At noon on a scorching day, the fire is burning.

Although spring has just begun, the temperature today is really scorching.

A crowd of warblers suddenly rushed into the quiet palace, chattering non-stop.

Yanqu Hall, which had been quiet for only two hours, became lively again.

These are all talented people who have just finished dancing practice. They are all dripping with sweat. Their gauze clothes are soaked with sweat and stick tightly to their skin, reflecting the soft curves that appear and disappear in a beautiful and fragrant way.

Fortunately, there is a lot of yin in the palace, otherwise something would definitely happen.

Li Xuan lay on the wall, basking in his round belly, licking the cat's paws, admiring the beautiful scenery, waiting for the show to begin.

"Liang Chuchu!"

"Wang Suyue!"

"Get out of here!!!"

Before the foreplay was enough, the main show couldn't wait to begin.

Li Xuan turned sideways, put his head on a cat's paw, and found a comfortable position.

Liang Chuchu and Wang Suyue appeared from both sides, and walked towards each other, until their foreheads were touching, like two fighting cocks with high spirits.

"What's going on with the two of them?"

"Who knows, we have been quarreling for three days, but looking at the situation today, we may have to take action."

"Don't eat, don't eat. There will be a good show when you come out."

The talents who had just returned from dancing ran out one after another before they had time to eat.

I was so hungry that I just grabbed some fruits and snacks, leaned in the shadow of the door, found a position with a good view, and watched the excitement.

There were also a few people carrying their rice bowls and moving a small bench out, picking up the rice and watching as they watched. It seemed that they were going to use what they had today to eat.

The eunuchs and maids nearby also unconsciously slowed down their work and began to dawdle.

These servants did not go to see it openly, but they stayed in the yard and refused to leave.

Seeing everyone familiar with the melon-eating mode, Li Xuan, the director behind the scenes, couldn't help but be confused.

"Is it such a hit?"

"How do these two people get along on a daily basis?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but sit up slightly to show respect.

"Liang Chuchu, did you throw my chamber pot into the dirty well?"

Wang Suyue took the lead in attacking.

"I, I didn't mean it..."

Liang Chuchu failed to survive the first round, hesitating and looking extremely guilty.

But she really told the truth.

There were no latrines in the palace, so whether it was the emperor's concubines or palace maids and eunuchs, they all used special "buckets" to solve problems.

The barrels used by the nobles are called "official rooms" and are usually stored in a special place called "pure rooms", with special eunuchs and maids in charge.

Even though this official room is a place to hide dirt and evil, it is made with great care. Some are made of porcelain basins, some are made of huanghuali, and even agarwood, and they are also covered with plant ash or sandalwood ash.

In short, the higher the status, the more advanced the official office will be.

Take it out immediately and remove it after use, ensuring that no smell remains indoors or outdoors.

Of course, the eunuchs and maids who were servants did not have such a good life.

The ones they used were called "bedpans". They usually kept them in a unified place. When needed, they took them to their rooms, and then poured the dirt into the dirty well, which led directly to the river outside the imperial city.

For example, the talented people in Yanqu Palace do not have their own official rooms yet, but most of them have extraordinary backgrounds, and they all brought their personal chamber pots when they entered the palace.

After all, they who consider themselves nobles would never want to share the bedpan with palace maids and eunuchs.

Speaking of which, Wang Suyue's chamber pot is worth a lot of money, and she has been using it since she was a child.

If a palace maid hadn't reported this to Liang Chuchu, she wouldn't have known that her "companion chamber pot" had returned to the dirty well.

Thinking about it this way, it is understandable that Wang Suyue is so angry.

Upon closer inspection, Li Xuan is also responsible for this. If he hadn't added fuel to the flames, the "Associated Chamber Pot" would not have died.

When Liang Chuchu went to pour the chamber pot, Li Xuan pushed her behind her, scaring her so much that she also threw the chamber pot in her hand.

Li Xuan still remembers the shocked, confused and panic expression on her face.

Liang Chuchu was stunned for a while before turning around to see what hit her.

But Li Xuan, who had done all the damage, had already disappeared, and she could only look lonely in the end.

"If it's not intentional, then it must be intentional!"

"You must be holding a grudge and deliberately retaliating against me."

"It's pitiful that my 'Jingliu' was harmed by an evil woman like you..."

Wang Suyue became more and more sad as she talked, her eyes were red, and she was holding back her tears of sadness.

Even Li Xuan, who was watching the play on the wall, couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt coming over him, but he couldn't help being secretly shocked: "She actually named her chamber pot?"

Liang Chuchu was indeed unreasonable in this matter.

But it doesn't matter. In this kind of confrontation, being unreasonable is the way to go.

"Then, you can't pour my lunch!"

"I've been working all day and I haven't even had anything to eat. You're going to starve me to death! Wang Suyue, you are afraid that I will be favored in the future and suppress you, unable to stand up. You are so vicious."

Liang Chuchu immediately knocked him down and tried to fight back.

Of course, she is not completely making things out of nothing and making trouble without reason.

Li Xuan lay lazily, scratched his navel, yawned widely, and began to feel sleepy.

"Hiccup, I'm a little full."

It just so happened that it was not convenient to go to the imperial dining room recently, so Li Xuan found a new free cafeteria for himself.

Naturally, the victim Liang Chuchu did not receive any formal notification.

Although she got into trouble today, she still wanted to fill her stomach uneasily before talking.

Unexpectedly, his dinner plate had been emptied long ago, with not even a scrap left.

"People definitely don't eat so cleanly. Someone must have caused trouble and poured my rice." Liang Chuchu naturally thought.

As for the candidate to cause harm, she could think of someone with her heels.

In the palace, there are strict food standards in places with some rules.

Everyone decides in advance what and how much they will eat every day.

Now that Liang Chuchu's food was gone, she could only starve.

"You fart, I just came back, I don't have time to pour out your pig food!"

Seeing that this dead girl had no intention of repenting and dared to slander herself, Wang Suyue was so angry that a wave of anger gathered in her chest, making other talented people bow their heads silently, feeling ashamed.

"Wang Cai is gifted by nature, and his achievements in the future will be limitless." Someone sighed softly.


Eunuch Yinfang snorted coldly, turned around and glared, and immediately frightened the accompanying eunuch who was talking nonsense.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame our family for being ruthless."

"My father-in-law, please forgive me. My father-in-law, please forgive me. It was just a temporary brain twitch that made me speak uncontrollably." The accompanying eunuch quickly accused him again and again.

At this time, another eunuch accompanying him changed the topic for his companion and asked for instructions: "Father, don't you need to take care of these two talented people?"

"Care? How can I care?"

Mr. Yinfang rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"One is the daughter of Zhongshu Ling, and the other is the lady of General Zhongwu's mansion. It is not worth offending either of them."

The printing father-in-law shook his head, as if he wanted to stay out of it.

"My father-in-law is wise. These two talented people have prominent family backgrounds. Even if they are not favored by the Holy Spirit in the future, they will still play an important role in the harem. They really need to be treated with caution."

The accompanying eunuch who had been reprimanded before immediately seized the opportunity to pat the horse, but Father-in-law Yinfang just glanced at him coldly, which seemed not to be of much use to him.

"But it doesn't look good to be so indulgent. Do you want to signal other talented people to step forward to dissuade him?" Another accompanying eunuch frowned slightly at his companion and stepped forward to make his own suggestions.

"When you are tired, they will disperse on their own, so don't pay any attention to them."

"Let's leave it alone, gentlemen, and tell the others to disperse quickly so that these cheap guys can have some time."


The eunuch who made the suggestion immediately took the order and prepared to disperse the nearby palace maids and eunuchs.

Eunuch Yinfang was also about to turn around and leave. These two girls were making trouble every day. If they didn't both have a good father, they would have been expelled from the palace long ago.

But at this moment, the reckless eunuch accompanying him suddenly pointed at the field and stammered: "Father-in-law, father-in-law..."

"what happened again!"

Father-in-law Yinfang frowned fiercely, obviously feeling very unhappy.

"Fight, let's fight!"

The impudent eunuch made a surprising statement.

Eunuch Yinfang was so frightened that he immediately turned around to see that Liang Chuchu and Wang Suyue were entangled together, with disheveled hair like two female ghosts.

"How dignified it is, what a dignified figure it is!"

Eunuch Yinfang has been in charge of Yanqu Palace for many years, and he has never seen two such talented people.

The other talented people around who were watching the excitement burst into laughter, and some shouted, "Come on, come on." It was really not a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Separate them, go and separate them quickly!"

The printing father-in-law was so anxious that he screamed.

Three magic weapons for women to fight: slap, pull hair, and take off clothes.

Liang Chuchu was very good at what she did, and it was she who took the lead in the sneak attack without respecting martial ethics.

The two people were arguing more and more fiercely. Liang Chuchu, who was at a disadvantage, was furious and immediately impulsively initiated an invitation for a hand-to-hand fight.

Wang Suyue didn't expect that Liang Chuchu would dare to fight with her, and she was stunned from the beginning.

It wasn't until there were a few blood stains on his body, his bun was messy, and his gauze gradually fell off that he came back to his senses.

But there was no trace of panic or embarrassment on her face, instead a terrifying smile appeared on her face.

"Liang Chuchu, since you are seeking death, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The next moment, there was a chorus of exclamations.

Li Xuan also sat up suddenly, his jaw dropped unconsciously, and his eyes widened.

The situation in front of him shocked Maomao for a hundred years.

Wang Suyue captured Liang Chuchu and actually hit her with a set of military punches.

This is not an adjective, but a true military style boxing!

[Wang’s Military Boxing (Incomplete): 0%]

Thanks to book friends 20220804220348928 and Han Yangyang for their monthly support!

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

Bai Miao played a little tune for everyone to cheer up.


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