Deng Weixian attacked them, he found that there was a big commotion, mutilated himself and fled the scene.

When everyone entered the room, Zhao Feng called out a few times tentatively.

"Little Dengzi, little Dengzi..."

Deng Weixian woke up slowly and opened a pair of confused eyes.

Without waiting for others to ask more questions, he stretched out a hand anxiously and muttered:

"Eunuch Xuanyi, eunuch Xuanyi..."

"Trying to commit murder..."

After reciting these few words, Deng Weixian tilted his head and became "unconscious" again.

"Hey, hey, tell me clearly, stop pretending to be dead!"

Wei Chengji was anxious and stepped forward to pull Deng Weixian up from the bed.

Liang Chuchu subconsciously avoided it because she felt the terrifying aura on Wei Chengji's body.

As a weak woman with no cultivation, she naturally did not dare to resist.

But just when Wei Chengji's hand was about to touch Deng Weixian, Zhao Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed him firmly.

"Relax, don't you see that this kid is pretending to be unconscious?"

Wei Chengji said with wide eyes.

"Did not see it."

Zhao Feng shook his head, looking honest and humble.

"All I could tell was that the kid was tired and needed some rest."

"Eunuch Wei, what's going on with eunuch Xuanyi?"

"As far as I know, there should be no one wearing Xuanyi in Yanqu Palace."

Zhao Feng asked pressingly.

Wei Chengji immediately waved his hand and broke free from Zhao Feng's restraint.

"What eunuch Xuanyi? This guy is obviously just talking nonsense to deceive others. Can you believe this?"

Wei Chengji was afraid of saying "You are so confused", with a look of disdain on his face.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Feng actually nodded and agreed with Wei Chengji's statement.

"That's right, Eunuch Wei is right."

Upon hearing what Zhao Feng said, Wei Chengji's heart immediately lifted.

For so many years, nothing good has ever happened when Zhao Feng agreed with him.

Facts have proven that practice brings true knowledge.

Zhao Feng's next words made Wei Chengji's heart feel cold.

"But since there are doubts, it still needs to be verified."

"Well, please, Eunuch Wei, please let the people in Yanqu Palace wait for a visit to my place to see if anyone else witnessed the strange eunuch Xuanyi in Yanqu Palace yesterday."

As soon as these words came out, Wei Chengji immediately fell silent.

Those eunuchs in black clothes didn't know the art of invisibility. How could no one have seen a few big men ambush Deng Weixian in Yanqu Hall.

Moreover, Deng Weixian deliberately made a big noise yesterday. No matter how careful the eunuchs in black clothes were when they evacuated, they would be seen by others.

Because of the entrance and exit to Yanqu Palace, usually only the front palace door is open.

Several other exits are now blocked due to some special reasons.

Even though Wei Chengji had told everyone to be careful with their mouths beforehand.

But being dragged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs by Zhao Feng, who can guarantee that these people can keep their mouths shut tightly.

Not to mention that there are also talented people who have no affiliation with Wei Chengji.

Wei Chengji sighed immediately.

His only flaw in what happened yesterday was the eunuchs in Xuanyi who appeared in Yanqu Hall.

Although Wei Chengji was forced to turn a blind eye, he could not escape the fact that he had provided help in secret.

Zhao Feng was also very keen and grasped this point as soon as he came up.

There was no way to explain how those eunuchs in black clothes appeared in Yanqu Hall. Wei Chengji said nothing would work.

At least one charge of dereliction of duty will be slapped on the head.

Cai Ren hanged himself and Yanqu Palace was on fire. These events are still vivid in our minds.

If I come back a few more times, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my position.

Wei Chengji also hated why Zhao Feng was targeting him among so many eunuchs.

The other eunuchs spoke nicely, helping each other in offense and defense, advancing and retreating together.

"Damn it, where are the people!"

Wei Chengji did not deliberately reveal his flaws at an emergency moment this time, but he did not even know who was secretly coercing him.

How could he climb to this position cleanly?

But someone was secretly threatening him with an incident from his past, asking him to do a small favor.

Wei Chengji could only grit his teeth and agree.

Because the secrets held by the other party are enough to make him lose everything he has now.

Moreover, Wei Chengji was 100% sure that it was definitely not Zhao Feng who was secretly coercing him.

If Zhao Feng had mastered his secret, he would have been gone long ago. How could he still stand here and argue with Zhao Feng?

But now that the matter has come to this, Wei Chengji can only give up his original plan and wink at Zhao Feng in a vague way.

Zhao Feng immediately showed a happy smile and silently turned around and left the room, followed closely by Wei Chengji.

Only Wang Suyue and Liang Chuchu, who were still a little confused, were left looking at each other.

Deng Weixian, who was on the bed, also squinted his eyes and peeked at the leaving figures of the two eunuchs.

His hanging heart slowly relaxed.

Just now, Deng Weixian was so nervous that he thought his heart would jump out of his throat.

But now he seemed to be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

When they got outside, Wei Chengji gritted his teeth and asked, "What do you want?"

Zhao Feng smiled slightly, hugged Wei Chengji's shoulders affectionately, and said slowly:

"Aji, you know me."

"The grudge between you and me has been resolved long ago."

"To get to this point, it was you who kept pressing me step by step, leaving me helpless to fight back."

"After so many years of our friendship, I, an old friend, really can't bear to see you fall into a pit of fire."

"But there is really a lack of fire right now, so I think..."

"Why don't you help me choose a more suitable candidate, Aji?"

Zhao Feng was good at tempting, and his voice was like the temptation of a devil.

Wei Chengji knew he shouldn't do this.

It is a rare opportunity for the other great eunuchs to unite. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But no matter how good the opportunity is, you have to survive first, right?

In the end, Wei Chengji nodded heavily and left without saying a word.

Zhao Feng watched Wei Chengji leave, and the smile on his face could no longer be concealed.

Li Xuan also shook his head from a distance.

"It seems that Old Zhaotou doesn't need my help anymore."

In the alliance of the great eunuchs, with Wei Chengji as a traitor, all that remains is to see how far Zhao Feng is willing to play with them.

Zhao Feng was so distressed before that he was afraid that this time he would even take back his capital with interest.

"This old boy missed it again..."

But at this moment, Li Xuan suddenly remembered what happened that night.

He went to Zhao Feng at that time, asking him to help him find some natural and earthly treasures like Mengyuan Dragon Fish to increase his strength.

At that time, Zhao Feng happened to be drinking tea with the chief monk to complain.

Now that I think about it, what Zhao Feng said happened to be the time when the great eunuch started targeting him.

At that time, the fashion manager made a statement, saying that Zhao Feng had won once before, and it would not be difficult to win a second time.

Li Xuan clearly remembered that after Zhao Feng heard this, he happily thanked the chief steward.

"Or is this also part of Manager Shang's plan?"

Looking at the current situation, Li Xuan couldn't help but fell into silence.

It seems like everything happens incidentally.

It doesn't matter whether he tests Deng Wei first or helps Zhao Feng.

The purpose of every action taken by Mr. Shang always has various considerations.

"Look at this godfather."

Deng Weixian's godfather has not shown up for several days, and even Li Xuan is a little resentful about this.

Let Deng Wei first do such a dangerous thing, and then ignore it.

Fortunately, Li Xuan thought that Deng Weixian's godfather was pretty good to him.

At this time, Wang Suyue and Liang Chuchu also walked out of the room. As a result, they only saw Zhao Feng who was in a good mood, but not Wei Chengji.

Zhao Feng saw the two people coming out and said with a smile: "It's okay."

"I have to thank Wang Cairen for thinking about me this time."

Zhao Fenggong cupped his hand and thanked him politely.

Wang Suyue quickly returned the gift: "What did Mr. Zhao say? We have to thank Mr. Zhao for his help this time."

"It's just that if this happens, I'm afraid my life in Yanqu Hall will be difficult next."

Wang Suyue smiled helplessly.

Zhao Feng immediately waved his hand: "Don't worry, no one will embarrass Wang Cairen."

After that, Zhao Feng left alone.

Wang Suyue had no doubts after hearing this.

She and Liang Chuchu looked at each other, full of joy.

With Zhao Feng's words, they can stay in Yanqu Hall with peace of mind.

"Mr. Zhao, walk slowly."

Wang Suyue couldn't help but smile and wave goodbye. Liang Chuchu beside her quickly hit her with her elbow, reminding her to maintain her dignity as a talented person.

Zhao Feng didn't turn around, he just raised his hand, waved it twice, and whispered:

"Say hello to Feng Zhaoyuan for me."

Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, not expecting that the matter could be dealt with so easily.

He turned to look inside the room, only to see Deng Weixian looking outside blankly, as if watching Zhao Feng's leaving figure.

Deng Weixian's expression was complicated at this time, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Thanks to "Angel Loves Joking" and "Five-Headed Red Boy" for their reward support.

Thank you all book friends for your monthly support.

I haven’t had much fun writing in the past two days, so book friends have been waiting for a long time.

I won’t think too much about it, just let Kavan push the plot.

Bai Miao is still too good——


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