Wei Chengji said to Zhao Feng in a neutral tone.

"Haha, Aji, you are so cooperative."

Zhao Feng smiled and waved his hands, very modestly not taking credit for himself.

"Damn it, you hid the secret letter last time too."

"You're actually hiding your underwear under my bed. Do you really think this is your backyard?"

"Come whenever you want!"

Wei Chengji said angrily, shaking the long whip in his hand, and a sharp sound suddenly exploded in the air, which stung people's eardrums.

"Ouch, Aji, please put that whip away quickly, it's too scary."

Zhao Feng patted his chest yawningly, looking scared.

But remembering how he had severely injured three eunuchs with one finger just now, Wei Chengji became angrier the more he looked at him like this.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's not mention the hatred you have for teasing us today."

"You have tied me to the boat in a daze, you have to let me vent."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to swallow this breath!"

Wei Chengji slowly danced the long whip in his hand.

The long whip suddenly came to life, like a white giant python, slowly squirming, looking for the opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

When Zhao Feng saw that Wei Chengji was serious, he immediately took a step back.

He had achieved his goal today, so why bother with Wei Chengji?

"Where is my son Bu Gao?"

Zhao Feng thought of his godson at this time.

As a result, he turned around and saw Zhao Bugao getting up from the ground at some point, using Qinggong and running away as if his butt was on fire.

"This bastard!"

Zhao Feng's eyes widened in anger.

I had known that this adopted son was unreliable, but in the end I didn't cherish the chance to make amends.

If Zhao Bugao knew what Zhao Feng was thinking at this time, he would spit in his face.

He was only at the fifth level of cultivation, but it was already a desperate effort to join a group of great eunuchs in a battle.

This time he risked his life to perform this scene.

If it weren't for his cleverness and the fact that Gao Wang and the others were not clever, he might not be so lively.

Now Wei Chengji obviously wants to take out his anger on Zhao Feng, so Zhao Bugao won't get involved.

Today, I still acted because I felt I owed Zhao Feng the godfather. Otherwise, he would have lost his power and would not bother to get involved in these things anymore.

Don't look at Zhao Feng not killing him.

Zhao Bugao would not be so naive as to think that he still had a chance to turn around.

Zhao Feng didn't kill him because he missed his old friendship and couldn't bear the death of his adopted son whom he had raised for many years in his own hands.

It can be said that Zhao Feng is now Zhao Bugao's life-saving talisman.

If one day, Zhao Feng leaves earlier than Manager Shang, Manager Shang will turn around and ask Zhao Bugao to be buried with him.

Zhao Bugao knew that his ambitions in this life would never be realized, so he guided Deng Weixian with peace of mind just as Zhao Feng said.

Deng Weixian's talent is really good. Zhao Bugao just wants to pass on what he has learned, and it is not in vain for Deng Weixian to call him godfather.

Therefore, Zhao Bugao must not die here.

Wei Chengji and Zhao Feng are both the top eunuchs, so it's better not to think that their fifth rank is too long-lived.

Zhao Bugao didn't care that Zhao Feng was calling him "evil son" from behind.

To some extent, this is a very objective fact.

Zhao Bu lowered his head, turned around, and disappeared from sight.

"Should I say it or not, Zhao Feng's Qinggong is very good."

Li Xuan on the roof shook his head and looked at Zhao Bugao's retreating figure.

In the past, Zhao Bugao looked quite elegant, but now the figure running away looks so wretched.

"Is it because of the black cloak?"

As Zhao Bugao fled, Zhao Feng also lost his only shield.

Wei Chengji swung his long whip and launched a ferocious attack with hatred.

Li Xuan was immediately attracted by the fight between the two.

Zhao Feng was a very thief and didn't want to fight Wei Chengji at all. He just evaded and planned to escape from here.

He finally managed to completely tie Wei Chengji to his ship, and he could actually hurt his new ally.

Obviously, staying here is just to vent his anger on Wei Chengji. How could Zhao Feng do such a completely useless thing?

But this time Wei Chengji was determined to keep Zhao Feng from using two moves, and the long whip in his hand also used the "Tang" technique to its extreme.

No matter how Zhao Feng tried to get rid of him, he could not escape the coverage of Wei Chengji's long whip.


Zhao Feng tried to escape twice, but was driven back by Wei Chengji, which made him a little angry.

"Since Aji is interested, I will accompany you!"

Zhao Feng shouted loudly, flicked out a finger, and shot out a blue-black cyclone.

The cyclone continued to surge as before.

This time it was even more exaggerated, swelling to the size of a small house in an instant.

Wei Chengji took two steps back, steadied his horse, and moved his hands so fast that he dragged out the afterimage.

The white whip twisted rapidly around him, gathering strength.

"Swallow the heaven and the earth!"

Wei Chengji roared angrily, and the ground beneath his feet instantly shattered, and the air near his body twisted and danced.

The white whip in his hand made large circles to cover the cyclone, covering an exaggeratedly large area, and then twisted it hard.


A harsh sound exploded.

Li Xuan's ears suddenly became quiet, with only a strange buzzing.

This eerie silence only lasted for a moment, and then there was the sound of a large amount of gravel falling to the ground.

Among these messy voices, there was also a roar of unwillingness.

"Fuck you, old dog Zhao!"

Wei Chengji's voice spread far away, even the people outside the Yanqu Palace could hear it clearly.

The palace maids and eunuchs were all startled, but they immediately lowered their heads and continued to work, pretending not to hear it.

These things are not what they, the little shrimps, should hear.

No wonder Wei Chengji was so angry.

When the smoke and dust cleared, there was no trace of Zhao Feng below, leaving only Wei Chengji in a state of impotent rage.

"Oh, why did old Zhao run away!"

Li Xuan was so angry that he slapped his cat's paw.

He had been watching for a long time and had not recorded Wei Chengji's whip method.

Just when he was planning to watch a few more moves from Zhao Feng and Wei Chengji's fight, he didn't expect that the old guy Zhao Feng actually faked a move and took the opportunity to escape.

"Hey, I'm so angry!!!"

When Zhao Feng ran away, a little cat was angry to death above and an old eunuch was angry to death below.

Li Xuan watched a good show and left Yanqu Hall cursing.

After Wei Chengji cursed for a while, he began to clean up the mess.

Several eunuchs fought in the yard, which was a mess.

It would take several days to repair the stone bricks on the ground.

It was a pity that Li Xuan did not learn the cool whip method.

"I don't know what level of martial arts it is, but it is really amazing when it is performed."

Li Xuan thought while using his tail to gesture the few moves he just saw, and he seemed to be unsatisfied.

It is really cool to watch masters fight, especially to broaden your horizons.

Speaking of which, Gao Wang and others are not bad in cultivation, but they are inferior to Zhao Feng and Wei Chengji.

Wei Chengji's long whip seemed to be alive, and the blue-black cyclone shot from Zhao Feng's fingertips, I don't know what martial arts it is, but it is so powerful.

The more Li Xuan thought about it, the more excited he became. Not only did his tail not stop, but he also suddenly stood up, stretched out his cat paws and gestured around, shooting a pistol.

"Zhao Feng's moves are also very cool."

"Raise your hand and shoot out a cyclone, just like a small pistol."

"The problem is that the pistol can fire with the power of a grenade."

Thinking of the embarrassed appearance of the three eunuchs who were blown up before, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel excited.

"Is this the power of Qi?"

Li Xuan had only seen Zhao Feng use Qi to defend before, but this was the first time he saw him use Qi to attack so seriously.

Just as Li Xuan was walking and playing on the road, he suddenly heard an anxious meow from a distance.

"Meow! (Help!)"

Li Xuan turned his head and felt that the voice was familiar.

It turned out that the cow was running straight towards him in the distance.

"Meow? (What's wrong?)"

The cow was calling and rushing, and it was about to hit Li Xuan head-on.

Li Xuan was not in a hurry. He slightly turned his body to let the cow pass. At the same time, he lifted the cow's body with his tail, making it fly and spin several times before landing steadily.

Although the cow's momentum was resolved, it was dizzy from the spins. It couldn't tell left from right and was about to fall down the wall.

Li Xuan couldn't help shaking his head.

"This guy is still so worrying."

Li Xuan used his tail to hold the cow to prevent it from running around.

The cow took a while to slow down, and then after seeing Li Xuan in front of it, it meowed anxiously again.

"Meow, meow! (Cat Tyrant, danger!)"

Li Xuan's heart suddenly trembled, and he asked the cow to lead the way in front of him.

He had a bad feeling.

Usually, Fat Orange came to deliver the message, why did he send the cow today?

It seems that the situation on Cat Ty's side is very bad, and Fat Orange needs to stay to help him.

It's just that I don't know who has troubled these stray cats again.

Li Xuan followed the cow and soon arrived at the Imperial Garden, only to find that there was a big battle there.

The walls of the Imperial Garden were full of cats, many of which were injured and looked very miserable with blood dripping.

In one part of the Imperial Garden, a cat and a dog were fighting bloodily.

The cat was Mao Ba.

Its opponent was a black dog that was a little too strong.

The black dog looked like it had been injected with hormones, with knotted muscles, and was no less than Mao Ba's body.

Even because of its racial advantage, it looked more powerful than Mao Ba.

"This dog looks familiar."

Li Xuan felt that the dog looked familiar.

Off the field, Mao Ba and the black dog were fighting evenly.

Mao Ba hit the dog's head with heavy meowing fists, and his sharp claws left blood marks.

It was just that the black dog's muscles were too developed, and although it was bleeding, it was not deeply injured.

The black dog kept looking for opportunities to attack and bite, but it could never find Mao Ba's flaws.

Mao Ba's movements were much faster than its, and it was easy to dodge the attack.

But the problem now was that Mao Ba's attacks could hardly break the defense of the big black dog.

"Which weirdo in the palace keeps such a mad dog?"

Li Xuan looked at the black dog's terrible appearance with drooling and red eyes, and couldn't help but doubt his life.

These nobles in the palace are all appearance parties, and they care about appearance no matter what.

If they are too ugly and vulgar, they will feel that they are not in line with their status.

Li Xuan has also seen some hunting dogs raised in the palace, and none of them are not handsome or heroic.

The black dog in front of him is almost the same as the mad dog on the street, which is really not in line with the aesthetics of the palace.

At this time, Fat Orange climbed up the wall with a seriously injured cat in his mouth.

Li Xuan hurried over and asked Fat Orange what was going on.

He first helped Fat Orange put the injured cat safely on the wall.

Other cats came over immediately to help lick the wound.

Li Xuan also discovered during the last buffet that Fat Orange actually had considerable leadership among the wild cats.

The wild cats were afraid of the strength of Cat Tyrant, but they believed in Fat Orange.

Because Fat Orange could always lead them to find a better way to solve the problem.

Under the leadership of Fat Orange, the wild cats in the Imperial Garden were also very united and rarely fought among themselves.

Seeing Li Xuan coming, Fat Orange greeted him and quickly explained the situation.

It turned out that they had been playing well in the Imperial Garden before, but suddenly a big black dog came in and bit the cats to death.

They quickly surrounded the black dog, but they didn't expect the black dog to be too strong.

After a fight, not only did they fail to defeat the black dog, but they were even injured.

Cat Tyrant immediately stood up and blocked the black dog, buying time for other cats to evacuate.

Now they were busy for a long time and finally brought all the injured cats to the wall.

In this way, they can at least evacuate safely.

No matter how powerful the black dog is, it can't beat them in climbing over the wall and trees.

Fat Orange called out to the audience and informed Mao Ba that he could leave.

But Mao Ba didn't seem to hear it. He stared at the black dog in front of him seriously, with fighting spirit in his eyes.

Fat Orange was anxious to shout again, but was stopped by Li Xuan.

He looked at Mao Ba's focused battle and decided to wait and see.

"Let me see if you have become stronger."

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