When the Eighteenth Prince was completely silent, the other little cubs suddenly burst into joy and started having fun in the ice cellar.

The body of the palace maid left with Zhao Feng, and two eunuchs in colorful clothes came in and took it away.

Only then did Li Xuan understand that the eighteenth prince was not looking for trouble with Princess Ankang, but was looking for an excuse to stay in the ice cellar and play.

It's just that his temper is firmly controlled by his mother and concubine, and besides, he is not surrounded by his usual confidants, so now he has no choice but to be taken away.

They only thought that the eighteenth prince Li Xiong was a little funny.

"He is a child after all, and all he can think about is playing."

Li Xuan turned around and saw that the other little cubs had started playing crazily in the ice cellar.

Well, it's not just Little Douding, there's also a big boss figure mixed in.

The Eighth Prince blended in naturally, and no one could see any discomfort.

The little cubs didn't think it was strange, and played happily with the eighth prince.

On the other hand, the other princes and princesses were all as listless as eggplants beaten by frost.

Either looking at the eighth prince like an idiot, or casting jealous glances at Princess Ankang.

Even though they knew there was a secret hidden in today's game, seeing Princess Ankang make another big mistake made them feel unhappy.

That was a wish granted by Emperor Yongyuan.

Although I will choose whether to accept or not the conditions after careful consideration, this is already very exciting.

They all imagined what they would do if they got this wish, but after thinking about it, they found that they felt very embarrassed.

To put it bluntly, not only will the wish not be realized, but it will also arouse the disgust of Emperor Yongyuan.

To put it mildly, I am really not willing to accept it. After finally winning once, who doesn’t want to win something bigger?

Thinking about it this way, this wish was not as effective as they imagined.

From the beginning of envy, jealousy and hatred, these princes and princesses gradually figured out the key, and looked at Princess Ankang with more playfulness in their eyes.

They wished that Princess Ankang would be greedy and let this wish go in vain.

If Princess Ankang's wish is rejected, not only will she get nothing, but she will also leave an impression of insatiable greed in her father's mind.

That's great!

The three little ones haven't thought of this yet.

Just being stared at by a group of princes and princesses with ill intentions made them really uncomfortable.

Yu'er pushed the wheelchair and took Princess Ankang and Li Xuan out of the ice cellar, unwilling to stay here for a moment longer.

Although Princess Ankang is now much healthier than before, Yu'er still feels uneasy after staying in the cold ice cellar for a long time.

Princess Yuan'an silently watched their leaving figures from a distance, feeling uncomfortable in her heart.

Although she wanted to go up and say hello, she felt it was not appropriate.

I can only hide in the distance and silently watch the little black cat that I miss so much.

"Axuan, we will definitely meet again."

Bai Xiao, who didn't know that his master had changed his mind, mowed goodbye to Li Xuan as he left.

After Li Xuan heard it from a distance, he turned back and meowed at Bai Xiao.

"Meow. (Goodbye.)"

As a result, this soft farewell made Princess Yuanan feel empty-headed and sweet in her heart.

Even though she was in a cold ice cellar, she felt as warm as if she were soaking in a hot spring, and felt as comfortable as floating on soft clouds.

Princess Yuan'an twisted her body twice, blushing, and said silently:

"That's great, Ah Xuan has me in his heart!"

Back at Jingyang Palace, the three little ones were also a little confused about today's vague victory.

"Your Highness, Manager Zhao will come tomorrow and ask, what wish do you want to make?"

Yu'er asked curiously.

Princess Ankang couldn't help but frowned, shook her head and said:

"I haven't thought about it yet..."

Then a look of embarrassment appeared on her little face.

"Now we have no shortage of food and clothing, and there is nothing special we want."

Since the living standard of Jingyang Palace has left the "absolute poverty" stage, the mentality of the three little ones has inevitably changed.

Princess Ankang didn't have any ambitions. She just wanted to play happily with Li Xuan and Yu'er in Jingyang Palace every day.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have no interest in reasoning at the beginning today and would just go through the motions and leave.

Except for winning the first animal taming competition, which brought about earth-shaking changes to the life of Jingyang Palace.

Although the subsequent backgammon game also rewarded the extremely extraordinary slingshot technique, it was just an extra fun for Princess Ankang.

She can easily get this kind of pleasure when masturbating Li Xuan.

Now they have no shortage of food and clothing.

I am used to living a hard life, but I have already been able to enjoy myself.

Therefore, Princess Ankang really does not have any big needs in terms of material and spiritual means.

She had already thought about it. If she couldn't figure out how to use this wish by tomorrow, it didn't matter if she didn't mention it.

Princess Ankang felt that she lacked nothing.

And what she really wanted, Emperor Yongyuan could never give her.

Emperor Yongyuan was just the emperor of Daxing, not a god.

There is no way to bring the dead back to life.

Seeing Princess Ankang's Buddhist appearance, Yu'er couldn't help but feel anxious for her.

How can we not make good use of the wishes we finally won?

Yu'er looked around Jingyang Palace and began to think about how to use this wish.

But at this glance, she saw a problem.

Although Jingyang Palace now has no shortage of food and clothing, and a large amount of materials are piled in the house, which are inexhaustible, it is too dilapidated.

It would be great if it could be repaired properly.

Yu'er suddenly thought of how to use wishes.

But she did not tell Princess Ankang immediately, and planned to wait until tomorrow if Princess Ankang had not thought of her wish before mentioning it.

If possible, Yu'er naturally hopes that Princess Ankang will think of her wish.

"No, no, one is not enough. Let me help His Highness think of a few more wishes."

"Let His Highness choose the one you like best when the time comes."

Yu'er thought happily.

She didn't want to take the opportunity to realize her wish, she just didn't want Princess Ankang to waste a good opportunity.

If Princess Ankang really wants to give up her wish, Yu'er will support her.

She just hoped that Princess Ankang could be given more choices to consider.

But the ultimate goal is naturally to hope that Princess Ankang can be happy.

Seeing the two girls worrying about their wishes, Li Xuan naturally had his own ideas.

He originally wanted to see what kind of wish Princess Ankang could come up with, but since he has no clue now, don't blame him for being rude.

Li Xuan jumped out of Princess Ankang's arms, ran into the room, and flipped through the pages for a long time. Then he walked out with a book in his mouth and placed it in front of Princess Ankang.

This book is naturally the only book in Jingyang Palace. It is an enlightenment fable that has been turned over by Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang's eyes lit up when she saw the book in her mouth. She immediately reached out to take the book, hugged Li Xuan and kissed and rubbed it.


Princess Ankang's voice was full of surprise and joy.

Li Xuan smiled proudly and said it was all trivial.

"You want to hear me tell you a story, right?"

"What a good, studious cat!"

Li Xuan was immediately stunned and meowed in confusion.

Princess Ankang didn't care that Li Xuan was already dumbfounded and told a story to himself.

"Tell me about your favorite one."

"A long time ago, there was a small temple on the mountain, and there was a young monk in the temple."

"He carries water, chants sutras, and knocks wooden fish every day..."

Li Xuan raised his head and saw Princess Ankang holding back her laughter and forcing herself to tell a story, and immediately started to make a fuss.

"Where's your usual cleverness?"

"The devil wants to hear your story!"

"Are you acting like me? Are you acting like me on purpose?"


Li Xuan resisted fiercely, and Princess Ankang hugged Li Xuan tightly, preventing him from running out of her arms.

"Oh, sister Yu'er——"

"You see Axuando likes this story."


Princess Ankang threw the book away, pressed Li Xuan's round cat head with both hands, and rubbed it wantonly. She kept telling stories that she had already known by heart, destroying Li Xuan's spirit.

"Meow! (Let me go!)"

"Woo! (Cats will never be slaves!)"

It turns out that Princess Ankang is playing Li Xuan.

The next day, Zhao Feng came to ask Princess Ankang's wishes as promised.

Princess Ankang replied without thinking:

"Manager Zhao, my wish is to read more books."

Zhao Feng couldn't help but be stunned after hearing this, and felt a little surprised by this wish.

Princess Ankang took out the enlightenment fable that she had ruined and explained:

"Manager Zhao, there is only this book in Jingyang Palace, and I have already read it to pieces."

"Now I want to read more books. I wonder if my father can agree to this wish?"

Zhao Feng looked at the battered book of Enlightenment Fables and couldn't help but sigh.

None of the other princes and princesses in the palace could read whatever they wanted.

But there are a few who are willing to read more books besides their homework.

Zhao Feng looked at the book of enlightenment fables that had been read countless times and felt filled with emotion.

It can be seen that the binding of the pages has been changed several times.

It’s just that over time, no matter how carefully the reader takes care of the book, it will inevitably leave traces of time.

Zhao Feng bowed his hands and said solemnly: "Your Highness, I will report this to Your Majesty."

"As for whether His Majesty agrees or not, I can't guarantee it."

"If there are any results, I will inform His Highness immediately."

Zhao Feng replied.

Then he thought for a while and said one more thing: "By the way, can your Highness borrow this book from me?"

"Of course there is no problem."

Although Princess Ankang felt a little strange, she still nodded and agreed.

"Then it's Manager Lao Zhao."

After Zhao Feng took the book respectfully, he said no more and left Jingyang Palace directly.

As soon as he went out, he asked the eunuch in colorful clothes beside him:

"Is Your Majesty in the Manna Palace?"

The eunuch in colorful clothes immediately replied respectfully: "Chief manager, Your Majesty has just retreated from the court and is heading to the Ganlu Palace at this time."

"Okay, let's go directly to the Manna Hall and wait."

In front of the gate of Ganlu Hall.

When Emperor Yongyuan arrived, he saw Zhao Feng waiting here.

Emperor Yongyuan didn't say much, he just made a gesture and asked Zhao Feng to follow him in.

After entering the Manlu Hall, Emperor Yongyuan's personal eunuch changed his clothes.

Emperor Yongyuan spread his arms to show off his broad back, and then asked:

"What's so urgent?"

Zhao Feng took a step forward, bowed and replied: "Your Majesty, Princess Ankang has made her wish."

Emperor Yongyuan turned to look at Zhao Feng and asked puzzledly: "Is it just for this?"

In his opinion, the competition in the Royal Garden was of no importance, it was just something he did casually to give his heirs a way to vent their energy.

Save your energy and have nowhere to vent, just think about useless things.

"Then let's talk about it."

"What request did Ankang make?"

Emperor Yongyuan asked indifferently.

"Her Highness Ankang said that she wants to read more books."

Zhao Feng said as he presented the book of enlightenment fables borrowed from Princess Ankang.

Thanks to "Angel Loves Joking" for the reward support.

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