The moon crescents over Kyushu, and some families are happy and some are sad.

If you worry about killing people, it will be related to menstruation, so you have to rest somewhere and rest.

There is a kitten humming in the Qianxing Pavilion, and there is also a mad concubine in the Qingshu Palace.

Bang bang bang...

The sound of broken utensils could be heard in Qingshu Hall.

"Trash, it's all trash."

"Why did I give birth to you three useless things!"

"Who is that little bitch?"

"I was able to drive in the palace, and even drove all the way into the East Palace!"

"Do you three know what is going on right now?"

Concubine Zhang said and pounced on the eldest prince who was kneeling in the middle.

With her hair disheveled and terrifying, she grabbed the eldest prince by the collar of his clothes.

"There are only seven months until next year's New Year visit to the shrine. Can you still turn the situation around?"

"Your father has made it clear that he is targeting you now."

"When that little bitch wins, I give her all kinds of honors."

"When you win with the little bitch, you'll just get a broken Go set as a prize."

"Xian'er, do you understand the current situation?"

"Only if you continue to win alone and leave your father no room for favoritism can you turn the tide."

"You have to win!"

"Keep winning and don't give others any chance!"

Except for Concubine Zhang and her three children, there was no one in the palace.

After the fourth prince received the news this morning, he knew that his mother-in-law was going to lose her temper again today, so he retreated early.

Today is different from before.

The eldest prince had no expression on his face and replied calmly:

"Don't worry, mother and concubine, your child will definitely get the opportunity to pay homage in the New Year."

The eldest prince is already used to it.

He knew how to comfort his mother and concubine as quickly as possible.

Could it be that he said at this time that he couldn't do it, or that he wasn't sure?

It's not necessary, it's really not necessary.

Especially his younger siblings who are still suffering along with him.

It is best to appease the mother and concubine as soon as possible.

When the results come out in the future, what he says now will mean nothing.

It’s best to win!

How about losing?

It’s just a sentence.

By then the outcome has been decided, can the mother-in-law still hold on to her because of something she said?

So what if I don’t let go?

Could that change their outcome?

It's not that the eldest prince has no idea of ​​changing their current situation, but that he is unable to do anything to help.

At first, the eldest prince would still try to struggle under this mountain-like pressure.

Because his mother-in-law has been motivating him to resist.

The eldest prince struggled desperately again and again, but to no avail.

But his mother-in-law's words to encourage him became more and more severe.

At this time, the eldest prince discovered that the mountain that made it almost impossible for him to breathe was the result of his mother-in-law pressing down on him with her own hands.

Gradually, the eldest prince's resistance became apparent.

I began to find a way to adapt to the mountain.

Concubine Zhang kept speaking words of encouragement into the eldest prince's ears, repeating over and over again what miserable situation he would put them in if he failed.

The Fourth Prince on the side was staring at the ground in front of him, seeming to be counting the number of fragments lying there, or admiring the appearance of the fragments of different shapes.

Focused and serious.

The sixth princess on the other side looked at their mother-in-law with some fear, and occasionally looked at the eldest prince with unbearable and pitiful eyes.

It was clear to everyone that the moment before them was painful.

Even Concubine Zhang would catch a glimpse of herself reflected everywhere.

It felt strange even to her.

But every time at this time, Concubine Zhang would instantly look away, not looking at her own reflection or thinking about what she looked like at this moment.

Only in this way can she force herself to continue to spur the eldest prince.

Among the many nobles in the palace today, many had similar reactions to Concubine Zhang.

When he learned that Princess Ankang was in the palace, he drove to the East Palace.

Not to mention the princes and princesses, even the concubines and empresses had their hearts broken.

They each tried their best to inquire about the matter frantically, and they must find out what Princess Ankang was doing in the East Palace.

They were really afraid that Princess Ankang would move into the East Palace.

Although everyone felt that Emperor Yongyuan would not agree to such a ridiculous wish, when they heard the news in the morning, they could not help but think in this direction.

I'm afraid they couldn't imagine that the reason for such a big commotion was just Princess Ankang's wish to read more books.

As for Emperor Yongyuan, who was the instigator, he would probably only sneer when he saw the excitement in the palace.

Because that's what he wants.

As the saying goes, happy times are easy to pass.

The three little ones spent the whole day buried in Qianxing Pavilion, but this time the sun rose and set so quickly.

During lunch, Li Xuan and Princess Ankang just took a bite and couldn't wait to return to Qianxing Pavilion.

Zhao Feng specially prepared the meals in the yard outside Qianxing Pavilion.

But Li Xuan and Princess Ankang, who were in a hurry to go back to reading, couldn't care less about these royal-style clothes and fine food.

After they both hurriedly filled their stomachs, they returned to Qianxing Pavilion and continued reading.

Li Xuan was anxious to record more exercises, while Princess Ankang had not yet decided on the books she wanted to borrow and read.

On the contrary to Li Xuan, Princess Ankang was very interested in all the books in Qianxing Pavilion except martial arts secret books, and she couldn't wait to read them all.

It's just that the types of books in Qianxing Pavilion are too rich, and the amount of books collected is too amazing.

Even if Princess Ankang is willing to spend her whole life in Qianxing Pavilion, she may not be able to finish reading these vast books.

In today's world, books are extremely precious.

The collection of books in Qianxing Pavilion can be said to be an important asset of the Daxing royal family.

Finally, night gradually fell, and it was time for the three little ones to leave Qianxing Pavilion.

Princess Ankang selected seven books and planned to borrow them today.

Li Xuan originally thought that it would be mainly story books, but he did not expect that Princess Ankang would choose local chronicles.

Most of these books introduce local customs and customs, and contain a large number of illustrations, including maps and illustrations of clothing items.

It seems that Princess Ankang is very interested in the world outside the palace.

Li Xuan thought that if there was a chance in the future, he would take Princess Ankang and Yu'er to every corner of the world.

It would be a pity if you stayed in Jingyang Palace all your life and never witnessed the beauty and color of this world.

The footprints are made in the southeast, and there are beautiful mountains and rivers everywhere.

This has always been something Li Xuan wanted to do with the two little girls.

For the two little girls, there really wasn't much in the palace worthy of their nostalgia.


Li Xuan said what if.

If Princess Ankang's illness is really incurable, Li Xuan would rather take her out of the palace and travel around the world before welcoming that day.

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Li Xuan quickly shook his head and drove it out of his mind.


"That won't happen one day!"

"As long as I continue to practice with Ankang, her health will only get better and better!!!"

At this time, Princess Ankang saw Li Xuan in a daze and couldn't help asking: "Axuan, what are you thinking about?"

"Have you picked out the books you want to borrow?"

Looking at Princess Ankang in front of him, Li Xuan was in a trance for a while, then immediately cheered up and meowed.

He picked a book from the shelf.

It's not a secret book on Kung Fu, but a collection of experiences and experiences about breaking through the realm of training.

Although many of the words above are concise, they are full of content. Li Xuan plans to take them back and study them carefully.

He can record the skills directly through his talent, but he can only read these miscellaneous thoughts by himself.

The experience above is very useful, otherwise it would not be on the bookshelf of Qianxing Pavilion.

And it's one thing to see it before you practice it yourself, but it's another thing to see these experiences after you practice it.

Li Xuan knew this truth, so at the end he chose a book on the experience of practicing the marrow realm.

With the encouragement of Princess Ankang, Yu'er also chose a book.

She was personally taught by Zhao Feng, so she was not very interested in martial arts secrets. Instead, she chose a book about health preservation.

It records various good things that are beneficial to the body, including but not limited to massage techniques, various medicinal diets, foot soaking medicine packs, concentration aromatherapy, balanced diet, etc.

Although the aspects involved are not deep and only the most superficial principles are discussed, it covers a wide range of aspects.

Yu'er was most interested in this book, so she chose to borrow it.

In this case, there are seven books for Princess Ankang, one for Li Xuan, and one for Yu'er. The total is only nine books, one short of the borrowing quota of ten books.

The three little ones were at the door of the first floor, going through the procedures for borrowing books from Mr. Ye.

I was a little flustered when I discovered that there were only nine books.

It's already too late now. If we don't start back, I'm afraid we won't be able to return to Jingyang Palace before Xu Shi.

It would be a pity to give up a book borrowing quota.

"Your Highness, why don't you borrow a book from the book you didn't finish during the day?"

"Otherwise, it would be a shame to waste a spot."

Yu'er advised.

She knew that Princess Ankang liked to read books.

Throughout the whole day today, the smile on Princess Ankang's face never stopped while she was holding the book.

Since a book can bring such happiness to Princess Ankang, Yu'er is reluctant to give up such a spot.


Princess Ankang couldn't help but hesitate.

It's all because they didn't communicate well before, and finally found out that there was still one missing book.

Princess Ankang saw that Li Xuan was so fascinated by the martial arts secret books, so she reserved an extra book for him.

In the end, Li Xuan only picked one book because he didn't want to take up more of Princess Ankang's opportunity to borrow books.

This misunderstanding has led to the current embarrassment.

It's getting late outside, and it's too late to pick out books now.

Princess Ankang asked Yu'er to grab the book closest to them, but was stopped by Mr. Ye.

Mr. Ye took out a thick book from under his desk.

"Borrow this one."

Mr. Ye said in his old voice.

Princess Ankang looked at the four characters "Secrets of the North" on the cover, and then looked at Mr. Ye.

Mr. Ye had no expression on his face, as if he was just making a recommendation casually.

"Okay, then thank you Mr. Ye."

Princess Ankang thanked her and accepted the book.

Mr. Ye nodded slowly and registered the last book for them to borrow.

In this way, their reading trip to Qianxing Pavilion today was successfully concluded.

Zhao Fenghe's carriage has already been prepared outside Qianxing Pavilion.

The three little ones got on the carriage and said goodbye to Mr. Ye.

Mr. Ye just nodded, then turned around and locked the door of Qianxing Pavilion, and continued to take out the broom he used during the day and started sweeping the floor.

"Mr. Ye, let's come back next month."


After Zhao Feng said hello, he sent the three little ones back to Jingyang Palace.

As the sun sets, the palace is already brightly lit.

Although it is the same path as during the day, it has a more solemn look.

Forbidden troops holding torches guarded various towers.

The palace at night is indescribably profound, and has a completely different atmosphere than during the day.

Li Xuan huddled in Princess Ankang's arms, and looked at the scene outside through the carriage window with her.

"Axuan, the palace is a bit scary at night."

Princess Ankang looked at the shadow of the monster-like tower and couldn't help but say.

She had lived in the palace for more than ten years, and this was the first time she saw such a scene.

Li Xuan also nodded silently.

I always feel that the atmosphere here is a little different from that in Nishinomiya.

If the night in Nishinomiya can be considered "lively", it is a bit too quiet here.

The section from the East Palace to Taiji Palace Square has such a depressing atmosphere.

It wasn't until the carriage entered the West Palace that Li Xuan felt more relaxed.

"It seems that this place is more suitable for my physique."

But Li Xuan thought about it and couldn't think of the reason for such a difference.

"It's really weird."

He simply stopped thinking about it and couldn't help but feel happy when he looked at the ten books held in Yu'er's arms and the many exercises recorded in his mind.

"From now on, I can go to Qianxing Pavilion once a month."

"Hehe, it feels so good!"

Thanks to "Angel Loves Joking" for the reward support.

Thank you all book friends for your monthly support.

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