Bai Xiao, who was in Princess Yuan'an's arms, subconsciously felt a little uneasy and stirred a little.

Princess Yuan'an could only say timidly: "This, this is it..."

As she spoke, she comforted Bai Xiao in her arms.

Although she likes Li Xuan very much, she has raised Bai Xiao since she was a child, and she cannot give up Bai Xiao just to hug Li Xuan.

Seeing that Princess Yuanan still had some conscience, Li Xuan meowed at Bai Xiao.

"Meow. (You little master still has some conscience.)"


Bai Xiao tilted his head, not understanding what Li Xuan meant.

It does not have Li Xuan's intelligence, so it cannot understand the conversation between Princess Ankang and Princess Yuanan.

Bai Xiao felt uneasy and irritable before, purely through feeling emotions.

Although Bai Xiao couldn't understand people's words, he had no problem feeling emotions.

Now after being comforted by Princess Yuan'an, she has become compliant and no longer moves.

Princess Yuan'an could only look at Li Xuan who was shrinking in Princess Ankang's arms and sighed secretly.

She originally thought that if she had a good talk with Princess Ankang, she would be able to hug Li Xuan. If she got closer and closer in the future, she might be able to have a good relationship with Li Xuan.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly gentle and weak Princess Ankang actually had her own personality.

"The Thirteenth Princess is not as easy to talk to as the rumors say."

She heard from other brothers and sisters that Princess Ankang was very gentle to everyone, and she spoke softly and in a nice voice.

Even if someone said something unpleasant to her face, Princess Ankang would not care.

But now it seems that she has her own principles when it comes to cats.

"You can't hug people who have other cats. It's as if I have two different cats."

The more Princess Yuanan thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became.

Li Xuan was also amused when he saw Princess Yuan'an being embarrassed, and even deliberately showed off his coquettishness. He meowed in Princess Ankang's arms, kissed and hugged her and rubbed her face, which made Princess Yuanan look popular. Blinded.

Li Xuan also secretly looked at Princess Yuanan's reaction. His charming eyes made Princess Yuanan feel itchy in her heart.

Princess Yuanan bit her lips tightly, resisting her impulse, but the corners of her mouth twitched from time to time, almost unable to suppress her silly smile.

She has had little resistance to cute little animals since she was a child, especially kittens.

What's more, he is the best cat in front of him who knows how to grasp people's hearts.

"You're so naughty, but I like it~"

Princess Yuanan couldn't help but smile crazily and murmured in a low voice.

"Hmm? Princess, what did you say?"

Princess Ankang didn't hear clearly, but felt that Princess Yuanan's expression was a little strange.

At this time, another voice interjected from the side: "Yuanan, wipe your harp, it will fall to the ground."

Princess Yuan'an was startled and wiped her mouth subconsciously, but she only felt slightly wet, which was not that exaggerated.

She glared angrily at the person speaking beside her, and blurted out without any scruples: "Old man, what does this have to do with you?"

"Come on over and play with your eagle!"

The Eighth Prince said helplessly: "How many times have I told you, mine is just a falcon, not an eagle."

"Also, you have to call me Ba Ge, not Lao Ba, you have to be polite."

Princess Yuan'an snorted and asked: "Do you think Ba Ge is good? I don't think he is as good as Lao Ba."

Compared to her attitude towards Princess Ankang, Princess Yuanan's treatment of the Eighth Prince can be said to be very bad.

But the Eighth Prince didn't pay too much attention and said to himself: "It's too cold. I didn't bring Axiang here."

Princess Yuan'an continued to taunt: "I am married to Axiang, and you gave me this name."

She clicked her tongue and shook her head, obviously extremely disappointed with her bad-named myna.

The eighth prince waved his fingers and defended himself: "First of all, I don't want to be the eighth prince."

"Secondly, the name must be simple and easy to remember."

"Look at what your white cat is called Bai Xiao. I think it would be better to call it Tangyuan."

The Eighth Prince said that his hands were still dirty, so he secretly touched Bai Xiao and took the opportunity to pet the cat.

Princess Yuan'an immediately knocked off the eighth prince's hand, turned around to protect Bai Xiao, and did not forget to make a funny face.

"Humph, I won't touch you!"

Good guy, Princess Yuan'an is much more direct than Princess Ankang.

"Tch, so stingy."

The Eighth Prince rubbed the back of his red hand and complained.

But when he looked at the cute and well-behaved kittens in the arms of his two sisters, he couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Didn't he bring Haidongqing with him today?

Instead, he brought it to the door. Hai Dongqing felt cold and flew home by himself.

Is the eighth prince, the elder brother, embarrassed to tell his sisters about this?

Lao Ba also wants to save face.

The eighth prince was bored by being alone, so he got close to the two sisters with their pets.

"Yuan An, didn't your mother not allow you to attend the party in the Royal Garden?"

"Did you sneak it here yourself?"

The eighth prince asked curiously.

Upon hearing this, the three little ones were a little surprised.

Only then did they realize that Yuan An's biological mother was actually Empress Wu.

"Baby, if you don't know how to speak, just shut your mouth!"

Princess Yuanan gritted her teeth and shouted at the eighth prince.

Her eyes swept over Princess Ankang vaguely, and she saw the surprised look on Princess Ankang's face.

Princess Yuanan couldn't help but become a little nervous.

Everyone in the harem knew that Queen Wu didn't like Princess Ankang.

Princess Yuanan originally wanted to hide the fact that she was the daughter of Empress Wu, but the Eighth Prince was kind enough to tell her the truth with one word.

She couldn't help but wonder if Lao Ba did it on purpose.

But as Princess Yuan'an's identity was revealed, the atmosphere between the three suddenly became much more awkward.

Princess Yuan'an wished she could find a crack in the ground to hide in.

She also pointed out that after getting to know Princess Ankang, she asked her to touch Li Xuan.

Great now!

The other princes and princesses also noticed the movement here.

But most of them were just observing secretly, wanting to see what these three people could do together.

Now that I see the awkward atmosphere here, I can't help but laugh secretly.

The Eighth Prince has always been carefree and has no scruples in what he says or does.

Does he think that if he doesn't care, others won't care either?

Look at Princess Ankang and Princess Yuanan now.

This is the consequence of speaking without thinking.

How miserable Princess Ankang's life was before, they, as brothers and sisters, know best.

You can see the tragic situation of Princess Ankang in the Imperial Garden once a month, how can you not understand?

They even thought that the Royal Garden Party was initiated by Empress Wu in order to let everyone see the consequences of offending her.

Therefore, even those who had sympathy for Princess Ankang did not dare to help her for fear of provoking Queen Wu's anger.

No one would pay such a high price for a sister who has no use value and has to stay in the cold palace her whole life.

Princess Yuan'an didn't have the shame to stay by Princess Ankang's side anymore, and said softly:

"I'm sorry, Thirteenth Princess."

Then he hugged Bai Xiao and walked far away, standing with his attendant.

The Eighth Prince laughed awkwardly and said, "Oh, I seem to be talking too much again."

Li Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the eighth prince, but he didn't feel the guy's apology at all.

He felt that the eighth prince was definitely not stupid, he just didn't care about many rules and regulations.

This guy kind of says whatever he wants and does whatever he wants.

That means putting your own experience first.

Rather than saying that the Eighth Prince had any special purpose, Li Xuan was more willing to believe that this guy just wanted to come over and say those words.

Unexpectedly, the boy laughed unapologetically and continued to stay by their side.

Normal people probably wouldn't get close to people from Jingyang Palace.

After the Eighth Prince made Princess Yuanan angry, he seemed to have forgotten what happened just now. He looked at Li Xuan with interest and even tried to reach out to tease him.


The Eighth Prince is also very naughty, and I don’t know where he learned it from, making the cat look so sarcastic.

He waved his hand to the right, then moved to the left and feinted, just to make Li Xuan notice him, just like a naughty child.

Princess Ankang glanced at the Eighth Emperor Brother, with a speechless expression on her face, which meant that she needed to maintain her own personality now, otherwise she would have been bored and walked away with Li Xuan in her arms.

"What a fool!"

Li Xuan soon had a more suitable evaluation of the eighth prince.

Li Xuan's eyes flashed with a hint of narrowness, and he pretended to be attracted by his hand, and then gave him a fierce punch without warning.


The Eighth Prince gasped, and the three little ones suddenly felt a little warmer around them.

"Ankang, you cat, why are you so energetic?"

The Eighth Prince was shaking in pain, and his voice was trembling when he spoke.

Even though Li Xuan didn't stretch out his claws and just punched the back of his hand, the pain was unforgettable.

Li Xuan grinned, full of proud sarcasm.

"I told you to stretch your hands randomly."

Princess Ankang moved her gaze aside guiltily, covered Li Xuan's mouth with a small hand, covering his laughter, and said without blushing:

"Axuan doesn't like anyone touching him either."

The Eighth Prince said anxiously: "I already told you that the ones I raise are falcons, not eagles."

"Do you understand Gyrfalcon, that is Hai Dongqing?"

Princess Ankang shook her head honestly and replied expressionlessly:

"Ankang doesn't understand, and probably Ah Xuan doesn't understand either."

The eighth prince bared his teeth and sucked in the cold air.

He looked down and found that the back of his hand was turning blue after being patted by Li Xuan.

He picked up the other hand and found that it was still red.

The eighth prince's hand was patted red by Princess Yuan'an, and his other hand was patted blue by Li Xuan.

"Are you so unlucky today?"

The Eighth Prince wondered if he had gone out today without reading the almanac, and why his hands were not in good condition.

Princess Yuan'an, who was in the distance, had been secretly observing this place. She was very happy when she saw the eighth prince squealing in pain after being slapped by Li Xuan.

"I'm telling you to be arrogant!"

But the next moment, Princess Yuanan couldn't help feeling a little envious.

"I also want to touch the little black cat's paws. They must be soft and purring."

"By the way, the Thirteenth Princess just called the little black cat A-Xuan."

"So his name is A Xuan!"

"Now that I know the name of the little black cat, today is not in vain."

Princess Yuanan thought about it from another angle and felt that today was not completely fruitless.

But then, she couldn't help but start to have a headache, how to ease the relationship.

Having a good relationship with Princess Ankang was originally considered by Princess Yuanan as the easiest way to get close to the little black cat.

But now it seems that this road is not easy to go.

But the harder it was and the more she couldn't get it, the more Princess Yuanan couldn't let go of Li Xuan.

As the saying goes, those who can't get it are always in turmoil, and those who are favored are fearless.

Although Princess Yuan An is holding Bai Xiao in her arms, her heart has long been filled with Li Xuan.

"Ah Xuan, how can I get you?"

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