It's summer.

But the cat is still calling spring.



Cats meow from time to time in Jingyang Palace.

Princess Ankang was flipping through a book in the yard and couldn't help but sigh.

"Axuan, can you stop screaming?"

"Besides, it's already summer. Isn't it a little late for you to show off your spring now?"


Li Xuan roared angrily, jumped on Princess Ankang's head, kissed and chewed her, and served her with a meow fist.

"Meow? Meow! (Am I in heat? I am practicing!)"

"Meow, woo! (Although they are all for fun, they are completely different in nature!)"

Li Xuan protested loudly.

He was obviously practicing hard, but when it came to Princess Ankang's mouth, he was in heat.

Princess Ankang shrank her neck and resisted with laughter, her black hair gradually becoming messy.

She looks like a crazy little girl.

"Axuan, don't bully His Highness."

Yu'er helped from the side.


Li Xuan immediately opened his eyes wide and screamed with grievance.

Why didn't you say anything when she wronged me?


This is Chi Guoguo’s favoritism!

Li Xuan jumped down from Princess Ankang's head and bared his teeth and claws at Yu'er who had just finished practicing.

Yu'er had just completed this morning's practice under Zhao Feng's guidance, and her body was still slightly hot and steaming.

Seeing that Li Xuanchong was rude to him, Yu'er also put on a posture, as if she was going to fight with the dragon.

"Axuan, I am not what I used to be."

"I advise you not to ask for trouble!"

After practicing martial arts with Zhao Feng for several days, Yu'er's mentality also expanded.

Zhao Feng on the side looked at this scene with a smile, just thinking it was funny.

After all, no matter how sensible Yu'er is, she is just a teenage girl.

Not to mention Li Xuan, he was just a kitten less than one year old.

There were three children together in Jingyang Palace, how could it not be lively?

It was rare for Zhao Feng to see such an interesting scene, so he watched silently.

"Little Yu'er, so arrogant!"

"Let's see how I teach you a lesson."

During the confrontation, Li Xuan suddenly made a move and pounced on Yu'er.

Yu'er was ready and took two steps back following Li Xuan's attack, then turned around and pulled out the ribbon hidden in her sleeves.

"Axuan, be careful!"

The ribbon shot towards Li Xuan with a swish, like a strange python that had been lurking for a long time, opening its big mouth and about to swallow him.

The silver bell on the ribbon reached Li Xuan and suddenly made a jingling sound, confusing the audience.

"Well done!"

Naturally, this little trick can't confuse Li Xuan.

He turned over in the air and stepped on the ribbon directly connected to the silver bell.

Even though the ribbon was soft, it was extraordinarily tough after being exerted force by Yu'er. If Li Xuan hadn't been stronger, it would have been shaken away.

Zhao Feng, who was watching the battle, saw that Yu'er's trick was broken, but he still nodded.

"It's only been a few days and it's already taking shape."

"I didn't expect that both siblings are good at practicing martial arts."

Now that Zhao Feng knew about Deng Weixian's existence and knew about the relationship between the siblings, it was inevitable to compare them.

He had been quite curious about Deng Weixian before, and what kind of talent Zhao Bugao did not hesitate to spend resources on cultivating.

Later, Zhao Feng secretly watched the scene where Zhao Bugao guided Deng Weixian, and he was indeed a martial arts wizard.

I just didn't expect that his sister, who was a few years older, was not bad at all.

If he hadn't started practicing martial arts a little later, I'm afraid he would already be quite accomplished by now.

As for Li Xuan.

His performance was completely within Zhao Feng's expectations.

According to Zhao Feng's guess, Li Xuan didn't show his true skills at all now, he was just playing around with Yu'er.

Sure enough, after being defeated by Li Xuan, Yu'er couldn't help but let out an "ouch", and her body was driven forward by the force on the ribbon.

Li Xuan took the opportunity to circle around and push Yu'er, causing her to lose her balance. She trotted forward and couldn't stop.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..."

"Get out of the way!"

Yu'er rushed up like an old cow and was about to hit Princess Ankang, which scared Yu'er and screamed repeatedly.

Li Xuan chuckled, suddenly moved forward, and came to Yu'er's side. Then he pushed Yu'er's shoulders hard with a pair of front paws, turning her forward momentum into a reversal.

Yu'er's whole body was spinning like a top, and the ribbon on her hand was wrapped around her body, getting tighter and tighter.

Yu'er finally fell softly into Princess Ankang's arms, tied tightly by herself.

Princess Ankang hugged Yu'er, who was soft-handed and weak-footed, and looked at her eyes that were still moving around, unable to find the focus, like a whirlpool.



"I'm so dizzy, I'm going to die——"

Yu'er's soul was so transferred that she felt that her whole body was no longer her own.

Seeing Yu'er in such a mess, Princess Ankang criticized Li Xuan.

"Axuan, you can't bully others!"

Li Xuan tilted his head proudly.

The little cat couldn't hear such words, so it immediately pretended not to hear it, called "meow meow meow" and was about to go out to play.

At this time, Zhao Feng, who was watching from the side, also became interested and asked Li Xuan:

"Axuan, are you interested in having sex with me?"

"How about we just use the bloody tiger claws?"

"I don't need to use my strength to suppress you, let's just fight and see."

Since he learned from Master Ye that Li Xuan could use the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claw, Zhao Feng had always wanted to try to see how well Li Xuan could do martial arts.

Although he had practiced with Li Xuan for a while before when he was helping him adapt to the power.

But at that time, Li Xuan didn't have any technical moves because he was mainly adapting to the power. He just used his power instinctively.

Seeing that Zhao Feng was also interested, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel surprised.

But after thinking about it, he understood that it should be because he exposed the fact that he could do martial arts in front of Master Ye, which aroused Zhao Feng's curiosity.

But Li Xuan would not miss such a good opportunity to practice with a master.

Just now, he just taught Yu'er a lesson, and didn't show his real skills at all.

But if he faced Zhao Feng, he would probably have to show his full strength.

Li Xuan walked in front of Zhao Feng, stood up, and arched his front paw.

"Meow! (Please teach me!)"

Let alone his strength, just this set of moves, Li Xuan already has the demeanor of a master.

Zhao Feng suppressed his smile, bowed his hands seriously, and said:

"Please teach me."

Zhao Feng immediately took a stance, crouched down, and made tiger claws with both hands, ready to go.

His change of stance was extremely swift, and the sound of shaking his clothes was like thunder.

An expert knows whether it is good or not as soon as he makes a move.

Li Xuan couldn't help but get nervous.

He slowly crouched down, without any special movements, just crouched there.

Zhao Feng's pupils shrank, and he was shocked.

He didn't expect that the starting style of the blood-killing tiger claw would be so natural on Li Xuan, as if it was made by nature.

"Is it because of the tiger shape?"

Zhao Feng was still amazed.

Before he could think about it, Li Xuan had already attacked with one claw.

At this moment, Zhao Feng seemed to see a black tiger pounce on him, making his breath stagnate.

This time they only competed in moves, not in cultivation.

Therefore, Li Xuan's perfect blood-killing tiger claws gave Zhao Feng a greater impact.

It was not the first time that Zhao Feng fought with Li Xuan.

From the awkwardness at the beginning, he had gradually adapted to fighting with cats.

But this time Li Xuan showed his 100% skills, which made Zhao Feng a little difficult to resist.

Zhao Feng did not use his body-protecting Qi today.

Anyway, it was just a competition of moves. If he used his body-protecting Qi, he would not be able to see Li Xuan's moves clearly.

Two figures, one big and one small, rose and fell in the field, and their attacks were sometimes light and sometimes fierce.

Princess Ankang held Yu'er and sat in a wheelchair.

Yu'er took a while to calm down and was no longer so dizzy.

It was just that the two little girls looked at the two figures in the field and gradually became fascinated.

Li Xuan was fine, but they couldn't understand why Zhao Feng could also transform into a tiger.

"Is this martial arts?"

At this moment, Princess Ankang and Yu'er seemed to have a deeper understanding of martial arts.

This seems to be not only an art of killing, but also includes many other things.

When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured.

Li Xuan scratched a hole in Zhao Feng's sleeve.

This brought an end to the fight between the man and the cat.

Zhao Feng stared at his torn sleeve in disbelief.

Even though Li Xuan had the advantage of size, this result was hard for Zhao Feng to accept.

He had practiced martial arts for a lifetime, but he was not as good as a kitten.

This would be uncomfortable for anyone.

"The moves are more natural and exquisite than mine. Is it because of the advantage of race?"

Zhao Feng thought so, which seemed to make him feel better.

If Li Xuan knew his thoughts, he would show off.

After he pushed the progress to 100%, the word "perfect" that appeared behind was not just for show.

Li Xuan had an extraordinary understanding of perfect martial arts, which was almost comparable to the creator of the martial arts.

Not to mention that these skills are suitable for him. As long as he practices them to perfection, he can use them to add wings to a tiger.

In terms of moves alone, Zhao Feng lost to Li Xuan, but it was not unfair at all.

"Alas, I'm old."

Zhao Feng sighed and rolled up his torn sleeves.

If he was seen by Shang Zongguan again, he would inevitably be laughed at, so he should cover it up.

"Did Xuan win?"

Princess Ankang on the side made a heart-breaking attack.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but twitch his face when he heard it.

Yu'er was more respectful to the elderly and loved the young, and hurriedly explained: "Your Highness, this is just a competition of moves."

"And Xuan's body is so small, it also has a lot of advantages."

"If we really fight, it will be the same as the situation a few days ago."

"Xuan can't even get close to Zhao Zongguan."

After hearing this, Zhao Feng felt better.

Although it doesn't feel the same when compared with Xuan, Yu'er's words are always better than Princess Ankang's.

"Oh, so that's how it is."

Princess Ankang also reacted at this time, scratched her messy hair, and laughed.

"Oh, it's all because of Ah Xuan's naughtiness. Your Highness's hair is messy. Yu'er will re-cut it for you."

Yu'er stretched out her hand to play with Princess Ankang's hair, and suddenly found that their faces were so close.

At this time, Yu'er realized that she was still sitting on Princess Ankang's lap.

Yu'er jumped up and down, her face turned red.

"Your Highness, I forgive you. Your Highness, I forgive you..."

"It's all Xuan's fault, he made me faint just now!"

Yu'er blamed Li Xuan on the spot.

Li Xuan couldn't help curling his lips after hearing this.

"It's none of my business. It's obviously Yu'er and you can't stand up even if you sit down."

Princess Ankang just grinned and didn't care.

"It's okay, Yu'er..."

As she spoke, Princess Ankang couldn't help but look at Zhao Feng's eyes.

Seeing Zhao Feng deliberately keeping a straight face and pretending to be stern, Princess Ankang smiled and put away the word "sister" behind her.

"It's better to help me style my hair again."

"Okay, Your Highness."

With that said, Yu'er walked behind Princess Ankang and carefully rearranged her hair.

Li Xuan yawned.

"The amount of exercise in the morning was a bit heavy. Let's go to the Royal Garden to bask in the sun and take a rest first."

Li Xuan was about to climb over the wall and leave.

Zhao Feng also said hello and came out together.

"Axuan, you see you have a lot of free time today. Do you want to come and sit at my place?"

Although Zhao Feng lost a move to Li Xuan just now, he had already recovered from his disappointment and said to Li Xuan with a smile.


Li Xuan tilted his head and heard the hidden meaning of Zhao Feng's words.

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