Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 34 Godfather’s Small Classroom

In the evening, Li Xuan came to Deng Weixian's small courtyard on time.

It turned out that Deng Weixian's godfather had arrived here early today and was talking to Deng Weixian.

Li Xuan immediately carefully hid his figure and listened secretly.

"Have you never questioned it?"

"Godfather lets the child practice martial arts with peace of mind."

Faced with the question of his godfather, Deng Weixian just answered like this without any emotional fluctuations.

"What the godfather said, the child will do."

"It's easier for kids."

Seeing Deng Weixian who bowed respectfully to him, his godfather couldn't help but sigh with sincerity.

"Compared to his talent in martial arts, this child's character is more admirable."

Previously, he deliberately did not mention the problem of qi and blood consumption when practicing the blood-slaying tiger claws, just to see what kind of reaction Deng Weixian would have.

Anyone would be shaken in that situation.

He expected to stop practicing or be lazy and slow down the progress.

He just wanted to see how far Deng Weixian would implement his orders.

When cultivating a person, it is very important to find out the other person's obedience.

It's just that I never expected that this thirteen-year-old boy would be able to achieve such a situation.

When he appeared yesterday, Deng Weixian had completely lost his strength, and his energy and blood had been exhausted to the limit.

In that case, it would be impossible for Deng Weixian to fight the bloody tiger claw again in the future.

The godfather was very satisfied with the results of this obedience test.

"I didn't expect that when I casually rescued this child and brought him into the palace, I would have picked up such a good idea."

Although it is called human affairs, it is also God's help.

Thinking like this, the corners of his mouth hidden under the shadow of his cloak slowly curved into a nice curve.

"Very good. With your talent and temperament, you will definitely be a big help to me in the future."

He patted Deng Weixian on the shoulder to encourage him.

Compared to before, one could clearly feel that Deng Weixian's godfather was more affectionate towards him, both in tone and actions.

"The child will live up to his godfather's expectations!"

Deng Wei bowed first and accepted the encouragement calmly.

"This kid can really accomplish things."

Li Xuan, who was observing in secret, couldn't help but sigh.

Which leader would hate such a young man?

If he had had the consciousness of Deng Weixian, he would have made progress long ago.

"Okay." Deng Weixian's godfather nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "I will explain to you in detail how to break through to the blood coagulation realm today."

"The Blood Coagulation Realm, as the name suggests, is the realm of condensing the power of Qi and blood in the body. Once you reach this realm, you can be called a warrior and enter the level."

"The reason you felt weak earlier was because the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claw technique was too overbearing, and your energy and blood consumption could not be replenished."

"But domineering also has the advantage of being domineering. The blood-slaying tiger claw is one of the fastest techniques to enter the blood coagulation realm."

"As long as there are heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can replenish qi and blood, it will be easy to enter the blood coagulation realm."

"Folk warriors often use medicinal baths or food supplements, and the methods of exercising and replenishing qi and blood have different effects."

"And these differences will also lead to differences in whether the foundation is solidified or not, and will determine how far one can go on the path of a warrior in the future."

Deng Weixian's godfather kept talking, and both Li Xuan and Deng Weixian listened very seriously.

Especially Li Xuan was fascinated by it.

He had been coveting this knowledge for more than a day or two. At this time, his curiosity was satisfied, and he felt so comfortable that he was in a state of ecstasy.

"The gap in combat power between the same level, and even some examples of being defeated across levels, are all related to this."

"Only warriors who fully unleash their potential in every realm can gain more power."

“So it was from eternity!”

Deng Weixian's godfather took a breath after saying this, then gently stroked the pottery pot placed on the stone table, and continued: "The essence and blood in this is Linhu, which can help you practice and enhance the power of qi and blood."

"The cold tiger is a rare ferocious beast that lives in the far north tundra. Absorbing its essence and blood can not only replenish a large amount of energy and blood, but also cultivate a breath of ice and cold in the body, thus improving the power of the blood-killing tiger's claws. power."

"This cold breath will benefit you for life. In the future, practicing martial arts with cold attributes will get twice the result with half the effort."

"This jar of tiger essence and blood is enough to elevate you to the blood coagulation realm. The better your qualifications are, the more tiger essence and blood you can absorb, and the ice-cold breath in your body will become stronger accordingly."

"As for how much you can absorb, I'm also looking forward to it."

Deng Weixian couldn't help being stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that the contents of this clay pot were so precious.

Then he came to his senses and immediately knelt down and said thanks: "Thank you godfather for your love. I will definitely do my best."

Deng Weixian didn't dare to vouch for this kind of thing. Although his godfather always said that his talent was good, no one could tell how much Linhu essence and blood he could absorb.

Therefore, only ensuring your own efforts is the safest.

"Well, practice hard. From now on, you will first absorb the essence and blood of the tiger, then digest it in the ten tiger postures, and then practice the blood-slaying tiger claws."

"You can practice it for me now, and I'll give you some pointers."

Deng Weixian's godfather sat on the stone chair and gave the order.

Deng Weixian immediately replied "yes" with excitement in his tone.

Following what his godfather said, he opened the sealed clay pot first and looked at the light blue liquid inside, a trace of hesitation flashed across his face.

The pain I endured yesterday is still vivid in my mind. If it happens again, I may not be able to continue practicing.

Deng Weixian was not afraid of pain, but was afraid of being embarrassed in front of his godfather.

After finally gaining some trust, he didn't want his godfather to be disappointed in him.

This person is his only support in the palace. Without his protection, Deng Weixian may never get ahead in his life.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and pressed his hands in, mentally prepared to endure severe pain.

Deng Weixian's godfather couldn't help but nodded slightly when he saw this scene.

In the explanation just now, he only concealed one thing.

Although Linhu Essence and Blood is a precious treasure of heaven and earth, the unbearable pain during the absorption process is its only side effect.

Ordinary people who come into contact with Linhu's essence and blood will suffer instant frostbite. If they are not dried in time, it is possible for their hands and feet to freeze off.

The ten tiger-shaped postures and the blood-slaying tiger claws are specially designed to support it. If you want to absorb the essence and blood of the tiger, you can't do it without these two techniques.

Any ordinary person who has not stepped into the blood coagulation realm cannot bear the side effects of absorbing Linhu's essence and blood.

It can be said that it was because of the "jealousy" of the tiger essence and blood that the two "dumplings" of the tiger-shaped ten forms and the blood-slaying tiger claws were created.

The pain of absorbing Linhu's essence and blood will leave a psychological shadow on anyone who has experienced it.

Even Deng Weixian's godfather is like this.

The pain I experienced when I was weak was even more unforgettable.

But seeing Deng Weixian hesitate for a moment before reaching out his hand decisively into the clay pot, Deng Weixian's godfather couldn't help but be moved.

"The power of hatred is truly wonderful."

At the same moment, Deng Weixian, who had dipped his hands into the clay pot, was frowning with a solemn expression.

He stared into the clay pot with a gloomy expression, feeling the coldness entering his body, but his heart was full of doubts.


"Why doesn't it hurt anymore?"

Thanks to "As Chess Player", "Book Friends 20180608193730337", and "Book Friends 20230404072055944" for their monthly support.

Bai Miao performed a performance for everyone that moved everyone to tears.


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