"Hey, hey, hey, how long are you going to keep me hungry?"

"Where's my breakfast?"

"Bring it to me quickly!"

An arrogant voice came from the room, full of anger.

Li Xuanguang on the courtyard wall knew who it was by hearing the voice.

"It turns out that the two of them were guarding the door for Liang Chuchu today."

"It seems that Liang Chuchu has enough to eat again, and she is much more energetic when talking."

After Liang Chuchu was imprisoned, Li Xuan stopped stealing her food.

It's not that he is kind-hearted, but Liang Chuchu's meal is a separate one, and it would be too conspicuous for him to promote the CD operation to others.

It's just that Liang Chuchu is really big-hearted and cares about eating rather than fighting.

Thinking back carefully, she probably only had a full meal last night from the time she was in solitary confinement.

"You are so arrogant after a full meal. Liang Chuchu still needs to be dealt with."

Deng Weixian and Xiao Zi stood guard in front of the door. When they heard Liang Chuchu urging food in the room, they just pretended not to hear.

The small table was a little restless due to the noise, but Deng Weixian looked calm and looked at the toes of his shoes calmly, as if in a daze.

"Xiao Dengzi, I heard that Liang Cai inside is possessed by evil spirits. How about we try our best to meet her demands."

"Otherwise, what can we do if she harbors resentment and lets evil spirits find us?"

Xiao Zuo said worriedly.

Deng Wei glanced at him first, and then looked away indifferently.

In the past, Deng Weixian wouldn't even bother to glance at him.

But after last night, the image of the small table undoubtedly changed a lot in Deng Weixian's mind.

At this time, the door opened with a bang, and Liang Chuchu appeared behind the door.

"Hey, did you hear me? Go and find me something to eat."

Liang Chuchu saw that there were two young eunuchs guarding the door today, and her attitude became even more arrogant, and she even came out to argue with them.

Deng Weixian was not afraid at all and stood coldly in front of Liang Chuchu, blocking her way.

The small table hurriedly hid behind the doorpost, not daring to approach Liang Chuchu.

Yesterday, the rumor that Liang Chuchu was possessed by an evil spirit spread among their eunuchs.

The small table was already afraid of rumors of monsters and ghosts, and was even more afraid of Liang Chuchu.

Liang Chuchu found out that Deng Weixian dared to stop her, and was about to have a fit, but when she saw those two indifferent eyes, she immediately stopped.

"This kid doesn't look easy to mess with."

Liang Chuchu swallowed secretly and thought instinctively.

But then he discovered the small table where he was hiding, and immediately changed his target and set out to attack.

"Well, little fat man, what about you?"

"Hurry up and get me something to eat, otherwise I want you to look good!"

Liang Chuchu also discovered that since she was imprisoned yesterday, as long as her requests were not too excessive, these eunuchs were responsive to her requests and were much easier to handle than usual.

"It seems that these guys finally know how powerful I am."

Especially when she saw the chubby eunuch in front of her being in awe of her, Liang Chuchu felt even more proud.

The little table was even more frightened by being so frightened, and looked at Deng Weixian as if asking for help.

Deng Weixian couldn't help but sigh and said, "Liang Cairen, your breakfast was delivered to the room an hour ago. Even if it's not enough for you, we can't send more food."

"Rules are rules, we are just following orders, please don't make it difficult."

It was rare for Deng Weixian to say so many words to a stranger, but his tone was still cold and merciless.


Liang Chuchu knew that Deng Weixian was a tough guy, so she ignored him and stared at the small table in the distance.

"Little fat man, I'll leave it at that. Can you bring me something to eat and come see yourself?"

After Liang Chuchu said that, she turned around and entered the house.

Deng Wei first saw that she went back to the house honestly, closed the door again, and then continued to guard the door peacefully.

The small table came out from behind the pillar and asked with a sad face: "Why is she just staring at me and threatening me?"

Deng Weixian was too lazy to pay attention and remained silent.

The small table slowly returned to its original position and stood there, but as he thought about it, something was wrong.

"Xiao Dengzi, please help me watch for a while. I'll come back as soon as I go."

He didn't wait for Deng Weixian's reply. He looked around and trotted away without knowing where he was going.

Deng Weixian looked at his leaving back, a complex look gradually rising in his eyes.

Li Xuan hid on the wall and watched everything.

He also understood that Deng Weixian might have a lot of chaotic thoughts in his mind at this time.

About a quarter of an hour later, the small table came back, holding something wrapped in cloth, and I didn't know what it was.

But if nothing goes wrong, it should be the tribute given to Liang Chuchu.

The small table came back with a bang. He first smiled gratefully at Deng Wei, who was guarding the door, and then knocked on the door gently.

"Liang Cairen, Liang Cairen..."

"I brought you something to eat."

As soon as he heard that there was food, the door opened with a bang, Liang Chuchu's head poked out, and he extended his hand unceremoniously to the small table.

The small table hurriedly handed over the things on its hands respectfully, and then quickly withdrew its hands, for fear of having any contact with her.

Liang Chuchu weighed it and frowned dissatisfied.

"Why is it so little? It's not enough to fill the gap between my teeth!"

She said as she opened the wrapping cloth to see what was inside.

As soon as I opened it, I smelled a fishy smell, and I immediately stretched my arms in disgust to keep this thing away from me.

"I asked you to get food, what did you get?"

Liang Chuchu had a serious face, and the legs and calves of the small table trembled.

"Don't be upset, Mr. Liang. This is a specialty of the villain's hometown. It is dried fish made from soft fish. Although it smells fishy, ​​the more you chew it, the more fragrant it becomes, and it is very durable."

When Li Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but curiously poked his head to look, and found that the cloth was wrapped in long strips.

“Isn’t this dried squid legs?”

He didn't expect that Daxing Dynasty still had this thing.

After hearing this, Liang Chuchu couldn't help but confirm suspiciously: "The more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes, and it's still very durable?"

Little Desk nodded quickly: "That's right, Little Desk doesn't dare to lie to noble people."

Seeing that he was speaking firmly, Liang Chuchu took one and put it in her mouth and chewed it. She felt a little smelly at first, but gradually she tasted the taste.

"Let you go for now."

Liang Chuchu pointed to the small table, closed the door and planned to taste it carefully.

Even though this thing doesn't taste good, it tastes really different.

After fooling Liang Chuchu, the little table breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"If you serve this aunt well, you won't find evil spirits to bully me again." Xiao Zhuo thought simply.

In this way, Li Xuan didn't go anywhere else for the whole day, staring at them guarding the door.

Liang Chuchu was lucky. Someone brought her food, drinks and toiletries into the house without leaving the house.

It wasn't until it got dark and someone came to replace their shift that Li Xuan followed them back.

Until they went back to their houses, Deng Weixian had no communication with the small table.

At this moment, Li Xuan finally felt relieved.

He spent the whole day staring at the two of them because he was afraid that this kid would be soft-hearted.

After all, Deng Weixian was not very old, so Li Xuan was really worried that he had naive ideas.


"After staring at it all day, I didn't even have time to get something to eat."

Li Xuan was lying on a branch of a tree. When he heard his stomach protesting, he couldn't help but chirp twice:

"The squid's whiskers looked good just now..."

Thanks to "Book Friends 20190802080317507" for the reward support.

Thanks to "Little Angel Yuyu", "Longfeng Pen and Ink", "Book Friends 20171001215433868", "Wang Shunzhao", and "Book Friends 20220412073439288" for their monthly support.

Bai Miao shows off her muscles for everyone today.


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