Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 26 The Mystery of Blood Coagulation

"It seems that the two eunuchs from before will never come back."

After discovering that Xiao Dengzi and Xiao Zhuo had successfully checked in, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief deep in his heart.

As long as Manager Shang no longer stares at their Jingyang Palace, everything will be fine.

Li Xuan might as well finish his retreat and go out for a walk more often.

Next, Yanqu Palace became a little boring.

After everyone finished their lunch, they only rested for half an hour before continuing with the etiquette training in the afternoon.

The palace maids and eunuchs continued to do various chores, no different from what they were in the morning.

Li Xuan saw that Deng Weixian was also adapting here and working with the new little table.

It's just that when they first arrived, the work they were assigned was a bit cheating.

It turned out to be cleaning the bedpan!

Li Xuan just glanced at it from a distance and lost interest in continuing to observe Deng Weixian.

It seems that no matter where you go, there is this tradition of bullying students.

He no longer paid attention to Yu'er's younger brother, but went to watch the etiquette class of the talented people.

Li Xuan has no selfish motives!

He just simply wanted to see the beautiful woman.

This is a time-honored mindfulness training that not only increases your longevity but also soothes your mood.

Although Li Xuan is just a kitten now, he has to learn martial arts and support two little girls at home who are waiting for food.

The psychological pressure is great, so naturally I need to see more beautiful women.

He only looks at beauties for the future of Jingyang Palace.

In order to let Ankang and Yu'er live a better life.

Of course there is no selfishness at all.

Of course, by the way, listen to the gossips of talented people, maybe there will be useful information.

In Jingyang Palace, Princess Ankang and Yu'er both belong to the quiet type.

Unlike the talented people in Yanqu Palace, all of them have small mouths and always have endless topics to talk about.

It was also thanks to their gossip that Li Xuan learned about the family backgrounds of Liang Chuchu and Wang Suyue.

The two were of the same age, and they had always looked down upon each other, and they grew up noisily together.

Even in this palace, the bad relationship continues, and there will be a fight every three days.

If there hadn't been someone in their family, their father-in-law would have trained them like quails.

It's just that the officials of these two families are not small, and even the father-in-law of the Yinfang of Yanqu Palace is not willing to get involved in their affairs.

Listening to the chats of these talented people, the reason why Liang Chuchu and Wang Suyue were so unresponsive to each other, apart from their own personalities, seemed to be related to the fact that the two families belonged to different camps.

The civilian clique to which Zhongshu Ling belonged and the honorific clique to which General Zhongwu belonged were distinct, and it was a well-known fact that they disliked each other.

Li Xuan had lived in the cold palace for a long time and had never heard this information. He couldn't help but linger in Yanqu Palace and forgot to go back for dinner, so he had to deal with it in a hurry.

"Anyway, Liang Chuchu is in a coma, so it would be a waste not to eat."

Li Xuan upheld the fine Chinese tradition of being thrifty and not wasting a grain of rice.

In fact, he had already discovered that Liang Chuchu was awake.

Liang Chuchu was lying on the bed, her eyelids moving constantly, just pretending to be unconscious.

I guess he didn't want to get up to work and was pretending to be sick.

It's just that her acting skills are really worrying. She has a swollen little face, and the eyes under her eyelids are spinning non-stop, unable to stop for a moment.

The father-in-law of the printing house of Yanqu Palace was afraid that she was seriously injured and he would not be able to explain it to his superiors, so he came to visit Liang Chuchu. However, when he saw this guy pretending to be sick, he immediately walked away in anger.

Li Xuan is already convinced by Liang Chuchu, but with such virtue, he still wants to be favored by the Holy One and canonized as a concubine?

I'm afraid I won't be able to find my way home until that day.

There were so many people in the palace, it was really difficult to find someone more heartless than her.

Soon night fell, everyone freshened up and went to bed early.

It's not easy for little girls like them. The physical exertion of a day is really big. If they don't go to bed early and rest, they may not be able to cope with the new day's training.

Li Xuanmao yawned heavily on the wall.

It was already late at night, and he was going to go back to sleep after taking one more look at Deng Weixian.

After all, Deng Weixian is Yu'er's younger brother. Li Xuan can also see that Yu'er cares about him very much, so he also cares about him.

So far, Li Xuan's impression of Deng Weixian is only good or bad.

This child hides his feelings and thoughts so deeply that they are unpredictable.

Coupled with his mysterious godfather, Li Xuan really couldn't figure out what his purpose was.

The reason I care more now is mostly for Yu'er's sake.

Arriving at the familiar courtyard of Yanqu Hall, Deng Weixian happened to be standing here.

Li Xuan looked at the sky and saw that it was midnight.

Sure enough, Deng Weixian began to assume the tiger posture and concentrate on practicing martial arts.

Needless to say, Deng Weixian had a good character. Ever since Li Xuan discovered that he practiced martial arts late at night every day, he had never been seen slacking off for a day, even if it was windy or raining.

Insufficient learning and knowledge, but poor performance in work.

Li Xuan was also infected by him and started practicing on the wall.

The Ten Tiger Forms served as a warm-up, followed by the blood-sucking Tiger Claws that they had all just learned.

In this skill, Deng Weixian's proficiency is much inferior to Li Xuan.

After all, he does not have the extraordinary talent of Li Xuan, so he can only rely on hard study and practice.

Although the Ten Tiger Forms they had practiced before also included offensive means, they were obviously not as sharp and ferocious as the blood-sucking tiger claws.

Obviously the Ten Tiger Forms are just a physical foundation, and the blood-slaying tiger claws are the real application skills.

Half an hour later, Deng Weixian was panting and looking at his palms with a puzzled look on his face.

Li Xuan on the wall has similar expressions and movements.

The physical consumption of the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claw is much more severe than that of the Ten Tiger Forms.

But after practicing, I can clearly feel a heat flow in my body converging on my palms, and there are several small red lines visible to the naked eye that are slowly spreading in my palms.

Deng Weixian's godfather once said that with this technique, it would be no problem to break through to the blood coagulation realm and become a ninth-level warrior.

And this change in their bodies may be related to this blood coagulation realm.

"Ninth level, blood coagulation realm."

"What kind of state will it be above this?"

Even Li Xuan himself didn't notice that his thirst for power was getting stronger and stronger.

What made them all look puzzled was not just the bloodshot eyes in their palms.

Li Xuan believed that Deng Weixian should also have discovered it.

The consumption of practicing the blood-slaying tiger claws is abnormally high. This is not only a physical consumption, but more like a certain fundamental strength in the body has been consumed.

Although this feeling is weak, it is real.

Especially when Li Xuan saw the improvement in progress, he became even more silent.

[Blood-slaying Tiger Claw: 12%]

He practiced once last night and gained three points of progress, increasing his initial progress from 7% to 10%.

But just now, the progress has only increased by 2%.


"And what's worse, I don't feel hungry at all."

This made Li Xuan realize that perhaps eating alone would not be able to support him in practicing the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claw to perfection and break through to the Blood Coagulation Realm.

"Blood coagulation, does it mean refining the power in the blood?"

"How should this be done?"

Li Xuan felt that Deng Weixian should have the same doubts as himself.

When his godfather passed down the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claw, he only said that this technique was enough to elevate him to the Blood Coagulation Realm, but he did not mention what he needed to pay attention to during the process.

"There must be other mysteries in this."

"I have to keep an eye on Deng Weixian. If I miss his godfather coming to see him, I'm afraid I will never get the answer."

Li Xuan sat on the wall, resting and observing Deng Weixian in the yard.

Deng Wei first stood and thought for a moment, then walked back into the house. Then there was no movement, and he seemed to have rested.

He will continue to work tomorrow. He is already very tired from practicing at night. If he doesn't rest early, he is afraid that his body will not be able to hold on.

Li Xuan waited for a while, and after making sure that Deng Weixian had rested, he planned to leave and come back tomorrow.

But as soon as he climbed down the wall, he heard the faint sound of the door opening in the courtyard, followed by the sound of tiptoeing.

Li Xuan's eyes showed surprise, and then he smiled crookedly:

"Good boy, do you want to do this with me?"

Thank you to book friend Shenghan for your monthly ticket support.


Bai Miao will give you a great start!

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