Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 171 Confrontation between father and son

Zhao Bugao was very lucky that at least he was still alive.

Although he had made many efforts, he still failed.

But since he started planning for that position, he had already realized that there would be such a day.

But he didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

Zhao Feng looked at his adopted son who was kneeling at his feet and had been cultivated for many years, and his heart was full of sighs.

He had also expected that there would be such a day.

He even dreamed of losing to this adopted son.

If such a day really came, Zhao Feng would not sigh so much.

At least, it proved that his adopted son had finally surpassed himself.

But ending like now always made both of them unhappy.

Zhao Feng's recent troubles were all brought to him by Zhao Bugao, his adopted son.

Even more than that.

Zhao Bugao stirred up the court turmoil behind the scenes, exacerbating the confrontation between civil officials and nobles.

The demotion of Zhongshu Ling Liang Zhao was caused by him.

Then he led the civil officials to retaliate and launched two conspiracies against Feng Zhaoyuan.

The first time was when Feng Zhaoyuan had not yet announced her pregnancy.

But that time was used by Shang Zongguan and Zhao Feng, which dealt another heavy blow to the civil officials. Emperor Yongyuan also took the opportunity to take the position of Zhongshu Ling and arranged his confidants.

The second time was to drive Deng Weixian to leak the questions.

Because it was discovered in advance, Emperor Yongyuan temporarily changed the questions and did not have the desired effect.

It should have been the sons of the nobles who won the victory and then spread the matter of the silk cloth.

Unfortunately, because of the temporary change of the questions, the expected effect was not achieved.

But because of this incident, Concubine Zhao Shufei and Feng Zhaoyuan and others were punished to a certain extent.

In the court, the high arrogance of the nobles was stagnant.

Zhao Bugao wandered between the two sides, pretending to be flattering and using everyone.

His purpose was to shake the status of Zhao Feng, the godfather.

If he continued to plan carefully, I am afraid that one day he would achieve this goal.

Unfortunately, he did one thing wrong.

Zhao Bugao's calculations included Emperor Yongyuan.

This is what Shang Zongguan couldn't stand.

If Zhao Bugao was just plotting against Zhao Feng in order to go further, Shang Zongguan wouldn't have intervened.

It's Zhao Bugao's fault that he crossed the line and touched interests that shouldn't be touched.

Zhao Feng sat on the chair, thinking about everything Shang Zongguan told him, and felt depressed.

He had felt that someone was stirring up trouble in the palace before, but he never thought it would be the adopted son in front of him.

What's more regrettable is that the battle between father and son had just begun, and they were forced to welcome the end.

"Bu Gao, why are you in a hurry?"

Zhao Feng finally asked this question unwillingly.

He has been a good adopted son in his life.

Therefore, he naturally hopes to be a good adopted father.

He also hopes that he can be like Shang Zongguan, peaceful and worry-free in his later years, and have a trustworthy adopted son to see him off.

In recent years, he has also felt that he and Zhao Bugao are drifting apart.

But Zhao Feng has always believed that it was just a temporary dispute between them, and they will eventually return to the original father-son relationship.

But before they knew it, the two of them had become so far apart.

Zhao Feng didn't understand.

He was already the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Zhao Bugao also held the title of deputy head, and his position was only below his.

Everyone outside believed that Zhao Bugao would be the next head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Their lineage would continue the good story of three generations of harmony.

This was a fairy tale that all the eunuchs in the palace could not believe.

In the deep palace where people were scheming and profit-seeking, it would be so wonderful if two admirable father-son relationships could be left behind.

But all this was Zhao Feng's wishful thinking after all.

Zhao Feng was also in great pain at this time. He wondered if his godfather was really that bad?

As father and son for many years, Zhao Bugao naturally guessed Zhao Feng's mood when he asked this question.

"Godfather, you haven't let me down."

"It's just me, the child, who can't wait any longer."


"Can't wait any longer."

When Zhao Bugao said the last word, he raised his bloody forehead and looked straight at Zhao Feng, fearless in his eyes.


Zhao Feng pointed angrily and was about to say something, but Zhao Bugao interrupted him.

"Godfather, you should understand my feelings!"

"Because of the injury you suffered that year, you have no hope of reaching the third rank in this life."

"But what about me!?"

"I can't even reach the fourth rank!"

Zhao Feng listened to his adopted son's roar, dropped his hands helplessly, and turned his head aside.

But there were tears flashing in his eyes.

This is Zhao Feng's lifelong knot.

His fate is so similar to Zhao Bugao's. Both of them were restricted from pursuing martial arts in this life because of injuries.

It's just that Zhao Bugao was more unfavorable than Zhao Feng, and encountered such a thing at a younger age.

The only thing in common is that they were injured for their respective adoptive fathers.

It was because of this incident that Zhao Feng, despite Zhao Bugao's limited strength, went against all odds to train him as his successor.

Zhao Bugao also took off his usual disguise at this time, speaking in a low voice and acting calmly.

"Godfather, what else can I want in my life besides power?"

"If you can't help me with something, maybe someone else can."

When Zhao Feng heard this, he smashed the table beside him, stood up, and roared:


"As a father, I prayed for you all the time..."

"I know!" Zhao Bugao also turned red, stared at Zhao Feng, and kept saying: "I know, I know, I know..."

"It's just because I know no one in Daxing can help me that I do this!"

Zhao Feng's eyes widened, he couldn't take a breath, and he covered his heart in discomfort.


He pointed at his Zhao Bugao, feeling that the adopted son in front of him suddenly seemed so strange.

Zhao Feng's fingertips gradually gathered a blue-black whirlpool, pointing at the center of Zhao Bugao's eyebrows.

Zhao Feng's face was gloomy and he seemed to be hesitant.

But Zhao Bugao snorted disdainfully, just gently closed his eyes and waited for death.

After an unknown amount of time, the blue-black vortex on Zhao Feng's fingertips finally dissipated, and he sat back in the chair slumped.

"Let's go to Yanqu Hall to take up the post."

"You are willing to take out three jars of Linhu Essence and Blood. You must like that child very much."

"Then train him well and let him avenge you in the future."

Zhao Bugao opened his eyes, a look of pain flashed in his eyes.

He kowtowed heavily again and said, "I just lost, so there is no grudge."

"I owe you, and I will keep it in my heart."

After kowtowing, Zhao Bugao stood up and walked out.

But after he took two steps, he couldn't help but stop and asked:

"Godfather, if I really wait with peace of mind, can you protect me like Mr. Shang protects you?"

Without waiting for Zhao Feng to answer, Zhao Bugao asked and answered: "No, you can't."

"When the time comes, how can I, a fifth-grade old eunuch, keep my position as the head of the House of Internal Affairs?"

"You're going to kill him just by pointing your neck?"

Zhao Feng was silent.

"Daddy, I have one last piece of advice for you."

"Your Majesty seems to be majestic, but he has already become strong on the outside. If he doesn't do it as soon as possible..."

"Get out!"

Zhao Feng pointed to the door and shouted loudly.

Zhao Bugao snorted coldly, said no more, and left alone.

Li Xuan was stunned when he saw it outside. He didn't expect that Zhao Bugao was actually Deng Weixian's godfather.

Until a few days ago, he had always thought that Deng Weixian's mysterious godfather was Zhao Feng.

But now that I have the answer, many things fall into place.

Deng Weixian's expression changed drastically outside the woodshed, not because he saw Zhao Feng, but because he saw Zhao Bugao next to Zhao Feng.

Now thinking about it carefully, Zhao Bugao almost appeared every time Zhao Feng went to save Deng Weixian.

No wonder there will be a headache for Zhao Feng later. It turns out that all this was Zhao Bugao's plan.

To be honest, Li Xuan never thought that this person would be Deng Weixian's godfather.

His personality is simply too strong to be ignored.

From this point of view, Zhao Bugao has been very successful.

After Zhao Bugao left, the room became quiet.

Zhao Feng leaned back in his chair slumpedly, looking up at the roof, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, Manager Shang walked out of the house, apparently hearing all the conversation between the two.

Zhao Feng asked feebly: "Godfather, it seems that I am only suitable to be a son."

Manager Shang didn't say anything, he just held Yi Zi's shoulders and comforted him silently.

Li Xuan left quietly.

He felt that now was not a good time to disturb Zhao Feng.

Let Zhao Feng digest this matter.

What a betrayal it is to suddenly break up with the adopted son you trust.

It is not uncommon to be hurt by enemies, but it is most painful to be hurt by relatives.

Zhao Bugao really survived.

He worked conscientiously as a supervisor and eunuch in Yanqu Hall.

Wei Chengji couldn't help but wonder if there was any conspiracy involved.

And this time Zhao Bugao kept his promise and fulfilled his duties as a godfather.

Whenever he was free, he would teach Deng Weixian martial arts, and he never even avoided Wang Suyue.

Wang Suyue felt strange at first. She didn't expect that Zhao Bugao would teach Deng Weixian so seriously. It seemed that it was not just a father and son on the surface.

But Wang Suyue is also happy to do so.

At this time, she didn't know that Zhao Bugao had broken up with his adoptive father, and she happily felt that the closer the relationship between Deng Weixian and Zhao Bugao, the better.

Deng Weixian was a little unclear.

He didn't understand why his godfather, who had been lurking in the dark, appeared in front of him so blatantly and accepted him as his adopted son in public.

He thought this was some kind of trick by his godfather, who deliberately created a dark situation under the lights to hide the true relationship between the two.

But now the godfather played by Zhao Bugao is more real than before.

This made Deng Weixian even more confused.

Zhao Bugao never approached Deng Weixian in private, and he never gave any hints in the process of teaching him.

Therefore, even if Deng Weixian felt uneasy, he could only study martial arts seriously.

Thanks to this opportunity, his originally slow progress of copper-headed iron arms has reached a point where it is about to be completed.

This is the only thing that can make Deng Weixian happier.

Li Xuan observed for a few days and found that Zhao Bugao was honest in Yanqu Hall.

But even so, he did not dare to let down his guard.

He knew that Mr. Shang and Zhao Feng must have taken a liking to Zhao Bugao.

But he didn't understand why Zhao Feng would let his adopted son betray him.

"Are you really nostalgic for old friendship?"

"Or is it that Zhao Bugao can no longer afford to make any trouble?"

But now it seems that at least Zhao Bugao has really started to train Deng Weixian seriously.

In this way, Deng Weixian should not be in any danger.

Moreover, Zhao Feng had promised Li Xuan before that he would not harm Deng Weixian's life.

In the worst case, he would send him to Jingyang Palace.

With Zhao Feng's promise, Li Xuan does not have to worry about Deng Weixian every day.

The matter of the silk cloth leaking the questions should be over.


Another few days.

The icy breath in Li Xuan's body has recovered completely again.

This is also thanks to the swallowing of a snake gall of the ice crystal frozen blood snake in the middle, which has accelerated the recovery of the icy breath a little.

Now it has been more than half a month since the last time he absorbed the cold air in Princess Ankang's body.

But compared with the last time, Li Xuan has a lot more confidence.

He ate a wind-chasing rabbit in the middle, which greatly increased his strength.

The powerful Vajra Leg has also reached the perfect state, and the blood and qi in the body are much more abundant than before.

Princess Ankang is now used to it. As long as Li Xuan calls her and runs to the bed, she knows what it means.

Princess Ankang was surprised that the intervals were getting shorter and shorter, but she couldn't wait any longer.

Every time she practiced with Li Xuan, her body felt particularly comfortable, especially the sleep she had after practice, which was so fragrant.

"Ah Xuan, are you practicing the fish style today?"

Princess Ankang ran to the bed and got into position, eager to ask.

Thanks to "Book Friend 20180728140218234", "Angel Loves to Smile", "Book Friend 20220908130758655" for their rewards and support.

Thank you all for your monthly ticket support.

Bai Miao was rude just now, please forgive me.

I also mentioned it when it was put on the shelves, in fact, Bai Miao only has one goal for this book.

In the past half month since it was put on the shelves, Bai Miao has also developed the habit of writing 10,000 words a day under everyone's encouragement and encouragement.

In this case, I will concentrate on writing 10,000 words a day for ten months, reach 3 million words, and then finish the book.

Other things should not be distracted.

Bai Miao's brain capacity is limited, so he should block out everything except his goal.

I hope that in the future Bai Miao can proudly write down his thoughts after finishing this book.

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